MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 731

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She covered her head and fell into memory.

Inadvertently, his hand touched the base of his left ring finger.

Huh, it seems that there is indeed such a thing.

"I'm a little mad at you for mentioning it, after all, if it wasn't for _-.. if the other I replaced the world, you would have only mentioned it first.

She married Juncheng, and you are her representative, right?"

......I see, I will participate.

Tsk, are you still going to participate?

After Saint made up his mind, the masochistic teacher on the other side also spoke.

"Uh, then I...

"Mr. Lily, it's better not to give up so early."

"But, Master-

"I need to imagine it from another angle. Juncheng is holding your body, teacher, biting your ear, and calling you old capital in your ear.

Put your hand on your...


SE Road Novel

Well, I couldn't help but imagine that scene for a while, I was very impressed.

The heart rate has accelerated, and she can still speak so vividly. Hu Lijing is really good at saying such touching words.

"Uh, Mr. Lily, nosebleed! Nosebleed is coming out!"

It turned out to be a nosebleed. It's true, it's too pure.

Even though she is in such a bad shape, her nose bleeds just like this...

care, also

"How about one, isn't it great? Although the cold Juncheng's strong play is not bad, but occasionally such a warm Juncheng's.

Don't have a flavor, right?

"I, I want to participate!"

In the end, Teacher Yang was also saved.

It's strange.

I don't think this vixen is trying to reduce competitors, but now he is actually trying to persuade others to participate?

What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd-

"Anyone else? No? Um-then get ready to go~"


In the end, it's a waste of time!

Forget it. If she quits, it can be considered a bit-..

let's go!

"Wait a minute~"

"What are you doing! I'll bite you!"

"Ke Ling, do you know where Jun Cheng has gone?"

"Why should I tell you!"

After dinner, I overheard the conversation between Li Nai and my brother in the room, saying that it was a mountaineering suit or something.

Bacheng was hiding in the old forest in the deep mountains.

"I know what you're thinking, Sister Keling, but it's just an illusion.

There is a problem, the squad leader unexpectedly has a set.

I actually saw through it all...

Yes, this person is a stalker.

"No one is more powerful than me in grasping Juncheng's whereabouts, after all, I am \"


"Ha ha ha, did the blue fox finally admit it?"

"I hate it~ They're not stalkers."

80% of Zihe Tiaochang was on the plane, buy the ticket on the spot and then take the zero

"Judging from the route speculation, it should have gone to the airport, now Jun

, so we wouldn't be able to catch up immediately. "


It turned out to be a plane!

Don't buy tickets in advance, but buy tickets on the spot? SF light novel

Feed, that idiot Li Nai can still come up with such a method?

"Brother, where did they go!"

This vixen must know!

I have to say that only by knowing the whereabouts of my brother, this man is so brilliant.

"Um~ where did you go~ Huhuhu~" sell out!

"Don't be angry, but sister Ling, if you are angry, you won't float.


It's all cold, isn't it?

The ghost knows where Li Nai took her brother!

I don't want to follow right now--

"Don't worry, anyway, that guy from the squad leader

In fact, she herself has no idea of ​​competing for the first place.


"Ha ha ha, that's right, 80% of the time it's the master of the relationship with Junwei, but every time it can jump out of the inherent pattern and fight.

"Because that person is like that,

Break the status quo.

"Don't talk to yourself! What the **** is going on!"

I'm dying here! You guys are still slow!

Sister Xinran and Sister Jiuyuan are also, 5

Lively, come and help!

The fox spirit said calmly.

Diji Town got up. It's probably going to be a leisurely sightseeing tour, so we didn't ask when we set off tomorrow

Question, just be patient today, Sister Keling. "


Ming 3

never mind

It is true that there is not enough information now, and I can't find my brother if I ran out recklessly.

"Only for today..

"I promise to leave tomorrow-"

I snorted coldly

Back to the room.

Just be patient for a little more...- a day is fine.\"

But the next day.

What you get is,

The news that my brother's plane crashed.


Chapter ⑧ Who will be the life partner of the seventh

The time is now three twenty-six in the morning.

The new year has passed

After nearly three disappearances, we are still at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Because I've slept during the day, I'm not sleepy yet, and this energy monster beside me also wants to sleep at all.



Recently, I can also use the Internet on the plane, but I can't use it during the take-off and landing stages. I just watched it on my mobile phone for a while.

But I couldn't see it at all, and when I thought about what was about to happen, I felt anxious.

This time, I am also a contestant.

I also have the right to choose,

The dragon said....'It's better for me to make the choice', so that we can

effectively avoid them

>The Duke of the Sea

Even if it is a complaint, it will come to my side in the end.

.Yes - the point is, who am I going to choose?

Still looking for an opportunistic answer... but that's too hasty, it's just evading the problem, it can't satisfy everyone

I mean.

Even if it hurts other people, you must choose one..

I couldn't help but sigh again and again, this was probably the twelfth sigh in the three hours since I got on the plane.

"Always sigh, happiness will slip away.

"It's even more uncomfortable if you don't sigh out your depression and hold it in your stomach.

"That's right.

And Li Nai was still there, looking at the phone while writing and drawing with great interest.

Looking at the two calves - they are swinging straight, you can see that she is very excited now.

I propped my cheeks in boredom, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Li Nai, what are you doing?"

"Does it even need to be said? Of course I'm doing a travel guide~"