MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 51 I saved my life today (Second Update)

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In the love observation room, everyone continued to pay attention to the contact of several amateurs.

Because in the first issue, the profession of the amateur is kept secret, and the audience basically depends on the appearance of the amateur to determine the first impression.

【The male lead Chen Kaiwei seems to be very fanciful. Or come in suits and shoes, elite? 】

【The female guests in this issue are all good-looking. The first female is sexy, the second female is pure and gentle, and the third female is cute. 】

[The second male is also ok, muscular man. 】

The high-value amateurs have basically grasped the basis of Lianzong's ratings.

The most popular ones are currently the first male and the second female.

After a brief first meeting, after exchanging names and hometowns.

Six amateurs began to pair up, a group of men and women who cook together every night.

Cooking together deepens the connection.

The first man, Chen Kaiwei, and Shidong invited the second woman, who was not very good at cooking, to cook together, saying that he was very good at cooking.

Also volunteered to be in charge of dinner for 6 people today.

Handsome and athletic, he instantly won the favor of the audience.

【Rush for me, Chen Kaiwei! 】

It's called Triumph CP! 】

【I like this direct buddy. 】

Among the three male guests, Chen Kaiwei was the most outstanding because of his height and appearance. Even after he and the second female decided to cook together, the first female and the third female also expressed their goodwill to him. .

Chen Kaiwei instantly became the most popular men's corner in the hut.

During dinner, the three female guests wanted to sit beside him.

"He is really popular," Jiang Xu once again opened the topic discussion in the observation room, "I wonder if you have encountered such an attractive opposite **** in your life?"

Jiang Xu smiled after saying, "Of course everyone here is a heartthrob. Then let me tell a story of my own..."

Science holders are responsible for bringing a warm atmosphere and making the observation room come alive.

So Jiang Xu throws a brick to attract jade...

But when he just threw it out and wanted to tell his story, he inadvertently swept over the bag, and his heart sank.

This time she won't be taken to the ditch again, right?

Jiang Xu hesitated for a second, and immediately relaxed.

Master the rhythm!

No problem!

"When I was in college, I liked a senior girl, and I secretly wanted to find an opportunity to confess."

"After two days, I found out that my roommate likes her too."

"I was hesitant at the time, should I give in for my brother, or fight for my own happiness?"

"The female guests in the cabin now are a bit like my situation at the time."

"They all like the male lead Chen Kaiwei, but I feel that they are also a little hesitant to fight for it."

He said, his eyes swept over to the guests.

I deliberately skipped the package Ruanluan, and cued Zhou Minwen.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you think?"

Zhou Min hears little, it doesn't mean he has no brains, he avoids lightning directly, "Today is the first day of getting along, I think everyone can learn more, and then decide according to the specific situation."

This means nothing.

Old artists are like loaches that are slippery in autumn, and they can't handle it at all.

The chat is dead today.

Jiang Xu has some regrets.

But in the next second, Zhou Minwen was humbled by the soft seat, and he always remembered this in his heart.

I remembered immediately and wanted to get her a shot!

"Small bag, what do you think?"

Jiang Xu: "!"

He deliberately skipped the soft bag, but I didn't expect a guest to give her a talk!

But Bao Ruanruan felt that this question was a bit difficult, and was actually a bit tangled when asked.

The little white face is wrinkled.

The barrage also jumped.

【Teacher Zhou, is it a friendly army or an enemy army? This question made her answer... she died! 】

Bao Ruanruan and Tang Yuxin, robbing the same man, you understand! 】

【Ouch, my goose is in danger again! 】

[Hey, no matter how she answers, she has a criminal record, which makes people want to think. 】

【Enough! How long ago was this? Every day you live in expired melons, right? Look ahead, okay? 】

People who eat melons will look forward.

They just want more melons!

This problem is simply a super big melon, placed in front of them.

The barrage is more lively than when praising the male lead Chen Kaiwei!

The live camera zooms in.

On the long table, Yang Xueni's hatred for Bao Ruan's fleeting moment was also obvious.

Her fans, quickly swiping on the barrage - did Bao Ruanruan apologize today?

But the bag in the live broadcast screen was soft, and soon when everyone thought she was going to whitewash the peace, she suddenly threw a sentence.

"Well...I think the three girls should be careful."

Bao Ruanuan looked at the TV on the wall with a pair of water eyes with a fragile soft light effect.

Swipe to the male lead Chen Kaiwei above.

Fair and pretty face, showing a hint of caution and nervousness.

"Before deciding whether to pay and fight for a goal," her eyes flashed, "I think it is necessary to determine whether the goal is toxic or harmful."

[! 】

Jiang Xu: "!"

Yang Xueni: "!"

【What is she saying...? 】

At the scene, everyone did not expect Bao Ruan to speak astonishingly.

Then she continued to be amazing.

"There is no need for the three girls to accidentally hurt each other, others and themselves, in the process of fighting for a poisonous and harmful thing."

[! 】

Jiang Xu: "!"

Yang Xueni: "!"

Qu Feifei: "!"

【Fuck! When the first man is here with you, everything has become a thing? 】

[Fuck, is this talking about her and Tang Yuxin? ! 】

[Ouch, I'm powdered sugar, I went to someone to watch this show, and the party spoke! 】

"Toxic and harmful garbage, as we all know, cannot be placed at home. It will harm the body over time and also pollute the environment at home."

"The same goes for toxic and harmful men."

Bao Ruanruan thought of those poisonous items, and his face was pale.

Nodding solemnly.

While speaking, she also affirms herself.

"If you are unfortunate enough to encounter..."

"What are you fighting for?"

"Bury him asap, sister."

The whole room was quiet.

Half pay, Jiang Xucai recovered from suffocation.

Start to find your own logic from the beginning.

So, just now, what question did he ask?


The Lu Group.

Lu Wenyao is dealing with the follow-up crisis of Zhizhi Milk Tea.

In the end, the assistant knocked on the door with a pale face, "Mr. Lu, it's on the hot search."


Lu Wenyao is having a headache with Zhizhi's PR plan.

No look up.

"Chen Kaiwei is on? How is the effect?"

The assistant shook his hand, "...not Chen Kaiwei, it's you..."

Lu Wenyao: "?"

"Mr. Lu, you are on the trending search!"

Assistants are afraid to read the title.

But Lu Wenyao frowned, "What's the hot search for me? Is it the problem of Zhizhi milk tea? Didn't we acquire it with an overseas company, what is the hot search title?"


Lu Wenyao raised his eyes sharply.

The assistant gritted his teeth.

"...Lu Wenyao is poisonous and harmful big scumbag...!"

Lu Wenyao: "?!"

Lianzong recording is still going on, but the hot search has come out.

It has nothing to do with amateurs, but Lu Wenyao has been on the hot search, #Lu Wenyao poisonous and harmful big scumbag#

Suddenly rushed to the hot one.

[I know her, and after watching her variety shows, she has always lived a healthy life, with a very soft and cowardly personality. This is the first time I've seen her so brave! Really hate it! 】

[Hey, I have seen her variety show +1, she has always been a little expert in safety science. Every time I click on the audience, this time I tell us the truth from my personal experience! 】

【I believe the package is soft. If you don't trust her, trust her homework. 】

【Boom! I'll start the Lianzong live broadcast right now! The package is soft, what else do you have, leak a little more! 】

"Encounter" is still live.

Many people flock to it.

The number of online variety shows at station C was only 21.93 million.

In an instant, double.

The melon eaters will never be absent.

In the observation room of the live broadcast, Jiang Xu's palms were sweating.

He has never met such a hard-to-control female star on variety shows.

No matter what the topic is, she can be brought to the ditch by her.

He now has a lot of resources and is backed by Huangtai Capital, so this time he has a mission. He must make a good wave of Chen Kaiwei's popularity and lay a foundation for Chen Kaiwei's popularity after his debut.

I didn't expect it to roll over so quickly!

Jiang Xu hurriedly laughed awkwardly, "Xiaobao, what you said makes sense, but we Kaiwei look very gentlemen. From the very beginning, we were the boys who took care of and respected girls the most. of."

"I think this kind of boy must have a good tutor, and his character will not be bad."

[Yes. 】

[Well, Kaiwei is just a tool for spreading to President Lu! 】

[Kaiwei is unlucky, hahaha. 】

The style of the barrage was quickly reversed by Jiang Xu.

But the bag in front of the camera is soft, but she frowns slightly.

Obviously disagree with him.

[Softly has something to say. 】

[I always feel that there is a scum-proof man's safety note. It's just that the studio didn't release it, **** it, I want to see it! 】

[? What safety notes? 】

[Jiang Xukuai's cue bag is soft, she doesn't seem to agree with you. 】

But Jiang Xu eats a lot of money and becomes wiser, no one will ask this time.

Continue to see the amateurs in the love cabin.

After a pleasant dinner for 6 people that day, everyone chatted on the sofa together again.

Chen Kaiwei took the leg blanket for the girl who was wearing a skirt on the sofa.

When he learned that the female first work place was two hours away from the hut, and he had to change the bus and subway three times, he kindly offered to take his ride.

After night fell, it was time for men and women to exchange goodwill messages.

The cabin screen stops.

Jiang Xu in the guest observation room smiled, "Let's guess who they will send it to, Mr. Yang Xueni, what do you think?"

Yang Xueni laughed on the spot, her long black eyeliner was very tempting, and her **** red lips drank water.

Only speaking.

“I think Kaiwei is the biggest winner.”

"His height is the type that gives girls a sense of security, and his appearance is also very attractive to girls."

One sentence made the bag in the corner soft and almost choked on the water in the thermos.

She covered her white face and coughed twice on the spot.

Yang Xueni is not Jiang Xu, a scholar, she does not need to take into account the peace of the studio.

She looked at Bao Ruanruan with a chuckle on the spot, her red lips raised, "I think Kaiwei has a great advantage in appearance and a considerate and attentive personality. He can get at least two girls to send him Short message."

Her tone was elegant, but there was no smile in her eyes.

"Small bag, do you want to bet? If I win, you promise me one thing."

【Fight up! 】

But the bag in front of the camera has a soft and serious expression and a powerful voice.

Like the light of the right path.

"Abide by the law and stay away from gambling. How many families it has destroyed and how many innocent lives it has hurt, we cannot gamble."

[Pfft! 】

Yang Xueni: "!"

The smile on her red lips was too late to withdraw.

"Sorry, I misused the word. I just want to play a game with Xiaobao, it seems that you are afraid of losing."

Yang Xueni squinted.

The bag is soft and the side is fair and small.

Feeling the other party's injustice.

The werewolf finally showed his fangs.

I want to attack her before it gets dark.

But please close your eyes when it's dark, keep your eyes open during the day, and now she can struggle for a while under the staring lights.

"What if my sister loses? Promise me one thing?"

[! I have an ominous hunch! 】

【Can Bao Ruan Ruan get the second drop of blood today? 】

[Pfft hahaha, my mother smelled the life-saving book~~~]

Qu Feifei in the corner of the long table, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Desperately looking at Yang Xueni, she wanted to give her some hints so that she would not be impulsive.

The victim, one of her is enough.

But—Yang Xueni has a competitive spirit in her bones.

When she met Bao Ruanruan who made her girlfriend cry, she wanted to make Bao Ruanruan apologize in public!

"It's not impossible." Yang Xueni smiled, "If I lose, I promise you one thing."

"The sister just said, you think he got at least two text messages, is that two or three?"

To bet, of course to make it clear.

Yang Xueni instantly discovered Bao Ruan Ruan's treacherousness.

Want to trick her into saying Kaiwei can get three text messages?

Even if she thinks Chen Kaiwei is good, the probability of getting the favorability of three girls with different personalities is too low.

Does Bao Ruanruan want to provoke her?

Yang Xueni smiled, "I think it was a text message from two girls."

She won't be fooled.

"What about you? You don't like Chen Kaiwei so much, do you think it's 0 or 1?"

"I think so," Bao smiled softly, "3 text messages!"

Yang Xueni: "???"


The mugs in Qu Feifei's hands fell on the table.

Jiang Xudu forgot what the next process is.

Zhou Minwen and Xiao Qi's eyes widened.

[Fuck! The bag has changed its mind! 】

"How much did you say?" Yang Xueni's temples jumped.

Holding five divine beast cards in hand, no, the life-saving cards are soft, and there is nothing to fear at this moment.

Even if you lose.

Promise one thing, there is a divine beast Qu Feifei on the table!

So this time - rich and noble, seek stability.

Stable, no risk.

"I think he gets three text messages."

Yang Xueni's face sank.

Bao RuanRuan is playing with her!

"I was optimistic about Kaiwei, but you don't agree."

"Yes, that's right." Bao nodded softly.

"Then you—"

Bao winked softly, "Because, if I were the female guest in that hut, I would text him too."

Yang Xueni: "!?"

Qu Feifei: "??"

Jiang Xu couldn't help laughing and crying, "Xiaobao, didn't you just say that you want to wait and see, the other party's... character, and then take action?"

The little face is soft and white, it is completely recognized.

"Yes. But in the cabin, you have to message a boy, don't you?"

Jiang Xu: "!"

Yang Xueni: "!"

[Haha, I knew she was just taking the opportunity to shoot Lu Wenyao. 】

[Lu Wenyao was hammered to death. Chen Kaiwei, she still feels ok. 】

But everyone thought that this wave was over, and the package was soft but added.

"After all, in the closed environment of the hut and the other five cohabitants are strangers, I will definitely send a message to the most dangerous person."

[! 】

[? 】

"To paralyze this most dangerous person and send a message to him temporarily surrender is the safest way to protect yourself."

"Otherwise, after the first night, he will definitely set his sights on the only me who did not surrender to him... Then, the weak me, it is dangerous."

[! ! 】

【Fuck, what the **** is she talking about? 】

& nbsp; 】

[This idea → President Ba: Woman, I noticed you. 】

[Mr. Lu was won by this kind of brain circuit, right? President Lu → The most dangerous person, poisonous and harmful, no problem, unified before and after! 】

"What is the most dangerous?" Jiang Xu laughed awkwardly.

This guest, he really can't hold it!

Is it a monkey sent from Mars?

"Mr. Bao, are you kidding me?"

Here, the small package has been upgraded.

Become an unattainable teacher Bao.

Fear of a woman he can't control.

"No, I'm never kidding."

The package is very serious.

"Where is he dangerous?" Qu Feifei couldn't help but speak.

She was so curious.

"When the beast hunts, it will secretly observe the prey, and before killing the other, it will often leave its exclusive smell to declare the rights of the other species."

The bag is soft and put down the thermos.

"In the hut, Chen Kaiwei did just that."

Studio: "!!"

Barrage: "!!"

Director&staff: "!"

Jiang Xu felt a chill on her back when she thought of the task of establishing a good image for Chen Kaiwei.

Work hard to save, "Kaiwei is a careful gentleman, I don't think he is secretly watching—"


"He knew the distance between the work place of girl No. 1 and the hut, and sent her to work tomorrow, so as to determine the specific address."

"I saw that the female No. 3 was wearing a skirt and gave her a blanket, and learned that she was afraid of the cold."

"I know that the second girl is not good at cooking, and when I cook with her, I know that she likes to eat cola chicken wings..."

"In the cabin, the one who has the most effective information is this Chen Kaiwei!"

The little face with soft milky white, a hint of vigilance popped out.

Jiang Xu: "!!"

Can't refute it.

"That's because he's attentive and good at communicating..."

Bao Ruanruan clenched his fingers, "The communication has a purpose, and the probability of increasing the beast is 20%. The scope of communication covers the vulnerable group No. 123 in all directions, and the probability of increasing the beast is 20%."

Jiang Xu: "!"

"Then what you said about the smell of the mark is too funny, where is it?" Yang Xueni couldn't help but refute.

The package is soft and surprised.

This werewolf is not very smart.

"Send the girl to work tomorrow, and let her get into his car. On his site, it's full of his scent."


"Cook with the second girl and wear an apron for her... This mark is directly on her."


"The third woman, send her a blanket, smack—the mark is firmly covered."


[…! 】


[The beast doesn't know, but the central air conditioner seems to be hammered! 】

[Pfft, saying that, he is showing mercy everywhere? ! 】

! 】

[Send warmth to every female guest, after hearing this, there is indeed a ghost! 】

The audience was shocked.

And the people in the guest observation room were so softly spoken that they could hardly find the north.

"Pfft—" Singer Xiao Qi couldn't help but bow her head.

"Sorry, I'm not smiling."

He is a black boy, but fortunately he blushed and couldn't see it!

But Zhou Min heard about an idol drama old bacon man with white skin, so he couldn't hold back.


He was the first to laugh.

As a result, the domino was torn down, Qu Feifei couldn't help covering his mouth.

Director Zhong Zeyuan also grinned, and the staff kept shaking their shoulders.

Only Yang Xueni, who has been praising the male amateur Chen Kaiwei, and the scholar Jiang Xu, were speechless.

"You think too much, Xiaobao." Jiang Xu quickly made up.

Back to rhythm.

"Then let's take a look at their respective text messages~"

The TV continues to play.

The live broadcast finally cuts away from Bao Ruanruan, and the audience can put their attention back to the cabin again.

Only after having preconceived ideas, how to see Chen Kaiwei's gentleman's behavior, how strange.

—It's warm today.

The third female sent a message to Chen Kaiwei first.

—Coke chicken wings are delicious.

The second woman who cooks together sends a message to Chen Kaiwei.

[! 】

[Isn't this what Bao Ruanruan just said, a few important information collection? 】

Yang Xueni looked at the TV screen during the live broadcast, and her heartbeat suddenly became faster.

There are already two text messages.

Chen Kaiwei will not really receive three messages, will he?

He is a beast... no, charm is the greatest.

Yang Xueni was nervous.

Qu Feifei couldn't help but look at her soft eyes.

"And the last girl, is it Mr. Yang Xueni who guessed it right, or is it our teacher Bao?"

Jiang Xu took a deep breath.

[Squat. 】

[Hurry up. 】

[Vote for the package prophet. 】

【Snow! 】

The barrage is arguing.

Soon, the next girl in the video also sent a message with a shy smile.

—What a great moment, no matter the distance.


The camera rolls deliberately.

Then slowly cut to the boy's room... and slowly focused on Chen Kaiwei's face.

Chen Kaiwei calmly glanced and put down the phone.

Yang Xueni: "!"

[Fuck! 】

【The female goose is invincible, so sharp. 】

【Am I the only one who thinks that Chen Kaiwei's expression when he finally put down his phone is a little scary? Like or not - victory is in hand JPG]

[Yes, yes, I think so too. 】

[Really Nima, the content of these three text messages is exactly what Bao Ruanruan said! The distance is far and near, this is to say that the company is far away, and we have to hitch a ride tomorrow morning. Are you thanking Chen Kaiwei? Damn, so far, the three girls have been marked by him in different ways! Was he hunted right away? 】

【Ah! Suddenly I hate Chen Kaiwei! 】

【Beautiful sisters, run away! 】

The barrage is full of fear.

Because the prophet, Bao Ruan Ruan, was right.

Not only the number of text messages, but also how he captured the three text messages... One by one, he stepped on the point that the three girls care about the most.

Why don't you believe that the package is soft?

The whole studio is mysteriously quiet.

No one knew what to say.

To say that the package is soft and soft is to say that there may be a problem with Chen Kaiwei's conduct.

Finally, Bao Ruanruan broke the peace.

"Mr. Yang Xueni, promise something...?

[Pfft ha ha ha ha! 】

【Second blood, get~】

The show is live and ends on time at 9pm.

The pre-prepared Weibo hot searches were launched immediately.

#"Encounter" high-value male and female guests#

#Chen Kaiwei is a dream boyfriend#

#Chen Kaiwei showed off his charm and got three text messages#

But it didn't take long for the latter two to be trampled by the audience.

【Bought in advance? Ha ha. 】

[Laughter, haven't the marketing people watched today's show? 】

Soon a new hot search, from top 43, all the way to top 17.

#Chen Kaiwei scumbag warning#

Before ten o'clock in the evening, I swiped the first two hot searches that praised Chen Kaiwei!

Home at night.

Catch a glance at Lu Wenyao on Weibo: "???"

Before getting off work in the studio, Bao Ruanruan took out a piece of A4 paper from her bag.

Quietly placed in front of Yang Xueni.