MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 205 uninvited guest

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It is different from the cheese that just experienced a horror experience in Wangdu. For the Crow, things went better than they thought. He felt more and more that he could meet Lin in the wilderness. It was the most admirable of many subtle coincidences in this world. This girl not only possesses the qualities that the curse wizard likes, but her understanding of Molten Iron City really serves as a local identity.

Relying on the head of the unlucky hyena leader, the mantra was received by the chief of the molten iron city within a day of entering the city. The young man in the same family as Heather saw the expression on his face turned into worship almost instantly.

Unlike the well-known knights, this young man who was temporarily placed in the position of chief of garrison because of the shortage of family members has only read from books on gray robe wizards and other dark things. When talking with him, he deliberately and unintentionally used magic to influence his thinking. This young man became his admirer almost without knowing the curse.

So when Crow proposed to ask this young man to introduce himself to Grand Duke Hammer, the latter vowed to use his real name to ensure that the meeting would be held within two days. From his mouth, the curse crow also knew that Duke Hammer is now in the molten iron city.

Time back to the night before the cheese they acted.

After saying good night to Lin, who was reluctant, Currow returned to her room in Molten Iron City. The curse of the spellcaster's mouth sneered when the maid with fair skin just looked at the flash of **** in his eyes. Unlike the cheese, the Crow does not mind using magic to influence the thinking of the people around him, or he is happy to do so. As early as his adult missions, the spellcaster showed his extraordinary talents and mastery in manipulating the mind.

From the curse crow's point of view, the spellcaster's time is extremely precious, so precious that it is not worth wasting on those ordinary people. In fact, if there is such a wolf walker immune to almost all magic in the squad that is not a cheese, he has already brainwashed the others in the squad. And now, he just made Lin's gratitude for his gratitude and admiration grow, and adjusted the relationship between the maid and him to a state that the curse considered "suitable".

But despite such a longing, I mean, the ability to hate, the Crow will not reward it for satisfying his physical desires. As a qualified gray robe mage, he is only interested in studying the mysteries to obtain stronger Feeling happy about power. In addition to this, including wanton control of the mind and brutal killing of the enemy can only be regarded as a pastime when he is bored.

And despite the promise of the Duke Hammer's opinion, the spellcaster didn't have the patience to wait another two days. Now that he knows that Duke Hammer is in the city now, Curse Crow doesn't care whether his sudden visit will make the other party unhappy. Even if the grand duke is just an ordinary person, the spellcaster would not mind making a duke a new member of his many toys.

Pushing open the windows of the room, this property belonging to the Hammer Rose family is not far from the Hammer Fort in the center of the molten iron city. With a ring of magic crow flashing magical light, the gray robe on his body began to emit dim black energy.

"Every time this **** transforming curse makes me think of the teacher's punishment." Feeling the twist of the body due to the power of the curse, the curse's face was changed by the pain, he almost came from the root Out of this sentence.

However, no matter how much the pain of the transformation is, the magic that has been released will not stop. There was a silent cry in his mouth, and the body of the currow began to compress and deform as the magical power surged. Eventually, the figure of the spellcaster disappeared from the room and was replaced by a crow with beautiful black feathers. This crow has bright red claws and a pair of pure white eyes. It will make people instinctively unknown just looking at it.

"Gay!" An unknown crow flapped his wings, leapt from the window of the room, flew into the night of the molten iron city, and flew to the castle in the center of the city that belonged to the Duke of the Hammer. No one will embarrass a bird, not to mention that with the chaos of the internal security of the hammers, a large number of crows that live on scavengers also follow. In such cases, even the most loyal and loyal The guard will not raise a bow and arrow at a crow hovering over the castle.

The black crow hovered in the night, and its eyes swept through all the windows of the Fort Lehama, looking for the one belonging to the Duke of the Hammer. But things are not as simple as the conjurer thought, maybe it's because of safety concerns. The curse crow didn't find any place in the castle like the Duke's study. The windows near the edge of the castle looked like corridors invariable.

Is it for security reasons? The curse thought so. Indeed, with the area of ​​Fort Hammer, the space visible through the windows is extremely limited, and most of the area of ​​the castle is wrapped by these corridors. The crow slightly adjusted his flying height. Since he couldn't find it from outside, he might as well go in and find it.

So in this quiet night ~ ~ an uninvited guest visited the top floor of the main tower of Fort Hammer. With the knowledge of the mantra, those nobles seem to like to put their study or room at the highest point of the castle. It's easier to find it from here.

The unknown crow fell into the unmanned corridor, and with the mist formed by the black energy, the spellcaster restored the human form again. Feeling the touch of the precious carpet under his feet and the soft light radiating from the golden lamp stands in the hallway, the Crow had to admit that the mortal lords were far more proficient in enjoying this than the casters. Moving the various joints of the body to confirm that there was no error in the deforming operation, the spellcaster's eyes found something interesting.

"This craft ..." he said, stroking the inner wall of the corridor gently.

It was a stone wall composed of dark brown rocks. Most of the castle was made of similar materials. This is the first time Crow has observed such a wall at close range. He noticed that the adhesion between these stone bricks does not seem to be an ordinary binder or similar alchemy product, but solidified iron slurry. . After cooling, the iron paste was obviously carefully polished, and the metal glowing walls made this castle so indestructible.

"Oh, things are getting more and more interesting." He whispered to himself, and the Crow removed his hand from the inner wall and began to look for the nearby room.