MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 184 A dark lair without a drop

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  Chapter 184 The dark lair without a drop

  To be honest, this is the first time Zhang Feng saw such a thing as a lair.

  The output of this dark lair really made Zhang Feng's heart contract violently.

  This is a leader-level boss. Just looking at the output speed, there are almost three or four per second.

  If this continues, how many leader-level bosses can be produced in a day?

   Of course, the leader-level boss is nothing.

  The yellow turban wrestlers on Zhang Feng's side can almost kill the opponent with a single lightning move.

   No matter how many there are, they can at most be regarded as mob kills.

   What really shocked Zhang Feng was that along with the appearance of a large number of white eggs of leader-level bosses, there were also a few golden or black giant eggs.

  These giant eggs are motionless, and seem to be still absorbing nutrients.

   There is almost no need to guess, it must be a lord-level boss.

  Zhang Feng cursed, and directly directed the Yellow Turban warriors to release the lightning-calling technique towards these giant eggs.

  A moment later, several giant eggs exploded, revealing several giant praying mantis monsters.

  It's a pity that killing in eggs has no experience points and loot, which is a bit regrettable.

  The leader-level Mantis Girl dropped a lot of things, but most of them were only green and blue, and Zhang Feng didn't have much interest.

  The higher the level, the blue-green equipment will be less interested, and its value will be greatly reduced.

   Apart from decomposing it as a material, it is almost useless.

   Speaking of dismantling materials, Zhang Feng remembered that he had to learn a bit to strengthen his own equipment.

  Before, the equipment was updated too quickly, and it basically didn't take long to strengthen it, which was a waste of time.

  But now I have a piece of red equipment on my body, and it looks like there will be more in the future.

   Then strengthening the equipment needs to be put on the agenda.

   "That is to say, more points are needed as the cost of learning."

   Zhang Feng pursed his lips and couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart.

   This is another huge expense.

   "But this time is a pretty good opportunity."

  Zhang Feng looked at the constantly refreshing Mantis Girl, and the drop of these leader-level bosses is not very good.

  Compared to normal BOSS, the drop may be only one-tenth.

  But adding three or five together can drop one or two pieces of equipment, and the materials obtained by dismantling are also considered useful.

  The key is that the number of BOSS refreshes is too much now, two or three hundred can be killed in one minute, and about fifty or sixty pieces of equipment can be dropped.

  Although they are all blue-green outfits, occasionally a purple outfit can pop up.

  The price of the purple outfit is not bad, and you can get it in exchange for a few points.

  Even if it cannot be sold, the materials decomposed from the purple equipment can also reduce the consumption caused by learning reinforcement.

  Zhang Feng led the yellow turban fighters to the side of the dark lair gradually, and while killing the bosses that popped out, he picked up all the blue and green outfits into his demiplane.

  A dozen or so yellow turban wrestlers carried them back and forth, which stunned An Yunfeng in the demiplane.

  He was not in a hurry to rescue the light warriors on the side, so he just brushed the boss here and went home to collect equipment.

  Zhang Feng originally thought that he could brush up for a few days, and it would be over after collecting tens of thousands of pieces of equipment.

   But I didn't expect that after less than two hours of brushing, the dark lair seemed to be a little out of control.

  The number of eggs popping up began to decrease, from three or four popping out every second at the beginning, to one popping out every two or three seconds.

  Obviously, the Dark Lair seems to be unable to lay eggs as quickly as before to create the Mantis Girl BOSS.

   "It seems that the dark lair makes BOSS, and it actually takes time to accumulate."

   Zhang Feng rested his chin, sitting cross-legged on the ground not far away, looking at the dark lair, he seemed a bit exhausted.

   Not a single drop left!

  The dark lair wants to create a mantis woman, first of all, it needs to create eggs that hatch the mantis woman.

  The reason why there were so many before, three or four popped up every second.

   In fact, a large number of eggs have been stored in the giant cocoon for incubation.

   But when Zhang Feng was idle and ready to brush up equipment, he killed all the praying mantis girls that these eggs had turned into.

   And he was not in a hurry to kill the dark lair, so he forced the opponent to hatch the eggs continuously, and sent the mantis girl to Zhang Feng to kill and get the spoils.

   After the inventory of the Dark Lair is exhausted, the Dark Lair can only be manufactured on-site.

   At the end, it takes even half a minute or so to make an egg, and then hatch it and send it.

   Regarding this point, it is actually quite scary.

  A dark lair can produce two eggs in one minute, and two boss-level bosses pop out.

   There are 120 bosses in an hour, and more than 2,000 bosses in a day.

  The number of dark lairs is quite large, just the ones marked in Zhang Feng's mission, at least hundreds of them.

   "A leader-level boss with 200,000 per day?"

  Zhang Feng smacked his mouth, feeling a little unbelievable.

   This should be unlikely. When he saw dark creatures attacking the city, the leader-level boss was not too cannon fodder.

   At least it can be regarded as a small boss.

  The real cannon fodder are those elite-level dark creatures, or the warrior-level ones.

   Leader-level bosses can be regarded as the elite of the team when attacking the city.

   Further up, there are a few lord-level bosses, and they are rarely encountered.

   "Speaking of the lord-level BOSS, the lord-level BOSS in this dark lair seems to have never come out again."

  Zhang Feng looked at the dark nest wriggling under his feet.

   Except for the eggs of several lord-level bosses that were exposed at the beginning, and after killing them before they hatched, such eggs were never seen again.

   Is it because the nest knows that even if it is produced, it will not hatch, or it is difficult to produce eggs of this level.

   Or simply exchange a large number of leader-level BOSS eggs?

   "Ah, I don't want to wait anymore, the speed of coming out is too slow."

   Zhang Feng waited for a long time before spit out a few more praying mantis girls from the dark lair, so he became impatient.

   It takes a few minutes to drop a worthless green item, and it's just a waste of time to wait any longer.

  So Zhang Feng simply asked the Yellow Turban Luxe to work hard, and directly killed the fleshy blanket under his feet.

  The death of a dark lair brought him a lot of experience points.

  It's a pity that nothing good is dropped.

  Accompanied by the death of the dark lair, the hood that has been restraining the warrior of light not far away is opened.

  Zhang Feng took out the token and instructed these warriors of light to enter his demiplane.

   Then he started back the way he came.

   There is no need to worry too much about this.

  Zhang Feng has always made a mark to determine how he got in.

   At this moment, just go back along the marker, and you won't have too much trouble.

   A few hours later, Zhang Feng returned to the entrance of the dark abyss.

  He didn't go out in a hurry, but simply entered the phase world.

   Then walk out of the abyss in the phase world and fly high.

   Galloping all the way, I don't know how long the flight has been.

   Zhang Feng just landed in a remote place, and waited for another half an hour before taking out the city return talisman and returning to Yuhui Fortress.

  (end of this chapter)