MTL - Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)-Chapter 3285 Three gods

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The body of the man in sunglasses is getting smaller and smaller.

He is moving towards a sphere.

He could no longer speak at this time.

At this moment, the body of the man with sunglasses began to mutate.

His skin turned black, and a single horn grew on his head.

But this did not delay his death.

The sense of oppression did not delay.

Seeing this situation, the driver's mood also fell to the bottom.

Even if his partner showed his hole cards, he couldn't reverse the situation.

"You don't have much time, do you plan to continue to delay time?" Chen Zhao asked.

The driver groaned for a while, and said: "A year ago, a group of people came to me and said that I and them are the same kind of people. They hoped that I could join the group. At first I refused, but later they proved that we do It's a kind of people..."

"A type of person?" Chen Zhao looked at the driver carefully: "Are you also of demon blood?"

"That's right." The driver nodded: "Later I joined the organization, and Antony T. Erke joined after me."

"Antoine T. Erke?"

"He is," the driver said.

"I thought he was the culprit behind the scenes."

Chen Zhao was in a daze. Now the big boss he thought was just a little boy.

Average strength and average level.

But think about it carefully.

The average person really can't handle such a big plan.

"He is not. We are only the lowest level people in the cult," the driver said.

"What cult?"

"Three Gods, we believe in Angri Mahalaka, the king of the black region, Keken, the king of sin, Gisitan, and the supreme king of all things Lal Tyworst."

Chen Zhao was still shocked when he heard about the king of the black domain.

But think about it carefully, whether the **** demon is the king of the seven original sins or the lesser demon.

Their first name is the last name, and they only give others the last name.

It is impossible to have both first and last names.

Take Bezeb Zofi, for example.

Beelzebub is the demon king's camp to which he belongs, and his subordinate surname.

Zuofei is his personal family name and first name.

If in the future he is lucky enough to be a secondary demon king, he will abandon the subordinate name of Beelzebub.

At that time, he will be called Demon Zofi.

Therefore, Chen Zhao was very sure that none of the three demon kings believed in the Tritheism were true demon kings.

Of course, if everything behind this scene is dominated by these three so-called demon kings.

Their ultimate goal is to descend in this world.

I also had to tell my followers my name.

After all, to complete the call, the real name is necessary.

And they can only be deceived by laymen.

Anyone who is a little more experienced should know that these names cannot be the names of the devil.

"From the first day we joined, we were given the mission of liberating the three gods from imprisonment and leading them into the world." The driver said, "and we belong to the king of the black region, Anglia. Mahalaka, our main responsibility is to complete our work. As for the progress of the other two branches, I don't know."

"Do you still have factions within the Three Gods?"

"Of course, we only believe in our own god."

Chen Zhao nodded: "It seems that your faith is not so firm."

The driver shrugged: "I have my own will, I know what I am doing."

"In other words, you actually know what kind of group you are in, don't you?"

"Do you know what kind of life I lived in the past, my house was robbed by the bank, my family left me, and I could only hide in a cardboard box in a temperature of minus 12 degrees? Overnight, I want to change the world, I want to gain what I have lost."

"Relying on the devil?"

"The high priest said that when our king comes, we will be promoted. We will become kings and overlords of one party. We will own everything. What we lost in the past and what we didn't have will be gained hundreds of times in the future. "

Chen Zhao leaned one hand on half of his face and tilted his body slightly.

"Well, keep talking."

"Of course, the premise is that I want to live. I know that it sounds very sad to rely on gods or demons to realize my dreams, but this is my only choice, isn't it?"


Chen Zhao can be very sure that their wishes will most likely fail.

After all, the gods they believed in were not even a subordinate demon king.

If there really is a lower demon king coming.

And it is not suppressed by the power of the world.

After the advent, these servants can really get rewards.

It is really possible to realize the so-called dream.

There are too many premises.

But the ‘savior’ they were looking forward to was not a secondary demon king.

Even if success comes down, there will be no absolute, dominant force suppression.

But in this world there are humans like Chen Zhao.

So even if they come, they will not be able to subvert the human social order.

Unless they did not make a lot of noise when they arrived.

And hiding after coming, planning a few hundred years in secret may really shake the social order of mankind.

But when the time comes, there must be nothing wrong with them.

"The leader of our faction is the high priest, he is the leader of everything, and all tasks and progress related to the **** who summons us are issued by him."

"How to find him? Or where is your stronghold?"

"We don't have a stronghold. Every time we meet, we will send notices from above. If we want to find the high priest, we have to find a respondent."

"So what about the responder?"

"Before Antoine T. Erke passed things out when he went to the service station.

"I'm pretty sure, he didn't send out the devil's blood at the time, and his every move was under my supervision."

"Things and information are separated. When we pass a certain road in the city, the manhole cover with a sewer on that road is open. After our car passes by, the blood of the devil will be thrown into that passage. And Antoine T. Erke went to the service station to spread the news, and the way was as your men guessed."

Chen Zhao nodded: "In other words, my tracking has failed, and you will not be able to provide me with more and more useful information?"

The driver felt a chill, and he already felt that Chen Zhao was killing him.

"Wait, I can't provide you with information about our faction, but I know some information about other factions."

"Aren't you saying that you don't know the information of other factions? Or that you plan to weave some lies on the spot to deceive me?"

"I don't know, but some news will always broadcast some supernatural events. We can easily distinguish that the supernatural events reported in these news are very similar to the actions of our faction."