MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 967v2 Hundred Years of Frontier War

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  Chapter 967 The Hundred Years Boundary War (⑨)

   "That's something I've neglected." The tree appeared on the other side of Lu Bai at some point, and saw the scene where the bugs were fighting with people, and admitted his mistake.

  He personally saw Jinfeng transformed into a giant beast more than ten years ago, so he has always ignored the question of where Jinfeng itself is.

  So even though he personally mastered the runes of the covenant, and even once replaced Jinfeng as the initiator of the covenant, he never thought about the fact that the two secret treasures changed places.

   "However, your ability is really good." Lu Bai looked at everything in front of him and praised.

  In the area where the two of them were, there was a layer of light green light covering them.

  Under the protection of this light film, the two were not discovered by other bugs or people.

   Even with the help of this layer of light film, through adjustments to its own existence, it can form a substitute for the 'tree man' at the target position.

  Well, that’s right, the location bombed by the United Defense Force before was just a double for Lu Bai and Dashu, temporarily possessing some of their abilities.

  They stayed where the bugs were for so long and didn't act, and the big tree came over long ago, so it was impossible to wait for the golden wind to make a move.

  This is the reason why they seemed indifferent to the bombing of thousands of moon-level units.

   Otherwise, in that situation, how could Lu Bai say anything based on respect for life.

  If he really faced that kind of besieged scene, he would definitely take the first shot, disrupt the connection between them with evil force, then rush into the crowd, fight more with less, and finally find a chance to escape.

  Although there are many people on the other side, given Lu Bo's special situation, if he really wants to run, he should be able to escape after a normal death or two.

   "This is a miracle that originated from the Star Cave." Regarding Lu Bai's exploration, Dashu did not explain the true origin of the green light film, but attributed it to the Star Cave itself.

   This made Lu Bai have to wonder whether the big tree itself played a special role in the star cave.

   It's like the guardian of each floor before. Since the Star Cave still has the duty of a 'garbage mass grave', will the Star Cave have a position dedicated to garbage disposal.

  After all, each real dimension divides those losers and throws them into star caves. What they are looking forward to is not those fragments, and one day they can absorb enough nutrients from the mass graves to get up.

  Then when a restless individual who is dying has a change, perhaps an individual with special responsibilities will come to deal with the problem.

   In this special event, Jinfeng has been relying on it for more than a hundred years. According to this event, various resources have energy fragments that are close to the power of the real dimension.

   Jinfeng has a high probability of coming into contact with an old guy who is about to be resurrected.

  This kind of old guy is not too simple.

  If they are in a complete state, each one is a special existence that dares to covet the real dimension.

  The realm of strength is estimated to have surpassed the Japanese level long ago, and is moving towards a higher place.

  Although there may still be a large distance from the real dimension, it must also provoke the real dimension to a certain extent.

   As for individuals who can challenge the real dimension, Lu Bai may run as far as he has seen.

  Unless, in the current situation, the opponent's cells, even genes, and even some lower-level things have been dismantled into pieces.

  In this case, although the other party has found a spokesperson, it is still very dangerous, but Lu Bai also has the desire to tear pieces of flesh from the other party.

  Lu Bai and Dashu calmly watched the chaos in front of them.

  Although the king worms were affected by the previous attack, their number was reduced.

  But they have mastered many imprints, relying on this imprint, they not only immediately obtain a large amount of energy to help them hatch new bugs, but also cut off the coordinated connection of the coalition forces.

   Over the years, the Alliance of Kingdoms has been the biggest interference force of the bugs.

  The alliance has been sharing its own rune technology outwards for hundreds of years.

  Most of the technologies have no problems, and a small part of the technologies involve synergy runes.

  Although the various kingdoms are wary of this impenetrable synergy rune, over time, the synergy rune has become the mainstream.

  After all, synergy runes are too convenient, and too conducive to the clustering of races. Multi-place imprints are the treasure of race clustering.

   With such a convenient rune, even if many communication devices have backup facilities, these people are actually not proficient.

  In addition, many high-ranking individuals in the team have turned into bugs, and some companions have long been brainwashed by bugs and become surrounded by bugs.

  All of this disrupted their respective formations, and their combat capabilities were completely different from the previous joint attack.

  If it is said that before, Lu Bai could only seek opportunities and escape once or twice.

  Now, with the turmoil in this thousand-person month-level unit, Lu Bai even has a chance to counter-kill them.

   "This is the biggest problem with clusters. Cluster units need to pay more attention to 'connection' than Huaxing units. Once the connection is disturbed, the cluster will not be able to exert its due effect, and the overall strength will be greatly reduced."

   "However, at this time, Jinfeng should also be aware that something is wrong." Lu Bai's eyes fell on the piece of lava.

  The previous attack burned part of the space structure, causing the matter in the space to be melted, and the energy reaction inside became abnormal.

  However, as the self-healing ability of the space is activated, the energy reaction caused by the melting of the space will be contained, and the real situation of the attacked place will be revealed to people.

  Lu Bai and Dashu, two super-standard Huaxing individuals, the amount of energy they hold is extremely terrifying.

  Even if it is killed, there will be a lot of energy remaining.

  In this case, if Goldwind observes from the outside, it will inevitably find the problem.

   Sure enough, they were still fighting a tug-of-war with various kingdom forces in many places, and they kept pulling this kind of war, which can be called an encounter war, into a positional war.

  But at a certain point, these bugs became fearless again, gave up the plan of positional warfare, and started an extreme firefight.

   Moreover, on the outside, at some point, there was already a gust of wind blowing quietly.

   Has anyone ever had an idea of ​​what the atmosphere would be like if it were a giant?

  His body is different from the regular body, it exists in the form of gas.

  Because it is too huge.

  We live in his body, and we seem unaware that the other party is also a living body.

   Even imagine something bigger, all space is also a living individual.

  Because of the characteristics of its body composition, those of us who seem to be entities are actually just an extremely small microorganism compared to the other party, so we can travel through the other party's body.

  This kind of behemoth is by his side, but he has no way to correctly recognize the feeling of the other party's existence. It really makes people feel unprecedented fear.

  Now, most of the individuals present are aware of this horror.

  They seem to sense some inexplicable changes in the surrounding environment, but it is difficult to detect where the specific changes are.

  There is only a certain sense of oppression from the heart, reminding them that it is driving them crazy, and there are enemies around them.

  At this moment, most people seem to have become mentally ill.

   Looking at everything around him nervously, and attacking the void from time to time, it looked extraordinarily funny and crazy.

  However, the next moment, the oppression brought about by this madness became real.

   Many people who were fighting were suddenly squeezed and turned into pieces and merged into the surrounding 'space'.

  The meat paste smeared the inside and outside of the space, and became the decoration of the seemingly non-existent, but huge monster beyond imagination.

  The sudden death of these people made the scene even more chaotic.

  The bugs were also well prepared to further advance the battle situation.

  A large number of guards completed the mutation at this time, and then attacked the surrounding soldiers of other kingdoms.

   "Retreat! Retreat!" I don't know who yelled to retreat. Many soldiers from various kingdoms who could barely support them chose to retreat under such circumstances.

  The large-scale retreat further disrupted the already weak line of defense. Coupled with the lack of cooperation among various countries, a major defeat has already taken place.

  Originally, if they could gather strength, they would still have an advantage in terms of strength alone, but now the bugs have won.

   "In this case, there are probably a lot of bugs hiding in the combined army." Lu Bai said, a touch of scarlet began to breed.

   On the other side of the big tree, the light green light film was compressed in an instant, and then formed a dark green color, and then suddenly exploded!

  In the sky, it was suddenly condensed together, the layer of space smeared with flesh and blood, compressed rapidly, bringing infinite pressure.

   "Golden Wind!" As soon as the green color of the big tree was released, it had already turned into an abstract green tree.

  This tree is like a pillar, supporting the changing space, making it impossible to continue to compress.

   And Lu Bai's scarlet evil power is to destroy all the attacks from all directions around him.

  By the way, a blow was made to the bugs who just won the victory not far away.

   The densely packed bugs were like rain, but after falling, they stagnated in the air, and exploded into powder.

  The powder is evenly spread in the space layer.

  The huge abstract golden wind gradually took on some concrete images at this moment.

  Fighting with Jinfeng is more like fighting against heaven and earth.

  The opponent's attack method can be launched from any direction, and then appear almost teleported, without giving you any reaction time.

  If it weren't for the abstract tree of the big tree, which formed some kind of protection, this kind of attack could even appear directly beside Lu Bai.

  At the same time, the oppressive force passed on is getting stronger and stronger.

  The whole world has changed at this moment.

   With this change, a large amount of energy and matter gathers here.

   The second update.



  (end of this chapter)