MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 88 Chapter 88

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As soon as Liu Fangzhou woke up, at one o'clock in the afternoon, it was time for lunch.

Xiong Manshan had been waiting for this moment, and he was so excited that he started rubbing his hands, and the sound of drooling was heard in the whole off-road vehicle.

In order to ensure that he was not eating white food, Shen Shi'an emphasized again, "I do n’t have much energy right now, I ca n’t run, and I ca n’t catch zombies, so I ’ll pay for it first, and I double pay at the end, wait for me to eat slowly Ninety crystal nuclei are guaranteed to be given to you before the sun goes down today, and one less you cut off my head. "

There was a gospel spell, Shen Shi'an didn't worry that the other party would go wrong, and nodded in agreement. "In order to hurry, we usually have a simple lunch."

Xiong Manshan couldn't help but have two points of disappointment, but soon turned around and simpler, even simpler, as long as he can fill the bread.

Tao Yuan drives, others eat first. Shen Shian asked Chen Nan a few people "what do you want to eat"

Chen Nan thought about "Is there any snail soup powder I ate last time"


"Then I eat snail powder, the brand tastes quite authentic, and another duck leg, two braised eggs, and a bottle of orange soda."

"Where is the Ark"

Liu Fangzhou turned around and put his head on the back of the co-pilot's chair. "I want to eat instant noodles with spicy Chinese cabbage, plus two three sausages and one braised egg."

Shen Shi'an turned his attention to Xu Ge, Xu Ge said, "I also eat instant noodles, kelp ribs, and add a grilled sausage and a stewed egg."

Xiong Manshan almost looked at Shen Shi'an with a stunned expression. According to the orders of everyone, he took out a bag of food, instant noodles, snail powder, quick-frozen buns, instant hot pot, instant rice, sweet potatoes, chicken wings and duck leg ham sausage.

This **** name is easier to eat

However, even if there is instant noodles, I did not open the blisters. When I saw Shen Shian took out a hot water kettle and a microwave oven, I opened the window and pulled a plug-in board from the roof. And frozen buns.

by. Impressed.

Shen Shi'an looked at him "What are you eating?"

"Instant noodles" Xiong Manshan immediately said, "a braised beef flavor, a roast sausage, a braised egg, a duck leg, and a few more buns." He wanted to order more sausages and duck legs, but it touched the child's sight I do n’t know why I swallowed it and went back to contentment.

While boiling water, Liu Fangzhou yawned and chatted with the newly joined reserve members, "Brother, where are you from the Northeast?"

Xiong Manshan shook his head. "I'm not Yiner of the Northeast."


"I'm an authentic Suzhou Yiner, and I'm in Niandi University in Suzhou." Xiong Manshan's sleeves rose up. "There are two Northeast brothers in our bedroom, one on my right and one on my right. Four years of college sleeping together, but when I was a graduate student, I fell asleep with the upper brothers for nearly two years. Six years later, okay, this accent will never come back. It ’s not just me, There are more than sixty people in our class everywhere in the north and the south. After graduating from undergraduate education, they all became northeast drops, and their mouths were full of big sister-in-law flavor. When they joined the Northeast Villagers' Association, no one would be able to tell the truth. Come on, Real Four is so magical. "

"Deideidei" Liu Fangzhou has a deep understanding of this. He has been with Xiong Manshan for less than a day, and his tongue has been bent subconsciously while speaking.

Xu Ge asked, "You said that graduate students have been studying for two years, that is to say you haven't graduated yet."

"That's not it. Seeing that we will graduate into the society and contribute to the construction of the motherland, let's say that the eschatology broke out. We have four bedrooms, and I have survived by my own life." Alas, there is good luck for everyone. It was still good at that time, and it became a zombie or the soul of a zombie before noon, which is truly an unexpected event. "I ran away from school and found that my parents were gone, and then I accidentally evolved the power. I wandered around to this day alone."

Chen Nan forgot, four years of graduate work in the university just two years, "Mr. Xiong Guigeng"

"Gui Hangeng, this year is the twenty-fourth year, which is exactly the year of my fate." Probably the surprise on everyone's face was so obvious that Xiong Manshan touched two subconsciously on his face after saying "how, it doesn't look"

Liu Fangzhou said, "I thought you were forty-two." Suzhou belongs to Jiangnan, doesn't it mean that Jiangnan Water Village is the most supportive, it ’s like this.

Xiong Manshan chuckled two times, "Well, that's a little bit grown up. Hey, so I am the oldest among us"

Chen Nan shook his head. "Tao Yuan is older than you."

Xiong Manshan looked at Tao Yuan's baby face from the rearview mirror and was a little disbelieving that "Tao Yuan Brothers, Your Guigeng" was at most eighteen.

Tao Yuan stared straight at the pavement ahead. "26."

Xiong Manshan was silent for a moment, and sneered again "almost."


The water had been boiled during the conversation, the sausages and buns had been warmed up, the microwave oven was not turned on, and the roasted sweet potatoes continued to operate.

Waiting for the instant noodles to soak is too long to imagine. Finally, it was finally possible to uncover it. Xiong Manshan was holding the noodle bucket, and the tears in his eyes were too delicious, on the one hand, it was hot.

It's not that he didn't want to slow down. He hasn't eaten anything decent for more than a month. The aroma of instant noodles and sausages goes straight to the internal organs.

He ate quickly, and a bucket of noodles simmered with roasted duck legs, stewed eggs, and soup with water. After eating three more buns, the others just picked up the chopsticks and started.

Shen Shi'an looked at him "are you full?"

Xiong Manshan immediately shook his head. "No."

"What else do you want to eat"

"Another bucket of instant noodles will not taste old sauerkraut."

Shen Shian handed him instant noodles. Three minutes of boiling water, three minutes of instant noodles, half a minute to solve all the problems, no dripping soup left.

"Are you full?"

Xiong Manshan, poke, pout, "Hey, hey, no."

Shen Shi'an brought him a bucket of instant noodles again.

When Xiong Manshan started eating the fifth bucket, everyone looked at him differently. Shen Xun, in particular, chewed the gummy bear in his hands.

Shen Shi'an more or less already expected this scene, and when Xiong Manshan dropped the barrel again, he was calm and said "are you full?"

Xiong Manshan scratched his head a little embarrassed "No"

The words did not end, Shen Xun looked at him and said, "You are full."

"I do not have"

"No, you are full."

"I still want"

"No, you don't want to."

Xiong Manshan flashed his head, facing Shen Shi'an Zheng Jianzheng, "I'm full, I don't want to eat anymore."

Shen Shi'an glanced at the dog sperm and warmed him with two boxes of quick-frozen buns.

After eating five buckets of instant noodles, a sausage, a duck leg, a braised egg, three boxes of half-meat buns, and two roasted sweet potatoes, Xiong Manshan finally rested his stomach on the door and was satisfied. "I'm full . "

Liu Fangzhou couldn't help but said, "Brother, you have been wandering all over the place alone, eating for a while and not for a while. Is it really because your meal is too large that no base is willing to accept you?" It's so miserable.

Xiong Manshan scratched his face. "Brother, I tell you the truth, I did get kicked out by the base because I ate too much. But this is not the main reason for my starvation. In the final analysis, it is mainly because I ca n’t find anything to eat. This was the case at the base, and it will be the same after coming out. Wherever I choose to collect supplies, I do n’t care whether the supermarket is a restaurant or a food factory, either it is searched or there is nothing to eat. Tell you. "

Liu Fangzhou is full of suspicions that it has been more than three months since the last days. Collecting materials is indeed very difficult, but it may not be at all. They have found a lot of food from small counties along the way.

With the speed and strength of Xiong Manshan, there must be no problem in hitting the zombies. I still can't find anything

He didn't believe it.

But he soon believed.

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