MTL - Dark Blood Age-Chapter 1758 Ugly new battleship

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Chapter 1758 The Ugly New Battleship

Lingling Master took a risk and chose the conditions that Chu Yunsheng had set out. Although it was an adventure, he could borrow Chu Yunsheng's capture of Cold Spirit Master and experience it once, and he could also understand what he wanted to know during the mission.

What happened to Chu Yunsheng as a left-handed forward reserve when he was on earth?

The Master of Mind wanted to know that this would be a rare opportunity.

After it agrees, it will join Clover's team as a disguised human being to do preparatory training in the information world.

This is also a secrecy plan. Clue and others do not know, nor can they let them know. In front of the left-handed spirit master, it will be difficult for them to keep all the secrets.

Except for Chu Yunsheng, only Lei in the entire security department knew about it, and there was only 3961 in the Zall people.

In other words, suppose that Chu Yunsheng died suddenly, Lei and 3961 also died or disappeared together, and the main spirit seal was still sealing it firmly, then no one in this world would know and be able to prove it. It is actually a spiritual life, called stun.

If there is no miracle, it will live forever as this disguised human identity.

3961 created a human life form for Lun Ling, and Lei was responsible for fabricating an identity for it.

The experience from its birth to the present has to be forged, and the best excuse is the secret project of the Ministry of Security. After that, the excuse used to put it into the Clover team will also be carried out in the name of the Ministry of Security.

Naturally, this name can't be used anymore. If an ordinary human name is given, it will leave traces, whether it is an earthling or a cold star black-haired person or other human groups' accustomed names, and the fast battleship undergoes a second round of life form transformation. , Many people have greatly improved their abilities and have to guard against them.

Lei simply named it 21 to maximize the mystery of the Ministry of Security’s excuse and minimize other people’s associations with it in other aspects.

Another reason for choosing 21 is to confuse drow people except 3961.

Chu Yunsheng’s sequence mantissa in the drow is 27, and is 6th after 27, and there is also a mysterious drow with 33. Lei chooses 6 and 21 before 27, and he intends to let other drow people include future ones. Wuxue went to Lenovo’s security department to investigate 95833.

In addition to causing the drow people to have incorrect associations, Lei also has his own purpose, which can be regarded as a counterattack against the virtual reality under the Ministry of Security crisis.

As Ba Yi once said, nothing on this ship is as simple as it seems.

The Master of Mind doesn't care about the name of the disguised human identity. For the sake of safety, its early training will be separated from the Clover team.

The first thing it needs to learn is how to look like a human from the Ministry of Security, rather than a spiritual life that has already grown up.

3961 and Lei are responsible for the formulation and implementation of its training plan. As a spiritual being, the Master of Mind only needs to allocate a small part of his energy in the information world of the drow. Its main task is still as if it will never be rid of it. Erase track work.

The drow people need to build new warships, and the missions of Clue and others also need new warships. The demand for materials has increased sharply, and they cannot use the original method of building new ships to avoid exposing themselves.

For this reason, after entering the star system, one can only constantly shuttle between the galaxies, carefully collecting matter, especially the scarce matter.

In the meantime, we must also prevent those galaxies from being abnormal and trapped in them.

Under a variety of conditions, the fast-track battleship route has become complicated and tedious, and the workload of the stunner has increased dramatically.

Fortunately, the problem of navigation error was finally solved by the metal body of the cage star.

Chu Yunsheng and Zhuoer have studied for a long time, and called the computing power of Firebug, but did not figure out what happened to it. In the end, they directly embedded it into the positioning calculation system of the battleship navigation, making it a black The box-like positioning data processor, with its output results, is handed over to the battleship navigation system for calculation and execution.

The metal body can be used in the original system after a few more experiments. It may also be that some of its assimilation is still working, and it still makes people think that it is simple to use.

It is more likely to be a "bomb" in the future, and it is also very dangerous to rely on it for navigation.

If you don’t take precautions, it may not be long before the entire ship thinks that you don’t need to work hard to find a new positioning technology, simply use it, easy to use, convenient and stable, and so on.

Or, after a long time, the entire ship's life will become like the ninth cage star man, all exactly the same.

This is not unfounded worry, it is very likely to happen if you don't take precautions.

The precautionary work was mainly done by Chu Yunsheng, but Chu Yunsheng didn't have any particularly good solutions, but he was the only one who could still have a little hope.

Abandoning all attempts to analyze it, Chu Yunsheng directly used a simple and rude way, intermittently for a certain period of time, then "harassed" the metal body with black air, making it impossible to stabilize.

With the unknown versus the unknown, let them fight.

Chu Yunsheng couldn't know exactly what the fight was like, he just wanted the effect.

It took a long time for the fast battleship to sail galaxy after galaxy, and for the time being, there was no sign of assimilation.

The navigation problem was solved by the metal body, which was temporarily suppressed by Chu Yunsheng's black air harassment, but the drow encountered a big trouble in the manufacturing process of the new battleship.

When they used the macro application technology to build a new battleship, they found that if it was built based on the spirit of the lingering master and used the macro application technology to build, the final material form and structure of the battleship hull would look faintly silver under static conditions. , And if you use Chu Yunsheng's false spirits as the basis, it looks dark and almost black.

Whether it is silver or darkness, it is not a problem in itself. The problem is that no matter whose spiritual accumulation is based, it cannot be pure silver or pure gloom.

The drow people who pursue perfection can hardly bear this result. They have thought of many ways to no avail. The problem does not lie in the macro application technology itself.

Even if the macro application technology mastered by the drow people at the moment is still not as powerful, this problem has nothing to do with this. According to the application law obtained by the drow people in the laboratory, under this technology, the complete technology under the technology can be obtained. The material form structure is not incomplete or pure as it is now.

The high level of their technology can only determine the advanced and backward of this structure, and cannot affect its integrity, because it itself is the establishment of the structure of the existing level of technology of the Zhuoer.

The problem is not in the macro application technology, it is obviously in the spiritual aggregate.

Chu Yunsheng was a fake spirit, and it was very troublesome to analyze and research, and there was no clue, so the drow people had to turn around and analyze the spiritual accumulation of Lingling Master.

But Chu Yunsheng stopped them urgently and found 3961: "There is no time, incomplete and incomplete, just build it in the current form."

3961 still wants to fight for it again. It does not know why Chu Yunsheng can tolerate such a deficiency that makes people look at it. As a typical drow, it can tolerate the lack of technical level. To achieve the maximum perfection under the technology, but can not tolerate the technology level reached, still build things with ugly defects.

However, Chu Yunsheng made a decision, and it couldn't help it.

Therefore, the new battleship was disgusted, dissatisfied, and even annoying by the drow from the first day it was built, but they had to build such an ugly battleship that they could barely bear.

After enough materials are collected, the construction speed is very fast, the drow builds the model, and everything is built according to the model step by step.

When the two warships built using the latest macro technology were completed, the drow collective including 3961, was very unwilling to record them as the serial names of the designers and builders in the two new warships.

But based on the long-established rules of the new ships, they must record their names.

When the drow had to record his own sequence under a great sense of failure, the lives other than the drow were shocked by the two new battleships.

Perfect, regardless of external form or internal structure.

Even the Master of Mind and Spirit of Cold were surprised by how beautiful and powerful the warship was built by the drow in such a short time.

They have seen and know that there are more powerful and more advanced warships, but they can no longer fault the two new warships, especially the new main ships.

The other lives in the fast battleship are even more critical. Just when the new battleship is activated and the black body effect that is in the same line with the new ship comes into play, the shape that is far more perfect than the black body effect of the new ship is enough for everyone to be conquered.

However, that was just a concealment method used by the drow to make up for the lack of darkness and impurity of the warship.

The real form should not be like this.

The appearance of the new battleship at low speed is like a huge comma. The drow originally wanted to create another appearance. The technical realization was incomplete, so it could only be changed to the current appearance.

The drow never cared how other beings looked at the warships they built. They had their own standards, and those ugly lives would not have a perfect concept in their eyes.

No matter how other beings love the new battleship, in their eyes, these are two ugly ships, and they are already on the design drawings.

However, Chu Yunsheng's evaluation is very important and very complicated.

If Chu Yunsheng said yes, then they would question Chu Yunsheng's eligibility as a drow person. Although Chu Yunsheng didn't care, they did.

But if Chu Yunsheng said it was bad, then their shameful marks might follow them for life, and when they merge with the new ship in the future, other drow people may never allow them to participate in the design and construction of newer warships.

Chu Yunsheng had to characterize the two new battleships, otherwise, whether it was the contradiction between the drow people or the contradiction between the drow people and the other beings of the fast battleship about the new battleship, it would be detrimental to the upcoming war.

He is also aware of the complicated mentality of the drow at this time, but he made the decision to build the ship immediately at that time, and he has his reasons for the situation now caused.

After seeing the new-style main battleship, Chu Yunsheng thought for a while, and used his words carefully. To find a way to not dampen the enthusiasm of other lives, and to give them more room for positive imagination, at the same time, he should give the drow people full of seriousness at this time. Under the frustration, with strong hope, hardly, cherish words like golden words:

"This will be an unfinished ship we have never had before!"

Having said that, it can barely leave hope for both parties.

At this time, the cold spirit master was still seizing the little time left to capture it. The spirit master who was born in the starry sky at this time reflected its superiority to the cold spirit master, and immediately saw Chu Yunsheng’s troubles. , He immediately "interrupted" Chu Yunsheng in a way of "outsiders" if he could not follow up, "remind" Chu Yunsheng:

"Chu, after the battleship is built, the cold spirit master can be released."

When it swiftly helped to solve Chu Yunsheng's small troubles, it also prepared for its own purposes by the way, and at the same time hit the left-handed Cold Spirit Lord again.

But neither it nor Chu Yunsheng expected that Lord Han Ling immediately said:

"Give me a little more time, and I still need your help, but also for your own help, I have found a trace of the possibility of having a spiritual position."