MTL - Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)-Chapter 1065 Al moving company is trustworthy

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In the end, Qiao Xiu still allowed Al to "borrow" the book for a while under Al's tears.

"Think carefully that this book is on the shelf of Lloyd, that is..."

Joe's gaze once again looked at Loydall, who was lying in bed and talking in a dream.

During this time, Loydell learned the knowledge related to this era at an extremely fast speed.

This speed of picking makes Loyd inevitably absorb some bad things.

“Is this book very popular among Nolan girls?”

After Joe repaired Al's permission, he couldn't wait to open the novel.

She didn't seem to be reading the book for the first time but saw it halfway and was banned by the high elf called the leaf.

So Al is now looking for the number of pages he has seen before.

"It's very popular." Hili heard Joe's self-talking and answered the words of Qiao Xiu with certainty.

"Heri have you seen it?" Qiao Xiu heard this answer and looked back at Shiri.

"Just occasionally I can't move the library... look."

Hilary’s voice sounded very guilty, and his eyes turned to another place and did not want to face up to Joe.

This reminds Joe of the time when she first met with Hilary. Her technique of lying was so bad that she could see through Qiao Xiu, but after that, Qiao Xiu rarely saw Hili’s guilty look.

"The girl's unique hobby... or do business first."

Qiao Xiuben thought that the work of Mother Teresa was only popular in the small area of ​​Nolan, but in a blink of an eye this type of work spread throughout the Nolan and even other countries.

Regarding the issue of Dinisha's work, Qiao Xiu decided to put it aside for the time being.


Qiao Xiu once again came to the bed of the order goddess and shouted her name.

Loyd did not give Joe a response, it seems that she really lost herself in alcohol.

"Do you want to force her to wake up?"

Hilary said that he suddenly had a staff member in his hand.

"Still let her continue to fall asleep... I just need her to go to Bechmont, I need to find a rope first."

Qiao Xiu looked around in Loyder's room, and Heli took a thick hemp rope and directly entered the eyes of Joe Xiu.

"Hili...this shouldn't be something to carry with you?"

Qiao Xiu took the rope from Hili's hand. The rope was at least five or six meters long, enough to tie a person and put it on the horse.

"Order magic works well with this kind of rope. You can try it out."

Hilary shared his experience of using order magic with Qiao Xiu, but Qiao Xiu felt that he should not use this experience in his life.

"In short, I wrapped the order goddess with a quilt and then tied it with a rope for a few laps."

Joe Xiu made a preparation for the need to take Loyder before taking it, while his hand was on the side of the Loyd quilt, and Shirley went to the other side and picked up Loyder, who was sleeping.

This time the 'kidnapping' lasted for about ten minutes. During this period, Qiao Xiu saw that the technology used by Shiri to tie people with ropes was not yet skilled.

In the end, Qiao Xiu spent a lot of effort to wrap the order goddess in the quilt.

Judging from Loyd’s expression, she didn’t wake up all the time...

"Al..." Qiao Xiu looked back at Al.

She had already opened the book and began to read it carefully. When she browsed, her face sometimes showed some strange smiles.

"That Al, can you put the book in your hand first? It's time to open the door."

The voice of Qiao Xiu made the world in Alzie return to God. She obeyed the books in her hand and stood up from her seat.

"The son of the forest, are you going to the back of the big turtle?"

Al held the book in a circle around the room, as if looking for a suitable place to cast.

"Yes, but Al... send your four people at once to support your magic?"

Qiao Xiu remembers that the magic of the space system is very magical, and the ordinary human caster has no way to control it.

Only the existence of a high-level elf behind this tree with the support of the world can be mastered.

"No problem, the elder set the space coordinates on the back of the big turtle, wait for me."

Al said that there was a silver-white inscription alongside, the magic flow of the whole room began to change rapidly, and the magical array of inscriptions appeared on the ground.

The reason why Joshua let Alle send it is that this girl is a little stupid, but her magic talent is at the top level in the entire high elf, at the cost of another elf common skill bow and arrow talent is zero.

At the moment when the magic array appeared, Qiao Xiu directly slammed the ‘Lloyd Roll’ wrapped up by the quilt on the shoulder.

The light on the ground became more and more dazzling, but Qiao Xiu realized that there was something wrong, that is, the table inside the room disappeared.

"Al..." Joshua just wanted to speak out about Al's moment, and the feeling of weightlessness swept through Qiao Xiu.

When he blinked again, Qiao Xiu heard the unique sound of the seagull, and a moist sea of ​​water poured into the sense of Qiao Xiu's sense of smell.

In front of Qiao Xiu, there is an endless sea, and in the distance you can see Bechmont’s huge head.

"I said no problem, no problem."

In the next second, Al appeared in front of Qiao Xiu. She was the last ‘passenger’ who arrived in Bechmont. Before that, she had furniture and ornaments in the entire room of Loyd.

The three words of ‘no problem’ in Al’s words just fell, and Qiao Xiu heard the sound of the vase falling on the ground and smashing.

Loyder's bookshelf also fell to the ground. The book collected by the goddess was scattered directly to the ground, and the wardrobe she bought was unable to withstand the test of space transmission, and fell directly on the ground and shattered into debris.

"You said... The goddess will feel the most distressed after waking up?"

Joe repaired a mess of furniture. In front of Loyder's dressing table, the cosmetics and perfume she bought had turned into glass slag.

Originally, Qiao Xiu just wanted to tie the people of Loyder. As a result, Al ransacked all the family that the goddess had accumulated, and the next second of the looting was completely ruined.

"Canned cured meat, and lizard biscuits?"

It was a pity that Hilli’s snacks were not enough to eat, and all the grounds were broken.

Other clothes, cosmetics, perfumes, and the like are not within the scope of Hilary.

"Ah... Is Al doing something wrong?"

Her head was so slow that it was not good to hear the cracked sound of the glass.

"I will wait for someone to count how many things are broken. Now it is important to give Loyd to "plant" to another continent." Qiao Xiu said.