MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 105

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Zombies are as dense as waves, and waves are endless.

Whenever I managed to break free from a wave, I wanted to get a moment of respite, and a more violent wave would come to an end and smash him back into the whirlpool. With the wave, I could n’t do anything, even taking a breath of air became luxurious. Extremely.

Shen Shi'an held the sword in his hand and walked slowly in the endless tide. Liquid kept dripping from the tip of the sword and dragged a long blood line behind him.

The blade has long been covered by dirty blood. Those that have solidified and are about to solidify are stained with those that have not yet solidified. They are covered with layers of dark red blood, which peel off with the offensive action. Condensing new.

More stained blood slid into the palm along the blade.The wet and sticky touch almost completely covered the lines on the hilt and the texture in the palm.After numerous frictions, it finally coagulated into a mass between the fingers. Or powdery solid.

He took a moment to look up at the daylight in the gap where the tide was split, and the west-sloping sun was still dazzling.

The rubber bands used to pierce the hair don't know when it breaks. The black hair that is long over the shoulders is scattered, covering his slender jaw, slightly pale lips, a string of dried blood stains on the cheek, and a pair of dark and Sharp eyes.

There was a zombie rushing back diagonally, but the muscles of the left arm started to be convulsed because of being in a tight state for a long time. The intense pain was irritating. Shen Shi'an changed his hand, and the sound of a break between the sharp blades turned out. Xueqing lightsaber burst out.

He didn't remember how many zombies he had killed. There should be many. Bloodstained boots stepped on the asphalt pavement with blood marks. Even the boots were wet, and a "gritty grid" was issued as he walked. Sound.

The spiritual power at Dan Tian has already dried up. Forced operation of the practice has caused tearing pain in every meridian, but this has not stopped his footsteps, even slowed down, and broke open from the dead mountains and dead seas. A blood path.

"Finding!" After resolving another wave of zombies, Shen Shi'an's husky voice echoed again in the building complex: "Finding where you are! Finding can you hear me!"

No one answered him. More zombies rushed over.

Too much. These ghosts are really too many.

He breathed a few times with his sword, observed a circle from side to side, hurried toward the southwest, and jumped onto a three-dimensional billboard at the intersection of the road.

The top of the billboard was about four meters long and more than one meter wide. It was more than enough for him to rest for a while, but the severe pain from his right foot at the time of landing made him slightly frown.

Shen Xun first dropped the helicopter in one step. In order to catch up with the child as soon as possible, Shen Shi'an cut off the parachute when it was nearly 50 meters away from the ground. The landing speed increased greatly, and the huge gravity effect also caused the right ankle to land at the moment He suffered a comminuted fracture.

The spiritual power repaired a part and the spiritual spring water repaired another part, but after a long and fierce battle, the injuries that began to heal again showed signs of aggravation.

At this time, it had been more than two hours since he jumped off the helicopter. Shen Shian took out a bottle of Lingquan water from the space, stood on the billboard, and quickly replenished his spiritual power while remembering what happened more than two hours ago.

The two spirits that hit Zhong Han before jumping off the helicopter didn't hit the target. Zhong Han avoided at a speed that ordinary survivors could never reach, which meant that he definitely had more than a thunderbolt ability. .


Why did it take so much effort to disguise and sneak into their team?

Why are you against them?

Why choose to start with children?

However, it does n’t make sense for Zhong Han to choose who to start with, because the other party obviously has no intention of letting go:

A few seconds after Shen Shi'an landed, the helicopter, which had flown hundreds of meters away, suddenly exploded. The sound was deafening, and a gorgeous cloud of fire rose from the sky.

The instant of terror was beyond words, but fortunately Shen Shi'an quickly found a few figures under the cloud of fire, which should have jumped out of the cabin before the explosion. But because the distance was too long, he was not sure how many people jumped, nor who exactly jumped.

If the explosion was deliberately created by Zhong Han, then he must have mastered the way to safely cross the death zone without the need for a helicopter, so he chose to expose his true intentions at this moment without fear of leaving any aftermath:

Even if he escaped the explosion by chance, who would come out alive once he fell into the absolute death zone where at least seven or eight million zombies had gathered.

What happened on the helicopter?

Did all members escape in time?

Where are they now? Was there any injuries? Can you keep yourself safe?


The whereabouts of the seven members are unknown, the countless problems and the intense anxiety caused by these problems will almost tear Shen Shi'an alive from the inside, but now he can't distract himself from paying attention to others, he must find Shen Xun first.

As for Zhong Han, as for the Zhong Han that caused it all.

Oh, Zhong Han.

Shen Shian smiled. The blood under the eyes was everywhere.

The two bottles of Lingquan water were soon finished, and Dan Tianli had regained his vitality, and his right foot injury had also eased. Shen Shian closed the bottle, clenched his sword, and jumped off the billboard.

"Find! Find! Find where you are! Find you promise me!"

The hoarse shouts echoed again and again in the building complex, the five senses stretched hard, and he didn't dare to miss any corner, but the only answer to him was always the lonely echo and the howling of the zombies.

Shen Xun is definitely alive.

Shen Shi'an never doubted this, never for a minute.

He must be alive, no other possibility.

It was a goblin who could talk and change. It was a big monster who dominated in a different world. Even without a parachute, even if he fell into the zombies from a height of nearly 1,000 meters, he would never have an accident.

Even if there is really only one breath left, Shen Shi'an will find him, and the spiritual spring water can save him.

Shen Xun, you promised, you promised you would never die in front of me.

If you dare not speak, I will ...

Oh, what can he do?

The sun didn't know when it was gradually stained with blood. Shen Shi'anzhu knelt down on the steps of a square with a sword, his chest undulating, sweat sweat mixed with blood fell from his forehead, and dripped along his chin. On the ground, blooming dark red wet spots.

He felt that his vision was a little blurred, maybe because the light was too strong, maybe because the pain from all parts of the body was too intense, or maybe because he was too tired.

So that when the raging tide of zombies came to him again, the whole body could no longer give back the slightest strength to fight back.

He supported the ground with one hand and the other with the hilt of the sword. Yu Guangzhong was a dense tide of carrion, but now he seemed to have glanced over the past 20 years of his life.

Is that so?

Once again, he can only stand still and see his beloved go further and further and eventually die.

Why on earth?

When the palm on the ground suddenly felt a strong shock, Shen Shi'an thought that he had hallucinations.

It wasn't until a loud roar rang through the clouds that he looked up into the distance:

Under the magnificent blood-colored residual sun, a huge beast with a height of more than ten meters ran back with light. Pure black hair fluttered in the wind, and a layer of dazzling gold was faintly shed.

The majestic style is extraordinary, as if he can swallow the sky with his mouth open.

The giant beast shook his neck, easily crushed all the zombies around him into fragments, then walked slowly, and lowered his forelegs half-knelt in front of Shen Shi'an, and put down the canvas package that had been pinched between his teeth.

The canvas spread out, revealing that the hills inside looked like dazzling zombies.

It raised its claws and pushed the parcel in the direction of Shen Shi'an. At the same time, a clear and slightly husky boy's voice rang in Shen Shi'an's mind:

"Ann, here you are!"

The author has something to say: Does the dog grow up today?

grown up!

This pattern will last for a period of time, which means that it will not become an adult male yet (don't hit the nest)

You think, An An has always regarded him as a son. How can he be suddenly accepted as an adult man? There must be a buffer transition, so that he can change his feelings and fall in love ~

Hee hee hee hee hee hee (? ˙︶˙?)

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Gun]: Kiko1;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [grenade]: Rosa1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 4 super-inspired people; 3 watermelons that are both rotten and rotten; Delphi shrine, proud rice dumplings z, Bao Zheng, affectionate 2 your grandfather; bread bags , Mercy ?, Shuangxuan, Moyao Juying 茕, Sunny89, by her, one muyu one, maybe? 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Love your uncle 80 bottles; flowers ~ 65 bottles; 50 bottles of dumplings; 40 bottles of fudge; and 38 bottles of love for the rest of life; 30 bottles of Nick, years of songs, 撩 god, 20 bottles of weekly; 17 bottles; Feiyu 15 bottles; Su Xiaodu, who is no one to take care of, chopped string, huh, proud dumplings z, tin demon, jasmine, 28015617, Wu Dan 10 bottles; 8 bottles; Aozaki, mint, Xia Meow 5 bottles of Han Xuefei servee; 3 bottles of upside-down phoenix; 2 bottles of super agitated person; bone jade, Xiaotang, I am a lone wolf, Chenmo Microscope, Yingzi, 28647778, Ning Ting, Qi Yexue, Jiao Jiao, lunca 1 Yuyu and Yuyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!