MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 157

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This is the anti-theft Zhang Xun's "Little Black," he shouted two times at the entrance, "I'm leaving."

The room was quiet, and no familiar black figure appeared.

I don't know where to hide and still be mad with him. Shen Shi'an didn't care, it was better to be mad than to snare to bite a hole in his trousers secretly. Pick up the schoolbag from the sofa. "I'm gone. Don't be fooled, come back at noon and burn your chicken legs."

The examination room and seat number are randomly assigned after different classes of the same department are disrupted, which means that the same examination room may not be a classmate. Shen Shi'an's seat was in the penultimate row of the first row. On the way to the seat, it was found that the class leader Lu Xiuyuan was also in this examination room. He was sitting diagonally behind him, and the second row was the penultimate row.

Lu Xiuyuan also saw him, and raised his chin high to prepare an arrogant and disdainful look. Unfortunately, Shen Shi'an did not give him the opportunity, glanced lightly, and quickly turned his eyes away.

Put down your schoolbag and sit in position, first take out the paper, pen, and student ID from the outer pocket, arrange them neatly in the upper left corner of the desk, then open the inner main zipper, reach in and hold the thermos cup

It is expected that the cold feel of the medium insulation cup does not appear, and the palm is soft and fluffy. Shen Shi'an squeezed two hands subconsciously, lowered his head, just facing the pair of round green emerald green eyes, the owner of the eyes also stuck out his tongue, and licked on his fingers flatteringly.

Shen Shian ""

Brow peaked and wrinkled with headache. I bounced a few times into its ears. How did you run in? I have to take an exam. What do you want to do here?

However, it is obviously not the time to discuss these issues. The proctor's teacher has taken the sealed roll to the podium. "The exam is about to begin. Please turn off your mobile phone. Except for pens and pencils, all things like school bags etc. Come up, if you find that the mobile phone is not turned off after the test starts, or there are professional books, reference materials and cheat sheets, whether you see it or not, all are treated as cheating. The consequences of cheating will be known. The school will report the criticism directly. Rehabilitation, severe expulsion from school, scary, scary, quickly send things up, everyone competes honestly on the integrity test. "

The test time is two hours in total. It is absolutely impossible for Xiao Hei to sit quietly in Baoli for two hours without speaking. Although Wan Feng was nearby, the mobile phone was required to be turned off. It is too late to call them to pick up Xiaohei. Seeing the urgency of the proctor's teacher more and more urgent, Shen Shi'an unzipped the down jacket and stuffed Little Black through the cover of the desk and schoolbag.

"Don't make a noise," he said softly. "Otherwise, I'll have dog meat fondue at noon."

Pull down the zipper of the down jacket and school bag again, and then hold the dog's **** in one pocket with one hand, hold the school bag with one hand, and walk to the empty table in front.

After the test bell rang, candidates began to answer questions. Needle drop was audible throughout the examination room, only the sound of footsteps of the proctor walking back and forth and the rustling of the pen tip on the paper sheet.

The down jacket is very warm, and the tip of the nose is filled with the familiar and unique taste of the owner of the clothes, which is fresh and smells good, reassuring the dog. Xiao Hei was so satisfied that the meat pad grabbed the sweater nest and took a nap in the down jacket. When I woke up, I found that Shen Shi'an was still writing, and bored with boringness, he began to dig his **** and drill one after the other.

The dog's body temperature is slightly higher than that of a human, and it is almost warm like a small stove on its stomach. Observing that the small stove suddenly began to be dishonest, Shen Shi'an put his hand into his pocket and threatened to squeeze it twice across the fabric.

The small stove stopped, and it didn't take long to settle down, and then poked in his clothes.

Shen Shi'an focused his attention and answered the questions carefully, without any pause. Until Xiaohe turned around and started to drill under the clothes, the speed of answering suddenly increased. After finishing the last word, put a period, and then put down the pen. Hold the dog's back neck skin across the clothes with one hand, and open the zipper a little with one hand, his face turned Cold as frost, pursed his lips and looked down at the "you"

A reprimand that lowered the volume to the extreme just started, and suddenly came out shouting "report to the teacher, he cheated"

The voice was loud and clear, as the same thunder exploded in the examination room, and everyone's eyes were instantly gathered. Most of them knew Shen Shi'an. The quiet examination room was full of whispers.

Shen Shi'an turned his head and, as expected, met the eyes of the squad leader Lu Xiuyuan. The eyes were very bright, full of excitement and contempt, and when Shen Shi'an came to see it, he was a little bit more defensive and proud of defending justice, stood upright, and repeated his allegations in a correct manner. , Something hidden in his clothes, I found him peeping several times "

There are two proctors, one male and one female. The male teacher should have gone to the toilet. The female teacher heard that the movement had come in the direction of the two. Shen Shian bowed his head lightly and quickly and said "remember to be poor." .

Standing upright and cold, his face was soothing and calm, without any panic or anger as he should be after being charged.

Probably he didn't look like he would cheat. After the female teacher confirmed to Lu Xiuyuan that the accused was indeed him, he subconsciously softened his voice, "This classmate, is there something hidden in your clothes?"

Shen Shi'an nodded, his voice clear and clear, like a jade stone striking the summer wind and brushing the forest, and he inadvertently made people feel a bit like "Yes."

"Look at the teacher," Lu Xiuyuan's face rose slightly with excitement, "I'm right."

The female teacher glanced at him and put her eyes back on Shen Shi'an. "Can you pull off your clothes and show me?"

The down jacket's zipper was only halfway down, and a fluffy, swollen head immediately emerged from the clothes, buttocks were slammed with fingers in the pocket across the fabric, and the emerald green eyes immediately burst into tears. Only a meat pad was chopped on Shen Shi'an's chest.

Turning her head to the female teacher softly called a "meow"

Shen Shian ""

There was an uproar, and the female teacher waited for a while before responding. "This is" While asking, she picked up the student ID on the table. "Shen Shi'an, you are Shen Shi'an, who is the first place in the year."

Shen Shi'an was accepted by the medical university with the first place in the city's college entrance examination. He also spoke as a freshman representative at the opening ceremony. He also won a national scholarship with the first grade in his freshman year finals. He concluded in the semester of the clinical college. Speeches on the awards were given at the conference. In addition, Grandpa was a professor of Medical University before his death, and Mr. Gu donated two research laboratories to the school. Even if the teachers in the school did not teach him, he and his family were more or less heard of it.

"This is a stray dog ​​I picked up in the community," Shen Shi'an replied softly, and he touched the dog's head at the same time. "The doctor said that he was only two months old, and it was estimated that he had just separated from the **** shortly after weaning. The bushes were almost frozen to death. "He was much taller than the female teacher, so from the perspective of the other side, half of the eyelashes became denser and curled up." It lacks a sense of security and must be kept You can be quiet with the company, otherwise you will tremble and tremble. There is no other person in my family who can take care of it, and there is no way to bring it over. I am sorry to disturb your classmates for the exam. "

The tone of the youth is flat, the pace of speaking is not rush, and there is no meaning in the look to win sympathy, but once there is a trace of softness on the face of the indifferent and alienated face, the softness is particularly obvious, like in the ice A flower that blooms is fragile, stubborn, beautiful and lonely, and instantly makes a surge of protection.

At this time, the male teacher also returned to the examination room. In order to prove innocence, Shen Shi'an simply hugged Xiaohei with one hand, and took off the down jacket with his other hand to show everyone "There is nothing else but this dog. I know I have to Bringing a pet to the examination room seriously violates the discipline of the examination room and also disturbs other students' exams. I'm really sorry, but the two teachers should decide how to punish them. I have absolutely no complaints. In order not to cause interference to other students, I want to submit the papers in advance. "

He bowed squarely to the two teachers, then packed up and hugged the dog to leave the examination room. As soon as I walked out of the classroom door, the softness between the eyebrows disappeared instantly, and I held it to the front with my little black neck skin. My eyes were not deep, and my tone was very soft. "Say, do you like clear soup or spicy?"

In the classroom, the male teacher picked up Shen Shi'an's paper, and glanced over the neat and clear writings under each question, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh, this is all done."

Lu Xiuyuan's complexion, which was not so good at first, was even worse.

The final exam lasted for more than a week. Under the rigorous defense of Shen Shi'an, the accident that the dog sneaked into the schoolbag never happened again.

In the afternoon of January 11, the last exam was successfully concluded. Most students have already bought tickets for their home tickets early. Less than an hour after the test, most of the campus is empty.

Yun Feiyang didn't return home, and moved into the second bedroom of Shen Shi'an's house with a suitcase and bird cage. Shen Shian poured him a glass of tomato juice. "You don't have to stay with me to accompany me." Since the death of my grandpa, Yun Feiyang always has to stay with him for a variety of reasons during the winter and summer vacations. Shen Shi'an deeply understands that. I was afraid that he would be alone and feel sad and sad.

"I didn't stay here to accompany you," Yun Feiyang lay down comfortably on the sofa, poured tomato juice into Ruibao's kettle, and shared it with him. "I signed up for the Volunteer Association's volunteer activities. h city as the center, together with surrounding towns and cities to carry out rescue operations for stray animals in winter, it is estimated that it will last for two weeks. The school dormitory building will be closed in a few days, and it will be frozen to death. Brother, I have no choice. Come over to you. "

I said, I changed my posture. "Yes, I may have to live in a foreign city for two days during the event. When that happens, please help me take care of the rations that Ruibao can handle. There are several layers of newspapers under the cage. If you think it smells bad, take out one. "While blinking at Shen Shi'an, try to seduce 039." Also, let your black guy stay a little farther away from it. . "

Shen Shian nodded "OK." Probably because he had fed Lingbao with Lingquan water. Although this little thing was afraid of Xiaohei, he was very close to him. Every time he saw it, he shook his head and shouted "baby". It was very cute.

Yun Feiyang fulfilled his wish and turned to look at Xiao Hei, whose legs were standing upright in the corner of the living room, motionless against the wall. "What's wrong, it was punished to sneak into your schoolbag."

There was no secret in the school. When Shen Shi'an took the exam, he had a small milk dog in his arms and spread throughout the clinical academy that afternoon. Most students were surprised that Shen Xueba, the beauty of the iceberg, had such a gentle side, and she added a large number of admirers to Shen Shi'an. In the past few days, she received dozens of confession text messages. Many of them were classmates. How to refuse Shen Shian's brains one by one, which is why things have passed for a few days, and Xiao Hei still has to face the wall to punish him.

Raised his eyes and glanced over, "Stand up."

Little Black Fang wanted to whine, remembering that the three-day meal of Qingshui cabbage did not dare, he lifted his front paws up, and his belly and the wall were more tightly attached.

"The results of that examination have not come down yet," Yun Feiyang asked.

Shen Shi'an shook his head. "It is estimated that it will not be until the New Year, but the counselor made me not to worry. It should not be cancelled."

Yun Feiyang glared at "you didn't cheat, you were taking the exam brightly, why did you cancel the grade and give you the answer?" He said with a sigh of relief, "Fuck, Lu Xiuyuan, the grandson, sooner or later Give him a hard repair. "

"Don't cause trouble, violent fights are to be expelled directly."

"I'm not stupid." Yun Feiyang whispered secretly. I don't know how to secretly sack you.

After the holiday, the free time suddenly increased. Yun Feiyang often stays away from home during volunteer activities, which facilitates Shen Shi'an's free access to many places before he can freely study the space, just to explore carefully during the winter vacation.

After having dinner on this day, Yun Feiyang hadn't returned to Linshi. Shen Shi'an was not assured to let Xiao Hei stay with Ruibao alone. After thinking about it, he thought of it and moved into the space together.

Entering the space for the first time seemed to have a great impact on the dog, and he looked stiff and stiff. When I reacted to where I was, I immediately broke away from Shen Shi'an, spread my short legs and ran forward.

"This is the realm of Shen Shian"

Shen Shi'an didn't care about it, ran along with it, raised his feet and walked towards the tomato forest. Just after taking two steps, a bright golden light suddenly appeared in the vision of the corner of the eye. With a scream, a familiar black hair ball flew in the sky, and then hit the ground in a parabolic shape.

Small, black

Shen Shi'an failed to understand what was happening for a while.

Xiao Hei, who fell into the soil, didn't seem to feel the pain. He stood up and shook the soil, and toward the goal, Lingquanquan rushed over. This time, she kept her eyes on it, and Shen Shi'an finally took a closer look at everything.

Xiao Hei rushed towards Lingquanquan at full speed, and when it reached about five meters outside the fountain's eye, a golden barrier that penetrated the heavens and earth suddenly lit up, and the rune on it flashed mysteriously and inexplicably. Surrounded by Wang Lingquan Pond, blocking Xiao Hei's steps, and at the moment Xiao He bumped into it, Jin Guangzha shone like a thunder and flew Xiao Hei far away.

There is a barrier around Lingquan before, or it has only recently appeared. Why he never found out

The shock in my heart was like a stormy sea. Shen Shi'an quickly walked to the place where Jin Guang appeared a moment ago.

After flying Xiao Hei, Jin Guang disappeared again. At this time, the surrounding Lingquan looked the same as usual. Shen Shi settled down, and then continued to walk forward to Quan's eyes and away from them come back. Back and forth unimpeded, Jinguang did not appear, and did not find any obstacles.

Why it was so obvious that he had seen the golden barrier is definitely not an illusion. Turning his head and waving at Heihei, "Come here."

The second time seemed to be a bit harder than the first time, but the ground was soft and Xiao Hei had a lot of hair on it. It was not a big deal except he was covered with mud.

This time it learned to be smart and stopped before the place where Jinguang appeared. It has recognized it, and this thing is clearly the defensive weapon that it wanted to eat Shen Shi'an once and knocked it out.

Shen Shi'an hugged the dog and squeezed his paw forward.

Alas. The golden light barrier appeared again. Keep Xiao He's claws firmly in place.

That turned out to be the case.

Shen Shi'an seemed stunned that this barrier was only effective for creatures other than him, preventing other things from approaching Quanyan, and he was not subject to this restriction because he was the owner of the space. The golden barrier is actually a protective cover to protect the spring eyes.

So if he wants to bring other creatures in, but everything that comes into direct contact with him can be brought into space with a single thought, does this barrier follow the same rules?

Shen Shi'an embraced Xiao Hei, meditating "into" in his heart, and then took a step forward.

The golden barrier still exists, with the runes flashing and colorful, but Xiao Hei has been standing inside the barrier with Shen Shi'an.

Sure enough, it can be brought in. Then if a creature has direct contact with him, but he doesn't want to bring it in, for example, if the space is exposed, he is being held hostage by others and threatens to enter the Lingquan.

Before waiting for Xiao Hei to rejoice because he entered the barrier, Shen Shi'an held it back and then took another step forward, but this time he clearly refused Xiao Hei to approach Lingquan

With a flash of gold, Shen Shi'an walked smoothly into the barrier, while the dog fell like a cinder on the filter paper and fell to the ground with a crack.

Little Black ""

It seems that this shield can also sense his psychological activity, and Shen Shi'an is somewhat surprised. But if he refuses to let in, but gives a verbal instruction to enter

In order to prove the conjecture, Shen Shi'an stepped out of the barrier again and picked up Xiao Hei to start the experiment. By the eighth time Xiao Hei was stopped by the barrier and fell to the ground, the rules of this protective cover have also been studied.

Except Shen Shi'an, no other creatures can enter;

Shen Shi'an can bring creatures into it, but he must willingly give permission instructions, otherwise he will still intercept them;

Creatures who have not been allowed to order, how much force to impact the shield, will get a corresponding level of rebound. And if you blindly ignore the protective cover and try to break into it,

"Hey" Xiao Hei screamed and withdrew his claws. It just tentatively broke the claws through the protective cover less than one centimeter, and the front-end hair was already blackened by the sudden electric current, oozing a little blood .

"Xiao Hei" Shen Shi'an was so tight in his heart that he immediately held it through the protective cover and put it into Lingquan. Little black eyes brightened, he couldn't wait to turn over and jump and gurgle, drank several springs of water, and then paddled his legs in the pool tossing back and forth.

The author has something to say. Thank you for the angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel Miss Ben who threw out the rocket launcher;

Thanks to the little angel Tong Tong, Lu Xiaoyou, and Kiko who threw the grenade;

Thanks to the little angel d who cast the mine, Shuangxuan, Erze, Xiaoxian Fairy, oh, Yixinxinxin, 可 Coco, Lu Xiaoyou, Dongli, hzz, 22641158, maybe, Ian, beings, flowers and return, bamboo 1 glass and 1 Zhang

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution

7759 bottles; 50 bottles of beness, folding cage flower cake; I want to eat delicious 40 bottles; that is, shallow 31 bottles; Ni He, only 30 bottles for Xishan; 23 sugar cakes; 21 bottles ; 20 bottles of Sakurai Garden, Wenbai, Shesanbai, wind and fallen leaves; 19 bottles of moon summer; 12 bottles of Dahongpao vitamins; Guessing strings, genius, amber, cough, tea, Xuanyuan, nei, seihako, Xu Xu Slowly, waiting for arbor, dream primrose, colorless red paper, little ghost, 10 eggs 2 bottles; 9 bottles of mushrooms; 8 bottles of a small fox, Aye, Qingqing; 6 bottles of bread bags; habits , 29357855, seeter, indulge in beauty, 5 bottles; 4 bottles of Shaohua; 3 bottles of fish, cat and moon; 2 bottles of qq, Ruoshui, purple purple, and begonia; Ximu, syuke Wenna, gray blue Pigeon, random, Junyue, tidal relapse, afterglow of the setting sun, 22641158, cloud drunk moon slightly faint, drifting over g151 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard

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