MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 119

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In fact, Shen Shi'an did not take much. Not to him at least.

The counties and small and medium-sized cities he passed on the way from H City to Jingcheng rarely said that there were 50 or 60. In the early stage, they mainly collected food and gasoline. Because of the survivors, only one-fifth to one-tenth was searched at a time. One.

Since Xiong Manshan joined, food materials have not been encountered once, but the effort to clean up the zombies can never return home empty-handed, and the collection goal has turned to various items other than food, tobacco and wine utensils, household appliances, kitchen appliances, clothing and furniture. Wait a minute, and even received several sports cars in the 4S shop-this kind of items need not consider the latecomers, the latecomers may not necessarily take them away, so after realizing that his space storage volume seems infinite, The team members fully implemented the diligence and housekeeping spirit of "don't let go as long as you see it", anyway, there is a place to dress, maybe when it will come in handy.

Coupled with the vast and absolutely dead area that has never been searched, the original area of ​​the black land was used up nearly a half, and the toilet paper was filled with a football field. Fortunately, Shen Shi'an has absolute control over the objects in the space. Otherwise, just looking for things can make people desperate.

Miao Shoufu looked at the warehouse full of things completely in front of him. If it hadn't been just a little bit painful in the ankle, he would have suspected that he was dreaming.

Shen Shi'an deliberately left enough passages for trucks when picking things up, and everything was piled up in categories. Those that could withstand the forces were piled high, and fragile things that couldn't withstand the forces were lined up. Miao Shoufu stared straight and walked through the passage: sofas, mattresses, refrigerators, washing machines, cups, chopsticks, dishes, tobacco, wine, perfume, sunflower seeds, biscuits, bread and potato chips, and even seven or eight large trucks. What sells well on the exchange.

"Brother," Miao Shoufu swallowed as he touched the truck, and turned to persuade Shen Shi'an: "Sell something and sell it. You also have to keep a little home for yourself. If you go out to do tasks in the future, it ’s indispensable for this kind of truck Less."

Shen Shi'an laughed: "Brother Miao, rest assured, I will keep it." He received several military cards at the air force base. The practicability is much stronger than the ones he took out.

He asked, "Are these enough?" The contents in the warehouse are still less than one percent of the total storage in the space, and most of them are of low value after the end of the world. More precious are petrol and most food materials, medicines, medical equipment and various high-end research equipment found from research centers, as well as a large number of weapons, protective equipment and dozens of aircraft found from air bases. It's too eye-catching, it's not the time to take out the blade before it develops. Moreover, no one can eat it even if it is taken out. It is no exaggeration to say that it is more than enough to equip an entire army with the things in his space.

The richest man in Miao stared at him for a while, and couldn't help sighing: "Niubian or you Niubi."

Of course it was enough, he did n’t have enough space to install it.

Shen Shi'an originally thought that it would take at least a few days to calculate the value of these items. I didn't expect that the richest man in Miao went to the market two times before reporting the price. In the face of everyone's surprise, he explained with a smile: "This is my ability It is estimated that before the end of the world, the account book has been read too much. Now just go to the warehouse, what is the price, how to coordinate the allocation, when to buy and sell, how to maximize the benefits, and immediately jump out of my mind. Knowing what this power is called, I gave it a name called 'Business Sutra'. "

Everyone was surprised: No wonder they can become the head of the exchange. This is simply a built-in plug-in.

It's a little different from Liu Fangzhou's ability, but Liu Fangzhou is a few people, Miao's richest man is a few money.

Shen Shian frowned slightly: "Brother Miao, is the price you gave too high?" According to Xiong Manshan's shopping experience, even brand-name clothing can only sell single-digit points.

"Not high or not high," Miao Shoufu waved his hand, "These you give are all in short supply, especially tobacco and alcohol, because there are no factories to produce them. At present, they consume a little less. For enthusiasts, they are rare treasures. The price is high. You can rest assured that I have deducted the labor costs that I should have. I ca n’t make a loss, but I ca n’t make your money, otherwise, I ’m the richest man in Miao. You are helping me, Brother Shen. When I ’m busy, I ’m worried that I have nowhere to look for supplies. If these things come back later, I will send them as much as I want. ”The three power organizations that run the exchange are essentially competitive. As long as he has no worries about the supply on his side, he can stabilize the other two sides.

Shen Shi'an no longer listened politely. He received the transfer from the richest man in Miao through the bracelet. Seeing that the points instantly moved to the six digits, he divided the points into nine shares and transferred them to each team member's account.

After thinking about it, I took out three boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs from the space: "This is the gift I gave to Brother Miao on behalf of my teammates. It should be a gift after a long-term reunion. Brother Miao should not leave me since he is my brother."

Miao Shoufu's eyes brightened, and then he laughed twice, "Okay, that brother, I won't lie with you, so I took it, thank you a few brothers." Medicine and other things are different. In extremely rare cases, medicine is life, and there is no price at all. Even most of the cough syrups listed in the exchange are irrelevant. The major organizations that can really save lives are in their hands and are reluctant to go out. A very small number of anti-inflammatory drugs are worth the value of more than a dozen trucks when going out. "Brother, do you have anything else to sell, or want to buy, all wrapped in me."

"I still have a few zombie nucleuses," Shen Shi'an said. "There are one and two. They don't sell. I want to exchange with others."

"Which line do you want to change?"

"Spirit." At present, most of the other members of the team have completed the promotion by absorbing the crystal nucleus of the same system. Only Liu Fangzhou and Tang Song have not encountered a suitable crystal nucleus. As for Tao Yuan's Do n’t worry about regenerating abilities. At the same time, Tang Song analyzed that zombies ’evolved abilities do not include this ability of partial treatment. After all, zombies can live as long as their heads are not broken, and the tissue cells of the whole body have died and ulcerated. It's useless to do this. Secondly, Shen Shi'an found that Lingquan water actually had a boosting effect on Tao Yuan's ability.

This was what Tao Yuan told him privately. In the absolute death zone, Tao Yuan broke an arm, and Shen Shian fed him two bottles of Lingquan water. Because of these two bottles of water, Tao Yuan ’s ability was allowed to enter. With a level, the promotion effect is really significant.

"This is a bit troublesome," Miao Shoufu scratched his eyes. "It's not that no one wants to change, but that the nucleus of the spiritual department has not yet appeared. My power is actually the spiritual department. Our head is for me The promotion was purposely offered at a high price, but no one has encountered a zombie who has spiritual powers. According to the analysis of experts in the research institute, those who can evolve mental powers have higher IQs or more brains, but the zombies are not at all How much IQ, so it is still unknown whether there is a psychic nucleus. "

On the way to the capital, zombies of all departments have been encountered. Only the spiritual department has not been seen. Shen Shi'an and others have long been psychologically prepared for this, so they are not disappointed. After all, the absorption of crystal nuclei from other departments can evolve, which is almost an effect. .

However, the richest man in Miao felt a little embarrassed, "Is there any other need for Brother Shen? By the way, don't you want to set up a team, and choose the location of the team?"

Xiong Manshan shook his head: "I haven't taken care of it yet. I'm planning to find it slowly in the past few days. Last night I turned over the Xiaobanju Atlas. I was dizzy." It was not easy to find a house. I wanted to find the one that I liked. It's even more difficult. They want to develop their roots in the base of Beijing. They can't live for a while and find it inappropriate to move back and forth.

Miao Shou Fule, patted his chest: "Look for me! No real estate developed in the base of Beijing is more familiar to me than others. All others are Tunjinghetun, I would like to publish a real estate certificate. Hey hey hey The most clear. What are your requirements? How many people will the reserve team expand to in the future? "

"The current plan is to have less than two hundred people, which is inconvenient for management." Shen Shi'an said: "It is best in the inner city, there are no restrictions on water and electricity, and training venues can be established around it. In addition, the area of ​​the house must be large, otherwise it will seek Don't go. "

Miao Shoufu thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes brightened: "There really is a place that meets your requirements, but the situation is a bit special ... I can't say it clearly, you have time now, walk around, I will take you directly Take a look. "

The group was about to leave. Shen Shi'an received a call from Liu Fangzhou through his identity bracelet. As soon as he connected, he heard him shouting, "Shen Brother, you're rich!"

Shen Shian laughed: "I sent a little bit. Is your identity registration ready?"

"Okay, just finished. As soon as I opened it, I found that the number of points had risen more than twenty times and scared me to death. I thought I had a bug in my bracelet. Where are you?"

"We're going to see the house," Shen Shi'an asked the richest man in Miao's address and reported to him. "You go straight and meet at the door when that happens."


The place mentioned by Miao Shoufu is located northwest of the base of Beijing. When Shen Shi'an and others arrived, they saw Lin Ruan three standing at the gate of the community.

Before Shen Shi'an had time to introduce, Liu Fangzhou stared at the richest man in Miao and shouted, "This brother's light group is a gold ingot!"

The richest man in Miao was confused: "What?"

When the explanation was clear, the two sides also knew each other. The Miao richest man was very happy: "Gold ingot is good, take me."

Liu Fangzhou's eyes were fiery, and he nodded again and again: "No, brother Miao, you are really great." The light group can condense into a specific shape. He has only seen this one except Shen Xun. God of fortune this is.

Everyone talked about entering the community with a smile, and soon found out what was special about this community.

The green environment of the community is very good, there are many flowers and trees, and there is even a blue artificial lake, but traces after the fierce battle can be seen everywhere: the ground is cracked, the turf is flipped, and many trees are uprooted, leaving only empty deep pits, broken Residual walls can be seen everywhere, most of the buildings have only one layer of foundation, and everyone walked to the innermost part of the community to find an intact three-story villa.

The villa is huge, the floor space is particularly high, and the front hall is a dome design. You can see the top stained glass window on the top. ring.

"Wow," Liu Fangzhou couldn't help sighing. He heard his voice hit the ceiling and bounce back: "Mansion."

Miao Shoufu explained: "This is a famous rich area before the end of the world. When the base of Beijing was just established, the military fought fiercely with two power zombies. What you just saw outside was the legacy of the time. Traces of down. Most of the houses in the community were damaged during the battle, and some of the remaining houses were damaged and cleaned up. Only this one is intact because it is farthest from the center of the fighting. This The plot is located at the border of the inner and outer urban areas. That is to say, the protection effect of Skynet is relatively weak, so the inner urban area is unwilling to live and feels that it is impossible to live in the outer urban area. When I bought it, the price was so low, it was almost nothing. "

A group of people walked down the stairs to the third-floor open-air balcony to get a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery.

"Don't look at the mess in the neighborhood, but it's easy to organize. Please ask a few soil or wood abilities to do it in minutes. The biggest advantage here is that the place is large enough and there are no other households," Miao The richest man pointed to the large empty tunnel in front: "When you want to build a training ground or build a dormitory, you will plan as you like, and the building will be convenient. There are special construction teams in the base, and most of them are mutated soil systems. Psionicists, not only can control the soil layer, but also the cement bricks. You can tell them in advance what you want to build, and they can be built for you in at least a week. The quality is absolutely guaranteed. "

Tang Song asked: "If we only buy this building, how can the land nearby be freely controlled?"

"Contract!" Said Miao Shoufu: "The base has support policies for the power organization, whether it is a house purchase or a rent, there is a reduction, and the higher the power level, the greater the reduction, the greater the number of people in the inner city, anyway, You can directly apply for contracting the right to use this piece of land. At that time, the entire community is yours. This is the case with our group. There are more organizations. There are also two contracted residential areas. By the way, you have tested the ability. Is it level? "

Xu Ge shook his head. "Did you detect the power level, will the power be exposed? What if some abilities are special and you do not want to be exposed? Will you not be able to enjoy the preferential policies?"

"You don't have to worry about this. There are so many abilities in the base. Certainly someone is unwilling to reveal all the cards. The level testing center has also taken this into consideration, so there are three main detection methods." Miao Shoufu explained: “If it ’s the more exposed abilities of Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu, you only have to use it once if you want to hide it. Ca n’t you hide it? So these are usually tested directly, and you display all the abilities on a special test site. On the line, there is a set of detailed measurement standards for specific levels, such as the fire system, which mainly measures temperature, attack range, power output endurance, etc .; there is also a kind of spiritual power, which is derived from such powers. There are many abilities that come out, and the psionicists are least willing to expose specific effects. Therefore, the testing center has specially developed a device that can detect mental strength, which is the strength of brain waves. After wearing the device, the abilities are released directly. On the line, the value will be automatically displayed, like my ability is just recently broke through to the second level; the last is the most simple and rude, directly beat the test, which one beat Your opponent level is the level at which - of course, the test center will not just be able to arrange different phase grams of a test person. "

Miao Shoufu looked to Shen Shi'an: "Your team hasn't officially registered yet? The power testing and team registration must go to the power union, and after submitting the application, you can directly submit the land lease application. The result will be about three days. You will live with me for a while. Anyway, I have nothing but more houses. "

"Thank you Brother Miao, but Mr. Gu has provided us with a temporary accommodation."

People have to accompany their dad, naturally the richest man in Miao will not be forced. "Then going to stay with me all night tonight is fine, let's not get drunk or return for an overnight feast!"

Shen Shi'an responded with a smile.

I have to say that this place selected by Miao Shou rich perfectly meets the requirements of Shen Shi'an and others. After preliminary discussions and a full vote to choose this place as the settlement, the team members began to get excited and talk about how to plan:

"The lakeside area can be reclaimed into arable land, and some fruits, vegetables, and grains can be cultivated. When the time comes, a few more wood abilities can be recruited, and a wave can be collected every few days."

"The dormitory building is built on the east side, and a training ground is built next to it, so that Tao Yuan brother will be responsible for training the newcomers. Will there be no shooting range?"

"Repair a few laps of the track and get up every morning to run five kilometers before talking."

"If there are more people, you can build a canteen. You can build more basketball courts. By the way, you have to test it for Major Tang and Lin Ruan Gaidong's research building."

"Wow, this whole neighborhood is all ours ..."

"Let's develop the blade into one of the most powerful psionicist organizations!"

"Blades come on!"

"Come on! Duck!"

Shen Xun stood beside Shen Shi'an, shaking her hair, her bright black hair was flying in the wind, and the emerald beast's eyes were all Shen Shi'an's reflection, and she lowered her head and licked his face.

Shen Shi'an rarely missed him and raised his hand to touch the dog's head: "Do you like it?"

The dog flicked its tail, which was self-evident.

Shen Shi'an's gaze swept across the joyful partners, and finally he settled on the vast expanse of land under his feet and urgently needed a new life, and smiled gently:

"Later, this is home."

The author has something to say: I made a small bug in the previous chapters. The dog is now almost three meters high, which is about the size of an adult elephant, and I hereby correct it.

Weibo has an answer raffle at 8 o'clock tonight ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [Rocket]: Tehran 1943, Kiko 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 whole sugar candy;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [land mine]: one Muyu one, Sunny89, safe and easy, wky0211 ,? maybe ?, one shocking storm;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

125 bottles of Miss Ben; 60 bottles of 怼 dead bar essence and 60 bottles; vera_145 bottles; 30 bottles of squeak and fudge; 22 bottles of cat hair for eating and sleeping; 21 bottles of panda breeding observers; Gao Xiaosheng, Su Xiaozheng, Zhu Xing, Shi Zong, 20 bottles of saliva, 18 bottles of indifferent Conner sauce, wanton 18 bottles; 16 bottles of Ni He; 13 bottles of Xu'an Yong'an; strawberry jam, rainy clouds, flowers, grass, mud, peace of mind, CC, Gentle spirit, always windy, wind rolling, Victoria C Yinqiao, Kelly, millennium fairy, worry-free and regret, 10 bottles; 8 bottles of porridge, 7 bottles of L7; slightly cool Eyes, wky0211, Qingwu, 347859435 bottles; God assists three small dried fishes, three bottles of super gas; two bottles of big dreams and Qingbenjia; A wind, strange breeze is too intoxicating, 37181345, q ... qnm? , Meet me, purple, purple, lmagabbit, 32087977, wheat ears, 20889950, 1 bottle of Seven Nights Snow;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!