MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 17 Born days

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No doubt, they will change the receding route that Tang Ling has calculated.

This and its unstable interference can bring fatal results.

‘Ticking’ ‘Ticking’, Tang Ling ’s nosebleeds began to drip drop by drop on the cold ground, exerting the extreme precision instinct to calculate another action plan.

"In the face of fierce beasts, even if you only have a wooden stick in your hand, you have to play to the extreme. Believe me, that is better than bare hands." This is what Zhang Shu told Tang Ling.

I was deeply remembered by Tang Ling.

Now, his precision instinct is that stick. There is no other way to choose it except to the extreme.

有时 Sometimes, it is necessary to use a thing to the extreme, and it is necessary to exhaust all kinds of methods, even the cost.

Therefore, Tang Ling only endured great pain in an instant. At that moment, everything in his eyes became almost black and white.

He is like the coming of death.

Such a deadly calculation, in exchange for another solution.

There was no way to maintain the habit of the past, and to make precise predictions and reorganizations. Before Tang Ling landed for the last time, he fired two shots without hesitation.

The last two attack opportunities were used by him once and attacked the same place as the snake.

At this time, Tang Ling was less than ten meters from the ladder.

The big snake only needs to make one final adjustment, and it can swim towards Tang Ling without any hindrance.

Despite delays, the distance between them is actually getting closer, only to a distance of less than thirty meters in the end.

This distance, if the body can move forward ‘comfortably’, it takes less than a second.

By the light, a large number of black-horned purple-striped snakes have swarmed towards the Tang Ling group, and the nearest one is even less than twenty meters away.

‘哐 当’, the iron cover at the exit was lifted, and a dim purple light belonging to the night entered the tunnel.

The cold breath was immortal, but meant that my sister had gone out.

Tang Ling felt comforted, biting the desert eagle that had already emptied the bullet. By the light, one leaned over and rushed towards the ladder with the fastest speed.

At this time, every muscle of his body was perfectly mobilized.

After all, this looks like the action of rushing into a wall. Without strong control, it will really hit the wall.

What's more, he had to avoid a black-horned purple snake that would obstruct his way in the middle, and he couldn't slow down.

This is a test of limits.

Tang Ling completely emptied his brain, whether it was a dangerous snake or a group of black-horned purple-striped snakes, all ignored by him.

只有 In his eyes, there is only the wall that is getting bigger and bigger. At a distance of ten meters, it takes only 0.6 seconds to do extreme sprints at the speed of Tang Ling.

He ran over a distance of seven meters, and perfectly crossed the black-horned purple snake that was preparing to attack.

Suddenly the moment he was about to hit the wall, the force of the impact turned into an upward force with the kicking force of his legs.

At this moment, Tang Ling's muscles and bones were controlled to the limit by his almost incompetent control force.

For a moment, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the ladder in the middle.

The next moment, his feet stepped on the ladder below, perfectly removing the possible body shake caused by the huge impact.

接着 Then, he could crawl up without stopping.

Underneath him, the black-horned purple-striped snake that was passed over was raising his head and biting towards Tang Ling.

But Tang Ling grasped the height of the ladder and was destined to bite it in one go.

For the first time, the night was so beautiful in Tang Ling's eyes.

Every night, every dark night is full of danger and cold ‘demons’.

I was at the exit, the moonlight was shining on three faces.

Sister, mother-in-law, and quark.

The grandmother was all anxious and worried, almost half of her body was at the exit, and the quark was slightly backed away, but in the end she looked at everything under her breath.

My sister-in-law was very calm, her big eyes reflected the light of Ziyue, and there was a kind of cold void.

Tang Ling, who was climbing up quickly, lost his heart inexplicably, but the next moment he saw his sister stretch out her hands towards him.

She wants to pull him up.

Tang Ling felt warmth in his heart. At this time, in two more steps, he could reach out and grasp his sister's hand.

Then, her mother-in-law also extended her hand.

Quark hesitated to reach out, but the next second he yelled ‘Oh my God’, and the whole person began to tremble uncontrollably.

Tang Ling didn't look back, almost did not look at it, took the desert eagle in his mouth with one hand, and threw out heavily behind him.

A dull sound sounded, and Tang Ling put a strain on her waist, almost straightening her body and grabbing her mother-in-law's hand.

Don't doubt the strength of elderly women in this era, Tang Ling's weight will not become an unbearable burden for her mother-in-law.

She almost pulled out Tang Ling with all her strength, and her sister grabbed Tang Ling's wrist, followed by exhausting her strength.

For a short time, only quark stretched out a hand, he pulled Tang Ling's collar, almost shouted, rolled his body, and cooperated with Tang Ling's last step on the ladder to force Tang Ling Pulled out the exit.

The cold air surrounded Tang Ling in an instant, and the unrestrained pulling force caused four people to roll over.

But before stopping, Quark started yelling exaggeratedly.

Because a huge snake head suddenly came out of the exit ~ ~ It was less than a few seconds before Tang Ling rushed out of the exit.

This is a result that Tang Ling has already calculated, so in the process of rolling, a stone with sharp corners was caught by Tang Ling.

At the height of the ladder, this big snake will ‘stand up’, and then use a little ejection power to kill itself.

I just realized that I was faster, even a little faster than the calculation.

Because of the help of the other three.

In fact, Tang Ling was not nervous at all, and he speculated that the snake would not dare to climb out of the passage.

Otherwise, where is the 'door' of these exits hindering it?

The only uncertain factor is that if you make it so angry, will it take risks?

So Tang Ling grabbed a stone.

After tumbling and calming down, he squatted down and looked at the snake, his body blocking his mother-in-law and sister intentionally or unintentionally.

Under the moonlight, the giant snake's huge snake head protruded from the exit, the expression is so ‘rich’.

I was revengeful, unwilling, angry, hesitant ... Tang Ling faced it, holding the stone's hand for a little sweat.

可以 He can die, but he can't afford the risk of his sister and mother-in-law.

A slightly cold hand rested on Tang Ling's shoulder. Before Tang Ling responded, his neck was tightly pinched by two small arms.

When the warm tears and the cold air meet, they become cold water droplets, sliding across the back of Tang Ling's neck.

"Shanshan, quickly ..." Tang Ling, who was extremely exhausted, had a hoarse voice, but instinctively told him to let his sister avoid it.

But at this instant, he saw the huge snake head, and scarlet eyes flashed an inexplicable fear, then he retracted.