MTL - Dangerous Survival in the Apocalypse-Chapter 89 Chapter 89

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Shen Shi'an replaced Tao Yuan after eating and drove northwards.

The destination was decided at the team meeting last night. It is located in a small county in the northern part of province C. The resident population is less than 20,000. If it has not been cleaned up by the military, it can happen to collect some supplies after the zombies are resolved. Good evening Rest all night.

Shen Xun sat on the co-pilot, holding a huge thermos cup in his hand, and asked "An'an, can I drink now" after the car drove a certain distance?

"No, it's not an hour."

"Oh." The child licked his mouth, tightened his two short arms and continued to hold the thermos cup. His buttocks were stabbed back and forth on the seat. After a few minutes, I asked "An An, can I drink now?"

"No." Shen Shi'an watched the road ahead and controlled the off-road vehicle to flexibly bypass the two corpses rushing from the roadside.

Little kid, pout, pout, look away from the thermos cup, stare at the creeper leaves that Chen Nan spawned out of the car window to block the sun, and say again, "An hour is up."


"How Long Will Duck"

Shen Shi'an leaned forward and gave him the penguin alarm clock on the dashboard shelf. "I taught you how to watch the time, and forgot it."

The child took the alarm clock and tried to identify the fruitlessness. After throwing it back and forth a few times, he secretly shoved it under the seat and asked "An An, can I drink now"?

Xu Ge in the back seat couldn't help but "chuo" laughed out. Shen Shi'an was helpless, and Yu Guang glanced at the child. "I can only drink one cup. The mung bean soup is not good enough. The next cup will take another hour."


The child laughed so much that he couldn't see his teeth. He shook the thermos cup up, down, left, right, and right twice, then twisted the lid and poured a full cup, holding it in the palm of his mouth and drinking carefully. A loud "ha" on the back of the chair.

Liu Fangzhou chuckled and leaned closer to whisper to Tao Yuan, "I didn't know he thought he was drinking Lafite for 82 years."

Immediately after speaking, I saw two rows of small fangs shining cold in the rearview mirror, and sat upright. "You drink what you drink, how you want to drink."

Xiong Manshan chased the off-road vehicle for more than half of the morning in the morning. He was too tired. He lay on the carpet to sleep after eating enough. At this time, he was awakened by the sweet taste of mung bean soup. Brother, drink mung bean soup. Oh, it smells so good. I can taste it. "

Oh yeah. Liu Fangzhou embraced his chest with both hands to show the expression of watching a theater, dare to find the idea of ​​brother's food, you are afraid that you have not experienced the beating of society.

Thirty seconds later, Xiong Manshan was kicked out of the car and ran behind the car. The road was scary and hot after the hot sun burned, and the hot enthusiasm ran straight up the soles of the shoes. Brother, I know I'm wrong. Give me another chance. I'm going to perform well. Hey, I'll go, this mother-in-law's even the soles of the shoes can be turned away. "

Tao Yuan glanced back at "Don't you be afraid he ran away?" I ate so many things at noon, the crystal core had not yet paid, and at this time, running the road only made no money.

"It's best to run," said Chen Nandao. "With regard to his meal, I think I lost a meal of fifty cores."

Liu Fangzhou said, "I don't think we can run. Our food conditions are so good, the fool will leave."

Xiong Manshan was obviously not stupid. After chasing the car for half an hour, Shen Shi'an stopped the car and let him sit up again, not because he was worried that he was tired, but because he was too tired to eat more at night.

At more than four o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Xun had just finished drinking the third cup of cold mung bean soup, and the destination county was in sight.

A group of seven people got off the bus outside the county as usual, gathered intelligence to investigate the situation of the enemy, and formulated a battle plan based on the distribution of the zombies.

There are not many zombies in the county, there are only more than 5,000, and about one third of them are mutant zombies. However, because the total area of ​​the county seat is relatively large, the zombies are scattered everywhere, and I am afraid it is not easy to gather them with tools such as audio.

"Group operations," Shen Shi'an looked at the specific number of zombies marked at various locations on the county map. After thinking about it, he divided the county into three parts with a pen. "We have seven people in total, divided into three groups, and each group is responsible for an area. Meet at the door of the department store in the middle. "

Shen Xun must be in a group with Shen Shi'an. The two have the strongest fighting power, so they are responsible for the central area with the most zombies.

Chen Nan and Tao Yuan are in a group. One of them can use the devil's long-distance attack to bind the zombies, one is good at melee combat, and can also use the gun to perform double long-range cooperation when necessary, and is responsible for about a thousand zombies in Xicheng District;

Xu Ge's current longest attack distance is about two meters, which is more than enough to deal with ordinary zombies, but it is still a bit dangerous if you encounter a siege of mutant zombies. Therefore, with Liu Fangzhou's accurate zombie number and location information at any time, so you don't have to worry about it. Sneak attacked by the zombies, plus Xiong Manshan, a bipedalist, the three were in charge of Dongcheng District together.

The seven determined the group, arranged their equipment and set off, and Shen Shi'an discovered that Xiong Manshan had no weapons.

"How did you fight zombies before?"

"Then it's usually to tear up directly," Xiong Manshan said, "or just kick your feet."

Shen Shi was silent, took out a stabstick from the space and gave him "try not to have direct physical contact with the zombies to prevent infection with the virus."

"Ah, well, it's mainly because I'm fast, and the zombies can't react at all."

Xiong Manshan took the stabstick and waved it twice, "Ah, this thing is so good, and you can give me one more, I am left-handed and can use both hands."

Shen Shi'an took another one, and after repeating the precautions after walking to the entrance of the county seat, he spread out and rushed towards his area of ​​responsibility.

This county is developed along the main road in the east-west direction. The area he and Shen Xun belong to belong to the central business district in the county seat. Before the outbreak of the virus, the population density was the highest, and the number of zombies was also the largest, about half of the total number of zombies in the county seat.

The zombies inside the high-rise building cannot come down. For the time being, the two people Shen Shi'an are mainly responsible for clearing the zombies wandering around the streets of the business district and the shops on the first floor.

For him and Shen Xun, solving zombies has become a familiar matter. Ordinary zombies cannot threaten them at all. In addition, zombies will not actively attack Shen Xun. Environment, the entire cleaning process becomes more and more smooth.

The two indented in a circle, so that the department store was used as the end point, and they just gathered with the others after the cleaning.

However, Shen Shi'an estimated the length of the battle based on the efficiency of the two people. It is estimated that after they have completely resolved the zombies in their area, it will take some time for the others to reach the assembly point.

After five laps, almost all the zombies in the central business district were cleared. Shen Shi'an said to the children as he walked towards the department store. "We first clear out the department store and then take a ten-minute break. After ten minutes, if no one else has come, then we will support it."

"Hey" Shen Xun responded, rushed to the crossroads with a knife and easily cut off the head of a mutant zombie, then shook his head back and forth, shaken the crystal nucleus, and picked it up to Shen Shi'an. "An'an ,Give you"

After the crossroads, the department store was close at hand. Shen Shi'an had just put the crystal nucleus into space, and when he looked up, he noticed that a person was sitting on the steps at the entrance of the building.

Chen Nan, Tao Yuan, Xu Ge, Liu Fangzhou, and of course, Xiong Manshan, a reserve member, waved their hands enthusiastically when they saw Shen Shi'an.

Then turned to Shen Xun

Shen Shi'an pressed his lips, drew the sword into the sheath with his backhand, and led the child to "The zombies on your side are cleaned up."

Liu Fangzhou couldn't bear it. He jumped up the steps and ran to Shen Shi'an. He was beaming with elation. Rushing with two stabsticks like a gopher is a wild jab. I haven't reacted to what happened. The zombies have already lay on the ground, and then dazzled, one within a hundred meters. The standing zombies are gone "

Xiong Manshan touched his head and laughed twice, his voice sounded like a thunder. "I would just play casually, mainly with weapons."

Shen Shi'an turned to look at Chen Nan and Tao Yuan, "What about you?"

Tao Yuandao said, "After Mr. Xiong finished cleaning, he went to our side to help solve the rest."

Chen Nan nodded his head for confirmation, and even looked at Xiong Manshan to ease his face. In the last days, there is nothing more trustworthy than a strong and reliable teammate. There are contradictions and contradictions, and he still has doubts about Xiong Manshan's character, but the opponent's combat effectiveness is indeed extraordinary.

In other words, Xiong Manshan alone killed almost half of the zombies in the county seat, and was faster than Shen Shi'an and Gouzi.

Shen Shian took out a bottle of mineral water from the space and handed him "hard work."

Xiong Manshan picked it up, and the big palm fan slaps back and forth a few times. "No hard work, no hard work, everyone is a brother. Hard work is also a matter of hand-raising. As long as I have enough food, I will go to my old nose, noon Huo Huo, you have so many things, you have to work hard to perform well. "

Turn around and pick up a plastic bag from the steps to Shen Shi'an, which is full of zombie crystal nuclei. "What, what's the cost of the meal today, a total of ninety, you point me."

Although Shen Shi'an looked calm, he did eat a lot, but at present it seems that the newly added reserve member has shown the strength to match the amount of food.

No loss, no loss.

Put away the crystal nucleus, pick up the child and walk inside the department store. "Let's go and see if there is anything needed, and try to collect it all before it gets dark." There should be many in such a large place. Supplies.

Xiong Manshan stopped him suddenly, his expression tangled and stopped, "Cough, Brother Shen, you may have to be mentally prepared."

Shen Shi'an stopped to "prepare"

"It is estimated that there is no food in it."

"how do you know"

Xiong Manshan scratched his head twice. "I said this to you in the car, but wherever I clean up the zombies to find supplies, there is absolutely no food. We just rushed out of the department store when we first arrived. I was killed by a zombie. "

Liu Fangzhou did n’t believe it at first, but he does n’t believe it anymore. “Brother, I think you ’ve misunderstood something. The county we met yesterday did not eat, but that ’s because it has been carefully searched inside and out by the army There are obviously so many zombies here, how could such a large department store not eaten. Walk around, walk in, let's go in and see, you believe me, the shelves are still full. "

The gate at the entrance was half-covered, and the door was pushed open to enter. Although the sun shining through the doors and windows, the inside was a little darker but did not affect the normal sight.

There were not many zombies on the first floor, and those who rushed out were all killed by Xiong Manshan, and the remaining hand could be counted. After all the zombies had been resolved, the crowd closed the door and walked boldly around.

The first floor is divided into two areas. The part near the door is mainly gold and silver jewelry and various electronic product display cabinets. Going inside is the supermarket.

Six people walked to the end of the counter and stood for a long time under the words "supermarket entrance". Chen Nan took the lead to break the silence. "What about supermarkets?"

Looking forward from where they stood, a large area that was supposed to be a supermarket was empty, as if it had been erased by an eraser, not to mention food, not even the shelf containers.

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