MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1759 Finally waiting for you!

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The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine chapters are finally waiting for you!

God made He flee frantically.

It shouldn't be like this, waiting to die to get rid of it should be the choice it has decided long ago.

When it faced what it saw, suffocated and desperate, the fear from the depths of the soul whipped everything in its consciousness for the first time.

Countless vortexes are like the bottom of a dark abyss, spreading all over the world it sees.

It doesn't know how many swirling vortices there are, but it can't count, even if it is a spirit.

It doesn't know what those vortices are. They spin fast or slow, but none of them are the same. Each one is unique.

They seem to keep getting bigger while they are spinning, but when the line of sight is removed from their vortex, they seem to return to their original form.

They didn't seem to want to grow larger, but they tried to curl up inward. In the vortex, they were densely packed with countless precision structures, which changed with the rotation and never stopped.

When the divine envoy stared at one of them, that one seemed to be constantly growing bigger while rotating. However, no matter how long it took, the vortex became so large that it almost seemed to fill the entire world. The details in the vortex were innumerable. However, the precise structure of the is still crowded, and it doesn't seem to have changed much from the beginning, or it only loosened a tiny bit.

The gods can’t imagine how large the cosmic space is needed to completely spread out one of the vortices. It is a spirit, but it can’t even be imagined. That’s too much of common sense, or it’s impossible to unfold at all.

In the dense and dense details of the vortex, the divine envoy only knows very few things, such as the spiritual ripples and multi-string recursion, etc., which are all derived from the knowledge accumulated by its mother family for countless years. Hearing and hearing is the top level that the mother clan can reach, and facing a huge number of other detailed structures of more than 99%, it consciously feels as naive as a seed that has not yet begun to cultivate.

It comes from the starry sky race, and should have a strong thirst for knowledge. However, it has only deep fear at this time, as if seeing the source of evil.

Fear caused it to flee uncontrollably, and stay away from them.

It rushed to a vortex, a vaguely powerful shadow blocked it, and said coldly: "This is your world, where can you escape?"

He couldn't understand, let alone understand.

It just wants to escape.

The mysterious power gave it a powerful ability. It quickly calculated a path and bypassed the limit range that the powerful shadow could intercept it.

Another vague shadow stood in front of it. It recognized this shadow as a respectable spiritual lord in the old generation of its mother family, and said to it: "Just solve it here."

God made his thinking sober in an instant, and said categorically: "No, you are fake, it is dead!"

He cut a path.

And Ju stood in front of it again, sighing: "He, everything is over."

It angered: "No, not yet!"

It doesn't know why it is angry, and it doesn't know why it says so, it seems to be a little confused.

"You are fake too!"

It killed Ju and continued to rush towards the mouth of the whirlpool that was getting closer and closer.

The commander of Qiaokou appeared in front of it, and said coldly: "How many people are you going to kill!?"

It also said coldly: "I don't know!"

It killed the commander without hesitation and moved on, or fleeing.

A group of people appeared in front of it.

Some people accused it: "Betrayer, sinner!"

It sneered: "You are!"

Some people persuaded it: "Give up, it's useless."

It is extremely firm and said: "No, I will not give up even if I die."

It cut a path from the fleet, and finally reached the mouth of the whirlpool, only one step away.

A not extremely powerful, but very majestic voice said: "You have lost your spiritual position, and if you go further, you can't look back."

It looked back at the source of the sound and said calmly and with a trace of respect: "I am willing."

The majestic voice seemed to have expected it to say so, and sighed: "The servant said nothing wrong. This is your world. Where can you escape?"

It rushed to the mouth of the whirlpool resolutely, unmoved.

The vast universe and the magnificent battleship were unfolding in front of He.

It is very chaotic now, I don't know what's going on, but I don't know when it started to discover some strange things that it hadn't noticed before.

It is just a primordial spirit. Even if the mother clan has followed the kingdom of God for a long time, how do you know the legendary name of the "palace" in the kingdom of God, and how do you know the nine warships?

It has no spiritual position. Why do you know that the lord of the nine ships is not its lord?

It is only the first spirit, why can we see the spirituality ripple?


It is chaotic, and that magnificent battleship seems to have an answer. It wants to get closer to the past.

But in the next instant, the world around it immediately turned into a world of countless whirlpools!

It began to chaos again, and immediately chose a whirlpool to rush over, as if it had known which one could rush out, and moved extremely fast.

Just after escaping, the magnificent battleship has accelerated. The lives in the battleship seem to have discovered something or information that excites them, and they are speeding up at all costs.

He wants to catch up, but immediately its world becomes a world of countless whirlpools.

It anxiously chose another whirlpool mouth that it seemed to know it could go out and rushed out again, but the magnificent battleship did not know when it was hit hard.

Almost all surviving lives are re-bred from seeds, and the breeding system has also been hit hard.

It wants to lean in as quickly as possible to understand what happened.

When it saw countless vortexes, it had already vaguely realized that it had completely guessed the form and relationship of this war.

This may indeed be the war of that mysterious force, but it is also its own war.

Who chooses who is not important anymore, but it may not be what it thought before.

In the rapid destruction of the magnificent war, it was still a step slower after all. It tried its best and failed to enter the majestic battleship in destruction before the countless vortex appeared.

Soon, it once again passed through a whirlpool exit that it seemed to have calculated long ago, but the grand battleship was completely destroyed.

A new backward spaceship was built by the very low-quality descendants that were urgently cultivated, and flew to a coordinate.

It didn't have time to search for information in that backward spacecraft, especially the coordinates of the spacecraft's sailing destination, and once again fell into the world of countless vortexes.

But this time, it seemed to be in great trouble.

It seemed to "forget" which vortex it would go out from again, or it could not calculate the last vortex exit.

It will fall here, failure here, start the next cycle again.

Perhaps it has been done many, many times.

And this time, it was actually calculated!

That mysterious power once again demonstrated extremely powerful computing power!

It seems to be waiting for this moment, giving it unparalleled computing power!

For the first time, it calculated the last correct vortex opening that it seemed to have never calculated.

Everything is about to change, it vaguely realizes.

After the whirlpool mouth, there is everything it wants to know.

It rushed out of the calculated whirlpool without hesitation.

At this time, the countless whirlpool worlds after it left were disappearing, and two voices appeared, a sigh and a command:

"The spirits obey orders and act now!"

On the other side, He finally rushed out.

On a cold planet.

A long-awaited contract life?

Does the contract come from it or from other spirit masters of its parent clan?

It seems familiar!

Is it fake again?

It does not seem to be fake.

He asked the other person: "Who are you?"

The other party replied: "Aphrenina."

He was very confused and didn't know the name, and at this time, it heard a very cold voice:

"How many years has it been?

How many years have it been! ?

I finally waited for you! "