MTL - Cultivating From Obtaining Experience-Chapter 247 Cure from all diseases

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  Guo Tianbu was silent for a while after listening to Lu Ao's words, frowning, he was recalling his feelings after entering the palace.

  Suddenly, his eyes began to turn red, and blood began to emerge from under the eyeballs, and streaks of blood soon filled the eyeballs.

  Hiss, whoop, he panted heavily, Mutsu held his breath when he saw this, and sat there motionless, because if he did anything at this moment, it would probably stimulate Guo Tianbu, who was trying to suppress his "madness" of self-respect, and drive him into a state of madness.

   After a while, seeing the blood in Guo Tianbu's eyes slowly receding, Lu Ao secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Well, it's so dangerous, I almost fell into a state of madness again." Guo Tianbu also heaved a sigh of relief.

   "I vaguely remember that when I went in, my body felt twisted and torn, and the blood in my body seemed to be boiling. The deeper I went, the stronger this feeling became."

   "Sounds like some kind of radiation?" Mutsu said, "But the people who went in these two batches recently wore protective equipment against radiation, and they still died inside."

   "Pile people up? This is in line with the bureau's style." Guo Tianbu said calmly.

   "Those are vicious and damned people, and death is not a pity. Besides, this place has attracted the attention of many people. During this period of time, the Bureau of Special Affairs has captured many people who tried to get close to this place, and there are various forces. In addition, the royal family also sent a special scientific research team to help guide them."

   "Someone even suggested that you go in again, but this suggestion was rejected." Mutsu was silent for a while and said such a sentence. This is the news he got through his own channels.

  Guo Tianbu was silent for a while after hearing this.

   "It shouldn't work in a short time." He shook his head.

  When they said this, a voice came from Mutsu's wireless headset saying that someone outside was coming, and they were medical staff who regularly performed medical examinations for Guo Tianbu.

  Since it was confirmed that he regained his sanity for most of the day, the Bureau of Special Affairs arranged for specialized medical personnel to enter this special team. Their task was to check Guo Tianbu's body and observe his health status at any time.

  The current Guo Tianbu is very important to the Special Affairs Bureau.

  A person entered the cave with a box, measured Guo Tianbu's heartbeat, blood pressure and other routine data as usual, then drew five small tubes of blood, asked some questions, and left with the blood.

  In a certain secret base, some researchers are busy nervously.

   "His blood is completely different from ordinary people, in terms of composition, cell number, function, etc. We tried to inject a series of terrible bacteria and viruses such as flesh-eating bacteria, rabies virus, and Ebola virus into it, but they will soon be eliminated by the immune cells in the blood."

   "That is to say, he should be immune to most of the known disease-curing microorganisms?"

   "Yes, it can be said that, because we have conducted more than 160 experiments using his blood in the past two weeks, and so far we have not found any microorganisms that can reproduce in his blood. Once all viruses and bacteria enter his blood, they will be killed and decomposed immediately."

   "Does that mean he won't get sick?"

   "At least he won't get sick due to infection. In addition, his blood is so different from ordinary people, and because of this reason, his body's immune defense system is very strong, so the hypothesis you just said is likely to be true."

   "Won't get sick!"

  The leader-like person was silent for a while after hearing this.

  This is really shocking news!

  The biggest wish of many people in this life is to be healthy and healthy. A serious illness may directly destroy a family, not to mention those families of the rich and powerful. With wealth and glory in hand, who would not want to live a few more years in good health and enjoy it.

   "What about Guo Tianbu's blood test results before he was buried in Xiangu, does he have this ability?"

   "We compared the current blood sample with his previous blood test results, and his current blood state has changed a lot compared to before he entered the Burial Valley."

   "What about the mechanism?"

   "We are studying the relevant mechanism, but this process may take a long time, and this itself is very likely to be an isolated case, which is caused by a certain mutation in his body." The researcher said.

   "Thank you." The leader nodded.

   It didn't take long for the relevant test results to be sent to some people, but a flame burned deep in the hearts of everyone who saw the test results.

   Not afraid of bacterial and viral infections, and even the possibility of being immune to all diseases, what a temptation is this? ! What are they most afraid of? Isn't it just birth, old age, sickness and death?

  Many people stayed up all night, excited!

  The sun is about to set, and in a certain courtyard, two people are sitting facing each other drinking tea.

   "Have you read Guo Tianbu's blood test report?"

   "I've seen it, it's amazing!"

   "It's not just surprise, it's just a little bit of horror. He entered the Burial Valley and turned into another person after he came out. We must pay close attention to the things over there. We don't know when we will be able to enter the crack there. They have already made amazing discoveries.

  And what about Beiyi Mountain? What did you find? "

   "No discovery, not only us, but also the Special Affairs Bureau has no special discovery."

  In the capital city, at Imperial University, Su Yuan was shocked when he saw the deciphered text in his hand. After thinking for a long time, he still took a photo and sent it to Xu Qi, and then called him.

  A week passed quickly, and Li Xinzhu had broken seven wooden stakes. The progress was faster than Wang An thought, and slower than he himself thought.

  He found that the wooden stake was completely different from sandbags, and the wooden stake was not as fragile as he imagined, but very resilient.

  In the past, he watched Wang An shatter a piece of rock with a light palm. He thought that his level was much worse than him. He couldn't break a stone, and he didn't think he could break a wooden pile with a single punch. These dozens of punches were about the same, but he didn't expect to add a zero after it.

   After practicing every day, he would learn how Wang An made a summary.

   "Only by doing well in the present can we look forward to the future better."

  His fists would be broken and bled every day. After practicing, he applied a special ointment that Xu Qi brought back from the capital, and practiced again the next day.

  Practice footwork in the morning and boxing in the afternoon, interspersed with practicing Wu Qinxi. Wang An even taught him two moves of Yi Jin Jing.

   "Is this "Yi Jin Jing" as miraculous as described in the novel, after practicing it, the true energy will be self-generated, and it will be invulnerable to all poisons?" Li Xinzhu asked curiously.

   "In terms of stretching muscles and bones and improving physical fitness, this exercise is actually similar to Wu Qinxi. You will not realize the higher-level beauty of this exercise until you practice the Yi Jin Jing after you have developed your true qi." Wang Andao.

  Two days later, a car came into the mountain village, and brought a carload of round logs, the thinnest ones were as thick as the mouth of a bowl. These were purchased by Li Xinzhu, and he used them for boxing training.

  Although there are quite a few trees on the mountain, not all of them are suitable as wooden stakes for practicing boxing, and this is Wang An's hometown, so he simply purchased them from outside, and then watched the wood go up the mountain one after another.

   "What does your friend buy so much wood and transport to the mountain?" The two old people asked curiously when they saw this.

   "He is exercising, ready to practice kung fu on the mountain."

   "Kung fu, why do we need so much wood?"

   "Plum blossom stakes, boxing stakes and so on." Wang An explained to the two old people with a smile.

  The two old people just asked a few words casually and didn't ask in detail. They had a good impression of Li Xinzhu, and thought this child looked quite simple.

  On the mountain, Li Xinzhu stepped forward and punched the wooden post with a click, and the wooden post broke directly.

   "Ten punches less than yesterday." Li Xinzhu retracted his punches. When he hit the wooden stake, he was also secretly calculating how many punches could break a wooden stake. Compared with yesterday, there will be no improvement today.

  A little progress every day will make a big progress every month. This is the truth that he has come to realize more and more deeply these days.

  He needs to break the thick wooden stake with one punch first, and then continue to thicken it.

   Now when he is practicing against the monkey, he can obviously feel that the monkey is much more afraid of him than before, and is avoiding his fist. The monkey even followed his example and slapped the stake with its vajra palm.

   One person and one monkey practiced very hard.

   On this day, another person came to the old house, a strange young man. He inquired about Wang An when he entered the village, and then came to the old house. After seeing the two old people, he first saluted and said hello, and then asked them about Wang An.

   "Are you also Xiao An's friend?"

   "No, I came here for the name, and I want to ask Mr. Wang An for advice."

   "Ask?" The two old people looked at each other after listening, "What do you ask?"

   "Kung Fu."

   "Kung Fu?!" The eyes of the two old men were worried after hearing this. While they were talking, Wang An came in from the outside.

   "Hello, sir." Seeing Wang An coming in, the man hurriedly saluted.

"Who are you?"

   "My name is Watanabe Village. I heard that your kung fu is superb. I came to ask you for advice."

   "Ask me, let's talk in another place?"

   "Listen to your respect." Watanabe Village said.

   "Xiao An, don't you mean to fight him?" the old man worried. In his opinion, the so-called asking for advice is fighting.

   "No, grandma, don't worry, if someone comes all the way, we will have a friendly exchange."

   "Well, yes, you can't fight."

   "Understood." Wang An said with a smile, and then signaled Watanabe Village out of the yard. "Who sent you here?"

   "I didn't instigate anyone. I came here by myself. I just wanted to ask Mr. Kung Fu for advice." Watanabe Village's tone was very polite from beginning to end.

   "What's going on?" Li Xinzhu also came down from the mountain at this time, looking at Watanabe Village.

   "This is Watanabe Village from Dongying. I want to ask me about kung fu."

   "Ask me, how to ask for leave?" Li Xinzhu became interested after hearing this.

   "Naturally passed the friendly competition." Watanabe Village said.

   "Friendly Bissau, is it a martial arts competition?" Li Xinzhu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

   "Shall I come?" He whispered to Wang Andao. These days, he has been hammering wooden stakes all day long. Not to mention tired of drilling crookedly, it is always a bit monotonous. Seeing that someone is coming to the door, this opportunity cannot be missed.

   "You, um, it's fine, but be careful, I think his walking posture has some real skills."

"Do not worry."

   "Then Mr. Watanabe, right? If you want to enter the temple to worship the gods, you have to go through the mountain gate first; if you want to enter the mountain gate, you have to pass my level first. If you want to ask him for advice, it depends on your ability!"

   After hearing this, Watanabe Village sized up Li Xinzhu, "I haven't asked your honorable name yet!"

   "Li Xinzhu."

   "Nice meeting, please!"

   "No hurry, let's change places."

   They came to a relatively empty place on the mountain. They gathered three meters away from each other, confronted each other, clasped their fists in salute, and then opened their fists.

  Li Xinzhu is a classic Xingyi boxing frame, but Watanabe Village's posture is a little strange, with his legs spread apart, the body's center of gravity is on the retreating right leg, and his arms are framed like two knives.

   Fluttering, a bird in the forest flew up, and then Li Xinzhu moved, and his body shot out.

   These days, he has been practicing walking numbers in the mountains, and his speed has become very fast, and the distance of three meters has been reached in an instant.

"So fast!"

  Watanabe Village put his hands away immediately, and made a defensive movement with his arms.

  Li Hsinchu's fists were extremely fast and powerful, hitting the punches, reaching the body, and reaching the strength. With one punch, the defensive posture of Watanabe Village was directly broken.

  Watanabe Village hurriedly dodged to the side when seeing this, and Li Xinzhu walked along the mud like a shadow.

  Since he has seized the upper hand, he will continue to charge hard.

  The middle door is robbed, and the gods are also worried.

  He grabbed the middle goal.

   Bengquan is fierce and domineering, like a landslide.

  Watanabe Village is struggling, not to mention counterattacking.


  Hey, he suddenly yelled, slashed his arms crosswise, and kicked straight with one leg. He wanted to interrupt Li Xinzhu's offensive rhythm by changing injuries, otherwise he would fall directly into the opponent's attack rhythm. He had no chance of coming back. The defeat was only a matter of time.

   Li Xinzhu swung his footsteps, dodged Watanabe Village's legs, and then punched him, using offense instead of defense, and directly knocked Watanabe Village's knife back halfway.

  Watanabe Cun received a few hard punches one after another, and his posture was slightly affected.

   Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!

   Li Xinzhu felt as if he had touched some threshold.

  Suddenly his punches were fast, flat, straight, unpretentious.

  Watanabe village saw the punch, he dodged subconsciously, but his body slowed down by half a minute, and the punch hit his shoulder, making him stagger. Then a fist swung his arm away and landed on his chest, as if a long gun had been pierced into his body all at once.

  The strength caused him to suffocate for an instant, followed by twisted pain.

   This movement was slow, and Li Xinzhu's punch landed on his body. Watanabe couldn't help but retreat, and finally fell to the ground.

  (end of this chapter)