MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 100 100th

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The morning light was light, and the base was already bustling.

In a row of two-story bungalows in the northwest corner, the door on the left side was pushed open, and Shen Shi'an came out with his children.

Shen Xun sipped a bag of milk, and two dark green eyes of Bulling Bulling looked around "a lot of ducks."

"Um." Shen Shi'an responded, light golden sunlight on his face, his expression calm and soft.

Many of the places where they have passed since their journey are too small and the management is seriously unbalanced, more like a transit station where survivors have temporarily gathered together; Noah's Ark is too deformed, and its bright appearance brings together the darkest humanity in the end of the world. Vicious part. Only here is a place that is built by the group strength after the sudden tragedy, and the survivors work in cooperation with each other, wait for the wounds to heal, and work hard to rebuild and develop.

This is what a base should look like.

Pedestrians on the road may not be neatly dressed, not necessarily rosy, or even sleep well and eaten, but everyone's eyes are full of bright and lively anger

A new day begins, as long as you can breathe, there is hope.

There are a total of three canteens in the base, and there is one near the bungalow that everyone chose to settle down. This time happens to be a meal, and most pedestrians are gathering in the direction of the cafeteria.

Shen Shi'an took the child into the crowd and walked around the windows. It was found that the canteen was mainly packed with biscuits, bread and other convenient packaged foods. There are also snacks and congee noodles, but the quantity is small and the price is high. Few survivors went to buy.

This situation is not difficult to understand.Although there are wood-based abilities in the base that can spawn plants, food crops such as wheat and rice have higher land requirements. In the case of surrounding city walls to defend against zombies, it is difficult to be in the base. There is sufficient and suitable land planned for cultivation, so that only the grain reserves and a small amount of grain collected before the end of the world can be eaten, and the price is naturally high.

Correspondingly, there are a lot of vegetables and fruits that can be grown at random, and the price is not expensive. Shen Shi'an bought three sweet corns for the child with a crystal core, and two were packed in paper bags. The other was held up by the dog's sperm with both hands.

In addition, Shen Shi'an also saw in the cafeteria a kind of locally processed food with "Yangcheng Special" printed on a food packaging bag that was absolutely absent elsewhere. The production date was within one week.

Yesterday, when I entered the base clock Han, I introduced them to them. The Yangcheng base belongs to the industrial area of ​​Yangcheng before the end of the world. The entire area is vast and various factories are scattered. Before the outbreak of the virus, the workers and their families in the factory mainly lived. Self-supporting department outside the urban area. After the military chose to establish a base here, it benefited from the abundant coal resources around Yangcheng. Several factories were restarted, and the food processing plant was one of them. This is a unique advantage of Yangcheng base.

Of course, because the entire production chain is broken, it is impossible to produce anything too delicate and complex with just one factory. Most of them are secondary processing of vegetables and fruits to extend the shelf life, because raw materials are produced in-house, and in all foods The price is the best and most people buy it.

Shen Shian bought a bag of half a catty of sweet potato fries and a bag of pumpkin pie, both of which tasted good, because without any preservative added, it seemed to taste extra sweet.

When the turn was almost the same, holding the dog in one hand and holding the "local specialty" in one hand, "Go back."

People who had eaten from the cafeteria started to divert, some went to the factory, some were scattered on the criss-crossed streets, and some went towards the door.

Greet each other or know each other

"Have eaten it"

"I have eaten it, I have eaten it, the melon just launched today tastes good, did you taste it?"

"Taste it, this new batch of sweet potatoes is also good, sweet and soft."

"Really, then I have to try it at noon"

"Lao Zhang, go to work in the factory"

"Yeah, hey you don't go today"

"No, I plan to go out and try my luck. I heard that recently there are fewer and fewer zombies outside, and it is safer than before. Yesterday, they packed up and returned the goods from Linshi."

"Okay, then you pay attention to your safety. If I get a good harvest, I will make up a few with you in a few days."

"Well, see you later"


Shen Shi'an walked slowly in the trivial and full of life dialogue. When returning to the residence, Tang Song and Lin Ruan who had gone for a walk had already returned. Chen Nan, who followed Tao Yuan's morning training, was a little behind, and finally came in Bear Man Shan.

The members gathered and exchanged the collected information while having breakfast around the table.

"At present, the number of survivors in the base has increased to more than 80,000," Liu Fangzhou picked up a piece of pumpkin cake Shen Shian brought back from the cafeteria and stuffed it into his mouth. "The powerist is about 4,142. Plus, if you do n’t come back to do the task, the total of 4,500 should be fine. ”

Chen Nandao "We briefly enquired. There are four factories in the base to resume operation, a food processing factory, a toilet water production factory, and the other two are used to train steel to make weapons. They are stricter than other places, except for staff. People and other people cannot approach at all. It seems that they have also used the produced things to establish trade relations with other bases and communicate with each other. "

Tao Yuan unpacked a pack of compressed biscuits. "When we were running, we just met two military trucks coming out of the forging plant to get out of the city gate. According to the rut, the contents were not light. They should be transported from the Yangcheng base. Weapons are being traded elsewhere. "

"The survivors here have a good standard of living." Liu Fangzhou swallowed the pumpkin cake and grabbed a handful of sweet potatoes. "Most of the power go out to kill the zombies to find supplies. Ordinary people go to work in the factory or vegetable garden. The factory has 10,000 small jobs. Anyway, if you are willing to work, you will definitely not starve to death. "

Lin Ruan put tomato sauce on his toast slice, then wiped the tomato sauce with strawberry jam, sandwiched two slices of ham and three slices of lettuce, everything was halved to Tang Song, "Overall, we have the information we collected before Almost, the garrison team is also the one we expected, and the teacher in charge of the military at this base just happens to know him. "

Shen Shian looked to Tang Song "acquaintances are just one-sided friends"

"Between the two," Tang Song exchanged the sandwich with more meat in his hand to Lin Ruan. "His wife had a serious illness before the last days. It was the attending doctor I introduced from the Confidential Investigation Department. . "

"A serious illness that is absolutely incurable in normal hospitals," Lin Ruan added.

"That relationship is good," Xiong Manshan clapped his hands. "That's tantamount to saying that you have a life-saving favor for his wife, and how good it is to hold such a big love."

Shen Shian asked him "What's up with you?"

"I went to the Shengtang. The place is quite large, and the decoration is not very advanced, but it has a solemn and solemn atmosphere, and it feels a bit like a church. They are quite standard, and the recovered corpses are specially responsible for organizing them. The remains, some people are responsible for taking pictures and collecting the relics, and others are responsible for sealing these relics and sending them to the population disclosure office. I also went there, in the center of the base, which was originally the stadium. All the survivors in the base and known The information of the deceased can be found in it. If you want to find someone or leave a message to others, write a note and paste it on the bulletin board. There is also a wall specially prepared for Xiangshengtang. Above It was all the photos of the dead and their relics, and I counted almost two thousand people. It is said that many survivors have found their families from above. "

"Where is the cemetery for the dead"

"On the hillside northwest of the base," Xiong Manshan lifted the wrapping paper, stirred it twice in the steaming instant noodles, wrapped it with a fork, and sent it into his mouth. The large hillside there has been used as a cemetery. It seems that it was specially approved by the base. I retrieved the dead body in Shengtang, cleaned up and took photos. After the cremation, I was buried there. A wooden sign was erected in front of each grave. If you know the name, write the name. If you do n’t know, write the forerunner. A small tree is planted next to it.

The Chinese people pay attention to getting into the ground for peace. No matter how they die, after they die, they can have a place to stay in the zombies and wilderness, which is considered a good home.

"Not only was the body recovered from Shengtang buried there, but also the survivors who died during the mission and search for supplies in the base were buried there," Xiong Manshan drank most of the noodle soup and wiped his mouth with his hand. "Anyway. , I think this matter is quite meaningful. In this life, people have nothing but life and death. It is not lifeless in the last days, but no one knows when it is their turn, but they know After I die, some people collect corpses, some bury them, and some people scan themselves for the grave. They will have a sense of collective belonging more or less, especially when it is estimated that 99% of the country ’s population has broken their homes. If I were, I would be willing Stay here. "

Xu Ge nodded. "I met several people in the street wearing the uniform of Zangshengtang. The survivors in the base respected them very much. I think this should be the reason why the managers are willing to show support for Zangshengtang."

From the perspective of management and cohesion of the base, the existence of Xiangshengtang seems to have its important role.

Near the end of the breakfast, the information was exchanged.

Shen Shi'an remembered one thing: "Have you heard of the survivors mentioning the reduction of zombies near the base?"

Everyone shook their heads. "It didn't seem that we had encountered many zombies when we came yesterday. Didn't the base send someone to clean up?"

"It's not clear for the time being, anyway, pay a little more attention, if you have the opportunity to find out more about this."

"Okay, if the zombies really decrease, that's a good thing, maybe the zombie virus has mutated again and killed himself." Liu Fangzhou dreamed cheerfully.

A few minutes later, everyone ended breakfast, Tang Song and Lin Ruan successively stood up from the table. "Then we will officially set off to contact the garrison. If we do not return within three hours, Mr. Shen, please take it as planned. The blood sample will go first, and we will find a way to join you as soon as possible. "

Shen Shian nodded. "Be careful."

They were taken to the door and watched as they disappeared into the crowd.

Chen Nan closed the door, "Brother Shen, what are we going to do next"

Shen Shi'an squeezed the child's fingers in his palm, his eyes were dark and quiet
