MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 16 invite

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On the most difficult issue to reach an agreement, after the two sides compromised, the remaining details were much easier to handle.

Ye broken sky promised a grand wedding, both parties witnessed, and they signed their highest peace agreement at the wedding, and provided a spacecraft to send the pro-family team back to the Federation.

And Wu Xingyun must be willing to the cave, and in the meantime, obediently listen to the night shattered.

As for the issue of Ouyang Liu, in the negotiations between the two parties, a step-by-step operation was performed.

Ouyang Liu can stay at Wu Xingyun temporarily, but Wu Xingyun has no right to dispose of him until the end of the cave.

The written recorder on the side recorded the terms clearly, signed by both parties, and the agreement took effect.

A large stone in Wu Xingyun's heart finally landed, but after the large stone fell, it stirred up more small stones and dust, which made him even more disturbed in his heart-because he had to face a terrible cave.

"Soldier, I hope our wedding life will be a little happier than this time." Ye Sukong said to Wu Xingyun before leaving the tent.

Wu Xingyun said "Oh" casually. In the negotiations just now, he felt exhausted and tired than 20 kilometers of armed off-road. For the first time, he leaned on the back of the chair regardless of the image and looked at the front. The two signatures on a paper document felt a little cyanosis in the head. After taking a deep breath, he stepped out of the tent and told everyone to pack and prepare for landing.

Everyone was busy. Only one person stood on the edge of the platform and watched the aircraft moving away in the distance.

That person is Ouyang Liu. Ouyang Liu's heart is now uneasy. He knows that he has been hypnotized, and everything he does is no longer a secret. If these parents send the team back to the federation, they will submit the information. , He will definitely be convicted of treason, maybe the Federation will send someone to kill himself.

He knew very well that he could never return to the Federation, and could only stay on the side of the night broken sky.

But ... just came the night, but why didn't you take yourself away?

Ouyang Liu's heart was even more disturbed. Lord Mozun should like himself, didn't he worry that he would stay here and be victimized by Wu Xingyun?

The biggest secret that Lord Mozun wants to know is also in his own hands, he will not abandon himself!

Ouyang Liu said to himself in his heart. Between skepticism and belief, he chose to believe the explanation of Ye broken air-my aircraft is too small to fit two people. You can wait here for a while, and it will take half an hour. There are bigger aircraft to pick you up.

For half an hour, a loud roar rang, and a black spaceship approached slowly in the distance.

This is an old federal spaceship. The technology level of the Nocturnal Army is very limited. Although it occupies half of the galaxy, it has only two or three heavy industrial production bases. The spacecraft produced cannot be compared with the latest federal fighters. The seizure was used.

There is no industrial foundation on the source planet. This planet is almost all mutants. They do not need a spacecraft to navigate the universe. This old-fashioned spacecraft was only found after a long time in the sky.

The spacecraft was suspended on the edge of the platform, the cabin door slowly slid open, and the gangway extended from the cabin door, resting on the edge of the platform.

When Ouyang Liu saw the spaceship, he wanted to rush in first, but he only took two steps, and saw that the sending-off party was also coming here.

Ouyang Liu hasn't forgotten that Wu Xingyun used his gun to hold his head to "voluntarily" accept hypnosis last night, so he only ran out of two steps and stopped, allowing the sending party to enter the spacecraft first, and he himself was worried about being Wu Xingyun Thrown on the platform, so I chose to enter the spacecraft with Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun was fully armed, and his combat suit protected him, while Ouyang Liu was wearing ordinary clothes and had not changed his clothes for a day. He felt really uncomfortable.

When the two walked on the gangway, Ouyang Liu was afraid to talk. He was worried that in this unsafe environment, Wu Xingyun, a heavily armed man, would punch himself, and then he would only fall off the gangway and fall into a meatloaf.

Until everyone entered the spacecraft, the hatch closed, and Wu Xingyun took off his helmet, Ouyang Liu snorted coldly and said to Wu Xingyun, "Wait and see! I can't deal with you now, but Lord Mozun As long as you know that you persecuted me, he will avenge me! "

Wu Xingyun said "um" and didn't show much interest in Ouyang Liu. Ouyang Liu saw Wu Xingyun not talking and was even more uncomfortable. Now the pilot of the spacecraft is a person who breaks through the sky. Ouyang Liu feels he has a slight advantage. The thought of the soldier in front of him becoming an official boyfriend of Ye Shuikong feels angry.

Ouyang Liu lowered his voice even more, reaching to Wu Xingyun's ear, and whispering, "Soldier, I advise you to be more attentive to me. In the future, we will both live on the source star. You don't do it right with me. I'm right in front of Lord Mozun and can help you say two more good words ... "

Wu Xingyun looked up slightly, glanced at Ouyang Liu, then looked down at the electronic watch on his wrist, suddenly stood up and ordered loudly: "Guard, catch Captain Ouyang Liu!"

The soldiers of the guard were already fully armed, and immediately acted upon hearing the order. The soldiers in combat clothes and weapons easily subdued the unarmed Ouyang Liu.

Lu Hai didn't know the specific agreement between Wu Xingyun and Ye Shoukong, but when he saw the sergeant finally began to fight back Ouyang Liu, he felt very smooth, and handcuffed Ouyang Liu by the way.

Bang Bang Bang ...

There was a slight vibration from the cabin, and the spacecraft had landed. The hatch opened slowly, and a scent of air flew in.

But now everyone in the cabin has no mood to watch the scenery and fresh air outside the cabin, they are staring at Ouyang Liu.

Ouyang Liu was handcuffed in both hands, but became more arrogant because he stepped on the solid ground.

He yelled angrily at Wu Xingyun: "Wu Xingyun, you are jealous! You publicize your hatred! You mean man, you dare to treat me like this, I see how you explain to Lord Mozun!"

Wu Xingyun ignored Ouyang Liu. He was not used to arguing or arguing with others. After landing, he had more important things to do.

While walking towards the spacecraft, Wu Xingyun said, "Miners and farmers pay attention to exploration, and soldiers remain highly vigilant." Then he turned back, watching Ouyang Liu, who was still scolding, and said, "As for sending the traitors, it is Our internal problems, we should pay attention to the image now ... um ... put him ... "Wu Xingyun hasn't figured out how to make Ouyang Liu shut up and be quiet. But Lu Hai immediately helped him solve this problem. A shot was hit on the back of Ouyang Liu, and Ouyang Liu was unconscious and stopped talking.

Wu Xingyun and his team lined up neatly, stepped down the ramp, and sent the pro team to the federal flag, while the rest carried materials and Ouyang Liu.

At first Wu Xingyun thought that many people would come to the spacecraft's docking station, but now he looks around, only to find that apart from Liumeng, who is leading him, and a driver who hurried out of the spacecraft, he simply looks Not to anyone.

The surroundings are not as grand and modern as he imagined, but an empty plain with undulating hills in the distance and grass all around, without a logo, it looks like it has not been developed at all. Wilderness planet.

"Here is the source?" Wu Xingyun asked in confusion.

Liu Meng is still wearing white clothes, silver long hair hangs on the ground, came over with a very elegant posture, bent slightly to Wu Xingyun, and said, "Yes, here is the headquarters of our Night Demon Army . "

Liu Meng's finger points to the crater in the distance: "Crossing that mountain is where the night lives. Most of us live there. There are only more than a hundred people on the entire planet. Hope you are here Life, I do n’t feel lonely. "

Wu Xingyun nodded. The mutant's demand for food is not as great as that of ordinary people, and military production is not well developed. They were originally small in population, and the vast area of ​​the planet is a normal place.

It seems that this place is not paradise like Ouyang Liu said ...

"Night said, you can build your own residence in this area. There are a lot of energy ore on the source star that you can mine within this range. As for food and water, there are original creatures on this planet. It's time to catch and eat. Three days later, the night will come to pick you up and the wedding will be held in our place of residence. "

After Liu Meng said these words, he turned and left. His attitude was mild, but not enthusiastic. After taking ten steps, he suddenly turned back and glanced at Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun asked: "Do I have any questions?"

Liu Meng did not answer this question, but did not know why, Wu Xingyun felt that he looked at his own eyes with an envious look.

The mutant's psychology has not caused much trouble for Wu Xingyun. He now needs to immediately establish a base suitable for the survival of the common people on this almost barren planet.

The miner he brought immediately began to detect, and easily found the fine ore at a thousand meters.

Wu Xingyun and his soldiers will be trekking in the universe for three months. After all the energy is exhausted, this is the first time to replenish the energy.

After crushing the fine ore and then refining it with a machine, they supported the fine energy and replenished it into combat uniforms and various repossessed dowry supplies.

Earthmoving machinery added energy and began to work. After the soldiers had the energy, they began to use computers to analyze the surrounding materials and build the base.

Astronomers quickly measured the planet's climate with the help of a computer full of energy. Mechanics used soldiers' weapons to make parts and began to assemble construction machinery.

Farmers are responsible for hunting and replenishing food, clean water, and identifying the characteristics of food.

After mankind's development of the universe and the development of science and technology two years ago, this series of work is very fast, and it is no longer comparable to the ancient humans on Earth.

Twenty-four hours later, the base was completely built, and a federal standard small base of about 10,000 square meters was set up. This small base was the most commonly used base when the human universe was pioneered.

Various fighting equipment can be parked inside, with independent standard rooms, as well as canteens, command posts, and dormitories.

This time, the mechanic also designed the groom's house for Wu Xingyun's residence according to the particularity of the task, and the prison room to hold Ouyang Liu.

Ouyang Liu woke up when he was in a coma for a little while. When he found that he was locked up in the cell, he seemed a bit frightened. He kept knocking on the iron gate with handcuffs in his hand, and began to threaten and yell. Later he shouted Ye Yekuan's name aloud, and finally he was tired, so he rested in the cell and asked for food and water.

Ouyang Liu's requirements for food and water were met. While eating barbecue, he began to feel that things seemed bad. He had to think of a way, he must think of a way.

While Ouyang Liu was trying to find a way, Wu Xingyun was trying to figure out a way.

Until now, he has not been able to contact the federation. Physicists have analyzed that the magnetic field around the source star is too strong, and the radio waves cannot pass through, nor can it cause space distortion. To connect with the federation, a large signal transmission must be established. station.

But the completion of the signal transmission station is at least one month based on the current manpower and the condition of the planet itself.

Wu Xingyun was very happy to laugh, but since he learned that he was going to marry Ye Suikong, he didn't laugh very much. By now, he had no smile at all.

His eyebrows were twisted into a ball, and things were in chaos here. On the side of the Federation, Marshal ’s route did not know if it had changed. He must report the matter here to the Federation as soon as possible to request instructions from his superiors, so that he can implement it.

And he also needs to cooperate with the Federation to extradite Ouyang Liu, but all of this cannot be done at the current stage, and tomorrow he will be married!

"It seems that we only have to save the information first, and then talk about it." Lu Hai locked up the trial data of Ouyang Liu and said, "There is no way to be anxious now. These are the last words. Master Chief, your most important task at present, Just to prepare for tomorrow's wedding. "

Wu Xingyun felt that he had a bigger head than two heads, and when he was feeling burned, a soldier's voice appeared at the door of the conference room: "Report! The enemy leader appears and says he wants to see you, the master."

Wu Xingyun covered his head with both hands: "I don't feel well when I see him. You can see it once and rarely once ... you tell him that I will marry him and abide by the agreement tomorrow, but now I am busy and have no time."

"Are you busy?" Ye Yekong's voice rang out, and it was so loud that almost the entire base could be heard.

Wu Xingyun then remembered that the six senses of Ye Suikong were very sensitive, and he should not have said bad things behind him. Maybe the next time I complain, it should be a little safer when it ’s 500 meters away from the night?

"If you don't come out, I'll go in. I don't think you would like the base that has been working hard for hours to be destroyed like this?" Ye Suikong's voice was a little more angry.

Wu Xingyun brought his own military cap, pulled his neckline, buckled the wind discipline, and was about to answer. Suddenly he heard the prison cell not far away, and Ouyang Liu shouted, "Master Demon, demon You are here, Your Excellency! Save me out. They, these despicable people, are holding me up, and Lord Mozun, save me ... "

Wu Xingyun always felt that he was not suitable to be a commander. He felt that his greatest talent was a captain platoon leader. Now, the reality has proved very cruel.

If it was Wen Nuo, wouldn't everything be so bad?

Wu Xingyun thought as he walked outside the base.

Outside the gate of the base, there is a large field of grass, and I have been busy for a long time. At this moment, the sunset is dyed orange, and the shadow of the night broken sky is pulled long. He stands against the light and stands in the open grass. In the middle, a black suit with long black hair was casually tied behind his head, and his cold eyebrows were looking at the meticulous, neatly dressed soldier who came out of the steel base.

The setting sun stretched the shadows of the soldiers. With the change of the setting and the route of the soldiers, the shadows of the two people overlapped, and the scene printed on the ground was like a couple.

Ye Shoukong's eyes narrowed slightly, his pale face was a little paler at the moment.

He could hear Ou Yangliu yelling for help, and he had come to check the results.

He is not a kind and generous person, and those who have hurt him must retaliate.

The Ouyang family is no exception, and the soldier in front of it is no exception.

So far, everything is in his calculations. Except for this scene, the soldiers in the sunset are taking firm steps and walking towards him with a serious expression, which suddenly reminds him of a scene many years ago.

Ye Brokong's heart shook at this time. He suddenly felt a warmth in the cold heart for a long time, so he changed his original thinking, but reached out to Wu Xingyun: "The night of Yuanxing is the most beautiful Yes, I think you might like it, so I came here to take you there. "

Wu Xingyun didn't reach out his hand, he said, "Are you there for me?"

Ye Shoukong looked at the soldier in front of him quietly. Before that, he did have something, but at this moment, he felt that some things were not so important.

Ye Shikong shook his head: "It's a fiance's invitation, don't force it."

Wu Xingyun stood upright, looking at the man in front of him, and said solemnly, "Sorry, the agreement between the two parties does not include viewing the scenery with the other party." After that, Wu Xingyun saluted a military salute, and then thought The standard posture turned backwards and walked in unison, leaving Ye Shoukong a back view.