MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 16 encounter

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The camera turned back to the cheese and his party. With the help of the earth spirit, the mage and others followed a path that had never been discovered before and entered the cave. The goblins' eyes allow them to see things in dark places, but humans are not. So for lighting in the cave, the cheese took a small piece of stone from one small bag and some white powder from another bag, spread the powder on the stone and rubbed it for a while. Soon, the humble stone began to emit a stable white light, the brightness of which could be comparable to torches.

"Grey phosphorite plus powder on the wings of the white feather butterfly will glow under a slight heating environment." The mage explained to others. Everyone was surprised to see that the ordinary stone block turned into a stable light source in the hands of the cheese. The courageous Hahn reached out and tried to touch the magic stone.

"Be careful, it's hot." The cheese hurriedly said, but "Wild Boar" 's fingers had touched the surface of the stone. He snorted and quickly withdrew his hands, as if he had hit an iron kettle with boiling water.

The cheese made Elsa's hand wrapped with a damp cloth, and inserted this shiny stone into a wooden stick also wrapped with a damp cloth. Then hand the wooden stick to Mona and let her take care of the surroundings.

"In fact, the reason why this stone glows is because it is burning slowly. So while it glows, the heat it emits is also considerable." The mage said. But for others, the explanation of cheese is actually superfluous. They simply can't understand why a stone glows, and naturally they won't believe that this stone is actually burning.

"Mage's trick." Hahn rubbed his slightly burned fingers and muttered in a low voice. This sentence will almost become his mantra. In fact, getting along with the cheese these past few days has made the three Frost Guards other than Elsa have awe-inspiring knowledge and actions on the wizard. In their view, what the mage did could not be combined with common sense. This sense of mystery made them respectful and made them have a strange barrier to cheese.

Seeing that the cheese and others were ready, the goblins began to urge them to go on the road. The dim cave did not affect these little guys at all, and the bats and other animals inhabiting the cave also chose to visit the cheese and others because of the existence of these goblins. Ignored.

"Be careful." The cheese pulled a handful of the lady boss and let her escape the stalagmites that had fallen down in front. In fact, not only the top of the cave, but as the entire cave gradually deepens, the texture of the cave gradually becomes fine from the rough rock at the beginning. Dense stalagmites occupy the corners of the cave, and some glowing mushrooms also appear from time to time in the sight of a pedestrian.

"Unbelievable. The largest fortress of the legion is less than one-tenth of it here." The female soldier Mona tried hard to raise the lighting stone in her hand, but still couldn't see the border of the cave. For the Frost Warrior who regards Longji Mountain as part of his territory, this huge cave in the remaining veins of the Longji Mountains is simply incredible.

A few people followed the goblins towards the inside of the cave. They saw the size of the cave change unfounded. The previous one was as spacious as the castle hall. After passing through a corridor, only the next person could bend to pass. . And the complicated and divergent roads in the cave make it difficult to imagine what would happen if these lands did not lead the way.

"Have you heard?" Elsa stopped suddenly and said.

"What do you hear?" The cheese asked curiously. As a caster, his physical fitness is the weakest of the five, and the relative five senses are not as sensitive as others.

And the remaining three people, including the lady boss, did not answer the question of the cheese. They put their ears on the rock wall, and in this way "listened" to the sound from the depths of the cave. It was n’t just Elsa, they seemed to have discovered something about the goblins surrounding the group. They started to get agitated, and then at a certain point they just coaxed away.

"You! Wait!" The mage vainly greeted the fledgling elves, but these little guys quickly disappeared into the darkness outside the lighting range.

"It is the sound of fighting. One side should be human." The female warrior raised her head from the rock wall and said.

"Quick, over there!" "Monkey" as the scout character in the group found the direction first. He took the lighting stone in Mona's hand and ran in one direction. The rest of them ran with him. Hahn disregarded the mage's objection and put the cheese on his shoulders, followed by a big step.

Firelight, in this dim cave, the torches and brazier lights are so obvious. And if the light of the flame only illuminates the cave, then the silhouettes of those fighting under the fire are projected on the rock wall into a strange and strange image. The cheese they saw after turning around a corridor is such a scene. Under the light of the fire, the two parts are fighting fiercely. One of them is a human wearing simple leather armor, while the other is a grotesque creature. They are slightly shorter than normal humans, but this is because they are almost all piggybacks. These creatures have a rough humanoid shape but only one eye on the head. They swelled with bulging tumor skin and even covered with moss.

"Caveman!" Three frost guards exclaimed at the same time. As frost guards who have been digging fortresses in Longji Mountain, they are no strangers to these humanoids living underground and in caves. Because the natural caves are often encountered during the excavation of the fortress by the legions, and there is a high probability that such creatures will exist in these caves. In fact, in the past 100 years, 90% of Frost Guard's combat downsizing is related to these creatures called "cavemen".

The five-member group suddenly killed out clearly attracted the attention of the two warring parties. Before the cheese, they shouted to the humans to confirm their identity. A small group of cavemen had rushed towards them. These cavemen had no shaped weapons, only rough stone hammers and stone axes, and some even held a large stone.

"Defense! Protect the mage!" The female warrior snarled and pulled out two one-handed battle axes from behind. "Wild Boar" raised the round shield half of the top of the cheese, and stepped in front of the mage and Elsa in one step, becoming the most solid barrier. "Monkey" Jack silently stepped back two steps, his hunting bow had been drawn to the full string, the dark iron arrow to the fastest troglodyte. The archer first exerted his strength. In the dim environment, the arrow was unbiased in the middle of the enemy's single eye! However, the fall of the companions did not affect these cavemen, they still maintained the momentum of the charge and hit them.

"Humph!" As the mage hummed, the stalagmites above the heads of the cavemen began to fall off, and the stone pillars turned into deadly nails, breaking the head of the enemy in front of the blood.

"Good!" Hahn couldn't help but whispered that the Frost Guard did not have any hatred against the cavemen. There were always a few comrades in the same team who died in the hands of these underground creatures, so seeing the cheese's spell worked, he naturally I am very happy.

However, although the spell of the cheese eliminated some cavemen, more cavemen have rushed to the front of five people. After shooting two more arrows, Jack simply threw the hunting bow to the back, and took out the hunter's dagger to prepare for close combat. The female warrior Mona has already firmly held the left wing of the team with two tomahawks. Although she is a female, her long-term physical fitness is not weaker than her male colleagues. In the blink of an eye, three or four cavemen have been killed.

"Drink!" Hahn is worthy of the name "wild boar". While his large shield is defending, the short spear of the other hand is the wild boar's fangs. This northern man with his body blocked almost all of the front. enemy. And Elsa and Jack, two agile warriors, were not outdone. They had a hunting knife and two short swords. Although the two were unraveled, they cooperated with each other, but they also cooperated. The cavemen attacked them without any rules. Can not wipe the corner of the clothes.

However, with the dazzling performance of these five people in the cheese, more cavemen attacked them. Those cavemen holding giant stones would completely hurt their own people whether they accidentally hurt themselves or not. UU reading just cares about the big one The rock threw his head at the pedestrian.

"Flying Stone!" Mona shouted to remind her teammates that Elsa and Jack were not in love after receiving the notice, and the five immediately hid under the protection of Hahn. A huge stone hit the shield with a dull sound. If it is an ordinary person, even if it is protected by a shield, the arm holding the shield is afraid of fracture, but the "wild boar" holds the shield with both hands. He backed away. At the same time, the more smashed stones also caused the cavemen around several people to fall down a large area.

"I can't stop it for too long!" Hahn whispered. His power is not endless, and with more and more stones, the Hercules is also somewhat powerless.

"We are going to meet those people." Mona hacked over a caveman who attempted a sneak attack and said.

"But as soon as we move, we will be stoned into meat patties!" "Monkey" said. Indeed, under such an intensive pelvic attack, several people have completely become targets.

"I come to fight for time, and I said you should close your eyes when you close your eyes." The cheese, who had been silent, said suddenly.

"What do you say, who dares ..." Hahn's words were interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Close your eyes!" The mage held up a wooden stick tied with a luminous stone, and stood up suddenly while taking a wave of attacks. I saw that the luminous stone suddenly exploded with ten times the intensity of the light! It's like a small sun. For a while, the cavemen covered their eyes and screamed.

"Run!" At the order of the mage, the men who closed their eyes following the password ran to the crowd without saying anything. The fighting caves are not big in themselves, and the cheese quickly completed the meeting with another group of people.