MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 150

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After entering time in April, the temperature has risen markedly. The snow that has not melted all winter in the Beijing base finally shows signs of thawing and freezing. The snow water has infiltrated the soil and poured out the tender green.

On April 3, a full year before the outbreak of the virus, several days before and after that, there was an atmosphere of sorrow that was difficult to dissolve in the base.

In this year, human beings have lost too many things. The total population of the entire country of China has dropped sharply from 1.5 billion to less than 400 million today. Order has collapsed, technology has reversed and civilization has been destroyed. For all survivors, 2019 The nightmare day of April 3 was still clearly engraved in my mind, but the peaceful life before that was like the words written on the beach, and it was fading with the tide.

At 9 am on April 3, the memorial wall for the deceased, which was supervised by the base management, was officially opened in the northwest of the base. The 120-meter-long, four-meter-high black granite stele stands in the forest after the snow melts. On Yincao, the names of all the deceased who can be remembered by the more than 6 million survivors in the base are densely packed and can't see the head.

Shen Shi'an and others held flowers, and led Tong Tong to find the name of Fan Guoping and his wife Xu Shiya about one meter high in the middle of the stele. After these two names, Xu Ge's sister Xu Yao and Chen Nan's brother Chen Jiamu, Liu Fangzhou's mother, Tao Yuan's comrades in arms, Xiong Manshan's family, Lu Xiuyuan's parents, and many strange and long-lost people who have survived in another way because of the memories and thoughts of survivors .

Tong Tong held the photo of the family portrait entrusted to Shen Shi'an by Fan Guoping and returned to her by Shen Shi'an. Tears fell on the picture, and he wiped it carefully.

"Dad, mum," the girl's eyes were red, looking at the parents in the photo trying to control their emotions. "Don't worry, I'm fine, the captain is good to me, and the sister Xu Ge is also good to me. Brother Ark, Brother Chen Nan and Brother Lin Ruan are all very nice to me. I can eat every day, I can go to class, I can learn to paint, and I can raise a lion, I, I "

She held the photo in her arms, and tears could no longer control it, "I miss you so much"

Xu Ge wept silently, opened his arms and held Tong Tong tightly in his arms, Xiong Manshan stood up from the stone monument and turned his head to wipe the corner of his eyes secretly. Others also mostly had red eyes.

Shen Shian placed the flowers in front of the stone monument, and Shen Xun stood beside him.

After a long time he whispered, "Let's go home."

For Shen Shi'an, in addition to going to the stele to commemorate the deceased on April 3, another important thing happened.

When he was celebrating his birthday in late March, the tiger and wolf sent him a greeting card, which said that he had prepared a big gift, but it would take Shen Shian more than ten days to receive it.

Shen Shi'an didn't care at the time, thinking that it was Xiao Lang's prank, or he was just making a fool of it, so he didn't take it seriously.

Then shortly after returning from the monument to the villa, he suddenly received a message on his identity bracelet, and after reading it for three seconds.

Shen Xun immediately noticed his strangeness, and fluttered his tail to "what happened to An An, who sent you a message"

"The Activist Union," Shen Shi'an looked a little weird, glancing at his teammates. "The Activist Union sent me an invitation letter inviting me to be one of the 13 members of the union."

From the analysis of the historical base of the management of the Beijing base, it can be divided into three categories. One is the old family forces such as the Gu family, which belonged to one of the main powers before the end of the world, relying on the deep foundation and foundation laid down before the end of the world. A huge force, quickly gained the right to speak after the virus outbreak. In addition to the Gu family, there are two other representatives: Huang and Han. The main characteristic is that they have deep roots and high prestige in the army;

The other is the late family forces such as the Qin family. Before the end of the last century, they had abundant wealth but their power was not obvious. After the end of the last century, they relied on sufficient supplies and later took over. They succeeded in gaining a place in the new power system. The main feature is wealth, but nowadays, due to the pheromone of Gu Jia and Sharp Blade, they are bleeding every day.

As for the last category, it is the special emerging organization that is completely formed by the current situation and is born because of the last days. As long as you are an empowered person, you can be a member of a trade union, both in your personal name and in your organization's name.

Compared with the operation of family forces with the head of the household as the main decision maker, the power trade union is special in the distribution of power. It is not a single person's word, but it is selected from the members of the union through democratic election. Thirteen members of parliament, as the power representatives of the trade unions, make joint decision-making and management on the basis that all matters follow the principle of "minority obeys majority".

Thirteen members said that they are democratic elections. In fact, they are only fighting for the size and strength of the major power organizations. Therefore, almost every member of the parliament is the leader of a well-known power organization in the base, such as Zheng Gang, the head of the flying dragon group Another example is Xiao Lang, head of the Tiger and Wolf regiment.

The strength of the cutting edge is fast and development is not fake, but after all, the foundation is still shallow and it has not been able to participate in the most difficult initial construction process of the Beijing base. It has fame but lacks prestige. It would be unexpected that the union of mighty people would give an olive branch to Shen Shi'an.

The team members heard around and came around

"A message from the Activist Union invites you, Brother Shen, to join the Thirteen Members."

"Crouch, really fake"

"If it is true, doesn't it mean that our sharp blade will enter the management"

"Soft, is there a way to determine the authenticity of this message?"

Lin Ruan took Shen Shi'an's identity bracelet and checked it. "I address is fine, the domain name and the sender seem to be real, but there is no way to completely rule out the possibility of a hacker prank, or wait for me to connect The computer is thoroughly checked again "

His proposal was not implemented because, just as everyone was discussing this news, Xiao Lang, one of the 13 members of the Psalter Union, came, and did not take it empty, except for a large bag brought to Shen. In addition to Xun Xing's beef jerky, there are other talented people who have officially issued paper letters of appointment and appointment letters.

In Shen Shi'an's private study room, he didn't add more politeness. After Xiao Lang took a seat on the sofa, he went straight to the theme "What is going on?"

Xiao Lang didn't see him either. He picked up the teapot and poured himself a glass of water. Then Erlang took up Erlang's legs. "How is the tea prepared today? Is the ice cream coffee still sweet? It ’s really delicious. Drink a glass all day long. Is there any good thing you found anywhere? If you do n’t know it, it ’s delicious and it ’s delicious. The filling is soft. It ’s sweet and not greasy, and I can pull it out, and I do n’t know how you made it. I went back and tried the cook a few hundred times and I could n’t make it half delicious. Is there a recipe for it or is it for me? One "

Gu Ruo talked about him, but he didn't get into the topic, but he just wanted to hang Shen Shi'an on purpose.

Shen Shi'an sneered, took out a special horn comb from under the coffee table, and slowly started combing the dog's hair.

Xiao Lang held a tea cup on his left leg for a long time, holding a tea cup for a long time. He did not wait for his expected scene when he reached the end of the tea cup. Instead, he sneezed three times with dog hair, and quickly took a tissue to cover his nose "Hey you, why do n’t you continue to ask the question of hiring Thirteen MPs? You just have to ask a question and you have completed the appointment letter. If you get the appointment letter, it means that you are also a member of management. The rightful class in power, you do n’t want to see how you have to be diligent, be careful, be nice, and break the casserole and ask in the end. ”

Shen Shi'an glanced at him coldly. "Everything is okay. Nobody is okay. It's not early and we should eat."

Xiao Lang sniffed the aroma coming out of the door across a paper towel, as if it was pork ribs and braised pork. He scolded a sentence in his heart, shoved the letter of appointment and appointment letter into the hands of Shen Shi'an, and said "You are really It's boring, a little bit funny. "Leng Yan's arrogant looks so beautiful, why is it a man?

Shen Shi'an carefully reviewed the two documents, and it was true that the official documents issued by the Puppet Union were correct.

Rao is that he has a much calmer mind than ordinary people, and can't help but be a little excited at this time.

Being one of the thirteen members of the parliament is undoubtedly a huge affirmation both for Li Blade and his personal strength, and it is of great significance for Li Blade to be one of the members to set foot in the management of the Beijing base.

I'm in a good mood, and I even eased my eyes with Xiao Lang. I repeated the question I asked earlier, "What the **** is it?"

"What else can I do, I will stand up for your arrogance, and win you a seat of one of the 13 members. I am not moved, not surprised."

Shen Shi'an looked at him and said nothing. Shen Xun stomped his teeth in a timely manner.

Xiao Lang had a pain in his buttocks, and immediately corrected his look. "It ’s like this. The Phantom Union has always been a management system of Thirteen Members. You know, in mid-March, the head of the eagle group, one of the former Thirteen Members, was on a mission. Sacrifice here, one seat will be vacated. It happens that you are not going to celebrate your birthday. I thought that the two of us would be too close friends. Anyway, we have to re-select individuals. It is impossible for us to be in the wolf and wolf group. Continue to push in. Fatty water does not flow to outsiders' fields, it is better to give you a seat. This is not a nomination for you at an internal meeting, and the nomination just happens to pass. "

Xiao Lang said as if it was easy to do, but Shen Shian knew it wasn't.

The activist union is a 13-member parliamentary system. These 13 policy makers have inextricable relationships with the four major families. In fact, the 13 members of the parliament are the insinuations of the four major family forces in the activist organization. They They are independent and restrained from each other. All decisions must be voted through, and the appointment of a new MP requires a approval rate of more than two-thirds. This means that in addition to Xiao Lang's own vote, he must also draw at least seven MPs to stand in line .

Shen Shi'an believes that his personality charm and social ability are not so high that people who have never dealt with it will vote for him. Therefore, all of them rely on Xiao Lang's network and strength to succeed.

He looked at Xiao Lang solemnly and said, "Thank you very much. I have written down this relationship."

When he was polite, Xiao Lang was a bit uncomfortable, and he even waved his hands. "Ah, it's not a big deal. It doesn't take much effort. Needless to say, your personal strength is strong, and the development momentum of the blade is sufficient. You can also convince the public when you sit up. I ’m not telling you anything. I ’ve vacated a place this time. Originally, the Huang and Qin families took care of each other, and both nominated the forces to interact with them. Among them, the Qin family ’s momentum was more sufficient. So, this seat was supposed to fall into their hands. But the Huang family and the Qin family were the two largest shareholders of the livestock farm. The losses were not small because of the disaster of the livestock farm. You blame me, I blame you, just for the trouble. Seeing that his family couldn't catch it anyway, the Huang family simply sold me a good one and gave you all the tickets. Do you know what this is called?

It turns out that there is such a layer of insider.

"Anyway, it's mainly you who contributed to this, thank you, Chairman Xiao."

"That's true, too," Xiao Lang put his legs on the coffee table. "Well, this gift is not small. Although there are many trivial things after joining the Thirteen Members, the benefits are also real. Stand on the management level and follow the light. Relying on those people in the group to do tasks and exchange points for development, that is not a concept at all. You can get not only the status of power, but also information and opportunities. You will know the specifics anyway after you enter. You say , I give you such a big gift, how are you going to thank me? "

"what do you want"

"Where can I speak? Isn't it just that Grace reported it to me? No, no, I'm at will, Captain Shen, take care of it."

He is not stupid. Human feelings are actually guilty feelings. The longer the delay, the greater the value. If this human feeling is immediately realized, it will have at least three discounts.

Shen Shi'an nodded, and he didn't continue to question, as he remembered in his heart.

"Stay for lunch at noon."

Xiao Lang had been waiting for this sentence, and immediately jumped up from the sofa.

When I walked to the door, I remembered something, "Yes, I almost forgot to tell you that this appointment of you as a member of the parliament, Gu Changsheng also helped, he secretly sent the nomination plan over the Qin family side. I have it in my hand, just let me seize the flaw and win two more votes, otherwise it ’s really a little overwhelming. Hey, I heard that the Gu family does n’t recognize the young master, and his mother is Miss Qin, and the Qin and Gu families He broke his face and made trouble, but he secretly carried the Qin family to give you a handle, so whether he is Gu family or Qin family? "

Shen Shian felt warm in his heart and smiled. "He is my brother."

The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel mushroom Su who launched the rocket launcher;

Thanks to the little angel Miss Ben who throws a grenade, and a confusing one;

Thanks to the little angel Luo Xiaoyou, Fengyi, Shuangxuan, maybe, Dafami, Nuanmeng, 31112616, aozaki, and Lu Xiaoyou who dropped the mine;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

Bailu is 100 bottles of cream; 90 bottles of Rongchen; 89 bottles of a certain month; 59 bottles of Huangfu Huateng; 57 bottles of cymbals; 53 bottles of white and white; Xiaolao, a, get a name really strenuous, beness Nalan, kokoheckdia, Enron 50 bottles; 45 bottles of picking cases; 44 bottles of Muzi; 40 bottles of Chang'e's mashed rabbit and Jingjing; 32 bottles of sake; 30 bottles of Yi Xian Xian Yi, Luo Xiaoyou and Chen Qingyou; Wan Yanyun, Huayueying, Good Night, Little Fairy Yeah, Su Mo, Ye Luowuhen, bacheor, Yixun, 20 bottles; 17 bottles of sakurayayue; 15 bottles of green tea; 13 bottles of zero mo; 29357855, Xiaoer's melon, Warm adorable, evil spirits, clear and white, summer color, brook hibiscus, dry cave, Xiaoya eat barbecue today, Junfengfeng, Gemini Alice, Qian Xue, Huai Jing's grandmother ash, Lu Xiaoyou, one gesture, let yourself be Yes, Confused, God of Darkness of Gunara, Mr. Qi, Despicable Man, Bustling, Seven Nights Snow, isi, aozaki, Yi Qian, 10 bottles of two microphones; Fortunately, I know 9 bottles of my acquaintance for the rest of my life; 8 bottles; 280023927 bottles; 6 bottles of Sanye, Chongyan, Wanmei, Meimin; Ayi, Xuehua, icyivy, Wo Gua, Jiu Jiu, Black-tailed Phoenix, Special Path , Summer in Mucheng Snow, Qi Changye, ivy5 bottles; 4 bottles of Mingming Kong, Remaining, Chessboard Demon; 3 bottles of Maple, Heart and Spirit; Jiao, 娇 ン ジ ル ー オ, Ruoshui, Wei Weiri, Min Er, honeyhoney, Afterglow of the setting sun, rabbits smashed 2 bottles; Daiyueer, Guan Yan, did not deliver wine, who read the west wind alone, six or six, drifted over g15, Yuyu and Yuyu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

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