MTL - Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao-Chapter 828 Revitalize

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【The Strange Fairy】The novel is free to read, please bookmark No. 17 novels【】

Looking at the old man in front of him, Li Huowang asked: "Can you also enter the court as an official?"

"Yes, after all, Mingluntang disciples are also Confucian disciples."

"Are you the only one?" Li Huowang asked again.

"Forgive me for your incompetence. In this situation, it is really not easy to contact other students. But as long as the Daqi court can operate, they will definitely get the news and come to help the immortal."

After Liang Yuxuan finished speaking, he paused, and continued to speak: "Immortal, on the way to get down to the government, I happened to meet a giant of the Mo family. After hearing the news from Youdu, he came here specially to help the immortal."

"Oh? That's a good thing." Don't worry about anyone at this time, let's talk about it first, anyway, there are more people and more strength.

He came to help Daqi, but Li Huowang didn't expect to do such a big job by himself.

Hearing Li Huowang's reply, Liang Yuxuan looked a little hesitant, glanced at Zendu next to him, stopped the Buddhist beads in his hand, and immediately spoke again.

"Immortal, there is a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Whether it is appropriate to speak or not, do you want me to invite you? Tell me quickly."

"The Mohist's behavior is a bit weird, the immortals should be careful."

Hearing this, Li Huowang recalled hearing some rumors when he was working in Jiantiansi.

The Mo School seems to be divided into different schools, Liang Mo is relatively better, and Qi Mo seems to be an evil cultivator from the perspective of Jian Tiansi?

"Evil cultivator?" Liang Yuxuan remained silent, as if acquiescing.

Li Huowang glanced at the abbot of Zhengde Temple next to him, all the famous and decent sects are like this, so how evil must this Qi Mo be to be able to get this title?

"Is sitting and forgetting the Dao considered an evil cultivator?"


"Okay, I understand, you go and do your work."

Li Huowang stopped running around for the time being, and just waited here in Youdu for Qi Mo's arrival.

Li Huowang didn't care too much about whether they were evil cultivators or not. Unless Qi Mo had no brains, it would be impossible to make enemies with them in this case.

In fact, he was more curious about which company Qi Mo believed in, and whether the magical powers would help the current situation.

Li Huowang stayed in Youdu for the time being. Although he didn't care about it himself, seeing that the Bodhisattva hadn't left had greatly boosted the morale of the people in Youdu.

I don't know when it started, but Li Huowang has become the backbone of many people.

But what Li Huowang didn't expect was that Daqi's hunger was greatly alleviated. It wasn't Qi Mo, but a bag of corn that had grown mushrooms due to mold.

"You planted this?" Li Huowang looked at the clumps of mushrooms in the cellar in front of him, and asked the stiff Feng Wanba in front of him.

"Yes, I planted it!" The excited Feng Wanba nodded repeatedly, and began to introduce his achievements to the Bodhisattva.

"Aren't you hungry? When I saw this mushroom, I thought that this mushroom should be edible, so I gave it a try."

"I didn't expect it to work! And this mushroom can be harvested in a few days! The more you grow, the more you grow, it's much better than growing five grains!"

"Is it okay to eat this?" Li Huowang asked looking at the black spots on the mushroom umbrella.

"It's okay! I can be full! It's just that I will have diarrhea after eating, and then my lips will turn purple."

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