MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 132

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"All grass rats are mutant mice"

"Withdraw quickly withdraw quickly"

"Don't come, don't come, don't ah ah ah ah"

More and more giant zombie rats crawled out from under the **** heap, and the blood-red eyes quickly locked on the target. The dirty saliva on the corner of the mouth was mixed with rotten flesh and fell to the ground. , Barking squeak and smell.

Screams, screams, and the chewing of zombies were endless.

Shen Shi'an held the sword in his hand, and his body was almost invisible. His flesh flew across the cold light, and the body of the zombie rat fell quickly around him. Shen Xun was behind him. The two of them and the other more than forty higher-level abilities first responded, cooperating with the firepower of the soldiers to suppress and retreat at the end of the line, and cover the others before evacuating.

"Grass," Xiao Lang scolded with sweat, "these ghosts are too fast"

Each zombie rat is the size of a bull. Their oversized swollen stomachs make them look like a deformed tumbler that seems to be standing unsteadily, but the figure chasing prey is extremely flexible, and the bare long tail swings to the left and right. It's so fast that even aiming becomes extremely difficult. Thirty steel pills pierced the heads of seven or eight zombies, and two more rushed at him from the top in a hungry wolf.

Shen Shi'an stood up, two flicks of sword light on his wrist, and the two zombie rats were divided into two in mid-air, the purple belly opened, and the stump of a broken limb was broken, and the rancidity was soaring into the sky .

"Puke" someone vomited immediately.

The dog held his breath and backed away. Shen Shi'an pressed two aromatherapy pills into his nose in time. Strawberry flavor, he likes it.

Under the siege of zombies, the crowd retreated to the first half of the garbage disposal site, but more and more zombies crawled out from under the garbage as if there was no end, and soon became a gray ocean. Many survivors swarmed over. Several soil-based abilities joined forces to raise a soil wall to try to block the pace of the zombie. The soil layer rolled up and down under the power, listening only to the sound of the rumble, and a half of the garbage centered on the garbage mountain. The treatment plant actually collapsed, and the mountains shook the smoke and dust in an instant.

By the time the dust had dispersed a little, the Trash Mountain and half of the factory had disappeared, leaving only a huge pothole like a tiankeng. Crossing the edge of the soil layer of the collapse, you can clearly see a closed metal building below the utility room that the four leaders originally intended to enter. The shape is like an elevator that has been enlarged many times, because most of it is still buried in the soil. There is no way to determine the length, width, and depth of the layers, but the total area must be surprising from the bare parts.

In front of the metal building, where the Mountain of Garbage was originally located, is a huge cave with no bottom and nowhere.

Because it was too deep, it was dark because of the inability of light to penetrate for dozens of meters. There seemed to be something moving in the thick darkness, and then countless dense red **** eyes lit up on the cave wall.

A cold chill followed the soles of the feet and quickly swept up the spine. Shen Shi'an pulled up a soldier next to him who had fallen to the ground due to the ground subsidence, turned around, and rushed to the team members to drink "Go!"

Those blood-red eyes quickly moved, like a tide, rushing to the ground, the excited snoring mixed with the friction of the claws and the ground pierced the eardrums, and rushed toward the prey impatiently. .

"Go" Someone shouted, "Come on, his 039 mother is just a zombie nest."

The survivors hurried back, Xiong Manshan carrying Liu Fangzhou at the door of the dump and meeting with his teammates. Liu Fangzhou looked like he was about to cry. "Brother Shen, I'm sorry, they are all hidden under the ground. The position is too deep. I I didn't find it at the beginning of the scan "

"It's not your fault." Shen Shi'an raised his hand and chopped down the two zombie rats with a dignified look. "Can you detect how many of them?"

Liu Fangzhou closed his eyes and tried it. A layer of sweat permeated from his forehead, and his face was scary. "At least 100,000."

One hundred thousand giant zombie rats. Shen Shi'an's heart sank suddenly.

This number may not be able to match even when the people are at full strength, not to mention that they have experienced a fierce battle with zombies, and almost everyone is exhausted.

He took out a bottle of Lingquan water and handed it to Liu Fangzhou, "It's hard, take a good rest, and then leave it to us. Manshan, protect him."


Zheng Gang, the head of the flying dragon regiment, was not far away. His entire right hand was alienated into the forelimbs of some huge bears. His sharp claws were more than a foot long. Hearing the numbers Liu Fangzhou said, he shouted, "What? "100,000" smashed the head of a zombie rat and gasped at Xue Wentao. "What are you waiting for, don't you have 039 bombs? Hurry up and kill these ghosts."

"There is only one entrance to the reserve warehouse." Xue Wentao took the gun in his left hand and threw out several wind blades in succession. After hearing the numbers Liu Fangzhou said, his expression was equally dignified. The use of 039 bombs near the dump resulted in a second collapse. Not only could we fall down, but the entrance to the warehouse was also at risk of being completely buried. "

Zheng Gang was so anxious to die "when are you still thinking about the warehouse, so many mutant mice, who knows that the contents of the warehouse are still gone" grass, so a waste of effort to run away without a word, maybe it still has to Give your life

"Yes." Shen Shi'an calmly analyzed. "If the mutant mouse has a way to obtain the contents of the warehouse, it will not only eat zombies, let alone be infected by zombies."

The stomach contents of the two mutant rats whose stomachs were riddled with zombies were full of zombies, which explains exactly why in the urban area where there should be a total of one million zombies, in fact there are only more than 500,000 zombies.

Xie Yang nodded. "The whole warehouse is made of more than two meters of steel plate. These mice are not easy to open. It is not convenient to fight here. All the members retreat to the north, and the farther away from the dump, the better."

More than six hundred people evacuated urgently, but tens of thousands of giant zombie rats were chasing after each other, and it seemed that the monsters in the entire underground cave ran out of smell.

After about two kilometers back north, Shen Shi'an raised his hand and threw to Chen Nan a pot of spiritual spring water "now"

Chen Nan understood it, and immediately squatted down and placed the devil vine on the ground. At the same time, he sprayed a small pot of spiritual spring water on its root. In conjunction with the power, the slender devil vine quickly took root, and more than a dozen vines were split into two directions. Flying in the direction, as if winding pythons meandering, intertwined with each other to form a circle of five meters high green wall between the zombie torrent and the survivors.

The barrier that emerged out of thin air gave survivors a chance to stop breathing, but this time did not last long.

Chen Nan's face quickly became difficult to see. "Brother Shen, those zombie rats are gnawing at the devil vine."

Shen Shi'an jumped up the fence and saw the first batch of zombies catching up all lying under the fence. The upper and lower pairs of huge brown-yellow incisors are like four crazy-running drills, aiming at the vines for a while. The destructive force of the flying debris was amazing, and soon there were large and small gaps in the vine. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before the entire devil vine is choked by them.

"Where is the soil-powered person?" Shen Shi'an turned to drink.

Twenty-three psionicists including Li Runsheng, a sharp blade member, responded, and together they raised two more than five meters of earth walls outside the plant wall, although they were still smashed by the crowd of zombies that came up. Fly, but anyway can support for a while.

The leaders of the various power organizations and the four leaders converged in the center of the wall. There is nothing to discuss at this moment. Unless all the zombie rats are killed, all of them will be reduced to meals and chewed to pieces.

In the growing screams and rustling bites outside the fence, the team leaders integrated all survivors as quickly as possible, arranging as many as possible in the same line or with the ability to promote each other. Use the maximum combat power. Those who have no abilities, are good at shooting, or are based on long-range attacks. Weak melees stay inside the fence. Those with melee-based abilities fight outside the fence. Respond to the middle of the response.

Shen Shi'an walked to Xie Yang and lowered his voice, "How much ammunition is left for bullets and explosives?"

Xie Yang frowned, and shook his head, "Not enough." Far from enough. Most of the ammunition was used up when cleaning up the zombies. Who would have thought of greater trouble hiding under the dump.

But even if it is not enough right now, I can only bite the bullet and the situation can not be delayed, either it will die, or I will die.

The counterattack quickly began. Twenty-three earth-powered people raised a circle of stairs inside the wall to facilitate the parties to climb the wall. Now everyone has taken out their homes, and crystal nuclei are on them. Quickly absorbed and turned into power in my hand, but even with the crystal nucleus as a supplement, as more and more zombies outside the fence, the speed of gnawing faster and faster, the pressure to keep the fence from falling will only increase Some individuals have almost exhausted their physical fitness in the Zombie War, and at this time have been shaky.

Shen Shi'an found Lu Xiuyuan, "Your wall can be semi-enclosed, right, supporting one behind the earth wall. If the earth wall collapses, you will be the last line of defense. Can you do it?"

Lu Xiuyuan's lips were white with sweat in his palm. "I try my best."

Shen Shi'an left him three large crystal nuclei, and gave him a wireless communicator, one for each of the sharp blade teams of the same communication equipment. "Whenever there is a situation to communicate, remember that we will not die."

The first wave of gunmen quickly ascended the wall. With the sound of intensive artillery fire, the zombies fell down one after another, and then they were drowned by more zombies.

The head of the dragon team roared, "Chong ah, kill all the mess with Lao Tzu." He jumped forward and turned into a huge black bear more than five meters high, leading a group of men to jump off the fence.

Shen Shi'an held the sword with one hand and was surrounded by a mighty dog. "Be careful not to be caught by a zombie."

"Relax," Shen Xun bowed his head and stunned, "my skin is strong, these things can't hurt me."

Xiao Lang stood not far from them, and he was surrounded by thirty steel pills rotating fast, and he said, "Captain Shen, it would be better to kill than the other team. The team that lost is more than 600 brothers and sisters. How about Wang Jude's big meal? "

Shen Shi'an laughed, and the long sword trembled. "Come on", the tip of the toe jumped up, and the dog turned into two lightnings and rushed towards the squealing zombies.

"Kill, kill these invisible things"

"A warehouse full of supplies is still waiting for us."

"Damn smelly mouse, grown up, I still burn you to ashes"


If you look down from mid-air at this time, you can see that dense zombie rats are continuously climbing up from the underground caves of the dump, and they endlessly merge into the zombie group, eventually forming a rolling gray as if there is no end. Wang Yang besieged the fence with a radius of more than 50 meters. The turbulent waves are strong like waves, as if the temporarily isolated human island can be completely destroyed and disintegrated at any time.

The lights on the fence flickered endlessly, the dense shooting sounds continued, and the air was filled with acrid but intoxicating smoke. All fire abilities are gathered just south of the fence. This is also the place with the largest number of zombies and the highest attack intensity. The magnificent fire light should rise to the sky with a slogan, and they can burn a large gap of zombies. But soon it was filled with more zombies.

Most members of the Blade Squad are located inside the wall. Wu Miao and a dozen other water powers are on the southwest side of the wall. As long as they are close to them within 20 meters, zombie rats will instantly explode their heads into countless fragments, but with There are more and more zombies, and the speed at which their heads can burst with the ability to condense water molecules can not keep up with the speed of the zombies rushing over. Six zombies successfully broke through the protective circle, and their sharp claws were cut into the earth wall. I screamed and was about to climb up.

Fortunately, before climbing up the wall, several vines were entangled in the body and dragged down. The thick vines quickly climbed onto the head of the zombie rat and became more and more entangled. They were twisted at the fastest speed before being broken by the incisors. Into the sky.

Wu Miao turned her head and looked at Chen Nan's eyes. The two men nodded to each other at 039, and then resumed fighting.

Chen Nan was standing on a "tower" formed by the devil's trunk. After the earthen wall of the psionicist and the transparent wall of Lu Xiuyuan had risen, he collected the devil's vine. At this time, he was standing high and able to bring all parts Panoramic view of the war. Dozens of branches of vines walked around the wall, like a spirit snake patrolling the territory, repeatedly repeating the process of tearing the zombie and then smashing it, resolutely not let go of any fish that leaked the net.

However, with the massive consumption of human strength and abilities, the combat effectiveness has continued to weaken, and more and more zombies have broken through and climbed up the wall, just like fleas stuck to their fur, killing waves and emerging waves. Chen Nan gritted his teeth, and while absorbing the crystal nucleus, he released the ability to control the devil vine. The blue tendons jumped straight around his neck. He looked up at the situation outside the wall and his heart sank.

The situation outside the fence is no less optimistic.

Zheng Gang led a dozen hands and ripped apart a gap in the rat tide. The bears' body was damaging after returning to the ancestors. At least two zombies could be smashed into a meat mud with a slap. If they fight alone, these stink Xuntian Monster is not his opponent at all. However, what he was facing was not one, but thousands of giant mutant mice. He had no pain, no fatigue, no fear of death, and flung his bare long tail into the tide. He caught his fur and entangled him. His limbs crawled onto him and bite hard.

If it is an ordinary bear, it may have been bitten and rotten, but fortunately Zheng Gang wore a special transparent protective clothing, which he spent a lot of money to customize from the Beijing City Research Institute, using the most advanced The high-molecular memory material can be changed in size at will according to the body's alienation. Its protective ability is comparable to that of military-grade bullet-proof jackets. Even with a knife, you can only leave a few slight marks.

But it was such a protective suit. At this time, under the frenzied bites of dozens of zombie rats, there was a burst of unknown harsh friction sounds. Zheng Gang was terrified, and people stood upright and shouted, shaking his limbs to try Throw the zombies that were stuck on his body, but every part of them, more zombies came towards him one after another, biting, screaming, crawling all over the body and almost drowning him.

The friction was getting louder and louder. In some parts, it was clear that the claws and teeth of the zombie rat were getting closer and closer to the flesh. Zheng Gang scolded the grass violently, and his heart could not help but sullen in the sadness of the hero's end. A roar was about to rush into the sea of ​​rats to pull up more miscellaneous burials, and the ears suddenly burst into the air. Dozens of fast-moving steel pills flew around him twice, accurately crushing thirteen and climbing on him. The head of the zombie rat bite, but at about the same time, the cold light in the field of vision surged into the sword, and the dense crowd of zombies was suddenly emptied.

"Oh, look at who this is," Xiao Lang looked a little bit embarrassed, but still looked as if he was always hanging out. "It seems that the zombie has a soft spot for bear meat."

Zheng Gang shook the wreckage and brain of the zombie rat and yelled at his teeth. The huge black bear's head turned to Shen Shi'an, and just about to express his gratitude, he saw three zombie rats rushing towards him from behind.

"Roaring" Zheng Gang hurriedly issued a warning, but Shen Shi'an didn't move, and he even pulled out a piece of cloth to wipe the blood on the blade clean. When the zombie was less than half a meter away from him, a black giant shadow struck lightning. It easily struck the three zombie rats to the ground and stepped into a mud. They shook the minced meat on their paws and walked to Shen Shi'an. Hold fast behind him.

Xiao Langyu said "I haven't seen it, the dogs that Captain Shen keeps are better than you."

Zheng Gang didn't care about quarreling with him, nodded to Shen Shi'an, and turned to support his men.

A total of fourteen people jumped out of the wall following him. All of them are in a critical situation at the moment, but the most critical situation is the team leader Qian Tang, who was searching for a team. When he took the team members to search for supplies, he got up with Xiong Manshan and others. Contradictions, I haven't found anything since then. Although Zheng Gang has never blamed him for this, he has always blamed himself because he feels that he is too useless. Finding supplies is the most important existence value of the search team. He ca n’t even find food as a small captain. How worthy of the head of the cultivation and trust in him.

So this time he was particularly hard to clean up the zombies. The dragon team was responsible for a total of seven first-level zombies and nearly 60,000 ordinary zombies. He was a power-type ability, carrying a sharp narrow blade and a long knife, he was chopped to death. Only one level of zombies and more than a thousand ordinary zombies, the record of which is only under the command of the head, was praised by Zheng Gang face to face, so even if he was tired, his arms trembled and he was extremely happy.

It didn't take long to know that the zombies had been solved, and then a large number of more terrible mutant rats emerged.

He forcedly jumped out of the wall behind Zheng Gang, killed 13 or 8 zombie rats together with 13 teammates, and was successively scattered by the rat tide. The zombie rats were too big and too tall, and the front teeth and claws saw the ghost. He sharply watched a teammate scratch his viscera with a claw of a zombie rat, and bit his thigh in two with another bite.

Crunch. A group of zombies rushed to bite and eat fast, and blood and minced meat continued to fall from between the claw tips and the incisors rubbing back and forth. The triangular heads were raised high, and while fighting for food, they stared at the two blood-red eyes. Living the rest of humans, greedy, crazy, terrifying.

Qiantang was scared. He knew that there was a risk of being killed alive by zombies every time he went out of the mission, and everyone who signed up for it was also aware and prepared for nothing, but witnessed these monsters tore the living person to pieces and witnessed his teammates. Only the bones were left to bite. He was still scared, so scared to death.

He doesn't want to die, he wants to live, he wants to live back to the base of the capital, live and talk to his teammates and talk about idiots.

However, the fact did not change in the slightest because of his fear.

The teammates were either torn up by the zombie or scattered by the rat tide, and soon he was left alone. The long knife in his hand was lifted up again and then waved out vigorously, howling soaring blood and splattering, until every muscle of the body turned from tearing pain to numbness, until the vision gradually blurred in the limit of force, until he was again There is no way to move the knife.

Through the dense shadow of zombies, Qiantang faintly saw the huge black bear transformed by Zheng Gang dozens of meters away.

It's all useless to me, he thought, goodbye to the head.

Then he closed his eyes in the howling sound that was getting closer.

The expected pain did not come. Qian Tang only felt that his body was shaking suddenly, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already standing in the middle of the fence. There were still many people around him who were sitting or lying, all of whom he knew and those he didn't know, all of them were weak after weakness. appearance.

On the far side, he remembered clearly that it was the boy named Liu Fangzhou in the sharp blade team.

As for his support at this time, it was Xiong Manshan.

Xiong Manshan took his arm back from Qiantang. "Sit down and rest for a while, drink some water, and then go out to kill the mice when you feel strong. We can definitely win."

Turning his head and asking Liu Fangzhou, "I'll go out and see, you're all right." He can't blame, he can do his best to save people.

Liu Fangzhou nodded. "No problem, Brother Xiong, be careful yourself."

"Oh, rest assured."

Qian Tang sat on the ground, seeing Xiong Manshan lightning disappeared.

He hasn't had time to say thank you yet.

Shen Xun raised his paw and smashed the heads of the two zombies. His tail was flicked fiercely, like a thunderous disease, interrupting the spine of seven or eight zombies and flying away.

Turn around and look at Shen Shi'an, "An'an, how are you"

Shen Shi'an's face was a little pale and sweat was all over his forehead. If he looked more closely, he could see that his hand holding the sword was shaking slightly.

With a gap cleared by the dog, he took out the Lingquan water and drank half a bottle, shaking his head, "It's okay, I can survive it."

Xiao Lang never came far away, hiding behind the dog and taking a short break. He looked far more embarrassed than Shen Shi'an, and even the rotation speed of the thirty steel pills around him was slow to the naked eye. Panting while watching Shen Shi'an, "Why don't you use that trick, that is, the same light gold protective cover that we used in the fight between us, even the steel plate can be shattered. If you use that trick in the zombie group After two laps, I immediately killed a big wave. "

Shen Shi'an did not speak. Not that he didn't want to use it, but that he couldn't use it.

The aura hood had been opened for more than seven minutes when the gold zombie was resolved. After that, he fought with the zombie rat for a long time. If he now uses it again, I am afraid he will fall to the ground without a minute of consciousness. .

However, it is not a problem to continue so hard. The fierce fighting has been consumed, and more and more people can no longer bear it. The fence is now almost completely suppressed by the soldiers with firepower, but the remaining ammunition is unknown. How long

Such worries just surfaced not long after, and the sound of firings from the fence gradually dropped.

Shen Shian sank in his heart, raised his hand and cut the two zombie rats in half, turning his head and Xiao Lang to look at each other, "the bullets are exhausted."

Xiao Lang's expression calmed down quickly, and he gritted his teeth and scolded "grass."

Once the firepower network dissipated, the zombie rat that had been barely blocked outside immediately flooded the corpse like a tide and rushed towards the fence. The water power defense line collapsed first, followed by the fire power defense line, Chen Nan's devil. The vine couldn't drive it at all, but was caught by the rat group and the two branches were knocked off in a blink of an eye.

Tens of thousands of zombies climbed up the wall, and two earth walls cracked under their crazy impact and bite. With the loud sound of "Boom", the earth wall in the southwest collapsed, one of which was billowing with smoke. The big wave of zombie rushed towards the gap, seeing that it was about to rush into the wall, bang bang bang, one after another was stopped by an invisible transparent wall.

It is Lu Xiuyuan.

The other party's hasty and strenuous voice soon sounded inside the radio communicator, "Shen Shi'an, come to think of a way I can't last long."

The area of ​​the wall is too large, five meters high and more than one hundred meters in diameter. It is almost reaching his limit just to support the wall. At present, the earth wall collapses, and almost all the attacks of the zombie fall on the transparent wall. In a second, the pressure he endured was rising by a geometric multiple, and the power output was like a bottomless pit. The three bags of nuclei that Shen Shi'an left to him were half gone in an instant.

Shen Shi'an took the initiative and took the sword back into the sheath. Qi Shen Dantian screamed like a bell. "All the people immediately withdrew into the wall."

The strong penetrating sound swept across the entire battlefield in an instant. Most people still don't understand what happened, but it must be a death to stay outside, so they subconsciously did it, and turned and rushed towards the inside of the wall.

More and more zombie rats gather around the wall. After repeated battles, not everyone has the strength to break through the enclosure of the rats, but if they fall down, they will be torn into pieces instantly. Shen Shi'an took two on the way back. Xiao Lang took one hand and carried one on his shoulder. The dog licked one with his mouth. When he ran halfway, he wrapped his tail with a tail that was almost bitten by a zombie. At the same time, Xiong Manshan's ability was finally exerted perfectly, like a blaze of lightning that shuttled the survivors back and forth outside the wall at a speed that the naked eye could not detect.

Shen Shi'an jumped into the fence and quickly walked to Lu Xiuyuan. "How long can I persist?"

Lu Xiuyuan's face turned red, with blue muscles jumping on his neck, his right hand holding the crystal nucleus, his left palm clinging to the wall "for up to three minutes"

The dense crowd of zombies was lying on the wall and biting wildly, and he could not absorb the nucleus fast enough to keep up with the speed of keeping the wall intact.

Shen Shi'an nodded, "Enough." He took the five-packed nuclei from the space and placed it next to him. "Tough work for you."

Twenty seconds later, Xiong Manshan was holding the last two survivors into the wall. "Captain, everyone is here."

Zheng Gang has returned to human form, looking at the rat covered with transparent walls full of anxiety. "Captain Shen, can you let everyone all come back to gather, is there any way to deal with zombie rats?" If there is no way, maybe everyone today Have to die here.

Shen Shi'an went to the center of the crowd, took out a cloth bag from the space, and took out the contents of the cloth bag to the ground.

The four leaders of the military who first came around subconsciously took a few steps back. "This is, timed bombing of 039 bombs."

The "what" crowd immediately became restless. "What does this mean calling us all back and detonating 039 bombs to commit suicide"

"If you want to die yourself, I don't want to commit suicide like this, even if I can't live, I have to drag a few zombies as my back."

"I would rather die in the mouth of a mouse than to be killed in vain"


"Roaring" the dog screamed on his neck, his ears thundered like a thunder, and the noisy crowd quieted down instantly.

"I do n’t have much time, I ’ll make a long story short." Shen Shian glanced around. "This is indeed a timed 039 bomb, but it is not filled with 039 explosives, but a gene-generating substance. You can understand it as some specific information. This pheromone will enter the human body with breathing after I detonate the 039 bomb. In theory, it can shield the zombies from perceiving us, which means that they will no longer actively attack us. "

Regardless of whether it is a zombie or a zombified animal, the method of determining the target of the attack is based on the mutual communication between the viruses. After the end of the last days, the proviruses in the human body were mutated into zombies and virions, but the proviruses in the animals and plants still maintained the original structure without any changes. Therefore, when the zombie virus judges that the organism has the original virus, it is regarded as an irrelevant target. If it is a zombie virus, it is of the same kind. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a prey to immediately launch an attack.

When Shen Shi'an first met Tang Song and Lin Ruan and learned from them how the zombie mutated, he had put forward a hypothesis that if there was a way to disguise the signal of communication between zombies, this signal would be sent from the human body. Zombies should not be allowed to mistake survivors for the same kind and not attack

After the establishment of the blade, Tang Song and Lin Ruan put their whole body and mind on the research on zombie virus. Although the vaccine has not yet been developed, the two successfully extracted a harmless substance from human zombie virus. Multiple tests have confirmed that this substance is the key factor for zombies to communicate with each other. It can blur the perception of zombies in a short time and judge the ingestors of this substance as similar.

The explosive 039 bomb made from this material is what Tang Song gave him before leaving. It was originally to prevent a large-scale zombie tide, but this time came in handy.

Time is short and Shen Shi'an speaks very fast. "The effect of this pheromone has a time limit. It can only last for ten minutes. After ten minutes, the zombie will still launch an attack. Ark, now how many zombie rats and survivors each have?"

Liu Fangzhou had already slowed down a bit at this time, and immediately released the ability to scan again "about 60,000 zombie rats, 584 survivors."

"This means that after I detonate the 039 bomb, on average, each person needs to resolve at least ten zombie rats within a minute. Does anyone have a weapon? The power cannot continue to use. Make sure you have a weapon in your hand. The head of the quasi-zombie was determined quickly. We must solve all the zombies within ten minutes, and the success or failure is here. "The extraction of pheromones was not easy, and he did not have a second confused 039 bomb in his hand.

"Shen Shi'an" Lu Xiuyuan's difficult shout came from far away "I can't hold it anymore"

Kaka Kaka Kaka, slender cracks appear one after another on the transparent wall.

Survivors have too many questions and confusions. This substance is extracted from zombies. Is it dangerous for humans? Will they be infected with zombies and mutate? Is there something to keep zombies from attacking?

However, the urgent situation and the severe current situation made them full of questions and more excitement after this question. All of them were pushed down to this point, or they had to die. Even dead horses should be tried as live horses.

Xue Wentao asked "Mr. Shen, are you sure this pheromone can have the effect you said"

Shen Shi'an glanced at him, and then pressed the 039 bomb switch. "You won't know if you try."


A group of things like smoke and water mist spread out in the middle of the crowd, and they hurried to concentrate in the middle. They were afraid that the intake would be ineffective if they were too little. They stretched their necks and inhaled.

When the smoke was about to clear, the transparent wall shattered, and Shen Shi'an rushed to the side of the wall in time to support the retreating road Xiuyuan, and the tide-like zombies poured in.

No one speaks, no one dares to move, everyone is holding his breath, or condensing power in the palm of his hand, or clenching the weapon in his hand, staring at these monsters that can easily tear humans to pieces .

"Grass," after a few seconds someone couldn't help but shouted in a low voice, full of excitement and ecstasy "this thing really works"

Thousands of zombies rushed in and stunned them. They suddenly lost all their senses, and fluttered like headless flies. They turned a blind eye to the survivors who were close at hand. Even if you heard someone talking, you swiped your head back and sniffed, and soon you completely ignored it.

"Hurry up" Shen Shian yelled "Must be resolved within ten minutes"

All survivors immediately rushed towards the zombie swarm.

Once the zombie no longer actively attacked, the situation reversed in an instant. Each zombie became a target that stood still, and it was still a huge target that would never miss. Everyone knows that this is their last chance, and whether life or death is decided within these ten minutes. The strong desire to survive has stimulated the vigorous fighting potential, the energy broke out again in the exhausted body, everyone has exerted the fighting power that he did not expect, and the soldiers accurately stabbed the sword into the brain of the zombie rat over and over again. Under the blazing flames, every large group of zombie rats turned into flying ash, but wherever the water-based abilities passed, the brains of the zombie rats bloomed like fireworks.

Chen Nan gave birth to more than ten strands of devil vines, and each vine swam fast against the ground, as if he had his own consciousness. He skillfully smashed a zombie rat and ran to the next.

Zheng Gang and his team members jumped out of the wall again. This time, they do n’t have to worry about being bitten. They just need to slaughter the mouse as fast as possible. The thirty steel pills around Xiao Lang kept turning, 200 meters around him. Within the range, the head of the zombie rat was harvested as much as electricity, and a piercing bullet made no hair, and thick blood stains continued to drip from the steel pills.

Shen Shian urged the exercises to the extreme, and worked side by side with the dogs, killing all the way to the outer periphery of the rat tide and killing them back from the periphery, just like two brave strangling machines. stay.

Time passed quickly, and more and more zombie rats fell down, and the corpse ran across the wild, bloody.

The author has something to say: first, second, third.

Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel oseven who threw the grenade, and one idle person;

Thanks to the three angels who cast mines, two confused; 2 names really troublesome; Shuangxuan, lack of sugar, Niu Juan, Fan Mo, maybe, Yan Yan;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

蕗, 100 bottles; bck66 bottles; Lu Xiaoyou 50 bottles; oseven 47 bottles; 41 bottles of Yan Xiaochun; 40 bottles of Taizi and Yihuan Yan; 38 bottles of Su Xuecheng; 36 bottles of warm cuteness; 3725816135 bottles; 30 of Meow adults Bottles; 27 bottles of slightly cool eyes; 22 bottles of Moyuan; Fujii tree, 615965, ink and ink, Liunian, combing the treasures, pampering with water, Ashi, Xiaoxin man-machine, I want to eat delicious, herence It is always windy and windy, 20 bottles of deserted snow and sun; Hehe, holding cat oo, 15 bottles of Wangwang; 11 bottles of a month; Fa Kaixinjun, sier like child, raccoon, Mo Xun, Ruochu. , Laugh, Irish little boar, north of Liangcheng is the coast, 10 bottles of Lala, big cats and big cats; 9 bottles of winter frost and autumn ice cream; 8 bottles of Xiaomeng and Weizhu; no wine, salamander, rabbit 5 bottles of smashing, unicorn, covering ears; 4 bottles of Chen Ci and wheat ears; 3 bottles of green tea and Yan Shu; 2 bottles of non-self, 涞 迩, annie; drifting through g15, Qi Yexue, heiishu 277. I'm a lone wolf, Shaohua happens to be, Yun Zuiyue Weiwei, Cen Jiujiu, chasing the most abused bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard