MTL - Deep Sea Survival: Start a Submarine (Deep Ocean Survival: A Submarine From The Start)-Chapter 17 9 State Fleet

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Meng Lei clearly remembered when the game first started.

It was this player named Shenlong who first proposed the information of the coordinate points.

In addition, in the name of the Kyushu Navy executives, nearby players were invited to form a fleet.

At that time, most of the players were still stunned, shocked by this inexplicable time-travel.

And Meng Lei is also curiously exploring the various facilities and functions of the Guixu, so that he can familiarize himself with the game's settings as soon as possible.

But at that time, Shenlong had calmly accepted the fact of crossing, and responded immediately, pulling everyone to report to the group to keep warm.

It is enough to see that the calmness and adaptability of the captain of the Shenlong is definitely the best among the players.

From Meng Lei's point of view, such a person, no matter at any stage of the game, will be the one at the forefront.

The content of the private chat sent by the Shenlong also confirmed Meng Lei's views from the side.

The other party actually wanted to buy all the three pieces of fish meat in Meng Lei's hands at one time with three materials of iron, aluminum, and plastic, twelve units of each, plus six units of titanium ore!

Meng Lei was shocked when he saw such a large handwriting.

It is hard to imagine how the other party has collected so many resources in such a short period of time, it is simply incredible!

You must know that up to now, Meng Lei has still relied on the hints of his golden finger to collect the manufacturing materials that satisfy the fresh water extractor.

But the resources that the other party took out at one time were even several times higher than Meng Lei's total harvest!

How can this not be shocking? !

If it weren't for the performance of the Shenlong at the beginning and shouting the slogan of recasting the glory of Kyushu in the name of the high-ranking Kyushu Navy, Meng Leizhen would subconsciously regard this guy as a liar.

Of course, Meng Lei wouldn't trust the identity of the other party so easily, just based on the other party's words.

Furthermore, no matter how high the status of the other party was in the past, now everyone has the same starting point and everyone is equal.

That is, under the impetus of national cohesion, Meng Lei will be more inclined to the other party when choosing a trading partner.

After a brief pondering, Meng Lei decided to communicate with the Shenlong first.

At the very least, let's explore the truth first.

With a tap of his fingertips, he sent a reply to the other party.

[Guixu No.: At this stage, it is almost impossible to take out so many materials at one time. How did you do it? 】

Meng Lei's question is very direct, and it is also the key to many doubts.

From this question, many things can be analyzed.

Soon, probably after a few seconds, the other party's reply came in the chat box.

Obviously, the other party has been standing in front of the center console, waiting for Meng Lei's reply.

[Shenlong: These materials were not collected by me alone, but the sum of our fleet’s current resource reserves. How about it, the conditions I gave are still acceptable? Are you interested in doing this deal? 】

Looking at the text that appeared in the chat box, Meng Lei couldn't help but startled.

He never imagined that the game had just started, and the other party had actually formed the fleet!

Even, he still has the absolute right to speak in the fleet and can mobilize all the resource reserves!

This is simply a bit outrageous!

However, through the reply of the other party, it can at least explain why the Shenlong has such a large hand and took out so many materials at one time.

In addition, this also confirms the identity of the captain of the Shenlong from the side, and it should be undoubtedly the top of the Kyushu Navy.

Otherwise, the players under his fleet would not be so willing to obey his orders.

But on second thought, in the early stage of the game, most people's ideas have not changed.

As long as the official banner is used, it is easy to induce people to follow blindly.

Therefore, Meng Lei still has doubts about the true identity of the captain of the Shenlong.

However, this will not have any effect on subsequent transactions.

At least Meng Lei can confirm one thing, Shenlong is indeed a Kyushu player, which is enough.

After thinking for a while, Meng Lei asked again curiously.

[Guixu No.: You have taken out all the resource reserves of the fleet, which will inevitably affect the subsequent overall development. Are these three pieces of fish worth it? 】

Soon after, a reply from the other party was received in the chat box.

[Shenlonghao: Oh, of course it's worth it!

The weight of your three pieces of fish meat, if you eat frugally, can fully satisfy the consumption of ten people in a day! It means that we can save a day without worrying about food, and devote ourselves to the mining of mineral resources!

The value of the benefits from this day is far greater than the effort, and it will not have any impact on the subsequent development! 】

Meng Lei stared at the screen and nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that the current number of players under the Shenlong number has expanded to at least ten people, which is beginning to take shape.

These ten people gather together, and the speed of resource collection is definitely far faster than other solo players.

Thinking of this, Meng Lei suddenly realized something.

If he can reach a long-term cooperation with the Shenlong fleet, then it is also a good choice for him personally.

At present, these resources provided by Shenlong have fully met the repair conditions of the gravitational ball.

Once the gravity ball is fixed, he has a long-term sustainable food source.

In this way, he can sell all the excess food reserves to the Shenlong fleet in exchange for stable resource income.

The Shenlong fleet can avoid the trouble of food shortages and devote its energy to the collection of other resources.

This is actually a win-win option for both parties.

"This idea is feasible to a certain extent, but before that, I need to confirm the effect of the gravitational ball. After I have enough confidence, I will discuss with the Shenlong."

Meng Leiluo pondered, and made a decision in his heart.

At this time, seeing that Meng Lei did not reply for a long time, Shenlong sent another message.

[Shenlonghao: Friends, how are you thinking?

Looking at your submarine name, you must be a compatriot from Kyushu, right?

To be able to manufacture a fresh water extractor in such a short period of time and harvest enough food for his own consumption must have considerable strength and luck!

Are you interested in joining our Kyushu fleet and jointly create Kyushu's glory? 】

Meng Lei's remarks from the Shenlong were not what Meng Lei expected.

Shaking his head and smiling, without any hesitation, Meng Lei directly and decisively refused.

[Guixu No.: You don’t need to join the fleet. I prefer freedom, so I don’t have such plans for the time being.

As for the transaction, I can accept it.

Prepare the materials on your side, I'll take the goods off the shelf, and let's do it privately. 】