MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 23 Siege

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The torch illuminates the dark cave, leaving behind countless messy shadows. The fighting has been going on for some time, although Mona has warned that the mayor of Bender cavemen have noticed the existence of the camp, and their attacks may come at any time. But the mayor firmly believes that those stupid cave creatures are not enough to pose a sufficient threat to this camp, and the soldiers in Sweetwater Town can cope with the cavemen, and his confidence makes sense. As a relatively rich town, Tianshui Town, although its own armed forces are not much, but it is very well equipped. Even the armor of the guards made the three soldiers of the Frost Legion a little jealous. This is a normal thing. As a commercial town, Tianshui Town needs better order than other places. At the same time, in order to resist robbers, the guards in the town can indeed be called stronger than other towns.

However, as the female warrior said to others in private, although the guards of the Sweetwater Town are well equipped, but those people are not warriors, they can be used to maintain law and order, and even deter robbers, but they are not suitable for fighting. Facts have proved that Mona ’s words, the cavemen ’s surprise came as expected, but they are also reasonable. These large and small caves are the cavemen ’s backyard, and they want to be quiet in the backyard of others. After a whole winter, these cavemen are underestimated. But what a few people did not expect was that the attack strength of those cavemen was far stronger than they had imagined.

"The Gods of the North are up, when there are so many cavemen in Longji Mountain!" Hahn sighed with an axe and cut down an enemy who tried to climb up the fence.

"There are already three big guys that I saw, hell, when did these guys become so united!" "Monkey" shot down a caveman in the distance ready to throw a stone, also echoed.

Indeed, the current situation is very optimistic. A large number of cavemen surrounded the camp like tide. If it were not for the three-height wooden wall blocking their footsteps, I am afraid that the residents of Tianshui Town would have been unable to resist Too. However, even so, a large number of cavemen also shattered the impact of this line of defense. These wooden fences were not built for combat, and they never thought they would be hit by such a fierce offensive. Fortunately, the cheese was reinforced by the spell The solidity of the wooden wall, otherwise the cavemen only need to throw stones to smash the outer wall of the camp.

This is a very abnormal phenomenon. From the past experience of the Frost Guards against the cavemen, these low IQ creatures are taking a big head as a leader, showing a tribal appearance. Because of the lack of food, a caveman with a leader The number of human tribes often does not exceed one hundred, and even if two tribes meet, they will continue to fight because of food, even if the enemy is currently, they have never worked together. But the group of cavemen at the moment, whether it is the number of members or the number of leader cavemen found, is far beyond the normal range. These caveman tribes seem to have reached some agreement, temporarily put down their hostility, and attacked the camp of Tianshui Town with all their strength.

"We're afraid we are counted." The cheese held a wooden stick in his right hand, and the iron-clad top knocked on the caveman's head, stunting his opponent instantly.

"Are you saying that someone drove these cavemen to attack us?" Mona swept down the enemy in front of her, and the axe cleaved the opponent's head mercilessly.

"Yes, there are traces of spells on these cavemen. I think there is someone who uses spells similar to mind control on them." Waving the wooden stick horizontally to block the stone axe from the oncoming, the mage put a foot on it. The caveman who attacked himself kicked the fence.

"The other sides can't stand up!" Elsa rushed from the other direction with two short swords in her hand. As the most agile presence in the party, she was assigned to wander in various defense zones to support.

"Can those guards even compare to the four of us? These of us can hold a wall, but they can't hold it?" "Wild Boar" shouted angrily. Indeed, as the most powerful force, the cheese and others held one of the four camp walls with four people, but the soldiers guarding other directions were defeated by the cavemen.

"No way, you can let those patrols who catch the most thieves fight these guys, might as well expect these cavemen to retreat themselves." The female soldier said indifferently.

"But this is not the way to go, even if we can hold it, but once one side loses, the result will become very troublesome." Jack said.

"Hey, Master, can you still get a rockfall like last time?" Hahn asked.

Although not talking about it, several warriors know that if anyone can save this camp now, it must be the cheese. The incredible power exerted by the mage is also the key to the reason why they can fight. If the cheese is not here, I am afraid these fighters should now consider how to retreat. This is not because they are afraid, but just want to protect this humble camp in the hands of such a large number of cavemen, unless the **** guards are replaced with battle-hardened frost guards, plus The commander of the old commander Jon had a chance.

"No, these cavemen are too many. I am afraid I can't do such a wide range of spells now." The mage shook his head, indicating that he could do nothing.

This made Elsa sighed with relief while disappointed. In fact, while several people were looking forward to the answer of the cheese, Elsa was hesitant. On the one hand, she really wants cheese to protect the townspeople in this camp. UU reading www.uukankan.u. Anyway, that's a whole town. But on the other hand, since the cheese confessed that every time he casts, he would pay a price that ordinary people can't understand, and the boss lady really didn't know whether she should expect the power of magic. You have to know that the cheese has strengthened the entire camp wall before the magic. What price does this magical power make the mage pay? Elsa is not willing to guess.

Leaving aside the boss lady, the other three faced down after hearing the cheese ’s answer. The mage ’s attitude meant that the camp was really difficult to defend. They exchanged glances and seemed to be making some kind of decision.

"In this case, we are about to retreat." The female warrior Mona said. Their mission is not to protect this camp. Although the glory of the soldiers drove them to help, but in the final analysis, the mission of these Frost Guards is to ensure the safety of the cheese. Even when necessary, they have to sacrifice themselves for the mage.

"Wait a moment, maybe there will be a turnaround." Of course, the cheese can guess the meaning of Mona. In fact, he is still preparing for one or two hands in the foreign experience training. But if those methods are used, it will affect his evaluation of this adult mission, so it is less than a last resort. The mage does not want to use these hole cards. Whether to spend a huge price to save the residents of Sweetwater Town who once regarded him as an enemy, the cheese is also hesitating.

However, when the mage was about to force himself to make a choice, an accident happened.

"For the empire! Kill these cavemen in the name of the hammer!" A high-pitched battle roar came from the other side of the cave. The cavemen in that direction were separated like butter cut by a sharp blade. Appearing at the end of the fire, the light reflected from their armor is so dazzling in the dark cave.