MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 563 【There is a sword visiting】

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  Chapter 563 [There is a sword visiting]

   Fang Chang put the white porcelain wine bowl in his hand aside, reached out to pick up the letter thrown by the lark on the table, and opened it.

  The lark was indeed full of spirituality. There were so many dishes on the table. In a panic, it still threw the envelope on a clean place on the table without any juice on it.

  The letter was sent by Zhang Shan God entrusted by Lark. He wrote in the letter that he and his colleagues had spent a lot of effort during this period and had already arranged all the matters of the conference. Just wait for the expected time to come, and the meeting can be held when all the people arrive. Many major issues will be discussed at the meeting, and the results will be voted on. The people attending the meeting are very confident about the various agendas that will be discussed.

  In the letter, Zhang Shanshen once again sincerely invited Fang Chang to attend. At the same time, on behalf of his colleagues, he thanked Fang Chang for reaching out to solve the most critical problem of traveling.

Fang Chang smiled, but did not write a reply. He put the envelope and letter paper aside, poured himself some Xianqiya specialty sorghum wine, took a few slices of mushrooms, chewed slowly, and looked into the distance The blue sky and white clouds, and the vast plain below the mountain.


  Autumn has passed and winter has come, the earth outside has been covered with snow.

   Except that the pines and cypresses are still evergreen, the plants hide their vitality in the depths, and try to absorb the nutrients in the soil in winter, accumulate strength, and prepare to show their youth in spring. The animals survived the harsh winter with the help of new fluff they grew in autumn.

  The structure of the clock is not complicated, and it is not difficult to make after calming down.

   But Fang Chang did his calculations. Because a lot of copper materials are used in the clock and watch, and it takes a lot of man-hours, the cost is quite high. Ordinary people probably cannot afford it or are reluctant to buy it. On the contrary, it may become a big item in the family in the future. People buy one when they are newly married and use it for many years.

  Due to different thoughts and ideas when starting work each time, the appearances of these clocks and watches made by Fang Chang are very different. However, they are relatively similar in size, almost waist-high when placed on the ground, and although they are different in width and thickness, the difference is within one foot.

  Except for the last clock, all the previous clocks are driven by gravity, because the material of the previous clockwork was not good enough, and there was no breakthrough until recently.

  Actually, at the very beginning, Fang Chang had the idea of ​​hydraulic drive, but in that case, the structure would be cumbersome, unsuitable for use in the house, and the terrain would need to be changed to match, which would not be neat enough.

   Moreover, the one that was built at the beginning had only one hour hand, pointing to the twelve hours on the dial, and the later ones had only three hands. The reason why the dial is divided in this way is because it is more in line with the usage habits of people in this era, but more effort needs to be spent on gear manufacturing-after all, technology still needs to be people-oriented.

However, Fang Chang stated the calculation method of the gear ratio in the booklet. After it is spread out, let the watchmaker decide what kind of gear ratio people like to use. It might take an hour to walk around.

   There is no shortage of flat glass, and there is also diamond that can cut glass. He covered the dial of each clock with glass, but he did not carve any patterns on the case, so these clocks, viewed from the front, have a combination of rough and exquisite charm.

  The initial time was set by him watching the sky at night. After a few days of experimentation, the speed of each clock was uneven. Fortunately, he designed a small lever to adjust the escapement rate from the beginning, which can be fine-tuned at any time.

  Hang up the heavy hammers of the clocks, and take a small crank handle from the side, insert it into the last clock, and crunch to wind it up.

   Continuous clicking sounds sounded in the main hall of the Unnamed Hall, repeating mechanically, like a special piece of music.

  Standing in the main hall for a while, Fang Chang walked into the inner room, took a qin from the bedside, and then walked to the small pavilion for welcoming guests by the edge of Xianqi Cliff.

There are stone tables and stone benches in the pavilion, but the flower garden outside the pavilion is covered with snow, and most of Biyu Lake is frozen. The surface of the lake cascades down from the outside.

  Fang Chang put a small mud stove in the pavilion, filled it with charcoal fire, and then put a kettle filled with water from Lingjian Spring on top, allowing the charcoal fire to slowly heat the water in the pot. Then, he put the strap of the piano on his shoulders, pressed the keys and buttons with both hands, and gently squeezed the bellows in the middle.

  The melodious sound of the accordion resounded on Xianqi Cliff.

  When Fang Chang had nothing to do, he trial-produced all the musical instruments in the world, and then he tried to make some more exotic types. For example, this accordion is his latest work. The structure inside is not complicated, but it is equivalent to a large harmonica with a bellows added. It is just that suitable materials need to be tried out.

   Before the end of the song, there were two sword lights extending from the sky.

  After the sword light got close, they could see that there were two people flying towards Xianqiya with their swords. After the two flew close, they looked at the surrounding terrain, and then the two fairy swords turned slightly and fell on the wooden platform outside the stone ring - this place looks most like a gate.

   Those who walked up to Xianqi Cliff were two young people, a man and a woman.

  They put away the sword light, followed the sound of the piano, and found the person playing the piano in the pavilion.

   The two of them walked to the side of the pavilion and did not disturb them. Instead, they stood outside the pavilion and listened quietly. After a long time, they became a little absorbed.

  After the current piece was played, Fang Chang played a new one without too much pause.

  Until the music stopped, Fang Chang put down the piano, at this moment the two people started to move, went forward to salute together and said: "I have seen the senior, the music played by the senior is really good."

  The water on the small tandoor next to it just boiled, and steam spewed out, and it made a sound.

Fang Chang pointed to the other two stone benches in the pavilion: "Come in and sit down, let's have a cup of tea together." Then he put the accordion aside, picked up the kettle on the clay stove, and put it on the table, which had been cleaned and put A teapot for good tea leaves is poured with water to make tea.

  It turned out that the two young people who came here, one Zhuo Tianxing and the other Zhai Tianle, were the boy and girl that Fang Chang had met in Shu, and they were the disciples of Shen Da, the Sword Immortal on Bainiao Cliff. Fang Chang feels that these two people are much calmer than when they first met.

  The two sat down respectfully, and then Zhai Tianlin, as a senior brother, said: "Our trip is to participate in the next grand event, so we happened to drop by, so we specially came to visit Yunzhongshan."

   After finishing speaking, they also returned two pieces of fine pine smoke and ink from Sichuan, and a piece of Sichuan brocade. Fang Chang took it and put it aside, and asked, "Is the journey going smoothly?"

   "It went very smoothly. There were few petty thefts in the peaceful years." Zhuo Tianxing laughed.

  (end of this chapter)