MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 1

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The material storage warehouse is located in the industrial park of a medium-sized city in northern China, adjacent to the main roads of railway and road transportation, and the transportation is very convenient.

However, due to the change of route midway, the large troops were bypassed from remote paths. At this time, to reach the destination, they must pass through more than half of the urban area. In fact, even if it is not necessary to travel through the urban area, moving, loading, and transferring materials is a long-term process and must be avoided from outside interference, which means that it is imperative to clean up the zombies in the entire city.

The northern region has a relatively small population density. The city is located on the richest black land and is known for mature and complete mechanized farming. It produces a large amount of food every year for domestic sales and foreign exports.

The total resident population is about 1.5 million. According to the currently known virus infection rate, the total number of zombies should be about 1 million.

Xiong Manshan drove, Lu Xiuyuan covered, took Liu Fangzhou around the city for several laps, and finally arrived at the exact number "52,866.46. Among them were seventeen first-level zombies and two second-level zombies. There are two zombie abilities, almost all of them are mutant zombies. "

Someone in the so-called temporary meeting room questioned, "Are you sure that there are no zombies hiding in the building, so the number is missing?"

"If you have any doubts about this number, you can go to the city and count it again by yourself." Shen Shi'an glanced coldly at the speaker and took out a bottle of mineral water mixed with Lingquan and handed it to Liu Fangzhou. Are there survivors? "

Liu Fangzhou's face was not good-looking, his face was white, and a layer of sweat was floating on his forehead. Even if he had gradually learned to control the output of mental power, scanning more than half a million zombies at one time was still a huge burden for him. He took a sip of water and grunted, shaking his head. "No, all zombies."

The leader of the Han family thought for a moment and said, "It is not too far away from the Changbai base, one of the five major bases. Perhaps it was someone sent over there to search and rescue the survivors. This will also explain why the number of zombies is greater than ours. Expectations are less. In any case, a small number of zombies is always a good thing. "

"If the people at the Changbai Base have already come, will they have been taken away from the storage warehouse?" The question was asked by Zheng Gang, the head of the Flying Dragon Regiment.

The leader of the Han family shook his head. "The specific location and entry method of the emergency disaster storage warehouse are the highest-level state secrets. No more than 20 people have the authority to know. No one in Changbai base has reached this authority level. Can't open it. "

As long as the stuff in the warehouse is still there. Zheng Gang held his chest with both hands and stopped talking.

Shen Shi'an continued to ask Liu Fangzhou, "Can you determine the abilities of those two secondary zombies?"

"It should be all gold." Liu Fangzhou pointed to the two marks he made on the map, "one in Dongcheng District and one in Xicheng District."

"How confident"

"80% to the east and 60% to the west."

As more and more abilities were encountered, Liu Fangzhou personally summed up a set of color spectrums, classifying and comparing the most common colors in each department, except for the abilities of the super-energy department and the spiritual department because there are too many types. In addition to being elusive, the five systems of Jinmu, Water, Fire, and Soil are the best to distinguish, and there are obvious rules to follow. For example, the two secondary power zombies he sensed today, the light group in the east is almost the same color as Xiao Lang, the leader of the tiger and wolf group. Although the west one is different, it can probably be classified as a gold power. .

"Both of these zombies are extremely powerful," Liu Fangzhou emphasized. "I guess it should be able to evolve to level three soon, so be careful."

In addition to these two, Liu Fangzhou also marked the locations and most likely power attributes of the other 17 first-level zombies on the map. The leader of the Huang family was surprised and said, "This ability is real. Amazing, thank you for this little brother for giving us such valuable information. "

Liu Fangzhou smiled neatly and harmlessly. "You're welcome. We are a team. We should work for a common goal, don't we?"

Moreover, it is not free. Brother Shen has already talked with others for a long time. When the zombies are all cleaned up, one percent of the primary nuclei obtained by each team will be allocated to him as a hardship. In other words, even if a zombie does not kill, the sharp blade has five thousand crystal nuclei in hand.

Xiong Manshan secretly gave him a thumbs up. Little brother, the first bucket of gold was already available before he started fighting.

Liu Fangzhou blinked with a smile and asked everyone to eat roast duck and go full.

Now that the enemy's combat power level and distribution are known, a specific battle plan must be arranged next.

There is no doubt that the two zombie abilities that are about to break through are the most difficult. The gold abilities are inherently difficult, not to mention that each of these two zombies can control at least 100,000 zombies.

Xiao Lang offered to solve the unexpected east side, whoever killed the nucleus of the power zombies, Xiao Lang itself is a gold system power, he could not miss such a great opportunity.

The ownership of the second power zombie took a little time. Killing the zombies can get a crystal nucleus, but after all, they have come here. Seeing that the warehouse is near, no organization is willing to risk the loss of soldiers at this time. . Zheng Gang, the leader of the dragon regiment, seemed a little hesitant. After Shen Shi'an took the initiative to destroy the second zombie, he had no expression on his face, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu's team leader Xie Yang looked at Shen Shi'an, but seemed to want to dissuade him. The look of Qin family leader Xue Wentao is also a bit complicated.

No matter what they thought, the meeting went on. After the two power zombies "the famous corpse has the master", 17 first-level power zombies and the zombie groups they control are also divided according to their own strength, and the remaining 200,000 low-level zombies are allocated by the military. Responsible for artillery fire.

The battle plan was formulated, the meeting was dissolved, and the heads of the various organizations went back to make specific arrangements for the members. The total combat began formally after 20 minutes.

Shen Shi'an gathered the team members. "I and Xun Xun, who is responsible for the main attack zombies, and Yang Cancan, Gao Xiaohui, Wu Miao, and Li Runsheng are fighting together to solve the zombies and prevent lower-level zombies from gathering. The opponent is a gold zombie, so everyone must make sure that there are absolutely no metal objects on them. Who needs weapons? "

Wu Miao, Li Runsheng, and Lu Xiuyuan raised their hands. Shen Shi'an took out four thorn sticks from the space, and gave three to the team members, leaving one for himself.

Turned to Liu Fangzhou again "How do you feel now"

"The head is still a little dizzy." It was dizzy and painful, and it felt like it would explode with a hard tap.

Shen Shian took out a pack of crystal nuclei and gave it to him, "Don't use the power anymore, take a good rest. You are responsible for staying in the mountains to protect the Ark, stay away from the theater, and wait until the battle is over before entering the city."

"Ah, no problem, wrap it on me." Anyway, he couldn't kill the zombies. At this time, even if he killed a zombie, the food in the entire storage warehouse was in danger of evaporation.

Chen Nan asked, "Would you like Jiamu to join the battle?"

Shen Shian shook his head. "The power zombies are too high, and Jiamu is easily controlled in the reverse direction. I'll talk to him and Xunxun first to resolve the power zombies."

"it is good."

All parties arranged properly, the team members checked each other for any mistakes and leaks, and the dog wrinkled his nose. "Xie Yang is here."

Xie Yang naturally came to Shen Shian's "The second-level zombies are difficult to deal with, especially the golden zombies that are about to break through the third-level zombies. Is your team member a bit less need me to allocate an additional group of manpower to you?"

Shen Shian smiled. "Thank you very much for your care. Don't worry, I'm not a reckless person. I won't put my team members at risk. Since I took this task, I have enough confidence to complete it smoothly." He added, "Even if I am really in danger, I have a back-up that can absolutely guarantee my safety."

"That being the case, I wouldn't force it," Xie Yang raised his hand in salutation. "Pay attention to safety and be careful."

"You too."

Xie Yang turned back to Gu's tent, and behind another tent half-covered tarpaulin, Xue Wentao, who saw Xie Yang go to talk to Shen Shi'an, and turned back, returned his sight.

Twenty minutes later, the military honked their horns, and all of them started.

City maps have long been kept in mind by everyone. According to Liu Fangzhou ’s ability zombie location information, Shen Shi'an and others marched straight into Xicheng District after entering the city. The road was repaired by the wall, and the zombie group completely ignored them. , Unimpeded all the way.

Identifying the target zombies is easier than you think, because this power zombie is too conspicuous. It is at least two meters tall, with a wide shoulders, a round tiger's back, and a bare head shining bright, almost like a beacon. Standing in the zombies, it is difficult to ignore.

A group sneaked to a distance of about 100 meters from the zombie corpse. Chen Nan took the lead. Two and a half meters of vines rushed to the ground, one to the left and one to the right. The sea opened a wide path through the corpses densely.

Shen Shi'an and Gouzi seized the opportunity and rushed towards the target immediately. Chen Nan manipulated the vine to form a circle with a radius of about 100 meters centered on the zombie abilities. The wall once again reinforced the temporarily-built fortifications in this circle.

"Everyone is responsible for one direction" Chen Nan shouted "stop the zombies from approaching and get time for the captain"


The fire abilities Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui are the main combat forces in the outer circle. They are responsible for the west and south where the zombies are most dense. Occasionally they attack together at the southwest intersection. The lethality instantly increases several times. .

Water Mighty Wu Miao is in charge of the north. Because there are vines and earth walls blocking her, she does n’t have to worry about spattering zombies. She may accidentally hurt her teammates. The power is output as much as possible. Fireworks burst out one after another.

Chen Nan is in charge of the east. Dozens of vine branches are dancing around like spirit snakes, and the zombies' heads are violently tightened and crushed. The efficiency is very clean and clear.

Li Runsheng took a stabstick and walked around, while solving the zombies who broke through the protection of other teammates and rushed to the earth wall, he continued to strengthen and repair the earth wall. Lu Xiuyuan freely shuttled among the zombies by virtue of the shielding effect of the power wall. Leng Buding aimed at the key to carry out a sneak attack and cleared the zombies from outside the fortifications.

In the middle of the battle, Shen Shi'an and Gouzi encountered a little trouble.

It is very easy to get rid of the hundreds of low-level zombies around the power zombies, and the dogs can run on them for two laps to step them all into pieces. And Shen Shi'an increased the speed to the extreme. Like the same rocket 039 gun, it seemed to rush straight towards the power zombie, stood on tiptoe, and kicked it with a tenth force on its chest.

Under this foot, ordinary zombies will instantly break into the sky, and the 20-centimeter-thick steel plate will immediately distort the depression under this foot, even if it is about to break through to Xiao Lang, level 4, Once in a seven-point effort of Shen Shian also suffered a small loss.

But as soon as this foot hit the target, Shen Shi'an noticed something wrong.

It did n’t seem to kick a zombie, not a flesh, or even a steel plate, as if he kicked a piece of unknown metal with a hardness that was unimaginably high. A huge reaction force struck from the sole of the foot instantly, Shen Shi Anli flipped back and forth several times, and fell on one knee to remove part of the strength, but his calf was still numb.

The power zombies flew back and flew out for more than ten meters. After a while, they stood up again, their chests were intact without leaving any traces, and a pair of muddy eyeballs rolled twice, staring at Shen Shi'an.

"An An" the dog rushed over after solving the low-level zombies. "Are you okay?"

Turning his head and fangs grinning toward the zombie, half-foot-long claws scratched it hard, and after the harsh metal friction, a mark of three millimeters deep was left on the zombie's chest.

Shen Xun's voice became serious immediately. "An'an be careful, this zombie is a bit wrong."


After the sound had not fallen, Shen Shi'an moved again because the speed was too fast and even left a trail of shadows in the air. With his flexible figure, this time he came to the power zombie, this time, a sharp thorn stick was heading towards the zombie The softest part, the depression at the junction of the cranium and the cervical spine, was severely pierced.


The mutant aloe thorn with a hardness not lower than that of an ordinary fruit knife was broken, leaving only a pale white scratch on the zombie's head that was not carefully observed or even imperceptible.

After being repeatedly attacked, the power zombies were obviously angry. The thick arm suddenly carried the sound of hunting and hunting, and Shen Shian ducked away in a timely manner. There was speculation about the specific power of this gold-powered zombie.

It belongs to the same gold abilities as Xiao Lang, but its evolution direction is quite different. Xiao Lang mainly manipulates metal as his weapon, and this power zombie itself is a weapon. Its power is estimated to be used to strengthen itself. Nowadays, swords and guns cannot penetrate the fire, and ordinary attack methods cannot hurt it at all.

But this does not mean that it cannot control metals.

Shen Shi'an rolled twice, a metal mace more than three meters long and half a meter thick hit the place where he stood a moment ago, mud bricks cracked and rocks were scattered, and a honeycomb was smashed on the concrete road. The huge deep pits in the shape, spider-like cracks spread everywhere, and even the surface shook twice.

The dog was furious, and rushed towards the zombie again. Senhan's claws arched left and right, and scratched a dozen marks on the target, but this was nothing to the zombie.

If you want to solve this zombie that has lost power, it must completely destroy its brain, but with its physical strength, ordinary weapons cannot do it at all. Shen Shi'an's sword may be okay, but the zombie can manipulate metal, I am afraid that the sword will be instantly taken away by the opponent.

Shen Shi'an had to admit that this zombie did choose an evolutionary direction that seemed completely unsolvable.

They can defeat it, they can suppress it, but **** it is the most headache. As long as the brain is not damaged, it can order the nearby tens of thousands of zombies to besiege. In fact, after being attacked by Shen Shi'an and Gouzi one after another, the zombies who were stopped by the fortifications suddenly became manic, like a tide. So far, the pressure on Chen Nan and others suddenly increased.

After Shen Shi'an tried to attack again without success, Xun Xun said, "You stare and don't let it run away."

Shen Xun immediately understood what he wanted to do, "An An, rest assured, just leave it to me."

Shen Shi'an, Qi and Dan Tian, ​​worked fast, and immediately formed a circle of aura with a radius of about one meter around his body. His shape was like a thunderbolt, and he struck in front of the power zombies in a blink of an eye.

"呲 呲 呲 呲 呲 呲 呲"

In the harsh sound of friction, the nose that the power zombie first contacted with the aura mask quickly exploded into a ball of blood.

Shen Shi'an secretly released his mouth okay, and the Aura Mask could restrain it. It's a bit slower and more laborious than cutting steel.

The zombie was frightened, raised his hand to stop it, and made a few noises, half of his palms were missing in the flesh.

There was a bit of panic in the cloudy eyes, and he turned to run, and was patted back by the dog. Alas, the entire back was cut off, and the white spine was faintly separated by the muscle layer. visible. I wanted to run again and was filmed again.

"Find a way to hold it down," Shen Shi'an said, "I have to aim my head. I can't hold it for long."

As soon as the voice fell, the dog flew up, two front paws stepped on the power zombie's shoulders, and its hind paws fixed its ankles, pressing the power zombie's face down and its head facing outwards. It was severely pressed by the wolf a moment ago. In the deep pit smashed by the stick, "Ann, cut it"

Shen Shi'an seized the opportunity and rushed in countless ways, like countless auras spinning at a rapid speed, like tens of thousands of extremely thin and extremely sharp blades, from the power of the zombie's skull to cut off layers of bones.

The power zombie was scared, all the metal with a radius of hundreds of meters was concentrated, twisted into various shapes such as daggers, swords, steel pills, and large pendulums, smashing over Shen Shi'an and the dog. At the same time, it suddenly lifted its head and shouted, and the tide of 100,000 zombies outside the fortifications was silent for a moment, and then it seemed like it was completely insane, with an offensive that was several times stronger than before.

A gap was rushed out of the "grass" soil wall, Li Runsheng cursed, and immediately greeted him with a stick, and was soon surrounded by zombies.

After avoiding the stormy metal attack, Shen Shi'an turned his head and screamed "Lu Xiuyuan"

Lu Xiuyuan ran quickly, "What can I do"

"Put up a wall and surround me and Xun Xun and this power zombie all within a radius of about ten meters."

According to his request, Lu Xiuyuan propped up a wall at the fastest speed, completely separating Shen Shi'an and others from the outside world. After the closed wall was formed, the power zombies instantly lost control of the metal and zombies outside the wall, and the iron ball and iron knife fell down, killing many low-level zombies that were too late to escape.

Shen Shi'an did not delay a minute, and the high-speed revolving aura mask shook the head of the power zombie again. In the screams of unwillingness and terror, the entire cranium was finally blasted into powder.

The blood splattered and the brain cracked. Shen Shi'an led the dog back in time, and after picking up a dark golden power crystal nuclei from the ground.

As soon as the zombies died, Shen Shian took Jiamu's head out of the space and handed it to Chen Nan. Under the joint control of the brothers, more than 100,000 low-level zombies within a few miles quickly abandoned the attack and resistance, lining up The team came over and became a lamb to be slaughtered.

Shen Shi'an took a breath, and walked up to Li Runsheng. "Are you okay?"

Li Runsheng sat on the ground and shook his head. The rest of the post-hijacking face was full of faces. "It's okay. Fortunately, the zombie almost bit me, and was stopped by an invisible wall. You should save me, brother. Right "

Shen Shi'an turned his head to look at Lu Xiuyuan.

Lu Xiuyuan was a little uncomfortable, holding his chin in a hard tone. "Aren't he a teammate? You can't watch him bitten by a zombie." And he said to Li Runsheng, "Be careful next time, not everyone can be saved every time." your."

Li Runsheng was grateful. "I see. Thank you for saving your life."

Lu Xiuyuan snorted softly, nodding his head in response, turned around and picked up the crystal nuclei.

Far from the other directions in the urban area, dense gunfire and loud shouts can still be heard. Compared to the fierce battle conditions that other teams are experiencing at this time, the blade team is undoubtedly much easier.

Chen Nan piled up the zombies that had not yet been dug out by spawning vines. Jiamu controlled the lower-level zombies to come and stand in line. Yang Cancan and Gao Xiaohui set fire while absorbing the nucleus to supplement the power. Others did not pick up the nuclei scattered on the ground before they waited until the two fire abilities burned, and held the broom to sweep the nuclei in the ashes together, and then loaded them with a dustpan. Into a sack.

Shen Shi'an drank half a bottle of Lingquan water, and the dog came to him and leaned against him. "An'an, how are you"

Shen Shi'an shook his head. "It's okay, don't worry." This time the aura hood lasted about seven minutes and didn't reach his limit. There was no adverse reaction except that he was a little bit tired and tired, and he should be fine after a rest.

After more than an hour, all the finishing work on the side of the sharp blade team was completed. The party found a restaurant and sat down for a quick lunch.

After more than two hours, the battles in other directions gradually came to an end. Shen Shi'an took the team members to the industrial park where the storage warehouse was located, slowly and slowly along the way. After arriving at the meeting place, more than 20 minutes passed, and all the teams arrived.

Shen Shi'an roughly glanced, about 20 people were missing.

Compared to the total number of zombies, this casualty figure is already very small.

Xiao Lang looked rather embarrassed. A handsome long trench coat was almost broken into rotten cloth strips, but the air was still enough. He came over and stared at Shen Shi'an for a while. "Well, you are quite relaxed."

Shen Shian retracted his gaze from Li Cheng and fed the dog a piece of beef jerky. "The leader of Xiao is not bad." He counted, and there were no few people in the tiger and wolf group.

They trimmed for a moment, and then led to the final destination under the leadership of four leaders.

Before arriving at his destination, Shen Shi'an never thought that the emergency supplies reserve would be built under a garbage disposal plant. However, it is also reasonable to think about it. There are large trucks in and out of the garbage disposal plant every day. With such a place as a cover, ordinary people absolutely can't imagine that this is actually a large warehouse that stores huge amounts of materials.

The entrance to the warehouse is behind the waste treatment plant, bypassing the stinking mountain of garbage. The four leaders came to a row of bungalows that seemed to be used as utility rooms. "Let ’s go down and open the warehouse door, others Wait a moment. "

Shen Shi'an covered his nose with one hand and the dog, and didn't want to speak at all.

"Grass," someone picked up an iron rod and smashed it on the mountain of garbage. "What kind of stuff are these? Why is it so smelly?"

At this moment, the abnormal changes occur suddenly.

A huge gray figure suddenly emerged from the towering junk mountain, and only a muffled sound of a sharp weapon was heard. The psionicist who was closest to the junk mountain suddenly made a scream that pierced the eardrum, holding the left hand of the iron rod. Together with the left half of the body was actually bitten off, the hot internal organs and blood immediately dripped to the ground.

A monster the size of a bull is squatting next to Trash Mountain, with round ears and long beards. A bare long tail is dragged behind it. The abdomen has greatly increased, half of the cheeks are rotten, and the upper and lower pairs of violent dirty yellow incisors are rolled. Human limbs, "creak and crunch." The sound of chewing is clear and loud, making everyone cold.

Suddenly, the uncontrollable panic spread to the crowd in an instant. The screams of terror and the screams of the attackers were getting lower and lower. "What a **** is it?"

A soldier took a gun and fired a burst, firing 039 out of a dozen holes in the monster, dark black blood flowing down from it.

The monster looked down, his blood-red eyes quickly aimed at the soldier who fired, and two pairs of incisors fluttered.

The snow-colored sword light suddenly turned on. Shen Shian held the sword and split the monster's head. His huge and deformed body trembled twice, then fell to the ground, and the rancid brain flowing around.

"Be careful," he groaned. "This is a zombie mutant animal. Don't let it touch it."

The words didn't fall, a gust of wind swept past, Xiong Manshan was holding Liu Fangzhou and appeared not far from the crowd.

Liu Fangzhou looked pale, as if he had suffered some kind of great fright, and hissing at Shen Shi'an and others shouted "Run, run, captain, run"

Almost at the same time, there was a loud bang, dozens of garbage mountains collapsed at the same time, and a mass of garbage ravaged, and thousands of zombie giant mutant mice were drilled out.

"Run, run, everyone, run"

The author has something to say about rough and long make up

Seeking nutrition solution

Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.

Thanks to Yan Xiao, the little angel who dropped the rocket launcher, and a sugar shortage;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines to chase 3 more tiredly; it is better to see 2 than to see it; perhaps, Simon Crayfish and Shuangxuan 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

123 bottles of floating life dreams; 55 bottles of blue tails; Oh, 9050 bottles of Aixiao; 40 bottles of pick up; 35 bottles of nostalgia; 19586671, Xiaoya, 30 bottles of stable like old dogs; 23 bottles of rolls; 3, oak, do not order an oppa, alone in a pot of sorrow, 19486696, guess the string, in fact, I do not pick, milk-flavored pig willow eggs, 1847918620 bottles; 17 bottles of amber; 12 bottles of Qibao; 10 bottles of love, nibasan, Nanke yiyimeng, Gao Xiaosheng, Weilou, gg, Dorothy, half sky, rain, child chair, rosa, Mingchen; 372952908 bottles; 7 bottles of Xiaomeng and Weizhu; 76. 5 bottles of な つ め た か し, aqua-colored glass; 31135732, 2 girls of Xueyue, Xuehua, honeyhoney, and 眭 咩咩 's meow; Miwu, Mo Shang Nan Sheng, Che Tong, Chasing the Most Abuse, Amorell I'm a bottle of lone wolf;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard