MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 17 Road closure

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"Quack!" Seeing that the enemies that could be easily eliminated ran away, the cavemen began to make noise. An individual who apparently looked taller than other cavemen brandished a leg bone of an unknown creature and growled loudly.

"It's a 'big guy.'" Jack, who saw him, saw the leader of the other party at a glance and said.

"I went, it was a caveman tribe with leaders, this is really troublesome." Hahn also frowned.

This kind of caveman superior cheese has been read in the book and belongs to a very few variants among cavemen. They appeared because the cavemen came into contact with crystals with magic or other supernatural powers in the cave, which strengthened the body. The physical strength of these big men is much greater than that of ordinary cavemen, so as long as a big man appears in a group of cavemen, the rest of the cavemen will naturally regard them as leaders. Once there is a leader, the originally scattered sand cave groups will become a gang of insane lunatics. Before the cheese was curious why these cavemen paid so much casualties have not collapsed, it turns out that this guy is there.

"This is trouble, they will not retreat so easily." The female soldier also said that the angry leader would not allow retreat to happen.

Those who meet with five people are dumbfounded to see this huge caveman. After all, ordinary cavemen alone have put them into a hard fight. You know, none of those cavemen threw stones at them. Otherwise, I'm afraid they won't come before the cheese, these people have already turned into corpses.

"You are frost people?" Mona's legion armor they wear is still very recognizable. Coupled with the sweet water town and the legion, there are people who soon recognize the origin of these reinforcements.

"Yes, we ordered the commander of the legion to guard this master to investigate the plague led by the count." The female soldier said, also pointing to the cheese in the robe.

It is amazing that after they noticed the presence of cheese, their reaction seemed to be stronger than when they saw the caveman leader.

"It's a gray robe!" Someone shouted. The rest of the people subconsciously moved away from the mage like a ghost.

"It looks like you are less flattering than the ugly monsters." The lady boss whispered when she saw this scene.

And the cheese frowned. He had never been to Sweetwater before, so he couldn't understand the reactions of these people. But he still keenly captured a key noun, "Gray Robe". The gray robe is a dress that the cheese teacher requires his students to equip, because it allows those allies to help these outgoing apprentices. It was like the Frost Guard had taken the cheese. At the same time, the teacher also told the apprentices which forces have a holiday with themselves, and try to avoid the scope of those forces. However, among these hostile forces, the cheese does not know which one will appear in the backcountry like the Earl of Saron, is it the teacher's newly formed enemy? Impossible. Although the teacher said there was no news in recent years, he would never be able to live with a group of ordinary people.

"Hey, they are ready to attack again. If you don't want to be deflated to make dried meat, you better ask these people if there is any way out." The female warrior interrupted the mage's thinking. Indeed, following the light of the fire, the cavemen, under the leadership of the leader, had already prepared a wave of offensive. And looking at the posture, if they rush up, the five people of cheese and the helpless people may not be able to hold it. It's just that although there are many holes around the cave, no one knows whether it is a dead end or not, and instead of looking for someone to get in, it is better to ask these people.

"Do you know where you can leave?" The mage turned back and asked the crowd.

However, the people were still afraid of the cheese as they saw the ghost. When the cheese stepped forward, they stepped back and even ignored the threat of the cavemen in the distance. Elsa's face was black when she saw such a situation. When she saw the boss lady said nothing, she grabbed a man's collar and took a knife over his neck.

"I ask you, do you know where you can leave?"

The cold blade instantly restored the man's senses, and he realized that the current situation could not help what they were talking about, so he quickly pointed to a hole and said.

"We are from there, the people in the town are there."

Got the answer, Elsa shrugged away from the man, turned around and said to the others.

"Over there!"

Seeing that the group of cavemen had launched an attack, the proprietress and Jack pushed and drove the crowd into the hole, while Mona and Hahn were resisting the flying rocks in front. This time, the flying stones are far away, and the cavemen ’s arm strength is not infinite. Most of the stones thrown from Laoyuan fell to the ground before reaching the crowd. The rest were also at the end of the crossbow, and the two also Resisted.

A group of people pushed and shoved into the cave, but the caveman army also killed a short distance away. The female soldier and the "wild boar" were fighting against the narrow terrain of the cave. Although they can still hold on, but fatigue is only time. problem.

"This is not the way, the cave is the home of these guys, we can't run away from them." Jack said after knocking down a caveman along the arrow of the cave.

"You have to collapse the top of the cave to block them." The mage said calmly.

"Speaking lightly, we played so lively and it didn't collapse here, indicating that these caves are very strong." The proprietress pouted and said.

"That, UU reading We have alchemy explosives here." One whispered. With that said, he carefully pulled out a black clay pot from his arms.

"It was left when we blasted the hole."

"You dare to put this thing on your body." "Monkey" is no stranger to this kind of alchemy explosive used for mountain opening. He took the clay pot in the man's hand and tied the explosive to the arrow with a belt. Although it may cause a large-scale collapse, this small can of explosives is now the last hope.

"Master, can you come back to that one just now?" Asked the archer, bending his bow and arrow.

"No problem." The cheese nodded, indicating that he could still cast the spell again.

A moment later, under Elsa's password, the cheese once again released the flash to cover Mona and Hahn to retreat, and the "Monkey" fired the dynamite arrow that had been aimed long ago.


The loud sound echoed in the cave, and the stones falling due to the explosion splashed a lot of dust, and everyone coughed. The luminous stone in the hand of the cheese became a piece of debris due to excessive use, and only a few torches remained illuminated.

"Cough, is it okay?" Mona stood up first, although she was dizzy because of the close explosion, but she still struggled to stand firm.

"It's okay, cough."

"No injuries."

Several people said that it was okay, and only a few unlucky eggs were smashed by the splattered stones in the crowd behind them.

"Okay, take me to see your mayor." The cheese stood up and picked up the group of people. He now desperately wants to know why these people are so afraid of him. And he had a hunch that the mayor of Tianshui Town must know something about the plague.