MTL - Dark Demon Warlock-Chapter 377 Countess

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  Chapter 377 Countess

   "The invitation letter is in the hands of Art." Gustav Cook passed on this seemingly inconspicuous news to the outside world.

  After deliberation, Gustav Cook selected this message.

   In his mind, the countess probably had something to do with members of the Corpse Eater, so there must be some unknown factor that cared so much about an invitation letter.

   It cannot be caused by Monica Crane, the countess who killed an ordinary person would not care about leaving evidence at all.

  This news has a high probability of attracting corpse eaters.

   As for attracting the attention of the countess, even if he didn't say it, the countess would still know.

   Besides, it might be possible to use this to dig out the secret of the invitation letter, and Yate would also like to know it.

  If it doesn’t work, at worst, change another message.

  Yate has no time limit.

   Then, the person monitoring him passed the message back.

  The members of the United Law Enforcement Team already know that the invitation letter is in the hands of Yate. The key point is why Gustav Cook wants to pass this news out and to whom!

  Gustav Cook didn't tell the countess directly, but spread the news by casting a wide net, which is more likely.

   I didn't expect to confuse the members of the United Law Enforcement Team.

  With the current black information, it is not easy for the joint law enforcement team to arrest him and torture him.

  How do you say he is also a deputy director, and the government has always strictly limited the scope of power of the joint law enforcement team.

  Rules cannot be broken.

  Strictly speaking, they have crossed the line by monitoring and tracking Gustav Cook.

   "Continue to monitor!" I can only continue to monitor, hoping that this person can bring them more surprises.

  At the same time, arrange manpower to investigate the cause of Monica Crane's death and the robbery of the body.

   You can also start with Gustav Cook.

  Because Gustav Cook is also investigating the case.

  As for Yate, they also sent people to watch.

  Do not stare at people, but at houses. As the news of Gustav Cook spreads, someone will come to the door.

  Aubrey Harvey's ability to do things is not bad.


   In the southeast corner of Pudela City is Qiyun Mountain, which is more than 500 meters above sea level.

   Although the altitude of Qiyun Mountain is not high, due to special reasons such as climate, in the early morning, evening or heavy fog, the top of the mountain is often shrouded in clouds and fog, and it only surrounds the small part of the top of the mountain, which does not affect the traffic below.

   The origin of the name "Qiyunshan", there is a saying that it comes from this.

   Very apt.

   There is another theory that a professional from the East gave the name, but it is not known whether it was intentionally hidden or for other reasons. More information has not been verified, and the citizens of Pudera City are more willing to accept the first theory.

   More than one congressman proposed to change Qi Yunshan's western name, but it was ignored every time.

   Today's Qiyun Mountain has become a residential area where nobles, high-ranking officials, and wealthy businessmen gather.

  From bottom to top, the status gradually increases.

  Like a rich businessman, no matter how rich he is, he cannot live on the top of the mountain.

   I dare not let them live.

   Those who live on the top of the mountain are all great nobles, and the viscount started.

   It's not that the Viscount can live here, it's just a starting condition!

  There are not many houses on the top of the mountain, mostly manors and villas, hidden in the mountains and forests.

  There is no need to repeat the environmental conditions, the people who live here have already explained everything.

  That Audrey Earl Whitt lives here.

  A heavily guarded manor.

  There are many flower trees planted in the manor, so more care workers are needed.

  In the evening, the servants and cooks got busy on time.

  The countess woke up.

  After receiving the news from Gustav Cook, the Countess did not take immediate action, but continued her lunch break.

   As always, sleep until evening.

   While she was washing, the servants prepared the supper, and brought it to the table exactly when she was done.

   No wonder the residents below are keen to hire servants who have retired from the top of the mountain!

  When the countess was eating, the head maid and the butler waited on her.

   "Art Byron, whose real name is Art Tavel, is a descendant of the Tavel family of demon warlocks. This family has completely declined, no matter its strength or influence, it can only settle in the countryside.

  Moya University graduate.

  During school, he was taciturn and passionate about occultism. He only had a close relationship with a classmate named Matt Isaac, and they rented together off-campus. There were rumors that their relationship was beyond friendship, but it has not been verified.

  In February, Matt Isaac left suddenly.

  After that, his temperament changed drastically. First, he was accepted as a student by Amos Hughes, and then he got acquainted with Moore Lane, Angelo Nell, Shao Hui and others, and became a powerful professional himself.

  Monica Crane, a college classmate of his, visited him a few days ago and invited him to last night's party.

  The invitation letter should have been sent to him at that time.

  However, since he returned from participating in the trials of those 4 families, he has been staying behind closed doors. Monica Crane did not see anyone else, and he did not attend the party last night.

   In addition, he has a very good relationship with the guy in Detrick's lab, and that guy is at his place this afternoon. "

  The butler read to her the information about Art that he had inquired in the afternoon.

  From this, we can see the background of the nobility.

   It took less than half a day to find out so much information, it would be impossible for Moore Lane to do it!

  The Countess had just finished eating a small dish of caviar, wiped her mouth with a silk scarf, and took a sip of the brightly colored wine to rinse her mouth. Then she asked, "Do you suspect that he was replaced?"

  Obviously, this person is not a vase. He seems to be careless, but he can accurately grasp the key points.

   As for what will be replaced, just think about the blood of the Tavel family.

   "The probability of being affected is higher." The housekeeper corrected her.

   "That's right, he must pass the test to participate in the trials of those 4 families." The Countess immediately responded, and then asked: "How is his strength?"

   "Below level 4 is very strong, but the one in Dietrich's laboratory is more troublesome." The butler reminded.

   "Tell me, how did he, a little fellow of less than 4th level, make a 7th-level powerhouse look at him differently?" the countess suddenly asked with great interest.

  Level 7 is already another form, and it is difficult to define it with human thinking mode. One of the important features is "difficult to touch"!

   How did he, a little guy with less than level 4, do this?

   Could it be that he has some kind of special ability to make people close or communicate with others?

   "I don't know." The butler shook his head bluntly.

   This is also where he feels strange, no, magical!

   "Find a chance, I'll meet him in person." The Countess suddenly became very interested in him.

   "I'll make arrangements." The housekeeper didn't dissuade, but complied.

  (end of this chapter)