MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 87 87th

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Suddenly, the brawny man with a flower arm embraced Shen Shi'an's feet. "Brother, give me some food."

Shen Xun's eyes glared, and he was about to jump down and chop people, but before he got down, the strong man closed his head and crooked, and fell back to the road.

This time I really passed out.

The scorching sun was so hot that the asphalt road was scary, and even through the soles of the shoes, a rush of enthusiasm could be felt.

Chen Nan looked at each other "how?"

Just leave people here

In this weather, it is estimated that it will take less than an hour to dry adult meat.

Shen Shi'an's eyebrows were twisted for a moment and then gradually released, and he made a decision "Let's get on the car first."

Do a good deed that day.

Tao Yuan lifted his upper body, and Chen Nan and Liu Fangzhou each took one leg and lifted them into the back of the off-road vehicle.

The rear compartment is large in size, and four people are more than enough to set up the table. However, after the brave man was put on the carpet, several people in the rear compartment gave birth to a little bit of cowardice for the first time.

"I'm going," Liu Fangzhou put the man down and moved his shoulders back and forth. "This brother is too heavy."

Tao Yuan succeeded Chen Nan in the driver's seat. Liu Fangzhou sat on the co-pilot and continued to make up for the sleep. Chen Nan entered the back compartment and sat cross-legged on the carpet farthest from the strong man.

Shen Xun rubbed his teeth against the strong man for a while, and the boss reluctantly said to Shen Shi'an, "An'an, we must always take him."

Chen Nan immediately said, "I dare to rob someone in the broad daylight. Who knows what bad eyes he hides, just drive him out of the car when he wakes up." He didn't believe it, and the brave man really could follow They did not follow the way.

Since people have already fallen into their hands, Shen Shi'an doesn't worry about what bad ideas the other party can carry with them. Raised his hand and hit the little magpie behind the dog's head. "Go and bite him."

The dog's eyes brightened, and he immediately picked up the strong man's finger and bit it down, then threw seven or eight spells on him with blood.

He brought it to you, so don't blame him for being rude.

Xu Ge carefully fed a half-bottle of water to the strong arm of the flower arm, and the remaining half was used to soak the towel. After folding it, he placed it flat on the strong man's forehead to cool him. "Shen, when do you say he will Wake up. "

"It shouldn't take long." In addition to the physical exhaustion, the other side is likely to faint, and the most important thing is that it is high temperature, and it will be fine when he cools down. After all, they are pure physical evolutionary powers, and their physical fitness will never be worse.

When the flower arm strong man opened his eyes, Shen Shian and others were drinking mung bean soup. Mung bean soup was boiled by Xu Ge last night. A pound of mung bean was added to half a bag of rock sugar and cooked on low heat for more than an hour. The bean particles were completely sanded, and the soup was completely integrated into the soup. After drying, it was handed over to Shen Shi'an. In the refrigerator in the space, take it out in the morning and pour it into a thermos cup, which is exactly filled with six cups. The sun was scorching outside the car. Open the lid and take a sip.

The brawny man squinted and waited for a while, listening to the six of you, I drank in a bite, I couldn't wait, I pretended to just wake up 呻 \\\ 'moan, and then sat up on the carpet and stared Hold tightly the thermos cup in the hands of Chen Nan and others, "Oh, what are you eating?"

After Shen Shi'an waited for Shen Xun to drink another cup lid, he took the lid and tightened the thermos cup. "It's too cold for children to drink more."

Take out the wet wipes and wipe the child's mouth and hands, and then take the hem of his t-shirt into his stomach to prevent the air conditioner and the wind from being cold. After finishing all the finishing, he lifted his eyes and swept towards the flower arm. "Woke up"

"Hey, hey," the strong man nodded immediately, after having talked for so long, he knew who was the main character in the team, and he was very good towards Shen Shi'an. "Thank you brother for saving my life and getting me into the car This kind of kindness is unforgettable. If there is any need for my brother, I will give it a call. "

As he said, he looked at the environment inside the car. "This car has a lot of space and can turn on the air conditioner." Alas, it is really a big family.

"Since I got on the bus, I have a few questions I want to know." Shen Shi'an said.

"Despite asking and asking, I promise that I know nothing but a lie."

"What's your last name?"

"My surname is Bear, called Manshan, the bear of the giant panda, and the giant panda runs the whole mountain."

"What is the purpose of you following us"

"I really have no purpose," Xiong Manshan scratched his head. "To be honest, I just want to get something to eat from you. The day after the end of the world is too sad. I have n’t eaten anything for two days, I ’m really hungry. Do n’t worry, I ’m not a person who wants to eat white food. If you ask me, please mention that I have a lot of energy. ”

Chen Nan Lengheng said, "You don't want to eat white food, and you're ready to rob."

Xiong Manshan's face was embarrassed and guilty. "It was indeed my lack of consciousness and foolishness. Don't look shameless. I was really hungry at the time. When I saw someone in front of me, I rushed before I could bend my leg. Pass, and then do the most wicked thing in this life. Brother, I really give you a gift here, I hope your grown-up will not remember the villain, and can forgive the brother this time. I ’ll take it from you There is a bottle of canned peaches in it, and I will definitely double it for you in the future. "

Chen Nan's face eased a little, but he was still reluctant to talk to him.

Liu Fangzhou poked his head out of the co-pilot. "Since you have seen what is packed in the South Brother's bag, why should you follow us? We may have eaten the meal but not the rest." For the sake of convenience, the six people usually only Tao Yuan and Chen Nan were carrying bags, and everything else was taken into the space by Shen Shi'an. They didn't look like people with rich food.

Xiong Manshan laughed. "I am a silver tiger, but I ’m not stupid enough. You are a group of six people, including a child. Each face is rosy and shiny. I have been hanging around for so long, I have n’t seen it yet. I ’ve been to people who look better than you. If you ca n’t eat enough, you can develop a complexion that looks like me, and you will be hungry. ”

Several Chen Nan subconsciously looked at his face, but Xiong Manshan had too dark skin to see anything. But the sudden hunger in the stomach could be heard throughout the car.

Shen Shian opened his backpack and took out a bag of cookies and a bottle of water from Xiong Manshan.

Happiness came too suddenly, Xiong Manshan couldn't react for a while, "really give me"

Shen Shian nodded. "Let's eat."

When he finished eating, he said, "I have already given you the food. Do you just get off here or do you have any other plans?"

Xiong Manshan twisted a cookie crumb around the corner of his mouth, carefully put it into his mouth, and thought, "If possible, can I give you more strength together, I promise not to pull your hind legs, really, want me What do I do, just rice. "

Shen Shian "We are going to Beijing."

"Okay, I'm fine. Anyone in the family is left with me. I can go anywhere." Xiong Manshan smirked twice. "I haven't been to the capital yet. I just went to see what the capital city is like. I'll leave everything dirty and tiring in the future, and I promise to do it properly. "

Shen Shian looked at Chen Nan and others.

Chen Nandao "Brother Shen, you decide."

Liu Fangzhou also said, "I listen to Brother Shen."

Tao Yuan nodded to Shen Shi'an from the rearview mirror, and Xu Ge also gave the choice to Shen Shi'an.

"What about the opinion" Shen Shi'an lowered his head and asked the child.

Goblin wondered why it was unexpectedly pleasant. "Keep it."

He also has several blood curse effects that have not been tested yet.

Xiong Manshan knew he was done, and he was overjoyed, and immediately flew rainbow farts. "Oh, this child looks so handsome. Not only is he handsome, but he is also very kind and cute."

Shen Xun looked at him "called Xun brother."

"Hey look brother"

This "seeking brother" shouted so much that even Xiong Manshan was holding his own after shouting. Oh, what am I going to do?

He didn't know why, after hearing what the child said, he shouted out of consciousness as required, like a pet dog who heard the owner's password. In order to eat his stomach, has he fallen to such a point?

Gozi is very satisfied with his hands in his chest, and the spell is so good.

Chen Nan's gaze towards Xiong Manshan has changed from faint to faint to faint to admire the elder brother for everything he can do for a bite.

Xiong Manshan is ashamed of his bottomlessness, so he listens to Shen Shi'an Road, "It is not impossible for you to follow us."

Xiong Manshan's eyes brightened, and he immediately left the bottom line behind his head, "Really Brother"

"But you need to pay for food every day, thirty crystal nuclei."

Xiong Manshan said for a moment, "But isn't everyone else just three crystal nuclei?" He heard this morning.

"Three crystal nuclei are internal price, only for the official team members, you can only be counted outside the editor at the moment." If you can do it, stay, if you ca n’t do it, you can go now "

"I can do it, I can do it" Xiong Manshan almost jumped up "Isn't it just 90 crystal nuclei every day, no problem"

After a pause, I was a bit uneasy.

Shen Shian nodded. Looking at the burning eyes of the other person who jumped up instantly, a vaguely unpredictable feeling was born

Ninety crystal nuclei a day is already a lot.

Shouldn't lose