MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 151

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Joining the Thirteen Members of Parliament is a good thing for Shen Shian personally and for the development of the blade, but it is also not possible to go straight in with a blind eye. You must do some investigation to clarify the doorway and involvement as much as possible.

Xiao Lang has a lot of news, but as an authority, his views on some things may not be objective, so this task was delegated to the former director of the Confidentiality Investigation Division, which still has extensive connections in the base of Beijing. Tang Song.

"Before you are nominated," Tang Song sat at the conference table, looking at the top Shen Shi'an Road. "Five of the 13 members of the Magistrates Union remained neutral, and the remaining eight were all in harmony. The four major families' interests are tied together to advance and retreat, which can be seen as an extension of the power of the four major families in the union of powerists. Among them, Qin family accounted for three members, Huang Han two accounted for two each, and Gu family suffered heavy losses during the original virus screening process. Nearly the whole tribe is over. In order to grasp the right to speak as soon as possible, at the beginning of the last days, the focus has always been on the army with the greatest advantage. Therefore, in the area of ​​the organization of the powerheads, the opportunity was lost, and only one of the 13 members won.

Lin Ruan continued, "This time the head of the eagle group that was vacated because of an accidental sacrifice was an ally of the Qin family. When he died, the seat held by the Qin family became two, equal to the two of Huang Han. After you entered It must have been counted as the Gu family ’s forces. Xiao Lang was originally neutral, but this time it took a lot of effort to help us with a sharp edge. It is estimated that it will be divided into the Gu family, so the Gu family now has the most seats. "

"The matter is good or bad. The benefits are obvious. With more votes in hand and greater right to speak, we can naturally win more benefits for the Gu family, including our sharp blades. The bad part is that it is too eye-catching. Ten The original intention of the three-member parliamentary system was to restrict each other. One party has a strong potential and will definitely cause other parties to be wary and targeted. In addition, because the pheromone pie and the Gu family have been standing on the cusp of the wind, I am afraid that someone has been secretly watching. Of course, then again, there are risks inherent in gains. It is impossible for us to take all the benefits, and you have to be prepared. "

Xiong Manshan heard a big head. "Well, I'm going. It's so complicated. It's still simple to fight zombies. Which one doesn't accept it will kill him directly."

The dog shook his tail deep and thought it was right.

Lin Ruanxiao "There are rivers and lakes where there are people. Where can there be no point of power struggle in the rivers and lakes, have we climbed the biological chain for millions of years just to toss this way? But you are right, the strength in the last days That is the fundamental. As long as we become stronger and sharper, the captain's right to speak in the trade union of the psionicist will become greater and greater. "

Tang Song handed a thick document to Shen Shi'an, "This is the information of the remaining twelve MPs and their representative organizations you want. If there are any omissions, let me know."

Shen Shi'an picked up. "Thank you very much."

Chen Nan asked, "Shen Brother, are you officially inaugurated next Monday, right?"

Shen Shian nodded. The Specialist Union will have a regular meeting on the 3rd and 8th. He received the letter of appointment on April 3rd, and just waited until April 8th, which is the official appointment when he participates in the meeting next Monday.

Liu Fangzhou drew his fingers and counted "three days left. Brother Shen will refuel. When the time comes, he will guarantee that the Quartet will shock the audience."

"Captain cheer"

"Captain mighty"

"Let them see how powerful our blades are"


Tang Song gave a lot of information, and there was a lot of work to be transferred from the previous term. Shen Shi'an originally thought that there were still three days to prepare, but an unexpected situation forced the power union to hold an emergency meeting in advance.

Several gold rush teams have disappeared in the absolute death zone.

For Shen Shi'an and others, the absolute death zone is no stranger. It refers to a vast abandoned area consisting of more than 20 cities and towns located in the southwest of the base of Beijing, which stretches hundreds of kilometers, and has a high density of zombies. The total number is more than 25 million. One such number is because the population density in the region before the end of the world was originally high, and the other is because the capital and human resources in the early days of the establishment of the Beijing base were insufficient to surpass the survivors' zombies. It was cleaned up, so a shunting method was used to hang some of the zombies, and the other part was isolated by a dozen meters high "Great Wall" in the abandoned area through factors such as noise and blood that could attract zombies.

Over time, more and more zombies on the other side of the "Great Wall". By the time survivors realized the rule that "the more zombies gather and evolve, the faster the evolution," the half-man-made absolute death zone has completely become unstoppable.

The gold rush team came into being after the completion of the base in Beijing. It is also known as a "zombie hunter". It mainly depends on hunting zombies outside the absolute death zone to obtain crystal nuclei and collecting supplies. Most of them did not join the army for various reasons. Or the "scattered people" organized by the powers, when Shen Shi'an and others escaped the absolute death zone and crossed the "Great Wall", they saw a typical gathering place of gold prospectors.

Their presence can reduce the number of zombies in the absolute death zone, but the manpower is limited. Compared with the total of more than 25 million, the zombies that the gold diggers can solve can only be counted as insignificant.

Because extremely low temperatures have limited zombie operations, most of the gold prospectors who have crossed the Great Wall since the Spring Festival have been very rewarding. Zombies have been frozen in the snow and ice, and the vast abandoned urban area is like a rich and docile virgin land, attracting Batch after batch of gold prospectors went deeper.

The management of the base has already issued an early warning of temperature rises, reminding survivors to be vigilant about the zombies that become more and more active as the temperature rises. After a winter dormant, these monsters will only be more difficult and dangerous than before.

Everyone has received the warning, but not everyone is concerned that gold rushing is a business that licks and eats from the knife. If you are scared, you wo n’t do it. The danger is definitely there. Years The front is also dangerous. Where can it be dangerous to fight with zombies, but most of the zombies are frozen so that they can be chopped down. Where can I find such good things, hesitate a day to make less money, so the gold digger not only Instead of narrowing the scope of the collection, the generous income has instead attracted a large number of people to join the gold prospectors' team.

Everything was normal until twelve gold rush teams disappeared in just one week.

The Psionicist Union Building is located in the southeast of the inner city. Shen Shi'an and others have been there while testing power levels and performing group registration. The power distribution of the management of the Beijing base is about the four major families that mainly control the public domain such as the population registration center, task center, protection system, real estate management department, etc., and the level test related to the power person, the power person organization registration, etc. Then all are managed by the union of powerists, which means how many powerists there are in the entire base, what type of power each person has and how high they are, and the powerhouse unions have first-hand comprehensive information.

When Shen Shi'an arrived at the union building, someone was already waiting underneath the building. It was a young girl about 25 years old. After seeing Shen Shi'an, she frowned, and greeted her with a blush. "Is Captain Shen, a sharp blade, my name is Zhu Yue, I am a member of the staff department of the union. Considering that you are serving on the first day, I will be responsible for your introduction and commentary work today. The meeting room of the council member is on the top floor and there is still half an hour before the meeting. Take a look at your office "

The Allies Association has equipped all members with special offices. Shen Shi'an has not seen it yet, just to see what it looks like. So led by Zhu Yue to the sixth floor where the office is located.

He is wearing a modified version of Lin Ruante ’s specially designed military uniform for him today. He wears a belt, waist boots, and a straight white shirt. Because the weather is still cold, he has a tailored dark green jacket on the outside. Coat, with a pair of gloves of the same color on his hands, wrapped tightly from head to toe, like a tall pine in the snow, majestic and handsome, who dare not look directly, but also reveals apathy. Ascetic breath.

The metallic heel made a crisp knock on the marble floor, and finally stopped in front of an office on the sixth floor south. Zhu Yue opened the door, and Shen Shi'an had not had time to go in. A familiar whistle came from behind him.

"Yo ye, ye," Xiao Lang turned several rounds around Shen Shi'an, and the fiery hiding in his eyes couldn't hide it. "Your clothes are good, especially for you."

Look at this waist, look at this leg, he is so energetic, look at this thin white neck and **** throat.

Xiao Lang's gaze was fixed on that throat knot. One hundred and eighty times he couldn't help sighing about such a good condition. How could he be a man?

Shen Shi'an ignored him, and led Shen Xun into the office first. The office was very large. There was a large floor-to-ceiling window facing the south. Standing in front of the window, he could see the scenery downstairs.

The inside was clearly and carefully cleaned, and there was no trace of a master at all. The opposite side of the sofa was in front of the wall with two rows of fruit baskets of flowers, all of which were sent as congratulations.

Xiao Lang pointed to one of the most colorful and beautiful baskets of flowers. "It was from me. How about being happy?" Turning to Zhu Yue and saying, "Okay, I will introduce him here. You should be busy." What are you doing? "

After passing people off, he brought them to the door, lowering his voice slightly. "That's the Qin people."

Shen Shian nodded, but nothing happened.

His election as a member of parliament this time undoubtedly caused the Qin family to eat another puppet. People didn't want to try to gather around him to be abnormal.

When Xiao Lang saw that he was ready, he didn't say much anymore. He focused on Shen Xun for a while and said, "Is your son getting smaller?"

"Well, it's too big to move." So it narrowed from three meters to more than two meters, just one head higher than Shen Shi'an. After speaking, he glanced at Xiao Lang. "I am afraid the head of Xiao is not very good." Such a noticeable change has not been discovered until now.

Isn't that patronizing you?

This mouthful of flowers Xiao Lang turned around twice in his mouth and didn't dare to say it. Don't watch the dog become smaller, the teeth look just as scary.

Turning my head to see Shen Shi'an coming in, another person standing by the door honestly at this time "I remember you, I saw you several times when I went to the blade, what is it called Zhao Xinhe"

The man replied, "That's my brother. My name is Zhao Xinjiang. It's hard for Chairman Xiao to remember."

"It turned out to be a brother. No wonder he looks like this," Xiao Lang said to himself, asking Shen Shi'an "this is to be with me as an assistant"


The Psionicist Guild is cumbersome, and having an assistant will be a lot easier.

Zhao Xinjiang was recommended by Tao Yuan. Although there is no power, he has a calm personality, a careful mind, outstanding performance in training, and is a good seed to cultivate. After passing the interview with Shen Shian, he cut his fingers and let the dog **** blood.

"Then you can get along with Li Chengduo," Xiao Lang said. "Li Cheng also helped me share this work."

Zhao Xinjiang thanked him. Shen Shian asked "Li Cheng is here"

"Come here, don't you just stand by me."

As soon as the words fell, a figure appeared on the right side of Xiao Lang, smiling at Shen An and waving his hand, "Shen Brother, look for it."

The big dog was taken aback, and when he pulled out his teeth, he was about to jump over and was stopped by Shen Shi'an.

Shen Shi'an looked at Li Cheng carefully and was very surprised. "This is your power."

The richest man in Miao did say that Li Cheng's ability is invisible, but even if his body shape can be hidden, breathing, heartbeat, smell, temperature, etc. should never be covered up, but he and Shen Xun did not have it until Li Cheng appeared on his own initiative. One senses the presence of the other.

Li Cheng smiled and was a little embarrassed. "Is it scaring you? Sorry, the lady Zhu just wasn't convenient to expose the power. Yes, this is my ability. I think this ability is more appropriate than stealth. The argument should be to weaken presence. "

"Weakening Presence"

"Yes, it's not just physical concealment, it also minimizes my sense of existence, which means that even if you notice me, you will subconsciously treat me as a reasonable part of the environment and completely ignore it. For example, weeds on the side of the road or a small pebble, even if you see it, you will not give any vigilance, right? Another example is not very appropriate. When you order take-out before the last days, you may remember what you ordered. , But I'm afraid I don't remember what the delivery man looks like. "

Existing like a transparent person, no matter where it appears, it will not attract attention. This is his ability.

Shen Shi'an understood.

Li Cheng's ability should actually be a combination of "stealth" and "psychic illusion". But his illusions are different from those of Tang Song. Tang Song weaves the illusion to make the target "fall into the false", while Li Cheng makes the target "ignore the truth".

The human brain is very magical. When humans use eyes to observe things for information, our noses have always been in the field of vision, but humans never feel that noses are too obtrusive to affect vision, and even the existence of noses is almost undetectable. This is because the brain automatically masks out this shadow when processing the image.

"Does this ability also work for zombies"

"Effectively, as long as there is no big movement, both ordinary zombies and power zombies will ignore me."

Even the zombie virus can hide it, it really is an amazing ability. No wonder his combat power is not outstanding, but Xiao Lang took him with him every time.

Something in Shen Shi'an's mind flashed quickly, but he couldn't catch it when he thought about it.

"It's not early, the meeting is about to start," Xiao Lang looked at the dog. "Except for the members of the meeting room, no one is allowed to step in. Will your son stay here?"

Shen Shi'an looked at Shen Xun, who immediately said, "I'm waiting for you with An An."

Xiao Lang guessed the answer from the action of the dog. "Follow me. The outside of the meeting room is the lounge. Let's go. For the first time, don't be late to leave a message."

Shen Shi'an nodded and said to Zhao Xinjiang, "You stay here, send me a message."

"It's the captain."

The conference room is located in the middle of the eighth floor on the top floor. The carved wooden gate of more than two meters tall is engraved with the emblem of the Psionicist Guild, which is a combination of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and other elements of the Taiji gossip pattern.

After entering the door, there was a huge round table. Thirteen solid wood chairs were placed around the round table. The cover of each chair was embroidered with the emblem of the organization represented by the chair owner.

And the dark red tiger head and wolf head pattern is separated by two seats, is the sharp sword golden beast emblem.

There are more than ten minutes before the start of the meeting. Most of the 13 members arrived. After seeing Shen Shi'an came in, they had dealt with him and took the initiative to greet him. For example, Zheng Gang, the head of the Flying Dragon Regiment, has not contacted Xiao Yingying himself before. For example, Yuan Bing, the captain of Xuanyuan Team, also had a frown and a cold face, like Shen Shi'an robbed him of millions. Of course, Shen Shi'an might have snatched it.

Among the thirteen members, Bao Qiuping, the head of the Shuguang Regiment of the neutral group, had the deepest qualifications, so he stood up and took the lead. After simply welcoming Shen Shi'an, the meeting quickly entered the topic.

"So far, at least 16 teams have been missing from the gold rush team. The number of missing people has exceeded 217, and 12 of them have happened within a week."

"Can you determine when the first gold rush team disappeared?" Someone asked.

Bao Qiuping, who was in charge of the explanation, shook his head. "Gold diggers have been stationed outside the Great Wall for a long time. It is common for them not to return to the base for a month or two. There is no way to lock in the first missing team based on the entry and exit records. In fact, two hundred and one The disappearance of 17 people is only the most conservative estimate. Although the base has issued an emergency convening order, many gold prospectors have not yet returned, which means that the actual number of victims is likely to far exceed this number. "

"Are all missing teams disappeared? No one comes back alive"


"As far as I know, almost all gold prospectors have purchased pheromones, and more than one is generally available. Even if there is an unexpected force, it should be okay to escape. How could more than 200 people fail to stay? A living mouth said, "The sound intentionally paused for a moment, and then fluttered softly." The pheromone they bought was out of order. "

Instantly, all eyes focused on Shen Shi'an.

coming. Shen Shian thought.

Said this was Shi Wanjun, the leader of the Thunder, according to the data collected by Tang Song, and was included by the Qin family as early as the end of the last days. The Thunder was a force cultivated by the Qin family in the first hand. One of the three major power organizations on the base of the regiment's name, it is no wonder that to do this early bird to attack Shen Shi'an.

Shen Shi'an retracted his gaze from the opponent, and his long, ten-finger fingers wrapped in gloves were folded together, and his elbows rested gently on the round table.

"The effect of pheromone must meet two conditions. One is to inhale the human body through breathing; the other is within ten minutes after ingestion. In addition, the effect of pheromone on the power zombie will weaken as the level of zombies increases. All three points are fully informed before the pheromone is sold. "

"In other words, pheromones can only increase the chance of survival, and there is no guarantee that users will survive."

"I believe that everyone here has experienced the use of pheromones. So how should the pheromone effect have its own evaluation. If the head of history feels that the effect of the pheromone cannot meet the expectations, it is better to stop buying. Existing in hand If you want to sell pheromone, it will be very popular. "

It's more than welcome. There are more than 6 million survivors and more than 300,000 survivors in the entire Beijing base. However, the current daily production of pheromone is only less than 2,000, which means that even if each person only buys one It takes five months for the power wise to finish the line.

Survivors go out less this winter, and the demand for pheromones is not particularly obvious. When the temperature further rises and the mission to go out to battle becomes the norm, the scarcity of pheromones will truly manifest. After all, who does n’t want to die or who does n’t want to Get an extra stack of chips when fighting zombies or zombies

Take the pheromone hoarded in your hand and take it out unless the brain is choked by the pig.

As soon as Shen Shi'an's words fell, some people laughed. "Why, the head of history wants to sell pheromones, then sell it to me. Our group's high price will definitely not make the head of history suffer."

Shi Wanjun froze and closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"No one knows exactly what happened to the missing people at the moment," Bao Qiuping came out to play a round game. "But it is certain that it can't be separated from the zombies on the other side of the Great Wall. This winter, their evolution speed may be much faster than To our imagination, according to the analysis of the scientific research institute, there are almost four levels of zombies in the absolute death zone, and there is likely to be more than one. "

Bao Qiuping's voice became dignified. "The absolute death zone is too close to Beijing, only about 20 kilometers. Once a zombie tide is formed and the Great Wall is breached, the consequences are difficult to predict. This matter is related to the survival of the entire base. I believe everyone also All know the benefits, so the other four managements proposed that a joint task be issued with the Association of our Psionicists, and all personnel, whether they contribute or provide materials, must join the cleanup of the absolute death zone. The next Everything else has been put off for a few months, and clearing the absolute dead zone will be our top priority. "

"With regard to this proposal, voting now begins."

The voting results were unsurprising and all 13 votes were passed.

"Then everyone will go back and arrange it. The relevant fighters will report it as soon as possible for statistics. It is expected that the army will leave after three days."

Just when Shen Shi'an thought the meeting was about to end, the head of the Thunder Corps Shi Wanjun spoke again. "Captain Shen, I apologize to you. I was too anxious because I was worried about the missing person. Do n’t forget the large number of adults. The magical effect of pheromones is obvious to all of us, and it is absolutely impossible for problems. ”

Shen Shi'an did not speak. Because usually this suddenly shows up, traps are buried underneath.

Sure enough, Shi Wanjun saw that he ignored and ignored him. He smiled and took out the focus of the second half. "Such a pheromone is such a good thing that it will definitely play a vital role in the zombie cleanup operation. Since we all have to invest It ’s better for Captain Shen to give all the pheromones produced during the mission to the combatants. After all, this is a battle that is related to the survival of the entire base. "

Bao Qiuping just said that this cleanup task would last at least several months, and Zhangkou wanted to sharpen the pheromone output for many months, and his appetite was not small.

Shen Shi'an sneered in his heart, but he didn't show anything, even nodded. "The head of history makes sense. Since it is about the life and death of the entire base, then even if we have a sharp edge, we will exhaust all our dedication materials. It should be. "

After waiting for Shi Wanjun's face to look happy, he then said, "If I remember correctly, the Thunder Corps head of Shi should be one of the major shareholders of the farm. The body is the cost of fighting. Only when you eat well can you play the biggest battle. It ’s better for the head of history to give all the pigs, sheep, and beef that belong to the Thunder Regiment during the mission to the combatants. After all, this is a battle that is related to the survival of the entire base. "

It is true that pheromones are expensive. Fresh meat is not cheap at all, and the cost is at least seven or eight times higher. See who has consumed who.

Shi Wanjun's face turned blue and white, and he couldn't speak. "Well, the farm has been affected by the winter disaster, and it hasn't slowed down yet."

"It doesn't matter," Shen Shi'an has a good temper. "Anyway, the mission will last for several months. It's too late. Before the pigs, cattle and sheep have grown up, does the Thunder Group still occupy one-third of the ownership of the commodity exchange and use other materials? It wouldn't mind replacing the wanted combatants. "

Shi Wanjun's face gradually rose into a pig's liver color, and before his brain became congested, Bao Qiuping came out again to round the field. "Since it is a task, then according to the rules of other tasks, our team members are responsible for themselves, so we can't sell it hard. Is it okay to lose my life? Today's meeting is over. Let's go back and prepare. "

Shen Shi'an stood up from his chair, and Xiao Lang came up and pounded his arm.

Shen Shi'an ignored him, turned and walked out the door, Shen Xun came out as soon as he went out, and bowed his head in an affectionate manner to his neck.

There are many people waiting in the lounge, most of them are deputies or assistants brought by Members.

Yuan Bing, the captain of the Xuanyuan team that Shen Shian introduced himself to earlier, came by, and was followed by a gentle man.

"Captain Shen, this is our team's deputy leader Song Mingxuan. I admired Captain Shen for a long time, so I wanted to come and say hello to Captain Shen."

A man named Song Mingxuan walked over and reached out to Shen Shi'an. Before he could talk, Shen Xun suddenly pulled out his teeth and arched his back to open his blood basin and open his mouth.


The majestic vigor immediately lifted Song Mingxuan back and almost fell over.

Shen Shian's eyes froze, and he settled on him for a moment, then shouted "searching" softly.

"Sorry, my deputy captain, Xing Ye, doesn't like outsiders approaching, which shocked Mr. Song."

After the party left, Yuan Bing asked Song Mingxuan "read"

Song Mingxuan shook his head.

"Why, although he didn't hold his hand, he is already within one meter of you."

"It has nothing to do with distance," Song Mingxuan squeezed his palms with cold sweat. "There seems to be a barrier on his body, and my consciousness can't break through. I can't see through the dog."

Oh shit. Yuan Bing secretly cursed a lot of doorways for the surname Shen.

He paused and asked, "What about Xiao Lang, what did Xiao Lang think about?"

Song Mingxuan nodded this time, but his face did not know why it was strange. "He thinks that Shen Shi'an looks particularly good and very energetic."

Yuan Bing froze, and then suddenly realized "I said why he took so much effort to nominate Shen Shi'an. It turns out that these two are still privately connected"

The more I think, the more I feel irritable, and I take a sip of "grass, dog man."

The author has something to say sorry for keeping you waiting so long

Thick and long

Cheeky for a wave of nutrients: 3 ''

Thanks for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou who threw mines; I am confused, I want to eat steamed buns, Rong Rong, 33173218, Changan I, Qiushuiyu, maybe one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

Mitang 118 bottles; Yinuo 70 bottles; Yunqi and Shiluo 60 bottles; Meow Meow meowed 50 bottles; ann Anmeier 41 bottles; x ° 37 bottles; the world's first beautiful girl's house rushed 35 bottles; Asa Xi an, peach peach oolong tea, 30 cups of Su Zhuo; 24 bottles of Gao Xiaosheng; Ye Ruonan, amber, reveal, natural volume, thirteen, 25531590, Taiqing anti-class customs, western words, runaway for love, Nanxun cold, I love sugar such as 190191, air, 20 bottles of peppermint; 19 bottles of squeaks; I won't sleep late tonight, wanton West, sakurayayue, 15 bottles of clear and white; 14 bottles of yayayaya; 11 bottles of zero; white slippers Fumei,, tata, battle tyrannosaurus, 24516848 ,, crock pot patties soup, fish on the shore, aggie, yoyo, lemon, 30302942, purple purple, elk, 10 bottles of my little princess; waiting trees, 9 bottles of feast; 5 bottles of icyivy and 曌 明 空; 3 bottles of 噗噗 啾, 杦 妖 酱; Ju, Zhuge my male god, blowing a fan to drink bean juice, 2 bottles of a small alpaca; 19153504, a, sunset Afterglow, Daiyueer, 31112616, seeter, six six six one bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

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