MTL - Deep Sea Survival: Start a Submarine (Deep Ocean Survival: A Submarine From The Start)-Chapter 38 Different abnormal points appear

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The fragmented memory fragments quickly dissipated in Meng Lei's consciousness.

He was slumped on the damp air mattress, his back against the cold porthole, and he was soaked with sweat.

Until now, he has not been able to fully recover from the nightmare.

Consciousness switches back and forth between reality and dreams, the brain is constantly tingling, and the whole person is confused.

Really, this dream was too weird, too weird.

The key is to be real!

Meng Lei can even recall the details of the humanoid monster hidden in the diving suit!

The terrifying beak-like organ protruding from the throat, and the twisted tentacles wrapped in a hard shell.

The combination of rotting corpses and deformed creatures, like a combination of humans and monsters, makes the scalp tingle!

That incomparably real sense of existence, as if everything really happened!

Thinking about it now, Meng Lei still had a chill down his spine, and he couldn't help but be afraid.

It is said that dreams are a subconscious reaction of people.

But even in this deep-sea environment, Meng Lei unconsciously made up some terrible things.

But he would never have fabricated such a terrifying monster out of thin air.

This is even beyond his comprehension!

That's why this terrifying nightmare has become even more bizarre and bizarre.

"Could it be that when I passed through the desolate death forbidden area, I was affected by some kind of terrifying existence in my sleep?"

Meng Lei frowned, feeling that it was not impossible.

This terrifying and mysterious alien planet contains a lot of things that cannot be understood.

Players have encountered a similar situation before, and were briefly confused by a loud sound.

If it is said that the strange dream just now was caused by some incomprehensible existence that mapped some real existence to his consciousness.

Then all this can be explained.

"It seems that this ocean abyss buried under the ice is far more terrifying than I imagined!"

"Why haven't those who have been dead for a long time been crushed by the infinite pressure?"

"And how did those terrifying organs and deformed bodies come about?"

"Is it parasitic or mutated?"

Everything is unknown.

Shaking his still somewhat swollen head, Meng Lei stood up from the ground with his body propped up, and walked quickly away from the porthole.

After this incident, the transparent porthole cast a great shadow on his psychology.

When he is fine in the future, even if he is killed, he will not dare to approach the porthole again.

Picking up a bottle of water from the fresh water extractor, I returned to the driver's seat and sat down.

Look at the watch.

In fact, he didn't sleep for a long time, only about four hours of sleep.

It's just past two in the morning now.

According to the normal routine, it should be the time when people enter deep sleep, and they are sleeping soundly.

However, Meng Lei was not in the mood to sleep at all, and couldn't fall asleep at all.

Closing your eyes, all that comes to mind is the rotten and tattered diving suit, and the twisted face that seems to be melted!

Fortunately, after sleeping for a while, my spirit has recovered somewhat, and I am no longer so tired.

Controlled the searchlight to look at the surrounding environment.

Meng Lei found that during the four-hour voyage, the Guixu seemed to have left the sea of ​​taboos and taboos.

Not only have those huge biological remains disappeared completely, but even the microbial community that exudes a faint green light does not know where to go.

It was dark all around.

Occasionally, I can see some strange-looking big fish, curiously walking around the Guixu number.

There are also many huge jellyfish groups, like dandelions wandering in the deep sea, with the surging ocean currents, ups and downs leisurely.

When Meng Lei saw these creatures, the golden finger, which was completely useless in the dream, finally appeared again.

Looking at the pale golden twisted text, Meng Lei felt an unprecedented steadfastness.

It seems that the existence of the golden finger is the standard by which he judges reality and falsehood, which brings him a great sense of security.

He sighed with lingering fear, and scattered the memory in the dream.

Meng Lei opened a series of columns such as communication channels, trading markets, and auction houses one by one, and browsed for a while.

Due to time problems, there are not many players active online at this time.

The communication channel was deserted, and compared to the daytime, the frequency of information refreshes could be called turtle speed.

Meng Lei looked at it for a while, but found no valuable clues.

Most people are talking about unnutritious topics.

And many topics are stopped abruptly, and there is no more text after chatting.

Obviously either the participants of the topic exchanged private messages, after all, there are no restrictions on private messages.

Either the number of speeches for the day was used up and the system was forcibly banned.

However, the trading market is relatively lively, and various commodities are refreshed from time to time.

Weird, everything is there.

It seems that there are not a few liver emperors in the 66671 channel.

When everyone is falling asleep, there are still people who are constantly moving bricks and developing quietly and low-key. It can be seen that perseverance is extraordinary!

As for the auction system, so far, there is still nothing special about it.

Most of the auction items are repeated with the trading market, and there is no bright spot.

Meng Lei watched it silently for a while lowered his head and pondered for a moment.

In order to prevent the system from refreshing, the remaining number of speeches is wasted.

In the end, he extracted three relatively implicit settings from his own experience.

For example, the scanning and deconstruction system at the bottom of the submarine, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various types of ship-based weapons at this stage, as well as the relevant precautions when engaging with alien sea monsters, are all summarized, and then thrown into the communication channel.

Sure enough, once again easily earned three reputation points.

After doing all this, Meng Lei has nothing to do.

However, instead of letting himself idle, he took off his clothes to a pair of shorts and started exercising in the cockpit.

Meng Lei himself prefers to exercise. Even when he arrives at Alien, his strong self-discipline controls him, and he must not lose the improvement in physical fitness.

Especially in the deep sea, the strength of the reaction speed is directly related to life and death, and he can't let himself slack off.

After some exercise, an hour quickly passed.

During the period, Guixu has been moving forward according to the established route under the guidance of the navigation system.

From before he went to bed to now, the ten-meter-square submarine has traveled 60 to 70 kilometers alone in the dark abyss!

The distance from Outpost No. 1 is gradually shrinking steadily.

However, along the way, there are not many abnormal points encountered along the way, and most of them do not have much mining value.

Therefore, Meng Lei didn't bother to go into the water, so he drove at full speed all the way.

Until the scene in front of me changed again.

On the sonar detection system, an unusual point that had never been seen before was finally scanned, which instantly caught Meng Lei's attention.