MTL - Deep Sea Survival: Start a Submarine (Deep Ocean Survival: A Submarine From The Start)-Chapter 16 Trading turmoil

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In order to avoid the lack of clarity and misleading other players.

With the same transaction content, Meng Lei hung up three times in total.

A unit of fish is attached to each trading option, and the required trading items are listed below.

These trading items, Meng Lei did not choose randomly.

Each of the materials is the material needed to repair the small gravitational ball.

At present, the problem of fresh water has been temporarily solved, but the stable source of food is still unknown.

Of course, three units of fish would allow him to last two more days, but for the sake of long-term development, Meng Lei felt that it would be more reliable to make the gravitational ball first.

With this wasteland reclamation artifact in hand, it doesn't matter how much fish and meat you want in the future.

At this time, Meng Lei's three units of fish were put on the shelves.

In the communication channel where the storm has not yet subsided, the pot once again exploded!

[Golden Wheel Number: I. Fuck **** fuck it! The boss of the Guixu number actually hung up three units of fish at one time, which is simply a genius! Is he in a fish nest? ! 】

[Love sauce number: woo woo woo... such a big piece of fish, I'm so hungry, I really want to eat... ]

[Charge number: Occasionally, some people have listed fish and crab meat on the trading platform before, but the weight is completely different from that of the Guixu number! Just this piece of fish is more than enough to eat for two days! What kind of fish is it decomposed from? ! 】

[Little confused number: I have iron ore here, and the quantity is enough, but where do I get the aluminum ore and titanium? Why does the Guixu want these things? Could it be that he is ready to start upgrading the submarine? ! 】

[Bad God: Is our special girl playing a game? I have only collected 5 servings of plant fibers, and I haven't even made a fishing net. Not only have they made a fresh water extractor, but they have even started selling the food they eat. ! 】

[Alice: The handsome guy from Guixu, can you give me a piece of fish, I'm so hungry! When I fill up my stomach, tell me your coordinates, and people can come to meet all your requirements~]

[Yamato: Damn guy, how could he catch so many fish in such a short period of time! Cheating, must be cheating! I want to report! 】

[Big knife number: Oh, the dog things upstairs, are you going to say next that you lost the fish? Come and come, tell Grandpa your coordinates, Grandpa will teach you how to be a good man! 】

[Qixia: The one upstairs opens, let me come! Du Te Niang is still clamoring here when he arrives at the alien star, even if I risk my life, I will smash that beast into sinking! 】

The fish meat of the three units was put on the shelves at the same time, which immediately caused a great uproar.

People from different countries and ethnic groups react differently.

Some radicals have even started dating after discovering opposing targets with strong ethnic hatred!

Tens of thousands of people gathered in this small communication channel, and the noise was a lively event.

Even Meng Lei didn't expect that his move would cause such a big reaction.

Sitting silently in front of the center console, Meng Lei's eyes were dull.

"It's just three pieces of fish, this group of people... as for what..."

"But that guy named Yamato seems to be a little baka. If there is a chance, he can be smothered to death!"

A suffocation flashed in his eyes, and Meng Lei withdrew his gaze from the communication channel.

At this time, his private chat list also began to flash frantically.

A large number of players have contacted Meng Lei through private chat, hoping to exchange for the fish in his hands.

[Pioneer: Brother, I have ten units of iron ore. Do you think it would be a piece of fish for you? 】

[Statue of Liberty: Hi, my friend, I don’t have enough aluminum and titanium here for the time being. Can I use other resources to cover it? 】

[Kimir: Friend, do you want vodka? Fresh water, just fished out of a supply box, I only drank half a bottle, and I will exchange you for a piece of fish, okay? ! 】

[Qingxinhao: Little brother, people are so hungry, can you give me a piece of meat to eat? After eating the meat, you can eat them again, so that everyone is not hungry anymore, okay~]

Hundreds of thousands of private messages, Meng Lei was dazzled, and everyone was a little confused.

In these private messages, although it is impossible to directly see the appearance of the other party, Meng Lei can also judge by the language and the name of the submarine that there are a large number of foreigners.

However, the text sent by the other party showed that it was a serious Chinese character.

Meng Lei secretly speculated that the system should be able to translate automatically.

Otherwise, it will be too troublesome to communicate.

Moreover, the trading items provided by everyone are also varied.

Vodka, cigarettes, toilet paper, lighters…

There are all kinds of weird things.

Meng Lei couldn't help but feel ashamed. He really didn't know where these messed up things came from.

In addition, in addition to sincere barter.

There are also many people who use verbal threats, either begging bitterly or morally kidnapped.

Or, they are tempted by beauty and seduction, and exhausted all means in order to exchange a piece of fish. UU Reading

In this regard, Meng Lei sneered silently.

What time is it now, there are still people who cannot recognize reality.

All the previous social structures and orders have collapsed. Even if you are the King of Heaven and Lao Tzu, in the depths of this endless abyss, all living beings will be equal.

Therefore, Meng Lei directly ignored these guys.

However, the private chat information is too much.

For more than ten minutes, Meng Lei was unable to read all the private messages.

He realized that it was not the way to spend it like this all the time.

So, he turned on the automatic navigation function of the submarine again.

While letting the submarine continue to set sail and head towards Gathering No. 1, set resources such as titanium, aluminum, and plastic as keywords through the filter options in the chat list.

In this way, a lot of useless information is filtered out.

The list is immediately much clearer and more concise.

In fact, Meng Lei himself is very clear that the trading needs he directly listed on the trading platform are difficult to meet with the ability of most players at this stage.

His real purpose is to let other players understand his needs, and then privately chat to trade.

In this way, there will be more room for bargaining, and the interests will be maximized as much as possible.

Of course, if there is a big guy who can provide the materials he needs, it is better to buy it directly from the trading platform, saving him a lot of time.

But obviously, such a big guy probably doesn't exist.

Ten minutes later, Meng Lei finally screened out a more reliable buyer in the private chat list.

But after seeing the other party's submarine name, Meng Lei raised his eyebrows and touched his chin meaningfully.

"Shenlong, is it actually him?"