MTL - Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire-Chapter 567 【Great opportunity for fellowship】

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  Chapter 567 [A good opportunity for friendship]

  Just as he was about to go up to say hello, Fang Chang saw an old acquaintance. So he stopped looking for Zhuo Tianxing and Zhai Tianyue, walked towards this new target, and said with a smile:

   "Mr. Gu, I haven't seen you for many years, but I still look good."

The person on the opposite side also recognized Fang Chang immediately, and was very happy. He immediately moved over to this side, and responded: "After the farewell back then, I kept hearing about Mr. Fang. Your story is being praised everywhere. I heard that You've done a great job."

  Fang Chang met Gu Shan. At the beginning of the catastrophe, Fang Chang and Gu Shan worked together to cut off a group of monsters in Lizhou Prefecture Yamen, defeating the enemy's plot to prepare Li Daitao to control Lizhou and lead a riot.

  The two walked to one side, found two stones that were close together as stools, and sat down to talk about old times.

   Gu Shan told Chang Fang that after the catastrophe, he returned to Yongjia Mansion and lived in the small courtyard that had been repaired several times but was still dilapidated. The greatest joy of Gu Shan every day was going to the street to watch people play backgammon. The monster named Cai Niangzi who fled with only one sharp claw back then was also captured by rebels and killed in a certain valley.

  The reason why he came here was because he usually applauded the City God of Yongjia Mansion and got news. Gu Shan said that he had been here for more than ten days.

  The two people sat on a hillside. Although the terrain here is not flat, the **** is relatively gentle. The front view is good, and there is not much vegetation to block it. Looking down from here, you can see the rushing river in the valley, as well as those people who are black and white by the river.

  After chatting for a while, Fang Chang looked around and felt that the place where the two of them were sitting was really a bit shabby.

  The person sitting under him was a bare stone, and the ground next to him didn't have much soil, and it was also a variety of jagged stones. A few clumps of weeds came out of the cracks in the nearby rocks. On the hillside in front of me, there are some trees and weeds and shrubs, each of which grows in a mess.

  In the shady place among the stones, the layers of moss look more alive.

   "This place is too crude, let me adjust it." Fang Chang said to Gu Shan suddenly.

   Then he stood up, stroked his hand on the ground lightly, his heart moved slightly.

  The stones on the ground suddenly softened like water waves, and then began to roll and gallop. The softened stone began to deform out of thin air, extending towards the surroundings regularly, and quickly formed the shape Fang Chang had imagined in his mind.

  Two stone benches of the same style in front of the Unknown Hall on the Immortal Habitat Cliff rose from the stones they were sitting on, pulling Fang Chang and Gu Shan off the ground, and separated them to the two sides. A flat round stone table rose between the two of them.

  The ground under his feet also rose a little, and then showed the edges and shapes, but it was a hexagonal stone platform. On the six corners of the stone platform, pillars extend upwards, and the six stone pillars intersect and kink in mid-air, becoming regular and fancy. Then, the lower ends of the railings also began to extend each other, connecting them into railings and steps.

  But a small stone pavilion with cornices grew out of the soil.

   "Haha, what a thought, this whole thing is really exquisite." Gu Shan praised.

   Gu Shan didn’t pay too much attention to the spell of extracting buildings from stones. After all, after reaching a certain level of practice, practitioners will have a variety of ever-changing spells as they accumulate knowledge and knowledge. On the contrary, he can see a lot about the appearance of this pavilion, and appreciates it very much.

  Fang Chang did not directly build a lonely small pavilion, but subconsciously blended the appearance of the pavilion with the mountain, the river in the distance and the earth. The harmony of the picture is as if the stone pavilion has grown out of the ground naturally from the mountain.

  During the whole process, he didn't conjure anything out of thin air, but pulled out the stone under his feet. The hillside, which was originally a gentle slope, has now become flat. However, after the stone pavilion was raised a little, the view here became a little better.

  Fang Chang took out the teacup, teapot, and a small stack of fried beans, and placed them on the table.

  He also took out a small flowerpot from his backpack, in which was planted a sprig of spiritual grass emitting a fragrance, and then placed the flowerpot in the center of the stone table as an ornament.

  The movement here can't be hidden from Zhuo Tianxing and Zhai Tianyue who are not far away. When they saw a small pavilion appeared here, they were curious, so they got up and came over to have a look. After a closer look, they found that it was Mr. Fang. The two were overjoyed immediately, greeted each other, and ran over quickly.

   "Mr. Fang, you are here!"

  The two happily approached to say hello, and Fang Chang said to them:

   "Come in, take a seat."

   Then Chang waved his hand, and beside the stone table, there were two more small stools of the same style.

   Then, Fang Chang took out a tin stove, charcoal, copper kettle, and two new teacups from his backpack.

  Whether it is a tin stove, a teapot, or a teacup, they are all self-made by Fang Chang. Now Fang Chang's level of making these mortal utensils has reached the peak, even the old masters who have accumulated many years can't match him. The things he made are all beautiful in appearance, such as this teapot and teacup, the appearance is plain, the curve is graceful and soft, and the curved shape also has a bit of fairy spirit in it.

  He picked up the gourd at his waist, added water to the copper pot, then took out the lighter and a bunch of thatch, and easily lit the charcoal. Start boiling water and make tea.

  The water is the water from the Lingjian Spring that Fang Chang poured with gourds, and the tea is the best green tea soaked with spiritual energy on the edge of the fairy habitat cliff.

   It's just that the amount of water is endless, and the gourd is extremely capable of holding it, but the output of the few tea trees on the edge of the cliff is limited. Although after several years of continuous transplanting, the quality of the tea produced by the young plant and the mother plant is generally the same, but overall, the inventory in Fang Chang's hands is still not much.

  Among the three, Zhuo Tianxing and Zhai Tianyue were guests at Xianqi Cliff. He had already tasted the high-quality tea leaves on Xianqi Cliff, and this was not the first time. But Gu Shan is different. According to the personality set by Gu Shan a long time ago, when he usually buys tea, he also buys loose broken tea that contains a lot of broken tea leaves and is extremely cheap. Those teas are very poor in appearance, taste astringent and bitter, and often don't know that they have been placed for several years, so they are only suitable for low-quality tea.

   Now that I have tasted this top-quality Ling tea, Gu Shan is full of praise. After hearing that Fang Chang made it himself, he showed even more admiration for Fang Chang.

  There are a lot of practitioners coming and going around, and many curious ones even look here for a while.

Afterwards, master and apprentice Sang Ziping, the white fox demon Hu Xueqiu, and a few people he knew from Taohua Village also walked into the pavilion and sat down. Fang Chang made more stools for them to sit on and expanded the size of the stool. The pavilion, made the hexagonal pavilion into a long strip. In order not to be monotonous, he also took some nuts and put them on the table for everyone to nibble on.

  (end of this chapter)