MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 120

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Shen Xun was carrying a bag of milk, sitting cross-legged on the head of the sweeping robot, and gliding forward from time to time while gliding forward to adjust the direction according to obstacles in real time.

Originally, when he was a dog, he was small and light, and the robot carried him with ease. He could run around and **** dust while mopping. But he is a human figure now, and it weighs more than a dozen pounds, which is difficult for a sweeping robot whose original intention is not "load". The two electronic eyes were pressed into red light and flickered, almost adhering to the ground. The disc-shaped shell was overwhelmed, and it creaked along the way.

This scene fell into Gu Yan's eyes, and it was really difficult to say.

Shen Shi'an came out of the kitchen while holding an casserole, and saw Shen Xun's brow twitched, and lifted him with a stern neck: "How many times have you said that, don't ride it anymore, do you come to sweep the floor if you break it?"

He looked up at Gu Yan again: "Morning, breakfast is ready."

"An An Zao." Gu Yan replied, his eyes fell on Shen Xun's body, and he seemed to want to say something. After a pause, he didn't say anything, turned and walked into the bathroom to wash.

After having breakfast, Mr. Gu is leaving. Shen Shi'an is not surprised. The higher the position, the more busy the business. In his current capacity, it is hard to find time to stay overnight.

But before leaving, Shen Shi'an had one more thing to discuss with him: "It's been so long since the accident, and I have been safe and sound. Even if someone really wanted to do something to me, maybe I had given up the plan long ago. I think Can the bodyguard be removed? "He thanked Wan Fan for their due diligence, but being monitored and tracked by people anytime and anywhere was not a pleasant experience. What's more, he can't let people protect his life forever.

"She doesn't do anything to you right now, because it's because she can't take care of herself." Gu Yan sneered, a few cold lights flashed under his eyes.

Shen Shi'an moved in his heart and heard what he said: "Ms. Gu has an accident?"

Gu Xie's disgust with the three words "Mrs. Gu" is obvious: "I didn't know what stimulus I was receiving years ago, and all day long murmured that evil spirits would kill her, and screamed and cried every night. Ning, went to the hospital and couldn't detect the problem. After seeing more than a dozen psychiatrists, it didn't work. Later, he heard that he felt that he had been lowered. Now he is hiding in a temple in Southeast Asia. Please master to solve the disaster. "Well, there are so many bad things that can be done, isn't it easy to hit a ghost?"

Shen Shi'an was a bit surprised: Was he lowered his head? This is where the trouble is again.

Shen Xun beside him sipped, drank a bag of milk, and took a nap by the way.

"The bodyguards are not in a hurry to withdraw," said Mr. Gu. "Just a few months to see, the situation in Beijing is more complicated recently, and the Qin family may have made some big moves. You can rest assured that after a maximum of six months, I promise she will never Don't dare to make any idea for you. "He will become the person in charge of the Gu family, and also made it clear that he only admits Shen Shi'an, a son, and must prevent the other dog from jumping over the wall.

Shen Shi'an agreed and sent Mr. Gu to the door. Gu Yan looked at him and the child who was next to him. He thought for a moment and then said: "An An, raising a child is not an easy task. In addition to food, clothing and housing, there are more important educational issues. You are still young Young, he ’s busy with his studies. This child has reached the age of going to kindergarten. How can you take care of it by yourself? If you agree, I can take him back to Beijing and provide him with the best educational resources. And living conditions, wait until your studies are done and your business is stable, then send him back. "

Shen Xun had just fangs out, and a warm palm rested on top of his head. Shen Shi'an shook his head: "I have received the kindness of Mr. Gu, but he is my son, and I have an obligation to raise him by myself."

The dog was picked up by his own hands, and it was because of him that he became human. In any case, he must personally ensure that children can live normally in this society.

Mr. Gu seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Shen Shi'an, thinking that he meant to metaphorically indicate that he was an unqualified father, and his eyes were bitter. Jiang Qiang smiled and said, "That's fine. If you have any difficulties, just tell me."

Shen Shian nodded: "I will." After a pause, he took a step forward and gave him a very light hug: "All the way."

This hug made Gu Min feel a lot better, and did not let Shen Shi'an send him off. He took the elevator and went downstairs. The assistant had taken someone to park the car downstairs and waited. Before entering the car, Gu Min asked Wan Feng who followed him: "The child named Shen Xun, is it really safe?"

Wan Feng shook his head: "I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be. Mr. Shen went to the mall alone that day and brought a child when he returned. It seemed that Mr. Shen picked it up after being abandoned."

Speaking of this, in fact, he and Fan Guoping were neglecting their duties: As the bodyguards of the 24-hour close protection, they did not even know when Shen Shi'an went out that day. Wan Feng has confidence in his own abilities, and Fan Guoping is equally confident. It is almost impossible to avoid the two of them to go down the stairs alone, but it did happen again. If there is such an omission, no matter what the reason is, it is a bit ashamed to stand in front of the employer at this time.

However, Gu Yan didn't care about this, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he got into the car: Did he say that with the genes of the Gu family and the Shen family, the children born shouldn't be a pair, and the brain was not fully developed.

Shen Shi'an rejected Mr. Gu's proposal to support the children, but the other party's words reminded him of one thing: Shen Xun is now a human. If he wants to survive in this society, he must receive a corresponding education.

It's just that the child is about to bite his temper. Shen Shi'an dare not send him to the kindergarten. Thinking about it, I can only teach it myself for the time being.

During the Spring Festival, most of the shops were closed. Finally, it was difficult to find a few online ones that can be delivered normally. After careful comparison, I selected a few sets of teaching materials for children. Shen Xun's biggest problem at present is that he can't speak clearly and is vague, so Shen Shi'an decided to start with the basics and learn Pinyin first.

Considering that he hasn't become human for a long time after all, the boring study is probably unacceptable, and it is better to be entertaining. So in addition to textbooks, Shen Shi'an also picked him up several comic books and story books, as well as several sets of easy-to-use Lego bricks. At the end I bought myself a few more professional text password deciphering books-he had a lot of vacation time, he still wanted to try to find out how to read the exercises.

The courier arrived slightly faster than he expected. Shen Xun was next to Shen Shi'an. When the delivery box was opened, she quickly took out a box of building blocks from the inside and sent it to her mouth to bite. She felt that there was no taste, and she threw it back.

With the teaching materials, I moved out the small desk and blackboard that had been prepared earlier, and put the pen and eraser neatly in order. Shen Shian cleared his throat: "The small sunflower class officially started."

The teaching progress is quite smooth. Although the child seemed stupid, he did not expect that he was very clever, and the learning speed was much faster than Shen Shian expected. It took only two days to memorize the initials and finals. If it wasn't for his own witness, Shen Shi'an would have thought of it anyway. Just over a month ago, he was still a furry, spoiled, and **** in his pants when he was angry.

Unfortunately, the gratifying teaching process soon encountered obstacles.

Shen Shi'an took a deep breath and told himself secretly for the twenty-third time: Don't worry, he is still a child. Children have to learn things slowly. They have to be patient and teach them a lot. They can always learn. Then point to the pinyin on the textbook: "Come, read this word again."

The child was sitting upright, looking cute and well-behaved, and **** with a milky voice: "m-i-force, f-eng-hum, hum!"

It's so simple to read a single thing, it's a long way to go.

"Wrong! What is Liheng, is Liheng a word? How many times have you missed the same word? Look at the pictures below. How could two bees so big read wrong ..." Shen Shi'an bit his molar after biting, Try to be as soft as possible: "I just taught it, m, with the tongue hanging out to pronounce the lips, bees, buzzing bees, swelling a swollen bee, remember?" Slowed his mood and pointed to the next pinyin "Read this word again."

The child looked at it: "h-ua-fa, h-u-fu, d-ie-butterfly, fa-butterfly!" This is the word.

Shen Shian's eyebrows jumped straight, and the palms hanging on her right leg were loose, tight and loose: don't worry, don't worry, the child is small, just learned, it's normal to make mistakes, but you can't kill them.

Why didn't he know before that teaching children how to torture like this?

Grind your teeth carefully and correct each word, then squeeze your smile with the greatest effort: "Come on, think about how I taught before, you can be so great. Come, how to read this?"

"X-i-ao-small, s-ong-fierce, sh-u-xu," Shen Xun scratched his face: "little fierce Xu!"

Shen Shi'an closed his eyes and took a deep breath, stunned and stood still, stood up, rushed to the kitchen, picked up two kitchen knives, and chopped the meat for half an hour.

When the nerves finally relaxed, watching the incredibly smooth meat on the cutting board, my heart moved, and suddenly I had an idea.

Striding back to the desk, I wrote two words on the small blackboard and put in pinyin, "Come on, try again, read it right. We'll eat this at noon."

Shen Xun's eyes focused in an instant, this time it was read quickly: "h-ong-red, sh-ao-yaki, r-ou-meat, braised pork! K-ao-grilled, j-i-chicken, t —Ui—legs, roast chicken legs !!! "

Shen Shi'an breathed a long sigh of relief, and he couldn't help bending the corners of his lips: he knew.

Hit the iron while it is hot, and quickly pick up the textbook and continue to ask him: "How to read this?"

The children's words are full of positive words: "d—a—large, x—i—ji, g—ua—eight, eight—big!”


Shen Shi'an squeezed his forehead and felt that he was an old father with a lot of energy.

In order to make up for it, Shen Shi'an went to the supermarket for purchases on the afternoon of Saturday afternoon, and made a large table for Hongzi and himself at night.

Full of meat and rice, I carried the dog down and walked around to digestion, returned home and cut a plate of tomatoes, turned out a few bags of snacks brought by Yun Feiyang last time, one person and one dog sitting on the living room sofa watching TV.

Shen Shi'an wasn't really interested in TV shows, but Xiao Hei seemed to like it, especially the costume fairy-tale drama, staring at the colorful special effects and flying magic weapons on the screen.

Shen Shi'an removed the bale seeds, grabbed a slow strip, and looked down at the furry dog ​​face lying on his legs full of concentration, some want to laugh.

silly dog.

Xiao Hei soon smelled the aroma of Gua Ziren. He shook his nose twice and leaned against Shen Shi'an. During the period, his eyes were still reluctant to leave the TV screen. The proportion of whites gradually increased to make people worry that he would turn his eyes. .

Shen Shi'an peeled out a few tablets and handed them to his mouth. A soft, hot and hot tongue rolled all over immediately, chewed two bites and felt very delicious, and drew his head towards Shen Shi'an.

Shen Shi'an peeled a few more, Xiao Hei ate a few bites, and brought his head back again. When a small amount of melon seeds were peeled into melon seeds and entered into the dog's mouth, Shen Shi'an's guilt born from the "left-behind milk dog" was completely consumed, and a slap was shot on the dog's head that continued to arch into the palm of his hand. The voice was cold and scary: "Am I an artificial machine that peels seeds for you? I want to eat and peel myself."

Xiao Hei screamed in pain, turned his head to fangs, and Nei Li whispered twice, and he pulled out of the bag by himself. It's just that when God created a creature like a dog, obviously he didn't consider adding a "snap seed" function to it, crooked his mouth, squinted his eyes, and bite it for a long time, but he couldn't separate the seeds from the seeds, so that it was directly into the bag. Take a sip, chew it and swallow it with shells.

"Well." Stupid dog.

Shen Shi'an's dark, black eyes had a smile on his face, and his heart flashed into the space.

Xiao Hei found that he was too late when he was about to disappear. He kicked his hind legs and ran out of his hands. He extended his claws and scratched the sofa twice: "I didn't catch up!"

There is not much change in the space compared to when Shen Shian came in last time. This week, he used various methods to squeeze juice, cut raw, cook, and make ketchup. He tried his best to consume nearly a thousand tomatoes. However, the vibrant "tomato forest" was still fruitful, and the red lanterns full of trees did not show any signs of reduction.

He bought a total of two bags of seeds in the supermarket, a bag of melon and a bag of tomatoes, of which only a quarter of the tomato seeds were used. He was trying to find a way to properly handle these tens of thousands of tomatoes, or to determine whether the fruits in the space were not Before the meeting, for the time being he was afraid to plant anything.

The plants that grow up with water from the Lingquan in the space are obviously unusual. He is only one person, and at most one dog is added. How to consume so many things? Can't you just sell it? How can he explain the cultivation techniques and supply of tomatoes that are big in basketball? It is estimated that others will only feel that the fruit is sprayed with an expansion agent. In the event that someone who cares for it takes the test and detects data that violates common sense, it will only cause trouble and cause fire.

After two laps in the tomato forest, Shen Shi'an followed the grassy path to the bamboo floor. Two trees were planted in front of the bamboo building, one was a peach tree, but it had not yielded yet, and the other could not see what kind of species. The tree was full of bright yellow, translucent flowers. Shen Shian felt vaguely that these flowers were with him. It seemed a little different when I saw it last time, but I couldn't tell where the difference was, so I didn't care about it.

The giant aloe received from the balcony is next to the peach tree, next to the aloe is a half-height cactus, two prickly plants you poke me I poke you, it looks like Quite harmonious. Another gigantic green dillock was placed in the bamboo forest behind the bamboo tower, and the bamboo was growing up.

Shen Shi'an carefully avoided the spikes on Aloe's body, stepped on the steps and entered the study. The quaint book called "Guixu Gongfa" was still on the bookshelf. He picked up the book and sat down to the front page of the desk. Unsurprisingly, everything inside was still obscure and confusing. It was like someone deliberately shuffled the order of each word in the book, unless he found the correct " Key ", otherwise this book is just a bunch of useless garbled characters.

But how to find this "key"? He has read this book back and forth no less than a hundred times, and tried all kinds of common or uncommon ciphertext deciphering methods that he can find, but so far, he is still confused and clueless. Speak.

Shen Shi'an rubbed his eyebrows, and put the book back together. Forget it, I lost my life, I already have such an amazing baby in space, and I ca n’t be too greedy.

What's more, he still needs to complete his studies. The clinical medicine needs to be vast and complicated, and the courses are full. The second year of his sophomore year will be more busy after he has determined the specific professional direction. He can't do anything for this. Ancient books, even the normal life and future plans are abandoned.

In the blink of an eye on Monday, it should be time to take Xiao Hei to the pet hospital for deworming in vitro and in vivo. However, Yun Feiyang brought the medicament personally, along with an adult slap parrot.

"Where did this come from?" Shen Shian opened the door and took the bird cage from Yun Feiyang.

"I adopted it." Yun Feiyang said as he changed his shoes. "In October, he followed the Association for Action to rescue stray cats and dogs. I found it on the Zhangshu Avenue in the old district. I don't know who is so lacking in morality. After getting a fishing net, this little thing was wrapped around it. The fishing net was particularly thin, and the more it got tighter, it was probably afraid that it would struggle too much. When we found it, we almost tore off our wings. "

Shen Shi'an looked closely, and it turned out that the left wing of the parrot seemed to be injured and inflexible, and even a large piece of feather was missing. Xiao Hei came over to whimper and was silenced by Shen Shian's eyes, poking at the parrot's teeth.

Yun Feiyang changed his slippers and took the bird cage: "I thought I couldn't live. I came back for the surgery that Sister Fang had done, and it took me two months to give my life back. This little thing is still a famous breed, and its scientific name is colorful \ 'Macaws cannot be raised in the wild, which is an illegal act. The artificially cultivated market is also expensive, and an adult bird costs tens of thousands. But this one does not know what the situation is, and its size is several times smaller than the normal macaw. Times, even Sister Fang didn't dare to recognize at first. Later, it was diagnosed that it should be crossed with other breeds and some dysplasia, but it was unclear what kind of breed to cross with. Sister Fong mainly focused on mammals such as cats and dogs. The bird is less mastered. "

"If it was a breed bird, there should have been a master?"

"We also thought so. After the rescue came back, we contacted the forestry department, posted a lot of leaflets in the area where it was found to find the owner, and the movement association also issued a notice on its official website, but no one has been contacted, and it is not known What ’s the matter with the little thing flying too far? And because it was almost taken care of by me during the recovery period after the operation, I have the closest relationship with me, so I will take care of it for the time being. This little thing is smart and speaks Then, come to Ruibao and say hello to An'an. "

The parrot stood on the horizontal frame and crooked its head: "Hello baby!" The words were clear and round, and the sound was pretty good.

Shen Shi'an saw the talking bird for the first time, and she was a little surprised. Before seeing the parrot, she saw the parrot crooked her head to the other side: "Goodbye baby!"

Shen Shian: "..."

"Hey, hey," Yun Feiyang scratched his head. "It just learned to speak for a long time, and now it only has the words 'Hello', 'Goodbye', and 'Baby'." Then he smiled at Shen Shian: "What, Sister Fang returned to her hometown on New Year's Day, and Hapi Pet Hospital was temporarily closed. The temperature in the bedroom was low again. I was afraid it would be frozen, so I thought of bringing it to your side to disturb you for two days. Can you rest assured, it is very good , Absolutely noisy. "

"Of course, you still live in the second bedroom." Shen Shi'an agreed, "would you like to prepare something for it?"

Each time Xiao Hei, who had to grind hard and softly to eat something, didn't hesitate for a moment, bowed his head and made two holes in Shen Shi'an's trousers.

"I do n’t have to. I bring the bird food. I usually feed it with melon seeds as a snack. Ruibao likes melon seeds the most. He can eat half a catty a day, and he does n’t dare to feed more. Today is an extra reward. Now. "

Yun Feiyang put the bird cage on the small round table next to the radiator, added the seeds and food, teased for a while to make sure that the small things were not suitable, and turned to ask Shen Shi'an: "Tomorrow is New Year's Day, tonight we will celebrate the New Year, Shen What is the chef going to do deliciously? I'll give you a hand. "

"The ingredients in the house are almost gone," Shen Shi'an said. "Go to the supermarket and see what you want to eat. I just need to buy something else."


Yun Feiyang picked up his coat and was ready to go out. Before leaving, he looked at the parrot in the bird cage, which was so strong that he was holding a pumpkin. He looked at the little black who squatted and stared at the parrot. He was worried: "An'an "Does your black guy bully Ruibao?"

Xiao He immediately turned his head and snapped his teeth against him.

"Shouldn't," Shen Shi'an glanced. "It can't reach the stool, and there is a bird cage blocking it."

Right. Yun Feiyang let down his heart and followed Shen Shi'an to the elevator. The two bodyguards accompanied him as usual.

The supermarket has a full range of ingredients. Shen Shi'an estimated the number of meals added by two people and two pets, and bought a full cart of meat and vegetables. After leaving the supermarket, he asked Fan Guoping to drive to the nearest hardware store, and bought a spade, a hoe, an ax, a garden scissors, and an aluminum two-way folding ladder more than four meters high.

Yun Feiyang looked stunned: "Little brother, are you going to farm at home?"

Shen Shi'an thought to himself: You really guessed right.

Buying more things, in fact, it is nothing to share to four adult men. Not only the strength of the two bodyguards is much higher than that of ordinary people. After the warming and tempering of the spiritual spring water, Shen Shi'an faintly realized that his current strength is not much worse than that of Fan Guoping.

The four of them walked out of the elevator door and heard the cry of the parrot Ruibao from the room. "... Hello baby! Goodbye baby!"

One after another couldn't stop.

Yun Feiyang wondered: What about this little thing? I never saw it like this, the key I promised An An that it would not be noisy.

Shen Shian stared at him, opened the door and walked in lightly.

Next to the radiator in the living room, Xiao Hei didn't know how to climb to the round table where the parrot was placed, and dumped the bag of seeds that had not been eaten before Shen Shi'an was put into the bird cage.

The parrot Ruibao is shrinking in the corner, and spit the seeds into the trough after each one. After a few capsules, the little black old **** stretched out his paw and ate it, and it was still in the bird cage Double tap to signal the other party to move quickly.

It trembled as soon as it slammed the cage. Ruibao was trembling with tears in her slick eyes, and screamed as she smashed the seeds:

"Hello baby!"

"Goodbye baby!"

"Hello baby!"

"Goodbye baby!"


"Goodbye baby !!!"

When Shen Shi'an's trousers were bitten out of the eighth hole, he saw that Xiao Hei's patience had reached the limit, and the three-day New Year's Day holiday finally arrived.

Shen Shi'an felt a bit guilty about throwing Xiaohe alone at home every day. Fan Guoping and the dean of the pet hospital both said that the stray animals that were just adopted, especially Xiao Hei, were so big that what they needed most was the owner's company and care. Even if you do n’t like pets anymore, it ’s only been one week since the little dog was picked up. Most of the time, it was letting it face the wall and the sweeping robot at home.

In order to make up for it, Shen Shi'an went to the supermarket for purchases on the afternoon of Saturday afternoon, and made a large table for Hongzi and himself at night.

Full of meat and rice, I carried the dog down and walked around to digestion, returned home and cut a plate of tomatoes, turned out a few bags of snacks brought by Yun Feiyang last time, one person and one dog sitting on the living room sofa watching TV.

Shen Shi'an wasn't really interested in TV shows, but Xiao Hei seemed to like it, especially the costume fairy-tale drama, staring at the colorful special effects and flying magic weapons on the screen.

Shen Shi'an removed the bale seeds, grabbed a slow strip, and looked down at the furry dog ​​face lying on his legs full of concentration, some want to laugh.

silly dog.

Xiao Hei soon smelled the aroma of Gua Ziren. He shook his nose twice and leaned against Shen Shi'an. During the period, his eyes were still reluctant to leave the TV screen. The proportion of whites gradually increased to make people worry that he would turn his eyes. .

Shen Shi'an peeled out a few tablets and handed them to his mouth. A soft, hot and hot tongue rolled all over immediately, chewed two bites and felt very delicious, and drew his head towards Shen Shi'an.

Shen Shi'an peeled a few more, Xiao Hei ate a few bites, and brought his head back again. When a small amount of melon seeds were peeled into melon seeds and entered into the dog's mouth, Shen Shi'an's guilt born from the "left-behind milk dog" was completely consumed, and a slap was shot on the dog's head that continued to arch into the palm of his hand. The voice was cold and scary: "Am I an artificial machine that peels seeds for you? I want to eat and peel myself."

Xiao Hei screamed in pain, turned his head to fangs, and Nei Li whispered twice, and he pulled out of the bag by himself. It's just that when God created a creature like a dog, obviously he didn't consider adding a "snap seed" function to it, crooked his mouth, squinted his eyes, and bite it for a long time, but he couldn't separate the seeds from the seeds, so that it was directly into the bag. Take a sip, chew it and swallow it with shells.

"Well." Stupid dog.

Shen Shi'an's dark, black eyes had a smile on his face, and his heart flashed into the space.

Xiao Hei found that he was too late when he was about to disappear. He kicked his hind legs and ran out of his hands. He extended his claws and scratched the sofa twice: "I didn't catch up!"

There is not much change in the space compared to when Shen Shian came in last time. This week, he used various methods to squeeze juice, cut raw, cook, and make ketchup. He tried his best to consume nearly a thousand tomatoes. However, the vibrant "tomato forest" was still fruitful, and the red lanterns full of trees did not show any signs of reduction.

He bought a total of two bags of seeds in the supermarket, a bag of melon and a bag of tomatoes, of which only a quarter of the tomato seeds were used. He was trying to find a way to properly handle these tens of thousands of tomatoes, or to determine whether the fruits in the space were not Before the meeting, for the time being he was afraid to plant anything.

The author has something to say: Wisteria Flower: Deep Love.

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Gun]: Kiko1;

Thanks to the little angel who throws [grenade]: there are idlers, Jingxing 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mine]: 22641158, white deer as 殇, Sunny 892; 33131342, flower encounter and return, Xiaoxin man-machine, Xia Sether, Youtian, lanthanum is next to 锕, lucky wow, since Cooked dumplings, catching the rain's tail, Xulian, aze, milk-flavored adzuki sugar, wshell, 28563803,? May ?, Shuangxuan 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

123 bottles of Weiwei; 112 bottles of lucky wows; 75 bottles of meow sauce; 74 bottles of queen in my family; 72 bottles of Avenue of Love; 70 more bottles of Amu 哆 (^-^); 69 bottles of silent words; no Nickname, late procrastination 60 bottles; small mud 55 bottles; 52 bottles when I came with a large knife, stubborn; Xia Sether, 72650 bottles; nmzss.mys.m43 bottles; 42 bottles of beautiful love online; I want dogs Grow up, 31749156, 40 bookworms; 37 bottles of sama; 34 bottles of sama; 30 bottles of Devil King and Gu Qingyun; 29 bottles of Shuangxuan; 25 bottles of radish and dream flowers; 2561085424 bottles; Next to Su Ziluo, Cangyu, Shangjing in March, lanthanides are stern, a thousand words, aze, linyilibaby, color female meow, small bun, 20 bottles of saliva pocket; 18 bottles of Tao Mantingzhou; 2800239217 bottles; Gxy16 Bottles; 15 bottles of Gongsun Jingmo; Grasp the tail of the rain, oranges, lxy white, complex, Qinghuandu, rolling into madness, swords, Tangerine, Muming, juchuas, a bunch of garbled, chestnut sauce, Tianmen Yexue , Roll roll rice, glazed rice, Daniel & amp; joyc, huangyuzhi1991, Mingfeng Zazhu, Lizijun 10 bottles; garbled 9 bottles; crispy crispy shortcake, wings & amp; Luo ~ Mo Shangxie, it is a small wooden duck! 8 bottles; Xiaomeng and Weizhu 7 bottles; Sundae, Qi yiyi, and sugar 6 bottles; chasing the worst, Qianli Qingqiu, Xinyu, Youtian, One leaf Zhiqiu, Shaohua, tilapia, LM, hattie, Jiangmi Sheng cake, min, Radiant light spot, black ink stain, sakura feather cherry, son Yuguijia 5 bottles; humanity, contradiction, Au4 bottle; cute love , Qing Benjia, Li Zi, 24992304, pear? 3 bottles; the rest, Feng Qianmian, I just pass by, 涞 迩, and Sanye 2 bottles; early lemon, 33197211, late maple light song, Buddhist department, self-cooked dumplings, q ... qnm ?, ⊙ ▽ ⊙, beef, Qi Yexue, Yun Zui Yue Wei, 10 bottles of ten feet;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!