MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 118

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My dad is coming to accompany the festival. Of course, Yun Feiyang is not good enough to bother people to turn on the island. Persuaded to swallow back, and raised his hand to Shen Shi'an and hugged: "Okay, let's make an appointment next year. Good Chinese New Year, when I come back to bring you an authentic green coconut larger than basketball, sweet and sweet to keep you safe Still want to drink. "

Looking down at the child next to Shen Shi'an's leg again, "Look for it, come and say goodbye to your uncle Yun."

Shen Xun did not want to ignore him, and punched out two rows of fangs at him: "Woo ..."

Rui Bao, standing on Yun Feiyang's shoulder, fluttered his wings and screamed, "Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye, baby!"

"Okay, okay," Yun Feiyang quickly appeased: "He's not Xiao Hei, and he won't threaten you to peel melon seeds. What are you afraid of, huh, getting more and more counseling."

Shen Shi'an hid the child behind him, and said to Yun Feiyang, "Are you sure you can go home with the parrot? Otherwise, it's OK for me, and raising it is not troublesome."

"Rest assured, no problem." Yun Feiyang pulled down the zipper of the down jacket and put Ruibao in the inside pocket to reveal only one head: "I was in a moving car and not an airplane, and the inspection was not that strict. Tuck it in your clothes and put a scarf on your neck, as long as it can't be seen by anyone, I've been rehearsing with it last night. The little things are smart. "

To Shen Shi'an again: "Okay, it's very cold outside, you don't have to take your child with me, I just have a suitcase and a bag, I can take a taxi by going down the elevator."

Shen Shi'an was polite and nodded: "Tell me when I get on the bus and when I arrive."

"No problem, brother, happy new year!"

Shen Shi'an waved his hand: "Happy New Year, all the way."

Watching Yun Feiyang get on the elevator, the two people came home and closed the door. Shen Shian looked down at the children: "I want to go into the space, you watch TV alone ..."

The words didn't fall, Shen Xun had quickly hugged his calf, and his hands and feet entangled a pair of nougat stances that could not be torn off: "... No ... with An An ..."

"I have an important job, what if you mess up."

Shen Xun immediately shook his head like a rattle, "... no ... no trouble ... obedient ..." After speaking, he also extended Bai Nennen's claws to three: "... guarantee ..."

Shen Shi'an thought about it and decided to trust him once.

Entering the space with Shen Xun like Xun Shi, Shen Shi'an put a glass bowl full of cherry into his arms, and let him sit on the green grass next to the dark earth: "You don't move here, something called I."

The child blinked his eyes and nodded cleverly. When Shen Shi'an left, the fierce sight immediately turned to the Lingquan not far away. Around Lingquan at this moment, it seemed to be uncovered and nothing, but without Shen Shi'an's permission, he could not approach at all. . Recalling the severe pain of the last time the paw was scorched by the Thunder, Shen Xun pouted, and reluctantly looked back.

Shen Shi'an walked into the tomato forest. The lush large "tomato tree" looked no different from the previous one. The big tomato in the basketball was still red and full of flesh, which looked very attractive. Most importantly, there are no signs of overripeness that are about to rot.

It seems that the fruit growing in the space has a longer shelf life than he expected. This is good news, but this is not the purpose of Shen Shi'an's coming in this time.

When she first planted tomatoes, Shen Shi'an initially allocated only three meters by three meters for a total planting area of ​​nine square meters. Unexpectedly, almost all of the last two thousand seeds survived and grew into a large and dense tomato forest. What's even more amazing is that when he looked from the outside of the tomato plantation, the original planting area of ​​nine square meters did not seem to have changed, but once he crossed any boundary of the planting area of ​​nine square meters, the surrounding space would suddenly expand by hundreds. Thousands of times, showing the whole picture of the whole tomato forest, as if stepping into a completely new space.

If his inference is correct, then there is indeed space folding on this land, and the area can be expanded freely as the plants on it grow. The purpose of Shen Shi'an is to test how many times the land in the space can expand.

He originally planned to carry out this experiment after the exam. The materials and tools were ready, but the secret of the Lingquan protective cover was discovered unexpectedly before the experiment began, and then he went through the process of turning the dog into a living person , Was temporarily delayed. Right now, there are only two of him and Shen Xun in the family. Don't worry about external interference, it is a good opportunity to continue the experiment.

The space is completely isolated from the outside world, there is no way to receive satellite signals, and ordinary land area measuring instruments cannot be used. Shen Shian took out the industrial tape measure prepared in advance and divided it into multiple measurements to successfully obtain the area of ​​the tomato forest: 3,600 square meters-

Four hundred times more than the initial area he outlined.

Shen Shi'an wrote down this number in his notebook and calculated the optimal optimal growth area for each tomato tree by default based on the total number of tomato trees of 2362: 1.524 square meters.

Subsequently, three additional experimental fields were set up beside the tomato plantation, ten centimeters long, ten centimeters wide, and an area of ​​0.01 square meters.

The reason why the test field area is so small is that there are enough tomatoes in the space. Although the freshness period is considerable, how to deal with it in case of eating is still a big problem.

Secondly, Shen Shi'an roughly estimated that the original total area of ​​the land in the space was only 100 meters by 50 meters, that is, about 5,000 square meters, about half the size of a playground. Even if this area can be expanded, the original area of ​​each inch is still very precious. Until no end use is determined, try not to waste or not waste.

After the test field was marked and numbered, Shen Shi'an planted three tomato seeds on field one, five on field two, and ten on field three. A pot of spiritual spring water was poured from the stream, and irrigation was completed in turn. . The rest can only wait quietly.

According to the default space, the optimal growth area for each tomato tree is 1.524 square meters. Ideally, if the space expansion multiple is not limited, the three test fields will be expanded to 4.57 square meters, 7.62 square meters, and 15.24 square meters, respectively. Meters, the corresponding expansion times are 457 times, 762 times, and 1524 times.

Shen Shian wrote down a series of numbers on his notebook. If the expansion of No. 3 test field is successful, it means that 1524 times is not the limit of land area expansion. Then he will further increase the number of seeds in the test field of the same area until the expansion limit is tested.

Hold the pen in the book and close it. Shen Shi'an sat beside Shen Xun, raised his hand and took a big cherry from the glass bowl. The cherry was just bought yesterday, with reddish black hair and purple, sweet and sweet entrance. Children like it very much, dominating the fruit plate, no one except Shen Shian, Yun Feiyang deliberately teased him last night, but the two almost got into a fight.

After eating, he vomited the nucleus into his palm. Shen Shi'an looked around and asked Shen Xun: "Where do you put the nucleus?"

Shen Xun's cheeks on both sides bulged, like a little squirrel who only stored grain in winter, and pointed to the dark land in front of him: OK, all of them went into the soil. I took the nuclear in Shen Shi'an's palm and buried it, and I poured a little spring water: "... delicious ..."

A cherry core is buried today and a cherry tree will grow tomorrow.

Shen Shi'an laughed, raised his hand and rubbed his head. After a long while, he turned his head and glanced at the test field. When the eyes lighted up, he immediately stood up: the seeds had sprouted.

The last time Shen Shi'an found that the seeds had grown into a tomato forest after one night-if you count the difference in time velocity between inside and outside the space, it is actually two nights. He thought that it would take at least a few hours to see the change, but he did not expect that the seed would grow so fast after being irrigated with the spiritual spring water.

Seeing a mature tomato forest and witnessing the entire process of a seed growing into a tree is a completely different experience.

As if watching a video of a plant growing hundreds of thousands times faster, tomato seeds that were planted more than twenty minutes ago are sprouting, drawing, stretching at an amazing and breath-taking speed, just one In hours, he had grown to the height of Shen Shian's waist.

The veins grow along the stalk, the epidermis grows into fine fluff, and the small tender buds stretch into green leaves ... When listening quietly, you can even hear the sound of the juice flowing smoothly in the rhizome. The dynamic vitality of a static plant erupts. Such a carnival and hot dance of life can only be described by the word miracle.

When the stem height exceeded Shen Shi'an's head, the light yellow flower buds gradually protruded from the leaves. Shen Shian turned on her mobile phone early to record the growth time of tomato seedlings. When the flower buds are fully bloomed, they should be able to bear fruit after successful pollination ...

and many more.

Shen Shi'an froze all over, and suddenly realized a crucial question that has been ignored by himself: How to pollinate tomatoes in space?

The space is completely isolated from the outside world, and no objects or creatures can enter through it. He stayed in the space for so long and never found any bee-like insects. In this case, how exactly did the previous tomato plantations pollinate successfully and bear fruit?

Waiting for Shen Shi'an to understand, the eighteen new tomato trees have all bloomed. As if triggering a certain condition, a strange buzzing sound suddenly sounded throughout the space.

Shen Shi'an turned his head sharply, and followed his voice to the two trees in front of the bamboo tower—

There are two trees in front of the bamboo building. One is a peach tree with green leaves. The other one he does not know is full of bright yellow translucent flowers. At this time, there are dozens of flowers as if The decomposed light spots generally spread out and turn into numerous buzzing flying insects.

Where is the flower? It is obviously hundreds of bees gathered together, the size of a sunflower seed kernel. These bees are translucent and light yellow in color, and when they are entangled with each other on tree branches, they look like blossoming or budding or blooming flowers.

Shen Shi'an hugged Shen Xun, and hurried across the stream before the bee swooped on. However, the bee swarm apparently had no interest in the two of them, and flew directly to the eighteen tomato trees, flying among the trees. .

About twenty minutes later, the swarm gathered into a branch and flew back to the branch again, and entangled again, forming a steady "flower". When Shen Shi'an entered the space two times before, he had vaguely noticed that these "flowers" were slightly different from what he saw for the first time, but there was no way to distinguish the specific differences, and he finally understood:

After collecting pollen, the bees have slightly increased in size. It's hard to detect a single one, but when several dozens of them cling together, the size of the "flower" will obviously change.

Shen Shi'an waited for a while, and determined that the bee colony had returned to a static state without any movement, and then Shen Xun was released. At present, it seems that the bee colonies in the space only respond when plants are blooming, and increase in volume with the amount of pollen collected. Although it is not yet sure what species it is, as long as it is not aggressive, the existence of the bee colony is rare and good news for Shen Shi'an. At least it is not necessary to catch bees from the outside for pollination.

Shen Xun obviously thinks more long-term, staring at the bee tree and drooling: "... honey ... delicious ..." Absorbing the flowers from the spring of life, the honey from the pollen must be a great supplement!

At this moment of effort, the flowers on the tomato tree have faded one after another, leaving large green fruits of grapes. Seeing that the tomato tree had almost stopped growing, Shen Shi'an took a tape measure to measure the area of ​​the three test fields in this order.

There are three tomato trees in Test Field No.1, with an initial area of ​​0.01 square meters, a completed area of ​​4.57 square meters, and an expansion of 457 times;

There are a total of five tomato trees in Test Field II, with an initial area of ​​0.01 square meters, a completed area of ​​6.66 square meters, and an expansion of 666 times;

There are ten tomato trees in Test Field No. 3, with an initial area of ​​0.01 square meters, a completed area of ​​6.66 square meters, and a 666-fold expansion.

In other words, the expansion limit of land in space is 666 times. Because the test fields No. 2 and No. 3 have reached the expansion limit, the average area of ​​each tomato tree is smaller than the default space, and it seems to be crowded.

According to this figure, the initial area of ​​5000 square meters multiplied by 666, the actual planting area that Shen Shian has in the space is about 3.33 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​16 bird nests.

Really became a landlord.

On the other hand, the buried cherry cherries of the silly son of the landlord's family have not yet responded. Shen Shi'an believes that this should be due to the growth difference between the herbaceous plant and the woody plant.

The experimental goal was successfully achieved, and Shen Shi'an was satisfied. Turning around to see the child moving around the bee tree, he didn't know what he wanted to do, and didn't care about him. He packed up the seeds and tools neatly and prepared to soak in Lingquanchi for a while. Before Yun Feiyang was there, he couldn't get into the space for too long. Counting from the sperm being refined, he hadn't bathed in Lingquan for two weeks.

However, when Shen Shi'an came to the edge of the Lingquan pool, he found something wrong. There was a dead silence in the misty Lingquan, and the sound of gurgling water flowing down from the spring's eyes was inaudible at this time.

Tightly in her heart, Shen Shi'an quickly walked through the mist to the spring's eyes:

There was a trace of dry water in the spring's eyes.

Teaching children to learn Pinyin was too difficult, and Shen Shi'an decided to give up. It is more practical to study the exercises.

In the study of the Bamboo House, some simple renovations were made. Two gray-blue fabric sofas were placed against the wall, and a thick layer of carpet was laid on the floor. The round wooden low table could seat more than four people. Throw a few pillows at will, or sit or lie comfortably.

Shen Shi'an put all the children's comic books, story books, and building block toys on the round table, and told him, "Play by yourself, don't make trouble." Then place a coaster under the glass bowl: "Eat is fine, but don't get anywhere Both. "

The glass bowl contains the snacks he made for the children, orange juice aloe, and the raw material is the aloe vera, which grows wildly after pouring the spiritual spring water. Use an axe to chop off the long thorns of the forearm and peel the leaf flesh. Select the fattest and tender part in the middle and cut into long strips. First simmer in boiling water to remove bitterness, then marinate with freshly squeezed orange juice and honey for two hours, and finally pour into a glass bowl covered with ice cubes. Suitable for digestion and tiredness after the New Year.

The only inconvenience is that the temperature in the home and space is not too low. The glass bowl is filled with ice, and the outer wall will liquefy a lot of water drops if left for a while. If you do n’t use a coaster, it will stay wherever you go. A circle of water stains. This is an unforgivable thing for Shen Shi'an.

After getting a guarantee from the child's mouth that "the bowl is on the pad if the pad isn't only eating vegetables", Shen Shi'an took the exercise book from the bookshelf, calm down, and tried to decipher it again.

Shen Xun forkd a few sticks of aloe vera with a fork, and while chewing, he snatched a bone-shaped cushion and smelled it, stacking the blocks randomly and pushing them down. After barely sharing for ten minutes, he turned his head and began to gather around Shen Shi'an, his eyes suddenly flashed when he fell on the exercises:

Oh yeah, there are a lot of babies in this portable field.

Shen Shi'an leaned on the sofa with one leg slightly bent and straight, and pulled out long straight lines from the linen fabric. More than a dozen manuscript papers were scattered around the legs, each of them was densely packed, and the text in the exercise book was arranged and reorganized according to various deciphering methods.

Shen Shi'an's hard-lined calligraphy is very beautiful. It is the type of Xiu Xiong who will be attracted at first glance and can't help but admire. The pen is thin and self-contained. He won the prize in the hard-writing competition when he was in high school. Like others, "the aura with aura is in the cold and proud".

It's a pity that these good-looking words were just written out not long after, they will be crossed out by two black lines soon, and a small cross will be drawn after the deciphering method used in this text.

The author has something to say: A lot of little cute people guessed that he is the richest man in Miao, hee hee hee, you are great.

Don't forget to have a lucky draw on Weibo at 8pm on Thursday ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Gun]: Kiko1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 whole sugar candy;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 3 flowers; pity, peace, youth, sunny89, CC, maybe ?, wheat ears, three yuan, three, three, three, three, three, three, two Xuan, Kun sister , JIO, Haiyan Heqing, Meow, Meow 1

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Big Cat Wei 200 bottles; Sixteen leaves of the mysterious Ao orange and Mo hamster, 50 bottles of Enron Ziran; Xiye QAQ44 bottles; Banyue Yin, Orange Zhenqin wife 40 bottles; 30 bottles in my clothes night; Yuantong, waiting in the wind , Rosa20 bottles; waiting trees, melon skins, always windy, Aozaki, Delphi shrine, guessing strings, smelling strings, can't think of names, meow, meow, Coisini_, Haiyan Heqing, ah 10 bottles of ya ?, dreaming grass, scumming soil, and storm; 6 bottles wake up after dreaming; early lemon, summer wood autumn_, 37258161, hometown, mints, Axingxingxing, Xiaotang, Irish wild boar 5 bottles; 208999504 bottles; 3 bottles of Huahuahuali, Xiao Cola Bottle, Jun, Zhi, and Meow; Feiyu, KK2 bottles; I am a lone wolf, a woman dominated by Sei, purple purple, etc Lucidus, bone jade, lonely, big dream, 1 bottle of Qiandeng;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!