MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 103

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On the screens of the two handheld computers in front of the crowd, one side is a zombie tide that is desperately desperate to eat human flesh, and the other is a giant mutant ant colony that also desires flesh and blood, like two rapidly approaching copper walls and iron walls. It was an egg sandwiched between the iron walls, and it was inevitable to escape, waiting for two walls to collide with each other, and breaking up the bones instantly.

There was a moment of silence on the wall.

The situation is changing too quickly, and everyone can no longer afford to be afraid, but an almost desolate despair can't help but strike: Is Yangcheng Base, which has gathered more than 80,000 survivors, about to end like this ...

"Do eater ants eat zombies?" Shen Shi'an suddenly broke the silence.

Lin Ruan stunned, then his eyes suddenly flashed: "eat, eat, eat! Man-eaters don't picky eaters!"

Someone responded immediately: "Then we can find a way to lead the eater ants over and let them fight the zombies!"

"The key is how to attract people. Man-eating ants can't listen to us. Besides, the rotting flesh and fresh flesh on the side, the survivors must smell better."

"No need to cite," Tang Song said, "Just let the cannibal ants bypass the Yangcheng base. The ant colony and the zombie's direction of travel is exactly opposite, and they will naturally encounter after bypassing the base."

"That's still the same problem. How can we let the anteater bypass us?"

"Grass," Liu Fangzhou almost jumped up and drowned: "Holiday water! Henna water! Hurry up and sprinkle henna water outside the city wall !!!"

The cold sweat scared by the zombies and cannibal ants has not dried yet, and the blood around him begins to boil again:

What is the reversal of the Jedi survival, this is the lie!

Tang Song nodded, speaking very fast: "The ants rely on the pheromone secreted by the body to communicate. They are extremely sensitive to the smell. The strong pungent smell of toilet water has a great chance to make them detour. Chief Yang, there should be no Less toilet water, right? "

"Yes, yes, yes, there are too many toilet waters! We have a whole toilet water factory!" The sudden turn of opportunity made Yang Mingwu, who was accustomed to the storm, couldn't help but be excited. People go to the factory to carry toilet water! "

Zhong Han stepped forward: "There are more trucks in Shengtang. I will take someone to help."

Zhu Guang also quickly pointed out a power evolutionary ability to help.

Shen Shi'an, who has been calculating the movement of the zombies, reminded: "It is at most five minutes before the first wave of zombies arrives." The ant colony is a little farther away, but it cannot be more than ten minutes.

"Hurry up, everyone moves faster!"

"Run for me if you want to live!"

The radio that resounded throughout the city changed the content again, this time it called for all survivors to deliver the toilet water they can find to the north and south gates at the fastest speed. All corners of the base were busy again, with rushing figures and chaotic footsteps everywhere, this time not for evacuation, but for a race against time and death.

Thirty-seven seconds after the radio rang, the first batch of toilet water collected from the survivor's residence was piled up next to the city gate. The speed ability led by Xiong Manshan took the lead and started holding the toilet water bottle and disappeared outside the city gate. People can clearly see their movements, but the toilet water that quickly accumulates on the hill decreases rapidly with the naked eye.

One minute later, two trucks coming from the factory also drove to the gate of the city. The car was filled with bottled toilet water, bottled toilet water that had not been bottled, and even the toilet water stock solution that had not finished the manufacturing process. .

Shen Shi'an put the child down. "You and Ark don't run around here, the others go with me to help." After finishing talking, he stepped off the city wall, took a few steps, grabbed the door and jumped into one of the trucks.

A truck full of toilet water and survivors drove out of the city gate and walked along the city wall at a constant speed. The people in the car stood in a circle around the edge of the railing and wished to give birth to three heads and six arms. They opened the toilet water at the fastest speed. Bottles and buckets pour down.

The darker the night and the colder the moon, the light path of the truck's headlights dragged on in the dark night, and one can be seen every other distance, and a circle is drawn gradually around the towering city wall that stretches for several miles.

When the circle was drawn to three-quarters, Shen Shi'an realized that time was running out, and billowing smoke and dust were rising from the horizon to the north. Among them was tens of thousands of walking dead and howling shouts.

Without witnessing it, you can't imagine what a million zombies are.

The dense tide of corpses swelled like a stormy sea. As far as the eye could see, the sky was blocked and the ground was blocked. No one could see anything except the zombies, and even the air was quickly filled with the rancid rancidity.

Compared with the immediate sight, the group of zombies that Shen Shi'an once met outside the H City Library and the base of the tobacco factory is not worth mentioning at all.

Liu Fangzhou stood tall, and the army of zombies that could be seen in his vision became clearer. His scalp could not stop tingling for a while, and his cold limbs were weak, as if all the fear and anxiety in the body had sneaked into the bottom of every cell. And at the same time exploded.

How else can I fight?

Enemies of this order of magnitude do not have the courage to compete with them at all.

"Close the gates immediately!" Commander Yang commanded aloud, and immediately waited for Shen Xun to get angry, Liu Fangzhou questioned, and said, "All abilities are ready to meet the people outside the city!"

With the last fifth of the circle left, the north and south gates were closed and locked, and various vines and rope ladders fell from the wall. At the same time, wind and dust storms caused by the zombie tide also hit the faces of people outside the city. .

Shen Shi'an pumped his backhand with a sword. The sword light was as sharp as a sharp sword, and the first wave of zombies rushing to the truck was instantly shredded into pieces: "Ordinary people go to the city wall first, after the power is broken!"

The truck stopped by the city wall. Chen Nan and others worked hard to get close to Shen Shi'an while fighting. The powerful team that had been trained numerous times in the zombies was particularly prominent at this time. Fill the vacancies for the center, and together form a protective wall to cover ordinary survivors climbing up the vine rope ladder, and a dense fire protection net is also formed above the city wall.

One zombie fell and more zombies came over. The trucks clinging to the city walls were like small boats in rough seas. The crew tried their best to land, but the ship was at risk of being overturned by the huge waves at any time.

The ordinary people all climbed up quickly, and a calm and calm voice broke through the night, and it clearly sounded under the city wall again: "Anyone who is good at melee walks first, and the queen who can engage in long-distance war!"

Another group of survivors turned around and started to climb upwards. The remaining soldiers would face greater fighting pressure. Zombies roared like never ending. They roared around the truck and even scrambled to climb up the car because of the number. The amazing force formed pushed the truck to the left and right, and it could fall into the corpse torrents with a little instability.


A scream came from a truck a few meters away, and someone was grabbed by the zombies and torn down. The scream lasted only a few seconds, and soon disappeared completely in the hiss.

This is already the fourth victim.

"Grass!" Xiong Manshan threw his left hand into two stabsticks and threw it out, replacing it with the one in his right hand and poking out: "He \ 's mother's stuff is endless!"

The most frightening thing is that this is just the first wave.

Shen Shian's face was condensed, Dan Tian was full of energy, raised his hand to exert a spirit, and the air waves suddenly rolled wildly. In a blink of an eye, a row of zombies climbing on the railroad car was smashed into pieces.

"Man Shan, Tao Yuan, Lin Ruan, Tang Song, you go to the wall! Chen Nan Xu Ge concentrated behind me!"

Chen Nan output madly and blocked a group of zombies with vines again. The fire dragon in Xu Ge's palm suddenly rushed to more than 20 meters in length, and temporarily cleared a safe area around the truck.

Through the cover of their teammates, Tao Yuan and the four of them rushed to the city wall as fast as possible, and tried every means to provide help from the city wall.

Shen Shian urged the exercises to the extreme. The spiritual power in the body surged into the sword like a raging wave. The sword body was bright and clear. The sharp edge was invincible. It was a safe place for Xu Ge to clear out by one person. Expanded another circle: "Chen Nan Xu Ge, on the wall!"

After Chen Nan and the two men safely landed on the wall, only Shen Shi'an was left on the surrounding trucks.

Shen Shi'an turned and was about to evacuate, and found that the last truck that had circled was surrounded by zombies before the city walls could be approached. More than 20 people in the car were struggling to support and could be dragged into the corpse at any time.

Shen Shi'an didn't hesitate, standing up on tiptoe, jumping like a ghost on the top of several trucks, and instantly came to the side of the last truck. The sword flipped twice in the palm of his hand, and the snow-colored sword flickered. Gu Lulu rolled down the head of the zombie, turned and drank to more than 20 people, "Go!"

The wood-powered man who climbed the city wall gave birth to vines and other plants to the location of the truck. The survivors on the truck did not dare to delay and immediately grabbed the vine and climbed up.

Most of the people on the other trucks had safely left, the zombies had lost their targets, and all of them came towards this last batch of prey.

Shen Shi'an's pressure increased sharply, only one batch was cut down in the first second, and more zombies stepped on the front corpse and rushed over the next second. The flesh flew across the sword, but these things could not be killed at all.

Gritting his teeth was about to recharge and exert another energy. Suddenly there was a great light in front of him. A dazzling electric light swept from the side like a thunderbolt. The zombies were immediately emptied and a large area was filled with flesh and blood. Burnt taste.

Zhong Han jumped over from another truck, and his face was so **** and sweaty, there was still light in his palm: "Mr. Yun, are you okay?"

Shen Shi'an glanced at the electric light in his palm and shook his head: "It's all right, thank you."

"What else are you grateful for in this case," Zhong Han raised his hand and wiped his sweat, panting and handing his back to Shen Shi'an: "I will be with you behind the court."

With the addition of Zhong Han, this last protective wall persisted for dozens of seconds. But as other personnel evacuated one after another, the zombie frenzy that came over Ju became more and more horrifying.

Liu Fangzhou was anxious to chop on the city wall and shouted, "Brother Yun, come up soon, here comes the power zombies!"

Zhong Han gritted his teeth, walked two steps forward, and split an electric mang again. His feet were unstable, and he did not look back: "Mr. Yun, you go first! I can hold on for a while!"

Chen Nan ran to the side of the city wall closest to Shen Shi'an, and spawned a branch of Devil Vine wrapped around Shen Shi'an's waist. "Brother Yun, hold on!"

The vines were quickly taken back.

Shen Shi'an took off from the ground, grabbed the vine with one hand, and stretched out toward Zhong Han with a hand: "Catch!"

Zhong Han turned around and ran, struggling to catch up with the surging tide of corpses, holding Shen Shi'an's wrist firmly in his right hand. After three seconds, the two fell on the wall at the same time.

"It's okay?" Shen Shi'an asked Zhong Han while rubbing the heads of the children who came over to calm him.

"It's okay," Zhong Han smiled and kicked his left foot. "It was the shoes that were stabbed by the zombies. I ran through them for more than half a year and didn't wash them. I don't know if they are suitable for them."

"Hahahahaha ..."

There was a laugh on the wall.

It was just that the zombies didn't leave much breathing room for everyone. Shen Shi'an and Zhong Han had just ascended the city wall with a bang, and the whole city wall fluttered suddenly, and a gap of more than three meters was immediately cracked in the northeast direction.

"Zombies are coming!" Zhu Guang shouted loudly, "All those with soil abilities will fight with me!"

It was difficult to hide the anxiety on the head of Yang, and he came over and asked Liu Fangzhou, "Little brother, how long is it before the cannibal ant colony?"

Liu Fangzhou didn't know where he got two bottles of toilet water. He opened the bow left and right and sprayed himself and his teammates one after another. When the leader Yang came over, he just sprayed Shen Shi'an, because Zhong Han's performance under the city wall was good. He also squirted, smelling a gesture of "hush": "Here it is."

A fierce battle under the city walls, although the seconds are like years, actually only five or six minutes have passed. When the last batch of fighters emerged from the emergency, more than 600,000 giant mutant man-eaters approached the base from the south.

The howls of more than one million zombies were so harsh that they did not hear another movement at first.

When Liu Fangzhou said that the ant colony had arrived, all the combatants did not make any sounds under the command of Commander Yang, and the abnormal movement finally became clear--

It looks like 10,000 horses galloping across the grass, and the sound of some arthropod crawling on rough grass paper is amplified 10,000 times, from far to near, from light to heavy, permeating along the ground. In, gradually ringing in the ears of tens of thousands of survivors inside the base.

The toilet water battle plan jointly implemented by the people was very effective. The strong pungent odor rushed into the sky. The ant colony split into east and west when it was tens of meters away from the south city gate, and continued to move along the periphery of the city wall. Once there, they finally reunited outside the North City Gate.

That arthropod crawling sound that was both ten thousand horses and ten thousand times magnified was changed at this time, and the hissing sound of the zombie tide seemed suddenly amplified at a certain moment, and continued for a long time. It gradually decreased, and finally was completely covered by another sound:

Click, click, click, click.

Both the fighters on the city walls and the ordinary survivors in the city walls held their breath in this continuous clicking sound, and did not dare to make any movement.

The click sounded in the middle of the night. It's unavoidable to feel cold at first, but I can't help feeling a little drowsy after listening for a long time.

Xiong Manshan snored against the dugout against the city wall and was awoken by Shen Xun's arm.

Shen Shi'an sat on the wall of the city with one leg straight and one leg up, holding the child in her arms, closing her eyes to practice the exercises. Although the battle under the city wall was thrilling, it seemed to have some insight from it.

By the time he reopened his eyes in the commotion of the crowd, the sky was already bright, and the clicking sound that lasted for five or six hours had completely disappeared.

Shen Shi'an stood up and looked down the city as the crowd turned:

More than one million zombie swarms and more than 600,000 cannibal ant swarms have disappeared at any time. Under the magnificent dawn, only the endless, twenty-centimeter-thick white bones are scattered, and the brilliance scattered among the white bones Crystal nuclei.

After a long silence, I don't know who said, "... is it over?"

"It's over." Someone answered.

A few seconds later, news of the crisis's official resolution followed the broadcast to every corner of the base.

The deafening cheering continued for a long time, and Liu Fangzhou jumped and screamed. He did not hold back two tears, and finally expressed all the emotions accumulated in the evening.

One looked down and found dozens of zombies swaying back and forth close to the city wall: "Well, how many cannibal ants eat?"

Lin Ruan looked at it with a probe: "It is estimated that it smelled of toilet water, disgusting."

"Yo, kind of principled." Resolutely do not eat.

Xiong Manshan looked at the boneless bones outside the city wall and couldn't see his head. "Whoever says that I can eat, I'm in a hurry, I can eat again, can someone eat ant ants? More than a million zombies stab me Di Niang, who said that if she died, she would be gone. "

"That's because there are more than sixty man-eating ants," said Chen Nan. "If you replace it with more than 600,000 bear brothers, you can get rid of one million zombies."

"Do n’t do that. There are really 600,000 bear brothers. Zombies alone are not enough. All mutant mosquitoes and mutated geese must be counted as rations. If you ca n’t beat them, use the mouth to give the other party a De-buff. Want to live. "

"Hahahahaha ..."

Everyone was joking, and Yang Yang and Zhu Guang came together, and Zhong Han came at the same time.

Chief Yang raised his hand to salute the nine people again: "You are memorable for your kindness to the base of Yangcheng. I do n’t want to say too much. If there is any need for our help in the future, a few will speak. As long as I can do it, Yang Mingwu will never shirk. "

Zhu Guangdao: "Did you originally plan to leave today? It is estimated that you want to go north? But the cannibal ant colony has just left, and it is easy for you to run into it now. It is better to stay in the base for two more days. One is to take a good rest. Let me discuss with Chairman Yang that we are planning to hold a celebratory banquet. It would not be possible without you. "

Shen Shi'an had just discussed it with Tang Song, and it was best to wait two days before leaving—the terrible aspects of the cannibal ant colony were fully understood. If you really run into it, there is only a dead end. The ant colony spreads out first, and if you are lucky, you can still pick up a leak behind the ant colony.

So nodded: "It's better to be respectful than to follow."

Although the crisis was lifted, there were obviously a lot of problems to be solved by Chairman Yang and others, and the group did not stay on the wall and returned to the foothold in the northwest corner of the base.

The drop-off point is the same as when everyone left in the middle of the night, the luggage is still in place, and the blankets are scattered aside.

Liu Fangzhou sat down at the table and poured himself a glass of water, grunted and drank it again, and put it down. It's a pity: "You see the nucleus of the zombies outside the city gate is not scattered around the bones, according to my yesterday The result that was roughly sensed at night was that there were at least 700,000 and 700,000 crystal cores in the one million zombies. Hey! How many good things can you buy! Let alone eleven second-level ones. Crystal nuclei, I haven't seen what secondary crystal nuclei look like.-Sister Xu, the crystal nucleus you got from Xiaohong was not a secondary crystal nucleus? Well, I've only seen it once. Grade crystal nucleus! A total of eleven! It is said that more than one million zombies have died. We must have at least half of the credit. The strategy was proposed by us, and we helped to implement it. We ca n’t suffer any harm after suffering. No man-eating ant can agree. Brother Shen, do you think we can discuss with Chief Yang, we don't have to divide it by half, even by one-tenth. "

When Liu Fangzhou regretted that more than 700,000 crystal nuclei, Xiong Manshan didn't know why he suddenly locked all the doors in and out of the room. Shen Xun took Shen Shi'an's hand to the table, and the old **** was holding his chest in both hands. And signaled that everyone else was sitting over.

Shen Shi'an noticed something different: "What have you done?"

The dog giggled twice, took out a cartoon wallet from his arms, unzipped it down, and rolled out nine zombies with the size of an egg, lying on the tabletop, reflecting charming and moist. Warm yellow luster.

Liu Fangzhou almost stared out of his eyes: "... recession."

Shen Shi'an picked up one and raised an eyebrow at the dog: "You picked it up?"

Goblin nodded towards Xiong Manshan: "I asked him to pick it up."

"Why don't I know?" Xiong Manshan was indeed fast, but he didn't notice it.

Tang Song covered his mouth and coughed, "Because of me."

"Look," Lin Ruan almost glared out this time: "Teacher, you have a share!"

Tang Song's face didn't change color, even if he secretly carried a large one with his back, it was still full of scientific rigour at the moment: "The two of them are easy to be detected by others, so I use illusion to ensure that this is not the case. will happen."

"And we also left two for the base," Xiong Manshan added: "We took nine, and we can each fill a yellow diamond."

Xu Ge thought a little bit more carefully: "If there are only two nucleus of power crystals found on the head of Yang, will he doubt us?"

"No, no, no!" The shocked energy slowed down, Liu Fangzhou was left with excitement, immediately grabbed a yellow diamond and was unwilling to give up: "Anyway, a cannibal ant eats everything, who can be sure that it is not a cannibal ant I eat it smoothly. More than 600,000 man-eating ants, it is normal to raise a pica. "And these crystal nuclei are all sponsored by man-eating ants. Whoever picks them, who have any doubts? Really.

Xu Ge was relieved: that's true. The base can't catch up with the man-eating ants and check their stomachs one by one.

The light emitted by the nine soil crystal nuclei is soft and moist, reflecting the excitement of everyone.

Hey secondary nucleus! It must be fought hard to get it in normal times, now it is equal to picking up!

The cannibal ant colony is a blessing to mankind.

Shen Xun opened two dark green eyes of Bulling Bulling, staring at Shen Shi'an, and the two radish legs dangled back and forth under the table. The intention of asking for praise could not be more obvious.

Shen Shi'an raised his lip corner and rubbed his head. "Good job."

On the second night, Chairman Yang held a grand celebration feast in his mansion. In addition to Shen Shi'an and others, Zhu Guang, the leader of the omnipotent, Zhong Han, the master of life, and several bases who made outstanding contributions in the battle Managers are all listed.

The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves during the dinner.

Towards the end of the banquet, Chairman Yang took a check-like thing and gave it to Shen Shi'an in a wooden box.

Shen Shi'an looked at the words "200,000 whole" on the check: "This is it?"

"This is a crystal cheque. With the cheque, you can pick up 200,000 crystal nuclei from the Bank of China's Renaissance Bank." With a little intoxication on the face of head Yang, he raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder of Shen Shian: "Thanks to Mr Yun Major Tang and these friends still have Yangcheng Base to survive the huge crisis of the city ’s destruction. Nearly 800,000 crystal nuclei are cleared out of that bone. This is what you deserve—ten million Don't be embarrassed, after all, these crystal nuclei are all left by man-eaters, and we are all picking up leaks. "As for the power nuclei, because there are only two, you can't share them.

Zhu Guang added: "I know that you are going to Beijing. It may not be easy along the way. I guess you ca n’t bring it directly to Jingnuo, so I wrote a check directly. Rest assured, Bank of China is officially certified by Beijing Capital Base, absolutely not Tickets will bounce. "

Shen Shian thought for a while, but did not refuse.

After all, strictly speaking, it doesn't count that they have taken advantage of the base, at most they have taken away man-eaters.

Besides, he still has to support his family. The prices in Beijing don't know how. There are too many zombies.

When the banquet was over, it was midday on the moon.

Shen Shi'an and others bid farewell to Head Yang and walked back slowly.

"Mr. Yun!"

Shen Shi'an turned around and saw Zhong Han catching up: "Is there something wrong with Zhongtang?"

Zhong Han drank a little too much tonight, his smile couldn't be controlled, and the whole person seemed more and more intimate.

Standing in front of a group of people, he stopped and said, "Listen to Mr. Yang saying that you are leaving tomorrow? This is presumptuous, but I do have a merciless request."

The more critical the situation, the more it can reflect a person's character. After the battle of zombies, Shen Shi'an's view of him has changed a lot, and his attitude is quite mild: "Zhong Tangzhu, please say."

"Can I go to Beijing with you?"

Shen Shi'an did not expect this request. He Tangsong looked at each other and asked, "Zhong Tangzhu will also go to Beijing?"

Zhong Han nodded: "Yes, everyone knows we are going to Shengtang to work on statistics of the dead, right? But the flow of people in the Yangcheng base is limited. At present, most of the dead are still not identified by their families or friends. Tang has always wanted to send a copy of all the information we have collected so far to Beijing, so that more survivors can consult it. It is best to set up a similar non-profit organization in the Beijing base, but it has been unable to do so for various reasons. This trip was completed. This time the zombies were besieged and the Yangcheng base was almost destroyed, so we realized the urgency of this matter, so I plan to go to Beijing to explore the road first and see if we can cooperate with the population management agency over there. "

"Why come with us?" Tang Song said: "Zhang Sheng Tang is so large, with the support of Chairman Yang and Mr. Zhu. If a team dedicated to the Beijing base is formed, it is not safer than with us ? "

Zhong Han laughed: "Mr. Tang, you are all smart people. Mingren do n’t say secret words. The Yangcheng base has already established trade cooperation relations with several bases in the south. The only reason for not contacting the Beijing base is to go to the Beijing base. The road is too difficult. There is an absolute death zone separated by dozens of kilometers. Not to mention the establishment of a special team. Even an entire army may not be successful. If you choose to detour, you will have to take several times the risk. .Nine of you dare to go north, you must rely on it if you want to come? In this case, of course, I want to take a ride. "

"Come again, the previous wave of zombies has just passed, and the Yangcheng base has survived, but the next wave of zombies does not know when it will occur. How can I take away all living forces in the living hall at this time?"

Zhong Han said that he bowed his head slightly and raised it quickly: "You have some concerns. I can understand them. To be honest, I have my own concerns, but the chance to successfully go to the Beijing base is too rare. I have to try it. Since it ’s a rude invitation, of course you have the right to refuse, and I fully respect it. But if I can count on one, all conditions are easy to negotiate, and I will definitely not hold you back-even if you rely on it, The more combat power, the better? "

Shen Shian thought for a moment: "Wait a minute, I need to discuss with my teammates."

Nine people walked to the side of the road to discuss voting, six to three, agreed that Zhong Han followed the majority.

Shen Shi'an walked back and reached out to Zhong Han: "Welcome to join."

The author has something to say: Puyang City Base is not an opportunity for the dog to grow up, don't worry, saying that letting him grow up will definitely make him grow up ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: 2 Rosas; maybe ?, Shuangxuan, Li Tsundere, proud dumplings z, Rockman, Huahuahuali 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

50 bottles for return; 39 bottles of frightened little goose; 30 bottles of Chloe; 27 bottles of Tao; 20 bottles of Qingguang little angel, rainbowturtle, avocado la la la, and Ailok; 15 bottles of Junxi; Aoyama can't cover, many fish, SeraphimGG , Harddy, Guoluer, Gu Yu, Lucidus, Headache, Jiajia 10 bottles; kiki, empty8089 bottles; 6 bottles of me I can not meet; Oriental white crane, Han Zhuojing, Huahuahuali, HYHTATTAT, 36417853, apricot 5 bottles of egg rolls; 4 bottles of upside down phoenix; silk dolls, 2 bottles of YY; q ... qnm ?, purple purple, Qi Yexue, 1 bottle of Bai Fumei wearing slippers;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!