MTL - Cultivating to Become a Great Celestial-Chapter 142 : Alcove

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Su Tingyun was looking for aura-rich water, and the whole Sword House knew it.

I do n’t know when it was asked by the Bai family. In the early morning, Su Zun Yun Yuanshen broke through the robbery period. He heard someone calling her outside, and went out to see, with a gentle smile, the elders of Bai Jiujia ’s long gown stood on the ground. At the door, although I looked older, I was also personable and elegant, with a sense of maturity that grew out of time.

To tell the truth, Su Tingyun wore the grandmother and grandmother Wei Yun as soon as she came, and later became a mother-in-law for more than ten years. She subconsciously treated these young monks as juniors, and she herself She also respects the elders and loves the young, and naturally respects her status as Nine Elders, which leads her to a contradiction now.

Appeared to be younger than 20 years old, Tong Tong is a junior, Bai Chengyu called her mother-in-law every day, Bai Chengyu is Bai Chengyu's brother, naturally also a kind younger generation.

Those who are thirty or forty upward in appearance are a little scary in the realm of self-cultivation. They are often tens of thousands of people. This kind of people should be considered elders and respectable.

Different generations, how to love each other, not to mention she doesn't even have her own body, so even if there are a bunch of beautiful men in front of him, Su Tingyun has had an eye addiction and won't have too many other thoughts.

The middle-aged uncle was looking for her. Su Tingyun didn't dare to delay. He got into Guangguang's body and quickly walked down the attic, opened the door, and was about to invite the nine elders to sit in the downstairs hall. The green pill bottle was also shaken lightly twice, the wide sleeves were blowing the breeze, and a scent of grassy smell was even smelled.

She heard the subtle sound of water shaking in the green bottle, hitting the bottle, like a spring tinkling.

"Yunxianyou, they said that you are collecting aura with rich aura. I happen to have some treasures. I went back yesterday to fetch it. I wonder if it can come in handy." I only knew she wanted Lingquan, but I didn't know what it was going to do. The elder took the most powerful aura and brought it to Yunshan Chaolu, who had the highest value in the real world.

Yunshan is quiet and blooms at night, and everyone calls it a beauty under the moon. This kind of flower is extremely rare. The flower itself is not particularly valuable, and the opening time is short. The time of full bloom is extremely short. At that moment, the flower is picked and placed on the bluestone on the mountain. Duoyou will turn into a drop of Zhaolu, and this Zhaolu is an extremely rare treasure in the real fairyland.

Rich aura, improving qualifications, is also a holy medicine for countless female practitioners to chase after.

First of all, youyou flowers are rare, and the period of bloom is even shorter.

One shot means sixty moments, nine hundred moments of life and death, and the moment when the faint flower blooms, it is most suitable to use life and death to describe it. After weaning it, weeping blood will cause countless spirit beasts to riot. To stand on the top of the mountain and wait for the first rays of morning light, the strength required is extraordinary, that is, a few drops in such a small bottle Yunshan Chaolu can buy a spirit vein in the true immortal realm, which is of great value.

The nine elders did not take any action. The first shot was simply amazing. The bottle he filled with Chaolu was also deliberately found, because they said that Su Zingyun liked the green color, and her swords were all green.

"You have sent us a lot of things." Su Zingyun didn't know what to say, because the Bai family was really crazy these days.

The Sword House was almost sold before, and the entire island was empty. However, now they have changed a lot. They have recently been like free decoration workers. Interior decoration and outdoor decoration started at the same time. If not everyone tried to prevent it, this sword building will definitely become a luxury fairy palace, killing all martial arts in this sector.

"Compared to Yan Ling, these are nothing." Elder Nine smiled slightly.

Su Tingyun felt more pressure. She hesitated, pursing her lips, "You guard the Word Spirit, is there any way to make the Word Spirit recognise the Lord?"

At that time, it was a coincidence that the Lord was recognized. I don't know if there was any other way. If the people in the Bai family were a little bit fierce, Su Tingyun didn't feel anything, but a group of people were so stupid, not only did not blame her, but also changed their tricks to please them every day, which was always unsatisfactory.

They should think that the spirit recognises the Lord. If the master disagrees, and burns the jade and burns both defeats and hurts, the spirit will also be damaged. If she herself is willing to give Dabai to Baizhu?

When the voice dropped, I saw Da Baifeng galloping to the ground, turning into a white fat man in the air, sitting on the bottom of the nine elders directly under his body, his body color also became gray, not only that, it also became With Type C looking at Su Tingyun fiercely, he couldn't talk anymore.

Xiaobai hurriedly took photos of the leaves: "Mother-in-law, you're done, Dabai doesn't want to ignore you."

After speaking, Dabai jumped up and ran away. Elder Nine was not injured. Now Dabai can't hurt him at all. He stood up and smashed down. "This time the spirit of rebirth is not the same as before. Since it chose you , Then we respect its choice, I hope you do the same, don't have any burden. "

No one can change the master chosen by Yan Ling, otherwise he would not lose! His qualifications are the best! The elders of Nine smiled uncontrollably and were extremely manic.

"But ..." The Nine Elders paused. "I still hope that you can become friends with our monk Bai family. In this way, the spiritual spirit can get the care it deserves, and your safety is equally important."

If he hadn't vowed, he would have done everything to get her to practice quickly and then take him directly to the Bai family. It would be delicious and delicious to keep her from leaving the Bai family.

"It's true that the monks who came from our Bai family this time are of excellent qualifications and are very famous in the real world ..." He didn't want to continue wasting time and drag it on. It was only settled earlier. Mind

Su Tingyun was anxious to coax Dabai, and then again and again: "Huh, thank you for your predecessor's good intentions, I go to coax Dabai first, it is unhappy, I have to say something later, I'm really sorry ..."

After finishing speaking, Su Zingyun left in a hurry, teleporting towards Dabai.

Nine elders froze slightly, then nodded, he wondered if they could coax when the spirit beast lost his temper? At the beginning, the Lingling was displeased, and if it was really furious, even the master could not be approached. There was a patriarch who was angered by the Lingling emotion and became mad because of the angry emotion of Lingling.

The nine elders wanted to raise her hand to give her a defensive array, and then thought about it, if she died because of the spirit, could the spirit re-confess the Lord? He moved his fingers twice, and Elder Bai Changge silently tilted his head.

Bai Yan also saw it. He ticked the corner of his mouth, and Elder Ji Daojiu should be disappointed again.

Over there, the disciples of the Bai family were a little worried, "The words are all dark."

"Sure enough, it will turn black, which means that it is angry, and everyone else will suffer, right?" The voice dropped, and everyone automatically moved further away, and their actions were surprisingly consistent.

The person who wiped the sword tower was still surprised, "If you don't get angry, who hasn't been angry. Xiaobu is a little angry, and still doesn't care about crying!"

That's not human, that's spiritual!


Dabai squatted by the sword-washing pond, a picture of jumping into the lake.

Su Tingyun honestly confessed, "Dabai, I was wrong."

Dabai twisted his head aside and snorted, ignoring her.

Su Tingyun exhibited the spring weather and rain twice, and then reached out and touched his white round head. Everyone saw that the color on Yan Ling was a little lighter, just as it faded.

"That's not angry. It's stained with ink. The color fades as soon as the spring wind and rain wash off?" Bai Jiazi stunned, and Bai Xingyi murmured: "This low-level spring wind and rain trick is actually so useful."

Su Tingyun didn't know how to say it, she just patted Dabai gently and said softly: "Some things you forgot, but they haven't forgotten. You have been involved with the Bai family for thousands of years. They are also your loved ones. , Miss you so much, always looking for you. "

I didn't expect the big white voice to rise up, "Who said I forgot? I remember that it was boring or boring before ..." It occasionally dreams of some years in the past, in addition to loneliness or loneliness, except loneliness, or loneliness, just like being When locked in the house, although I can see what the whole world can do, I just see it.

It was just a dream, but it also made it unhappy and uncomfortable.

What he likes is to go with the mother-in-law, travel all over the world, and see the scenery. It used to look forward to it under the dark forbidden world, but now it is not long before, the mother-in-law wants to give it away.

"If someone gives you a broken bottle, you just want to give me away. You just hate me, you all hate me ..."

Alas, why is Dabai's voice a bit wrong? It sounds a bit like Yin Li's voice.

Xiaobai hahaha laughed twice, "I secretly listened to the corner yesterday, and the words were learned by Dabai."

Over there, Yin Li turned red with a sullen expression. She lost her temper against Du Xizhi yesterday, because Du Xizhi was a master's apprentice, and she was not recognized by the master that year, even if Du Xi's explanation was Dan's weird primitive **** is controlling Master's body, and she can't control her emotions.

Because the person who Hao Yuezong was picked by the last sword must be the real master. But Master still ignored her. She was rejected by Master. Her cultivation is far inferior to Du Xizhi. Now her qualifications are not as good as her, so she is really in a bad mood. She lost her temper yesterday and cried a lot. In fact, she was not angry, but was very wronged. A little embarrassed, but I didn't expect that I was overheard by the big and small, and even the voice was imitated by the big white.

Yin Li really wanted to find a place to drill in. As a result, Du Xizhi touched her head with a smile, took her hand and walked back, "Go, sister, let's go back and practice swords."

"Well." She didn't want to stay any longer.

Dabai still kept talking, "You just hate me, don't hate me badly, can't protect you! Lao Bai is not strong, and Lao Bai is not as good as me, otherwise you call him over to us Bibi!"

"Well, Dabai is the best." Su Zingyun put his face against Dabai, "I was wrong, sorry."

Respecting Dabai's thoughts is what she should do, rather than taking it for granted, for whom. She doesn't know anything about Dabai's life in the past, but she knows that Dabai is happy every day.

She is not a fierce beast at the bottom of the earth, nor is she a high-spirited spirit of the Bai family, but a favorite child in the Mo Jianlou, much loved.

At this moment, Dabai again said, "Isn't it Yunshan Chaolu, is there anything rare ..." There are drops of water on the surface of his body, like crying after being aggrieved, and suddenly he grows big, and his spirit is surging. An aura of vortex was formed in an instant, and countless bamboo leaves were flying around.

There were momentous clouds in the sky, and thunder sounded from time to time. Elder Nine's eyes were widened, he exclaimed: "Don't let it open!"

The **** of heaven and **** is another **** of heaven. In previous years, when the Bai family lived or died, a sentence of **** of heaven could only be found, so it will appear again so easily? If this sentence is spoken, it will definitely appear on the Der Spiegel, but now the spiritual power is low, and Yunshan Zhaolu is an object of the upper world. If it is really made out of it, the spiritual spirit must be severely damaged, and it will be a great pleasure to sleep for a thousand years.

You know, the rigorousness that was rescued by it was only built in the base period, and it all suffered so much backlash.

"Don't let it say it!" It's not just Bai Changge, the Bai family is in a hurry. But how quickly you can say a word, and the other party is a spiritual one, it is even more difficult to stop.

But he heard Su Tingyun scream, "Little white!"


Dabai couldn't say anything. When the clouds in the sky spread out, Xiaobai patted the leaves and exposed the little red flowers under his body. "It's too tired to block his mouth."

"Mother-in-law, come and pinch me twice." The fleshy leaves fanned, Xiao Bai said cheerfully.

The color on Dabai's body was already very light. At the moment, it was still slightly pink, and Su Zingyun's heart fell to the ground, so that he could caress both small and white.

Finally I'm not angry.

Later, Elder Nine sent someone to send Yunshan Chaolu over. Su Tingyun found that the ring did not react at all to that Zhaolu. She wanted to return it in person. As a result, Dabai did not let her approach the Elder Nine, and she could only let Baiyu Helped back, and asked at the end, "Can the water of Tianhe be brought down?"

"In the past, there was a branch in Tianhe. Although the water in the underground river was not pure Tianhe water, it was full of aura and could be loaded and used. River water, there is no way to take it out. "

Not a drop.

Therefore, she wanted to find Tianhe Shui, and had to wait until Yuanshen Mahayana.

However, it won't be long.

Think about it, really looking forward to it!