MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 153

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For the sake of safety, a team of 2,000 people in this line retreated hundreds of meters until the third-level head completely quieted down.

Xiong Manshan carried Lu Xiuyuan on his back, hugged Liu Fangzhou, and went under the cover of the transparent wall to explore the enemy's situation.

Ten minutes later, the three returned, and Liu Fangzhou's face was a little pale, looking like a collapse after the power overdraft.

Shen Shi'an handed him a half-wrapped crystal nucleus and a bottle of spiritual spring water, and asked him "how" when he drank half a bottle at a stretch.

Liu Fangzhou wiped his mouth and nodded at the crystal core. "Tang Brother is right. There are four zombies, just over four kilometers in front. It is surrounded by zombies, and there are ordinary zombies. , Because there are too many I can't sense the specific number, but it definitely exceeds 600,000. "

Someone in the crowd took a breath. The total number of zombies they solved this week may not reach this number.

"What color is this fourth-level zombie light group?"

"Cyan, with a bit of green and a bit of blue," Liu Fangzhou said to pause. "Its volume of light is almost the same as that of a third-level zombie, but it is obviously brighter, and there is a small red dot in the middle. Not sure whether there will be a small red dot in the light group of all the fourth-level zombies, or whether this zombie has some kind of mutation. "

Shen Shian rolled out the map and determined the location of the fourth-level zombies according to Liu Fangzhou's clues. It is located in the outer suburbs of the medium-sized city f, and the surrounding terrain is open, mostly low-rise buildings such as roads, cultivated land or processing plants. In other words, there is no commanding height, and there is nothing to cover the whereabouts of more than 2,000 people.

Just two or three hundred meters away from the place where the zombies were located, Hongsha River, the second largest river in China, just passed through it, because the upper stream had just opened up and thaw, and the water was fierce and turbulent.

"The light group is a mixture of blue and green, which means that the power of this fourth-level zombie should be a partial wood system or a water system," Tang Song analyzed. "For the sake of insurance, it is best to stay away from the Hongsha River. "

Shen Shian nodded, and after giving the basic information, he quickly issued an instruction "immediately send an emergency distress signal to the Great Wall, and pass the situation here in detail to ask for support. Chen Nan, Xu Ge, Lu Xiuyuan, Qu Shuo, Wu Miao, Li Runsheng, The six of you followed me and Xunxun to find the situation of the fourth-level zombies, Master Xie, please take your brothers to eliminate the low-level zombies as far as possible from the outside. Mountain, you stay here to protect the party "

"Captain, I will go with you." Liu Fangzhou immediately raised his hand, drank half a bottle of Lingquan water and absorbed a dozen crystal nuclei, and his face looked much better. "There are hundreds of thousands of zombies in front. I ca n’t tell which is which, I can help you determine the specific position of the fourth-level head. If there is any unexpected situation, I can promptly remind you, rest assured that I can

Shen Shi'an thought for a while and should come down. "Don't be stubborn, don't be too far from the mountain."

The third-level head can no longer be used, otherwise it will be easy for the siege of the corpse to be triggered by the fourth-level zombies' reverse control. Shen Shi'an and Chen Jiamu's heads will regain space.

The distress signal and the details were quickly returned to the Great Wall. Everyone checked again that the weapons and equipment and communicators were correct. Lu Xiuyuan, under the direction of Shen Shi'an, stretched the transparent wall and included the advance team of dozens of people. The target was galloping away.

A few minutes later, Liu Fangzhou, who was carried on the back by Xiong Manshan, reminded him, "There is one kilometer left from the fourth grade head."

Shen Shi'an stopped to ask Qu Shuo, "Is this distance ok?"

Qu Shuo nodded "No problem, just give me a commanding height."

Chen Nandao "Leave it to me."

"Then Chen Nan, Qu Shuo, Lu Xiuyuan, Manshan and Ark left five of you, Chen Nan is in charge of the command, everything is in contingency, and the others follow me forward."

After Shen Shi'an left the area of ​​the transparent wall with three people and a dog, Qu Shuo removed a long wooden box from his back and assembled the sniper \\ 039 gun components in the wooden box as quickly as possible. Chen Nan held it in his right hand. A small pot of pure spring water, which Shen Shi'an left to him, planted the devil's vine to the ground "ready, stand firm."

Half a pot of spiritual spring water is poured to the root of the devil vine, and at the same time, a large amount of foreign energy is continuously input into the body of the devil vine, and the ground suddenly shakes. A towering tree emerged from the ground, carrying five people standing on it to climb higher.

The sway on the stem is more severe than the ground. Lu Xiuyuan didn't stand firmly and had no time to scream. A thick branch of the forearm intimately wrapped around each person's waist twice, holding everyone firmly. At the top of the devil's vine, a fence is formed along the cross section.

Qu Shuo held the sniper \\ 039 gun tightly, and retracted the palm with half of his hand out without any trace.

Seen from a distance, a towering green giant tower is slowly rising from the ground, and the stretched stems and leaves are larger than the sailboat, like a fantasy fairy tale scene, and finally stopped at a height of about 150 meters .

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the zombie group. Fortunately, the transparent wall with a road repaired by the virus can isolate the virus communication. The zombies under the green tower looked up at their necks for a while, then recovered their sights and continued aimlessly. The ground rocked back and forth.

Shen Shi'an and his party were not so lucky. Almost as soon as they left the enveloped area of ​​the transparent wall, they received the attention ceremony of tens of thousands of zombies and the warm welcome that followed.

Shen Shi'an made an immediate decision and immediately ordered the team members to inhale the pheromone. After a few seconds, the zombie group lost its target again, and the headless flies seemed to move back and forth, while the four people and one dog took the opportunity to run to their destination at the fastest speed.

"Ark," Shen Shi'an crouched behind a slightly higher street sign and opened the communicator. "Where's the fourth-level zombie?"

Liu Fangzhou had already stood firmly on the green tower, and Wen Yan quickly raised his telescope. "It's about two o'clock in your direction, about fifty meters. There is a long hair wearing a green skirt, did you see it?"

"One meter six five, wearing red high heels"

"Yes, yes, it's it, it's the fourth head"

Xiong Manshan whispered that the zombie was quite particular.

Shen Shi'an carefully looked at the first level 4 zombie encountered since the end of the world. Compared to other zombies, this zombie is surprisingly clean and tidy, and his face can clearly see signs of decay, but there is no slight stain, even Even the rotten parts have been carefully stitched. If you ignore the few stinging stitches, it will not look much different from a living person at first glance.

The eyes are not turbid and congested like ordinary zombies, the boundary between the white eyes and the iris is very clear, the pupils are collapsed to the maximum, and there are some strange reds in the darkness.

It wore summer clothes, but it was still early spring when the virus broke out, and the temperature was particularly cold in the north, which meant that the clothes that it was wearing today were changed after it became a zombie. According to the cleanliness of the clothes, it should be changed. how long.

All signs indicate that the wisdom of this zombie is far more than they have encountered before.

Shen Shi'an looked dignified and lowered his voice and said, "Quo Shuo, can you aim?"

"Yes." Qu Shuo's steady voice came from the headset. "The vision is clear and unobstructed, waiting for the captain's instructions."


Qu Shuo stared at the target in the sight, and his body remained motionless, and he pulled the trigger decisively.


With the harsh sound of breaking through the air, a ray of silver flew across Shen Shi'an's field of vision, but the fourth-level zombies did not respond, and a road stone three meters away from it burst into powder instantly.


Qu Shuo opened his eyes in shock "impossible"

Lu Xiuyuan could not help but ridicule "It seems that Captain Qu is not as powerful as you claimed, is it that it is so easy to see a female zombie and plan to be fragrant and precious?"

Qu Shuo's lips were clenched and he did not speak, and Shen Shi'an and others, thousands of kilometers away, were in danger because of this gun.

The fourth-level zombies were shocked by the sound of gunfire, stood up and searched vigilantly for others to barely hide, and Shen Xun, who was three meters high, was immediately caught by the other party.

I saw the other person raise their hand and waved, a huge wind blade of half a meter wide appeared in the air, and chopped towards Shen Xun with a thunderbolt, and the turf splattered and the turf fluttered. The dog left a little more than a foot deep where it had been hiding for a while.

The fourth-level zombies seemed a bit surprised when they couldn't hit it. They tilted their heads and looked at them. Eight wind blades appeared out of nowhere. This time, they blasted towards Shen Shi'an and others from all directions. There was no room for dodging.

"Be careful"

The long sword suddenly came out of the sheath, and Shen Shi'an stood up, leaving a trail of shadows in the air, facing the wind blade and smashing four of them. The other four were stopped by Shen Xun with his claws, but his tail was cut off. A pinch of hair.

The wind blades temporarily resolved, but the threat they faced was far more than the fourth-level zombies. Once the fourth-level zombies found their tracks, even if the ordinary zombies were still blinded by pheromones, they would not hesitate to attack these "likes" according to the instructions. Hundreds of thousands of zombies within a period of time All came towards them.

The "grass" Li Runsheng hurriedly raised a high platform. For the time being, he broke away from the zombie tide and became a target of the power zombie. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen wind blades whistled. The edge was extremely sharp, which temporarily condensed Li Runsheng. The rising earth wall was shredded and almost an arm was cut off.

No, there are too many zombies. If they continue to do so, they will only be trapped here. We must find a way to resolve the fourth-level zombies.

Shen Shian jumped from the platform with a long sword in his hand, and rushed to the fourth-level zombies while crossing the tide of corpses and shouted at the communicator, "Please ask Master Xie for help. There are too many zombies. We need support. This zombies is a wind power. Shuo, try firing again "

As soon as the voice fell, another silver light flashed. This time Shen Shi'an looked carefully. The bullet did indeed aim at the head of the zombie, and then it was changed by an invisible air current within ten meters of the zombie. After the trajectory, the target deviated again by a few meters.

Long-range sniping originally required precision to the slightest. It is no wonder that there is such a layer of airflow blocking the target.

The power zombies were attacked twice in succession, and a cyclone with a thickness of more than half a meter was formed. The third shot of Qu Shuo was blown away by a strong air stream before approaching the target. He did not know where the bomb went.

"Rely on" Xiong Manshan couldn't help but stomp his foot. "The bullet can't hit it at all. The captain is too dangerous. You are waiting for me here to help."

"I'll go too," Chen Nan took out another devil vine with thick fingers, which Shen Shi'an gave him before he set off. "The three of you stay on it. There is Lu Xiuyuan who can't find you in the zombies. Rest assured , I won't be too far away. "

Chen Nan controlled the vines to send himself and Xiong Manshan down the green tower, and Qu Shuo on the green tower was still aiming. "Mr. Liu, other than the fourth-level zombie, does the captain have other power zombies near them?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, there is a third-level one across from Sister Xu"

"Trouble Mr. Liu shows me."

Bullets are not effective for level 4 zombies, but not necessarily for other zombies.


The tertiary fire department zombies that were driving Xu Ge back and forth in a row stiffened, a few drops of black blood dripped from the temple, and then fell straight to the ground.

However, even with the support of teammates, Li Runsheng and others are still in a dire situation. The tide of zombies seemed endless. One wave after another could not be killed at all, and the intensive wind blade attack of the fourth-level zombies really made it difficult.

Shen Shian's eyes condensed, and Jian Jianguang swept out, clearing a small vacant lot in the **** sky, facing Shen Xun, who was fighting not far away, chanted "You Left My Right"

"it is good"

The two figures quickly formed a pinch of left and right as lightning. The fourth-level zombies seemed to feel the threat, and suddenly raised their heads, howling, and the neat green long skirts were hunting, and numerous wind blades were facing one person and one dog like a storm. Cut it over.

Kengkeng Kengkeng

The fire splattered on the sword, and the strong shock shook Shen Shi'an's palm. The exercises are working at full power, the five senses are expanded to the extreme, and everything around him forms a three-dimensional image in his consciousness, so that all attacks of the power zombie slow down many times in slow motion. He twisted his body to an unbelievable arc and passed between the two wind blades. The sword was split into four, and the other was passed close to the face. Then he blocked a concrete barrier of more than three meters by the roadside. Severed, the broken stones rolled and fell.

Every time he approached a point, Shen Shi'an realized more clearly that this fourth-level zombie was more powerful than any zombies he had encountered.

Suddenly a snoring moan sounded in his mind, and Shen Shi'an turned his head subconsciously, and then found a scarlet blood stream flowing down the right front leg of the big dog.


"I'm fine, An An, don't worry, you just scratched a layer of skin."

Shen Xun was a bit surprised when he said this. Although the form is far from being the body, it is also very powerful. His skin cannot be cut with a knife, and he was given a blade of a zombie power. Cut

After confirming that the dog had suffered a skin trauma, an uncontrollable anger was still gathered in the chest cavity. Shen Shi'an clenched the hilt, and the speed became almost a ghost. After paying seven or deep or shallow wounds as the price , Finally through the dense wind blade to the power zombies two meters away.

The tiptoe kicked up into the air, and the sword crossed a turquoise arc of light in mid-air. However, before the arc was chopped towards the power zombie, Shen Shi'an felt a sudden lightness on his body, and then he seemed to be pulled by a giant force. Generally involuntarily rotates at high speed.

At the same time, Liu Fangzhou, standing at the top of the green tower watching the battle, opened his mouth in shock.

"Am I, did the fourth-level head just summon a tornado?"

The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel Lu Xiaoyou who dropped the grenade;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines, two of them are clear; maybe, elk, 29840318, rosa, 20964828, Lu Xiaoyou, and lazy sheep;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

Meow sauce ゛ 134 bottles; 鹄 111 bottles; Wan 坻 100 bottles in the water; shake your wife and shake 80 bottles; Meow: sarro60 bottles; "boss067" 53 bottles; 50 bottles in summer and summer; Forsythia Xishan, 33351068, acey , Luo Xiaoyou 40 bottles; white sugar cake 35 bottles; stay up late to see Wenhui bald, yukir, Yun Ruoxi, old words are 30 women of Thunder Lion Kelly; 26 bottles of dreaming grass; 25 bottles of meow , 615965, light rain, and forgotten the password again, 22617162, 20 bottles of paralysis of someone's paralysis; 18 bottles of Dongli; 13 bottles of white glass; wake up after the dream, charcoal grilled spicy cabbage, chessboard monster, open your eyes and look I, qq, 76, Qiushuiyu, Xiyue, Qingtang, Yiluo Moshangxie, Xiaomeng and Weizhu, Habit, Qingwu, I entered into the author's chrysanthemum, a name really strenuous, Lan Xi 10 Bottles; 8 bottles of caves; 7 bottles of Daiyueer; 5 bottles of i8, aggie, cakes, speech 丞, Ji Mo, Mo Mo Ju, 噗噗 啾, purple purple, and special roads; Xiyang, evaaa, and warm sun , Xuetangtang, 19411639, radiant light spot, eiry3 bottles; 13469013, sur2 bottles; Xinxin Mengmei, Lala 噜, the setting sun, Hui, qqn, Qingbenjia 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

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