MTL - Cultivating to Become a Great Celestial-Chapter 141 :this is me?

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Knowing that the Aura of the Nether was limited, the Bai family had enough Lingshi stones.

I was planning to set up a large gathering of spirits in this sword building. I didn't dare to destroy the spiritual veins of the mountains and rivers. Instead, the spirit stones they took were directly transformed into a strong aura for Su Tingyun and the spiritual practice. However, they did not expect that they actually planted a seedling of Kunlun Shenmu here. Although it is only a branch, as long as the main body is still present, this seedling will continue to provide energy and will not be weaker than Julingzhen.

It's just that the position of this Shenmu species is really inconceivable.

It is on the far left side of the small island of Jianjianlou, that is, the side far from the bamboo forest, surrounded by a fence, which can be considered as a plot for the Shenmu seedlings.

"Kunlun Shenmu branches, you just insert it on the ground, even if it is planted?" It is a disciple of the Bai family, Bai Xingyi's nephew Bai Xingyi, who likes alchemy, and naturally knows a little about planting herbs.

Kunlun Shenmu is regarded as the top row of heaven and earth spirit grass. It is said that the descendants of the non-protoss can not be broken, and the rarity can be imagined. The result is that such treatment is in the Sword House.

Bai Xingyi shouted excitedly, and then listened to the human side: "This brother, is there anything wrong?" Du Xizhi is very polite to everyone now, but Yin Li's temper is worse.

"Noisy, whoever said just plugged in, you take a closer look at what is under the root of the tree, Xiliang, Xiliang understand? I didn't know anything, screamed blindly." After that, Yin Li grew up in a bad temper.

"Sorry, Sister Shi has a bad temper lately." Du Xizhi paid his crimes and then chased Yin Li and ran away. The rest of Bai Xingyi stood in a tangled face. He just didn't notice. The small black dot with big sesame seeds under the root of the tree was actually a soil. He felt like he was breathing. He thought he had earthworms loosening. Earth.

It turned out to be Sirang ...

what! Turns out to be Xiliang! It's still here!

Bai Xingyi looked at the little black spot in sorrow, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, closed his mouth obediently, and finally choked back his belly.

Don't call it, it's like a rural hoe, just despised ...

When the children of the Bai family came here, they were arrogant, thinking about going to the low-level interface. Those low-level monks must not desperately kill them. As for the mission of family donation, I am afraid that it is a magic weapon to give alms at will Asking that nun to be grateful to Dade, but what happened ...

After a series of shocks, everyone was speechless, and the prepared speech could not speak. Before, I felt that my status is high, no matter how high, can it be more precious than words?

Can it be more rare than Kunlun Shenmu?

In the end, Yanling ate the ordinary spirit beast meat that was burnt, and Kunlun Shenmu randomly inserted it on the ground. Then they ...

Do you have to stay in the building and wipe the table every day?

Was Bai Bai doing this every day in the Nether?

The eyes of a group of Bai Jiazi's children changed.

Occasionally, they also glanced at Su Zingyun secretly. They also felt that the beauty spoke softly and softly, and smiled at all times. The eyes were like crescent crescents, which always made people unbearable. Take a look.

In particular, she greeted the beast of words and touched her head, which was especially warm. As a result, a handy Bai family disciple followed and touched, and was instantly swallowed by Dabai. If Su Tingyun stopped in time, I was afraid that their hands would be directly corroded by Dabai.

I just didn't expect that Su Zingyun returned to the attic soon and said that she wanted to cultivate, and it was two days after she came out again. I don't know why. For the past two days, everyone felt that her primordial spirit seemed to be strong again. A lot.

What this shows is that she still has a very powerful Yuanshen practice method, which is not inferior to those of the Bai family ancestors. What she said with her conscience is stronger than that of the Bai family ancestors.

No wonder the nine elders wanted all of them to come.

After Su Tingyun's body repulsion came out, she found that Bai's family had become overly enthusiastic. One handsome guy dangled in front of her eyes. For a while, he talked about practicing exercises. Then he talked about interesting things in the world. Then someone said oh It turns out that you are a sword repairer. Why don't we come to learn about sword intentions ...

The sword building is all sword repair. Is it any strange that she is sword repair?

Some people have heard that she is practicing alchemy, and she will discuss it with her. Often, there is another person who interjects before this sentence is mentioned. The most terrible thing is that these people are relatives, and their looks are more or less small. Resemblance, the result made her accidentally blind, and called the wrong name several times ...

Her Yuan Shen is not as tall as these people, and she cannot use the Yuan Shen to judge the identity of the person. It is really unavoidable!

In the end, Su Zingyun couldn't help it anymore. She motioned for Bai Xi to sit on the side, and then asked, "What the **** does your family do?"

She understands that the Bai family wants to make friends with her because of her spiritual reasons. She also said earlier that she would always be there when needed. What is the Bai family doing now?

It always gives people the illusion that every day when they open their eyes, they find a bunch of beautiful men waiting in line. Although this is very satisfying to the fantasy in women's hearts, there is a gap between fantasy and reality. When fantasy becomes reality, it is not necessarily Very pleasant experience. The Bai family wants to show off their beauty, and they really don't need to do that! At first, she felt that Bai Ye had saved her life and was good to Dabai. They were already friends. In the future, if there was any need for help, they would definitely go with Dabai.

Let's forget what the beautiful man thinks about. The twenty-someone shook his eyes every day, which really made her eyes dizzy. Especially the middle-aged uncle looks at you kindly and makes eye contact from time to time, this feeling is really difficult to describe.

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Tingyun knows that everyone will please her, firstly because of the big white, and secondly because she uses a smooth body.

If we used Wei Yun's body, these people would definitely not behave like this. Although she would still please her because of her confession, her mood is always different.

She understands everything.

In fact, when he saw the woodcarving sent by Uncle Xiao, Su Tingyun knew that no matter what world he was in, he looked at his face.

Everything is beautiful in the heart.

She used to be impressed by Yan Yuqing holding a long sword in front of the crowd and using blood sacrifice sword to fight against the mighty shore of the robbery. She was moved by other people's accounts in order to feed a family member to practice outside as a killer. The body is drooling, but it's just a little bit heartbeat, never had any delusions. It is probably a small flower that blooms in my heart, and I appreciate it myself every day.

Similarly, women are very strange things. Even if Yan Yuqing really fell into the magic and wounded Elder Yan, but because Elder Yan was still alive, when she chased after her, she was thinking about bringing the uncle back, although uncomfortable, But the same trace of love still exists, even if he entered the demon world and wanted to pull her together, she just desperately wanted to catch people back and want to cry.

When she didn't catch it, and she was still stuck with a woodcarving in her palm, she was still uncomfortable, but not because she liked it.

Like it for a moment, dislike it for a moment.

Sorrowful monk grows long, happy glory immediately.

When she used Wei Yun's body, the outline of the woodcarving was simple and her facial features were blurred, and when she was a phoenix, the statue that Yan Yuqing gave her at last, even the simple woodcarving, could be seen People who have carved sculptures have been very careful.

"What do you say they are doing?" Bai Ye smiled, and he took out the straw man in his sleeve and handed it to Su Tingyun. He also let Su Tingyun take a poke, but Dabai, who had just jumped over, just saw it , It rushed to Baizhang like a lightning.

Bai Ye touched Dabai's head, and at the moment Da Bai's body color became gray and her body became c-shaped, Bai Ye took out a colored ball, and some grass whip spirit beasts, and plugged it directly into her. Open c-shaped mouth ...

Then Dabai went back in an instant, happily playing in the ball, and after two laps, he remembered and turned back and said, "Thank you!"

Su Dingyun looked at the little grass man in his hand and made it very delicate. It can be seen that she is an old lady. She must have a big white in her hand. She also made a wreath with red leaves. At first glance, it looked like a small lantern.

Su Tingyun raised the little Cao Ren in front of Bai Yan, "Is this me?"

"Not like it?"

"When we met, I was so old?" Su Tingyun looked skeptical, and frowned. Although it is made of straw, Bai Zhi's craftsmanship is particularly good. He is a master of folk art. At least he has a weaving technique of thirty or fifty years. This person still looks wonderful, so naturally he can look pretty old.

Here comes the question. When did she first meet with the three brothers of the Renjia family?

Bai Yan: "..."

He can't always say that what he thought about when he was editing was the way he had secretly listened to when he told the story in Wuliangzong. At that time, her voice was very hoarse, her hands were very old, her skin was wrinkled, and everyone called her mother-in-law. Many people secretly said that she was the old lady of seventy and eighty, and he ...

Compiled an old lady!

Bai Ye didn't say a word, and Su Tingyun didn't follow up. She saw that Bai Ye had edited so much, and Da Bai was also happy, and he was very happy. She patted Bai Ye's shoulder and said, "Thank you, help me Your relatives in your family said, don't deliberately show anything in front of me, if there is anything in your family, I and Dabai will certainly help. "

A gift? Sincerity is the most important thing. He knows what Dabai really likes, and proves that he has treated him sincerely. In this case, everyone is a true friend, and it should be to help each other.

She thought for a moment and lowered her voice, "You said that I was hard to see myself. I was wearing a fairy mask that you can't see through, or an artifact."

Anyway, Mo Jianlou is full of mystery in the eyes of the Bai family.

Bai Yan: "..."

"Let the boys go!" Su Tingyun patted Bai Ai's shoulder. "These two days dangled in front of my eyes every day, without telling you, I haven't even distinguished their names."

Bai Xiao's mouth slightly ticked, his smile flashed.

And there, the children of the Bai family were muttering, "Bai Yan looks very close to her."

Nine elders have a lot of feelings. I didn't expect to turn around. Is the position of the white family owner still to return to his hands?

Really, unwilling!