MTL - Cultivating to Become a Great Celestial-Chapter 143 : Real Fairy Realm

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In order to have his own body at an early date, Su Tingyun practiced quite hard.

Her Yuan Shen's advancement speed is very fast, in the words of the Bai family, it is incredible.

The only person who knew more about the inside story was Bai Zhi.

Because when Su Tingyun was in Xiangong, the demon's remnant soul indirectly nourished her Yuanshen, and the ring was the **** bone. The deities of that year used their life's efforts and even the future generations of Fuze as the cost. Heavenly artifacts, no longer in the heavens and the five elements, since the heavens and the earth, there is now gold, wood, fire, earth ...

Her primordial spirit is connected to the ring, and it seems that it is not in the rules of heaven. However, I do n’t know if there is any danger hidden in this rapid advancement. After all, she has been nourished by demons and souls ...

In addition, this Sword House's weird killing sword and Hao Ran's righteous sword both worried Bai Yan's heart. He walked in the three thousand realms and was very knowledgeable, but only here. He encountered such a special situation in the Sword House . Everyone has been studying that formation formation enchantment recently, and they have discovered that they ca n’t break when they do n’t have aura. Even if they can display aura, they may not break.

It's impossible, is this the martial art passed down by ancient protoss?

Just in case, Bai Zhi in the Su Tingyun's room lighted a light-scented fragrance, which can calm down and condense. When refining, the spirit fountain in the Baijia underground river was used. If Yuan Shen really appeared In the event of an abnormal situation, Nao Qingyan will also react, which can help him observe Su Tingyun's condition.

There is not much left in this kind of incense, which he prepared for his mother when he was young.


Now that the Yuanshen practice can be carried out in her bone ring, Su Zingyun is temporarily not worried about the safety of the Sword House, so she closes the barrier directly, and does not wear a bare body to show up every few days. Cultivation of Yuan Shen, within a year, Yuan Shen reached a breakthrough point.

Her consciousness extended outward, as if floating lightly out of the attic, out of Mojian Island, looking into the wider world ...

All things became clear, the plants, the mountains, the flowing water, the forest breeze, the leaves, the desert dunes, the gorgeous colors filled her mind, and the whole world became a painting, and at this moment, it was like Whoever writes, paints everything in the world instantly.

A new realm unfolded before her eyes.

After Su Zunyun and Yuan Shen broke through, she really felt the benefits of Xiu Wei's synchronization with Yuan Shen in Qi Guang's body, but now she has not carefully realized the changes in these strengths, but can't wait to cross the boundary lake.

Dabai recognizes the Lord and can be taken into the sea by her, so in fact Dabai can cross the lake if it is not enough, but Dabai itself is a molting new born, originally strong, recently stepped up to practice under the supervision of Xiaobai. After eating it, and digesting it seriously and not being lazy, he broke through the Mahayana before Su Tingyun.

The change of Monk Sword House has also changed greatly this year. In the past, several elders in the foundation period have broken through Jin Dan, while the fish exhibition has reached Yuan Ying, and the three of them have almost built the foundation.

With the strong support of the Bai family, everyone's progress was rapid. As a result, everyone was worried about the instability of the foundation. The fish exhibition also organized everyone to go out for interviews and practice, and set off every few days.

"Can't keep hiding because there may be dangers outside. In this case, why do you stay firm?" Zhan Yu's words won everyone's support. Although Su Zingyun was worried, he couldn't say more.

Because here is the world of self-cultivation, everyone has their own path. Only after going through trials and hardships, can they continue to move steadfastly in the direction they choose.


Without further ado, Su Tingyun can't wait to pass through Jiehu to the upper bound.

It doesn't take long to cross Jiehu, but there is some suffering in it.

Because the aura cannot be used in Jiehu.

However, Su Tingyun was so well wrapped in white, that he could not feel the icy cold and hurricane in the lake at all. Except that there was no light outside, there was nothing wrong with it.

There is also a colored ball in Dabai's body. Like the lamp, the colorful lights illuminate the surrounding area and do not feel discomfort. Su Tingyun only felt that after a while, she started to see the light outside, and she also heard Bai Ye said, "It's almost time, put Dabai into the sea."

It is much more convenient to recognize the spirit of the Lord, and it is difficult for other people to find it and hide it.

Su Tingyun acted in accordance with her words. She thought that she would be uncomfortable with the wind and cold in Jiehu after she closed Dabai, but she did not expect that an umbrella would appear on her head, and the umbrella surface turned, casting a slice around her. The pearly light separated all the coldness around.

"The guy Bai Bai has a lot of mess!"

These upper monks are physically powerful, and their clothes are all magic magic. Although the lake is cold, it is nothing to them. As long as they do not violate the rules and exert their aura, crossing the lake will be no different from walking on a flat land. Who would Thinking of giving someone an umbrella ...

"I have an immortal quicksand skirt here. After I put it on, the storm at Jiehu was able to withstand it without any resilience." A disciple of the Bai family discerned, and passed over.

"You carry a long dress with a female repairman with you? Really interested." Bai Yan smiled and glanced at Su Tingyun: "Do you want it?"

Su Zingyun looked out and she had already come out. She could see the sky above her head, and what magic weapon to withstand the storm in the lake.

She shook her head and still thanked her.

Then I took a step forward and fell directly from the lake to the shore. I saw the blue sky, the waves of grass and sea, the breeze blowing, and the aura as clouds.

Su Tingyun took a deep breath, and the whole body was comfortable.

"Here is the real fairyland. I'll take you to Tianhe." Bai Yan closed the umbrella slowly. When the umbrella was closed, the handle of the umbrella slightly turned, and a few drops of water splashed down, drawing a colorful arc in the air.

There are many lakes in the true immortal world. There are hundreds of thousands of large and small lakes. However, the boundary lakes connecting the lower interface to the upper world are fixed. Su Zingyun, the lake they came up from is very partial. It is recorded, therefore, that there is no name on the boundary monument near the lake, that is to say, it is an unknown boundary.

Su Tingyun now has the qualification to name the unknown.

However, she was a nameless person, and because her body was not her own, Su Suingyun had no thoughts about her name. She just wanted to hurry to Tianhe to see if the water in Tianhe could meet the requirements of the bone ring.

The Jiehu Lake is remote, and it is just not far from Tianhe. Su Zingyun and Bai Yan rushed to the vicinity of Tianhe, and it only took a quarter of an hour. As for the other monks of the Bai family, this time did not follow.

"Elder Nine, can we break up? So Dao Su, you are closer to Bai Yan's nag."

"Dabai has a good relationship with him."

Everyone has fully accepted the rustic name of the guardian spirit.

Bai Changge: "..."

The most disliked by Yan Ling was him. He was never allowed to be within a foot of the distance. He really was, and his heart was cold.

"What are you talking about? You, you, you!" He ordered the three people who were the highest at the scene. "Always keep their safety and don't let Dabai get a little bit lost!"

"Yes, Elder Nine!"

Three people also headed towards Tianhe, and the remaining people naturally returned to Bai's first.

The upper realm can be divided into true realm and real realm exactly, like Tai Chi. Tianhe completely separates the realms of fairy and realm.

The right monk soared into the real world.

Monk Ascension went straight into the real demon world and could not touch each other. This pattern is quite strange, but it has been the case for millions of years, and everyone is used to it.

However, as the river dries up today, many places have ceased to flow, and the power of the boundaries has gradually weakened. They worry that one day, the two worlds of immortal and magic will merge into one. By then, it will be an inevitable battle.

Su Tingyun and Bai Zhi went to the place where there was water in Tianhe River. The river surface was dozens of feet wide that day, but most of the places were just stones. Only a trickle flowed at the bottom, like a thin ribbon, tied to The stones that were blanched by the sun looked so small.

Su Tingyun jumped into Tianhe, and she walked to the water deep, and put her hands in, and stirred slightly.

The river was slightly cold, like a trace of rain and snow, was blown into her heart by the wind, and she snored with ice.

Bai Yan was standing by his side to monitor the surroundings. He heard the movement and directly performed the big catch to catch Su Zunyun, who was bending over and crouched by the river, and caught Su Zunyun. Depressed face.

"What are you doing?"

In fact, she was very happy after breaking through the Mahayana, but now she suddenly finds that her cultivation is so weak that she was caught by Bai Yan without any resistance ...

In the past, people who have been practicing low for being rude have been rudely rumbling. Why is it still the same treatment?

Is it necessary to start over again? And just now the ring did not respond, it seems that this water does not meet the requirements. The double blow made Su Zunyun less interested.

Bai Ye did not explain what was loose, and just about to ask if this water can be used, she saw her eyes widened suddenly, and the eyes seemed to reflect the sky above her head, blue as washed, pure and flawless.

Su Tingyun just injected consciousness into the ring.

She didn't react very much when she reached into the water before, but now she clearly felt that there was more water in the bone ring.

The other five of the five elements will feel a little more or less when they are collected by the ring. This time, there was no reaction at all. She didn't realize until now that the world in the bone ring suddenly changed greatly.

The rain was drizzle, and the moisten was silent.

Hongmeng appeared and Ziqi came east.

The world was born in her hands.