MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 104

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In mid-September, the sun was still hot.

In an abandoned city more than 30 kilometers away from the Yangcheng base, a medium-sized van was rushing along the main road in the city.

Many abandoned vehicles and wandering corpses were distributed in front of the truck, and they were thrown out by an invisible force one after another, or burned completely by the fire dragon and lightning shot from the top of the truck, which just cleared the truck forward. path of.

After about half an hour, the truck gradually drove out of the city, and the number of zombies blocking the road decreased significantly. The frequency of fire dragons and lightnings decreased successively. After a few minutes, the carriage suddenly sank, and the sweaty bear Manshan also jumped. Got in the car.

Shen Shi'an handed each of them a bottle of water. "It's hard."

"No hard work, no hard work," Xiong Manshan took the wipes from Chen Nan and wiped his sweat. "I feel that there are far fewer zombies in this city than we expected. I had to find a way to do a good job. . "As a result, only three people needed to open the road, and the car never stopped from beginning to end.

Xu Ge nodded: "Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of cannibal ant colonies." Just like a cripple, they killed most of the zombies they passed by, and they followed them completely to find ready-made bargains.

"More is due to the ability of the Ark. If he could not sense where zombies are dense and where zombies are scarce, we would not be able to just follow the path of the ant colony." Zhong Han laughed and lifted up the co-pilot Liu Fangzhou and raised Thumbs up: "This ability is really amazing!"

Liu Fangzhou blushed: "Where and where, I can only be a support, the combat effectiveness of the team countdown, Zhong Han brother is your ability to be great, like Xu Ge, both belong to the category of remote mage, buffer time The short-term power is also very strong. When killing zombies, it can destroy a large group. "

This person, Zhong Han, has a good attitude and a high emotional quotient. It is easy to develop a good impression when he meets for the first time. The more he gets along, the more he feels that he can get closer to the kind of people who want to be close to him. There are organizations that need to be managed, but Liu Fangzhou seems to have regarded him as a reserve member of the team.

After drinking water, Zhong Han tightened the bottle cap, and also took the paper towel from Chen Nan to wipe his sweat. He shook his head when he heard: "I have a lot of powerful abilities, but I still see the scope sensing ability like you for the first time. . Is it only zombies that can be sensed? Or can other things be sensed too? "

"Everything that is alive and active can be sensed, such as animals, ordinary people, and abilities, and the abilities will show different colors of light groups in my induction because of different abilities."

"Oh?" Zhong Han was very interested: "Then what color am I?"

"White, to be precise, is milky white. It is particularly similar to the white light group representing ordinary people, but with a little difference. I also saw your thunder and lightning ability for the first time." Liu Fangzhou turned his head from the rear window. Look at Xiang Tangsong: "Major Tang, haven't you said that abilities can be divided into different faculties? Which one is the lightning ability? Gold? Super?

Tang Song shook his head: "It should be a wood system in terms of attributes, and it is a particularly rare ability in the wood system."

"So this is ah."

During the chat, the truck completely left the urban area and stopped next to a gas station in the suburbs.

The car filled with fuel and water to dissipate heat, and a group of people sat around in the shade to solve their lunch. Because Shen Shi'an had not exposed the space in front of Zhong Han, the team members still ate dry food in their backpacks.

"The air base is about ten kilometers from here," Lin Ruan took a bite of ham sausage and pointed at the circle on the map. "Moreover, there are mostly wild farmland and no buildings and people. It is estimated that the road will be smooth."

Shen Shi'an estimated the time, "At most half an hour's drive, if all goes well, we should be able to get on a helicopter before two o'clock."

After that, you should be in Beijing in about an hour.

After nearly half a year of trekking, this goal to be realized seemed a little unreal, so much that the heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate.

Shen Shian's arms sank, and he lowered his head and found that the dog spirit hung himself on him, holding a duck leg and handing it to his mouth: "An An eat."

The heartbeat gradually became peaceful because of the softness that suddenly floated in his chest. Shen Shi'an bit his duck leg and rubbed it on his head.

Xiong Manshan suddenly said: "In case ..."

Instantly four breads were stuffed into his mouth at the same time: "Shut up !!!"

Xiong Manshan: "..."

Fine. There is no freedom of expression in the African Emirates.

The bread was strange.

Thanks to Xiong Manshan's open mouth, this time failed to play a role, the journey to the air force base was incredibly smooth.

Twenty minutes later, the dark blue station-type base building was near.

"Ark, report the situation inside the base."

"A total of 1,655 zombies were almost mutated, but there were no zombie abilities."

Tang Song reminded: "Most of the zombies here are soldiers stationed at the base. They are physically better than ordinary zombies. They may be wearing protective equipment and equipped with weapons. Everyone should pay attention to the attack on the head and be careful of the weapons. "

"To understanding."

The seven official team members are familiar with the pattern of zombies brushing. "Which person is responsible for which position" and "when to change the position" need not be discussed at all, and one eye can understand each other. Although Lin Ruan Tangsong and Zhong Han have just joined, one has excellent physical skills, one is self-protective, and one has super powers. He quickly learned to cooperate with seven people and fight in a timely manner. Force output.

The group was smashing bamboo, and soon came to the indoor tarmac located at the southwest corner of the base.

"Slump," Liu Fangzhou was stunned as soon as he entered the door: "So handsome gray machine!"

And there are more than one. A total of more than a dozen aircraft with different specifications and different uses are staggered into two rows lined up in a wide apron. The streamlined wings are flashing, silent but powerful, just like one. A robust eagle ready to fly.

The apron is huge, with two floors opening up and down, and the ceiling is more than twenty meters high. Just standing here makes people feel a small sense of being under the sky.

Chen Nan looked around: "Are we looking for a helicopter?"

Tao Yuan reluctantly lifted his hand from the wing of a newest fighter jet, and nodded: "Yes, and the right size."

They were ten people in total, too young to sit down, and too big to drive alone.

Liu Fangzhou regretted: "If only we could drive one by one, these planes would be too handsome."

Xiong Manshan embraced his shoulder: "The dream is very good, continue to be a little brother."

The people walked a half circle along the tarmac, and Tao Yuan successfully found a helicopter that met the requirements. I climbed up the cabin door and briefly looked up and jumped down again: "I have driven this model, but it ’s best to be familiar with it after a long time interval, and the helicopter has stopped here since the virus outbreak started. Nearly half a year, the performance of each part must be carefully checked, and fuel must be replenished. "

Shen Shian asked, "How long does it take?"

"An hour and a half."

Lin Ruan raised his hand: "I can help. Although I haven't got a helicopter pilot license, I have also received some flight training."

"It should be about that hour."

Shen Shi'an nodded: "Okay, if there is anything you need to say directly, the others can move freely for the time being, and be careful not to leave too far."

Tao Yuan and the two were busy living around the helicopter. Zhong Han watched for a while, and was curious: "The radar system on the helicopter should not be used now?"


"What if we hit a mutated flock in midair?"

Lin Ruan smiled and blinked: "Don't worry, we have already figured out the countermeasures."

With the teacher's illusion skills, it is entirely possible to ensure that all birds consciously give way before approaching the plane.

Xiong Manshan and Liu Fangzhou swung back and forth around the tarmac, jumping up and down one by one to experience the speed of a simulated flight. Chen Nan and Xu Ge carried their bags to the back warehouse, and wanted to see if they could find anything useful thing.

Shen Shi'an led the children around and took a chance to signal Tang Song with his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Tang Song asked in a low voice.

"If I put something in this base into the space, can you use illusions to ensure that others don't notice it?"

"Do you want to collect the plane?" Tang Song immediately understood what he meant, and who he meant by "other people" in his words, and once again marveled at the storage capacity of his space.

"It's not just airplanes. I want to go to the arsenal." Such a large secret air base cannot be without weapons and material reserves.

Tang Song nodded: "No problem, as long as the other party does not leave me within 50 meters. In the eyes of others, you have never left the tarmac, and there will be no fewer aircraft in the tarmac."


He really changed Zhong Han's impression, and agreed to the other party to go to Beijing with them, but after all, they haven't been together for a long time, and now it's not time to expose space.

When Shen Shi'an came back from the arsenal with the children, no one found that they had once left.

Tao Yuan and Lin Ruan checked the helicopter almost, Chen Nan and Xu Ge also ran back from the warehouse: "Brother Yun, we found a parachute in the warehouse!"

It's just that there are only nine sets of parachutes. There are ten of them, which is exactly one less.

Zhong Han immediately said: "It's okay, I don't need to memorize, I have confidence in Mr. Tao's driving skills."

"Back it, just in case." Shen Shi'an pointed to Shen Xun: "I'll share a set with him." The child is very light, and he really wants the dog's fine back to estimate that he won't use it.

Nine people carried their umbrella bags, and the helicopter was filled with fuel. They all carried them to the open space outside the tarmac, and everything was ready.

The cabin door closed tightly after everyone boarded. "Everyone fasten their seat belts." Tao Yuan sat in the driver's seat and started the engine. "Ready to take off!"

In the sound of the huge propeller turning, the air waves swelled around the helicopter. The people sitting inside the aircraft only felt that their bodies suddenly fell back and sank, and the ground outside the window and the air force base had slowly moved away.

"Wow!" Liu Fangzhou sat by the window and looked out: "It's cool! I can't see it so clearly by plane!"

This is the first time Shen Xun has taken an airplane. After the plane has gradually stabilized, he quickly unfastens his seat belt, sits sideways on Shen Shi'an's leg, and looks at the window with Liu Fangzhou in the same posture.

Helicopters are extremely fast, and the vast air force base quickly turns into a small square, and from a square to a fuzzy black spot with unclear shapes.

Because there is no radar and positioning system, Tao Yuan can only feel northward all the way, and the further north he goes, the more zombies on the ground.

Tang Song sat opposite Shen Shi'an, and a map was spread between the two. During the flight of the helicopter, he continuously estimated the current location of the crowd based on the terrain and architectural features on the ground.

Twenty minutes after the helicopter took off, Tang Song held a pen and clicked on the map: "It's almost time to reach the red death zone."

In fact, without him, Liu Fangzhou and others who have been looking out the window have also noticed.

"My mother-in-law," Xiong Manshan swallowed, "no wonder the death zone."

Looking down from the height of the helicopter, in a vast area that seems to have no margins, dense crowds of zombies are like maggots, rolling and endless.

Because the number is too large and too dense, everyone can not help but produce a kind of psychological and physical double aversion and fear, for some time a little nauseous.

"This is one of the top 15 cities in China with a population," said Lin Ruan, the co-pilot. "The permanent population is about 10.32 million."

Liu Fangzhou had turned off the power because he couldn't hold it, his face was pale and his eyes closed, and he dared not look at it again: "... In this city, there are at least two level 3 zombies, and the level 2 is no less than 2. Ten. "

Chen Nan was terrified: "Fortunately, Brother Tao Yuan will fly." Otherwise, he would be dead.

Xu Ge nodded silently.

If she had to walk from the ground, she really couldn't imagine how she could successfully walk through it without being bitten into pieces by zombies.

Once the number of enemies reaches a certain level, it is not a matter of comparison of combat effectiveness. Absolute crushing of this number alone is enough to make people despair.

It wasn't until this frightening death zone flew halfway that the team members' mood finally eased and they turned to another question: "Where is the plane landing?"

"Can't you drive all the way to the base of Beijing?"

"No," Tang Song shook his head. "In order to block mutant mosquitoes and mutant birds, a high-voltage protective net was set up over the base of Beijing. If we fly directly, it will be immediately turned into coke. I am not sure about the outer area, but it should There are strict protection systems. "

So you can't fly in, and you can't stop too close.

Shen Shi'an focused his attention on the map, and based on the current position of the helicopter, he began to study with Tang Song where it was most appropriate to stop.

Shen Xun was bored for a while, then scooped down from his lap and plucked it in another window.

Zhong Han leaned against the window and stared at the zombie tide on the ground for a moment, then turned his head and beckoned to Shen Xun: "Mr. Xiaoyun, I have something to ask."

Gozi was quite satisfied with the title, so he moved over to him: "Why?"

Zhong Han smiled sweetly and lowered his voice softly, "Did you vote against me when Mr. Yun concentrated his team members to vote last night?"

What happened next was so rapid that no one could react in time;

And because this incident has changed the fate of everyone so much, when the survivors recall it in the future, every detail seems to be slowed down by countless times:

Zhong Han's voice did not fall. He opened the helicopter's cabin door in one hand and pushed out the unsuspecting child with one hand;

Shen Shi'an turned his head to look at it, and his eyes were red with blood as soon as he was shocked. He raised his hands and struck Zhong Han with some energy, and at the same time jumped out of the cabin like a lightning:

"Looking for it !!!"

The author has something to say: 1. You all know what plot is coming next.

2. Zhong Han is a bad person, especially a bad one, but it has nothing to do with the Qin family. There will be an explanation later on why he should deal with them.

3. In order to prevent some readers from feeling that "An'an team is too credulous, take Zhong Han without letting the dog bite and it is impossible to understand that it is a bug at all" and thus create unpleasant emotions, here is a little spoiler: this incident I don't really blame them. It is related to Zhong Han's true ability. You can recall the attitude of all people who have been in contact with Zhong Han when facing him.

4. Zhong Han will surely die, and he will die particularly miserably, but not now, the plot about him has come to an end, and it will take some time before it will start again.

That's about it, so wait for the dog to grow up! !!

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [the grenade]: Kiko1;

Thanks for the little angels who cast [mine]: Sunny893; Tang Ke2; Bai Qianyuzhi, Yimuyuyi, Shuangxuan, Meow Sauce ?, Storm, Chloe, Bao Zheng, Hungry ?, Rosa , Perhaps? 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

94 bottles of "Boss_067"; 86 bottles of solo dance; 70 bottles of Ye Sanfu; 50 bottles of beautiful male and meow in my family; 40 bottles of Meng Xiaoyu; I love sugar such as 19019137 bottles; 30 bottles; 26 bottles of whole sugar; 24 bottles of plants; 20 bottles of plants and meows; 18 bottles of zhizhi; 15 bottles of JIMINI; 14 bottles of ° w °; Muco, Beilin, Shuihanling smoke, Yuanyuan , Aozaki, snow clothes, glass yy, LM, crazy, seven, Ikeike, please give me a leg of lamb, take a sip, And, mandieeeee, indifferent, indifferent, clean, stunned, Zhang w ice 10 bottles; booming恍 恍惚 惚, source pupil 6 bottles; you think who you are, the villain and the fox are mine, 夙 迩, maple, Daxiao are fine, shake your wife and shake, cover your ears_5 bottles; Su Su, Three bottles of upside down phoenix and Kiko; two bottles of Jiajia, Sunny89, HTY, wheat ears, and solitude; Qiyuexue, me who can't be found, sweet fish with a bite, 32087977, JUSTIN, dream chaser, 1 bottle of Tangeke, Little Cute, Chenmo Micromirror;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!