MTL - Devil-Chapter 223

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"I have to go out in the near future, the time will be a bit long." One night, when the return came back, Aunt suddenly said.

He hasn't been home for a few days recently, and he knows that it should be a matter of tracing the leaves, so when he mentioned that he was going out, the first reaction in his mind was:

"Is that kind of tree growing far away?" The hand of Huanhuan was only slightly paused, and he quickly continued to do what he had done before.

"Probably." Aunt nodded. "The situation is a little different from what I remember. I think this tree is not rare. The cold climate can grow. The leaves of this tree can still be eaten. I am not. I have eaten other foods."

"But now it seems that it has become a rare species. At least there are no West Kowloon and South Kowloon districts. There are no other districts in the south of the west. I have confirmed these days."

This world is very large, and the most important gathering place of the western and southern monsters is called the West Kowloon and South Kowloon, and the scattered gathering places and the surrounding wild areas have other names.

Take Yefar to give an example. Yefar is geographically closest to the West Kowloon area. At least the nearest border town of Yefar is in the West Kowloon area, but Yefar is located in the desert. Around the vast desert, this place is obviously unable to live, only the fierce World of Warcraft adapted to this extreme climate is there, the desert separated Yefar and other magical gathering areas, so Yefar became a district.

Originally it was just an abandoned street. With more and more monsters going to the settlement, Yefar gradually extended a lot of streets and then spread into a relatively complete residential area.

Because there is only one settlement in Year in the desert, the monsters now call the surrounding desert Yeaf.

There are many similar areas, and there are also gatherings of all the same ethnic monsters, which are also independent regions.

In just seven days, you should inquire about all the large areas in the western part of the country. It is no wonder that Auntie is too busy to return home.

"It should have been made by Saloye. After he changed his geographical environment, the distribution of trees changed."

After the joy, he looked up and looked at the face of the aunt. He saw his expression as usual. When he looked at it, the aunt was sending a spoonful of pumpkin porridge to the entrance.

Now the aunt can already refer to the name of Saloye very normal.

In the evening, I went to the aunt to pack up my luggage. A few years ago, he once packed a baggage for the aunt. It was thought that it might be the last time I met the other party. I didn’t expect that-

Now he is going to prepare things for each other from time to time.

“How long do you have to go?” The aunt and the black egg bathed in the bathroom, listening to the singing voice of the black eggs in the bathroom, and then went to the bathroom door and asked.

The dark-haired man with wet hair raised his head and thought about it. He said: "Forty days, I have other arrangements after forty days."

After the joy, he nodded.

After leaving the bathroom door, he called Adan for a leave of absence.

"What?! Forty days?! You don't want to work!" Adan's roar came from the other end of the phone, and he had to move the phone slightly away from his lower ear.

"Sorry." Ji Huan can only say this.

"Hey! Give me a gift and come back to give you a leave, I want to be BYLA."

"I will try to bring a gift that will satisfy you." Secretly remembered the name of the gift in the mouth of Adan, and I was grateful for it.

When he put down the phone, Auntie was standing by the bed with a black egg wrapped in a big towel, just behind him, probably watching him on the phone, both monsters were quiet, and when the two monsters When they want to keep quiet, they are not aware of their arrival.

Until the phone was put down, the black egg smiled and opened his small arm.

The wet little devil is so soft and soft on the body, the black egg now has almost the skin on the face, it looks like a white and pure little magic, except that the eyes are too big, no white eyes, It seems that it is not much different from normal humans. I don’t know if it is an illusion. Afterwards, I feel that the black egg grows more and more like an aunt...

But Aye said that there are places like him.

However, in Naji’s words, the black egg’s feet are like Aye.

Following the joy: =-=

Well, the black egg is never too long. He seems to be long in the place where he feels the most beautiful thing in his family.

Aunt only had a bath towel around his waist, and his chest was exposed. He looked slim when he was wearing clothes, but his muscles looked firm and firm when he was under the clothes. Hard to estimate the power.

Like the black egg's hair, the aunt's hair is also wet, but I don't know how he made it. Just rub it gently and the hair is dry. Look at him, the black egg also desperately licked his head. However, for a long time, in addition to making his haircut into a little madman, the hair showed no signs of drying.

After the joy, pick up the towel and wipe his hair.

Auntie sat on the other side of the bed and picked up a book to look up, but for a long time, he did not hear the sound of turning pages. After raising his head, he saw Aunt staring straight. Your own black eyes.

After the joy, he continued to rub his head against the black egg.

The hand of the cockroach is too comfortable. The small mouth of the black egg sends out one or two sounds from time to time, a small appearance that can't be enjoyed.

So the aunt simply put down the book that had never been seen.

"Do you want to go too?" asked the black hair monster.

"Well, I think so. Besides, I want to bring the black eggs. How... is it inconvenient?" Seeing the reaction of the aunt, I suddenly thought that I might still think about it. So far away, if you can't do it yourself, you will become a burden on the aunt. He just thinks that if the black egg can "grab" the magic object, it is best to bring the black egg, but let the black egg grow for a long time. And the aunt stayed outside, the black egg must not be able to stand it, then it must not be with the past, in addition, he also wants to help the aunt's busy...

Aunt looked straight at him.

Half a shook and shook his head: "No."

"I will arrange your things."

So the next morning, after the joy, he announced that he would take the black egg and the aunt out of the door.

His original meaning was to ask Aye to stay at home, but once he heard that the grandson and his grandson had to leave for forty days, or went to a very distant place, Aye would propose to keep up, he must follow it. Naji, have to say another thing?

As I heard that I was going to the far northeast, Najib stuttered that he was not big. If it was convenient, could he go with the baggage car...

Even if I chose to start a business in my hometown, I really want to go out and see the world occasionally.

In the end, there were more than fifty monsters.

In addition to the family of the family, Mr. Aximu is also one of the entourage, and as Mr. Asimu’s only man now – the little gray demon appeared in the ranks, the black egg was happy to scream!

Ji Huan and Aye are also very surprised!

Najib sees it every day. Abu also comes back from time to time, but after Xiaoshi found the owner of Asimu, the whereabouts became a mystery. If it weren’t for three or five, there would be some gifts that were chosen by Xiaoshi at the doorstep. After the joy, he still suspected that he was missing.

I think that I can often see Xiaoshi in the next forty days.

Then, when I saw the figure of Abu in the accompanying guards, the mood of the family was reached!

In addition to the elite troops from the Uma City Mansion, the aunt also hired Yefar’s current robbery elite through Adan.

The road is long, and considering the obstacles that will be faced, Auntie directly employs experts in this field.

"My current team is this one in Yefar's robbery~" Abu proudly raised a thumb: this is the meaning of the head card.

The earliest entered robbery team has now ceased to exist. Abu still insisted on his own path, working with the first few monsters that followed him, and finally entered the current team. I heard that he is now highly appreciated by his superiors. Sure enough, Auntie’s job was quite good. After Abu’s team was selected, Abu’s boss brought Abu.

After all, Abu is the fastest person in their promotion.

If you switch to the human world, Abu is probably the most suitable for the career, or suitable for the workplace!

They can rejoin the little friends who came to the world to meet, and although they have different opportunities now, they are still very happy.

The journey that should have been very dark and heavy has become a bit brighter due to the unexpected reunion of friends.

So, in a fine sunny weather, the successor took a train to Yuma City.

They will transfer to another train in Yuma City to a city called “Winter City”, which is also the center city of the West Kowloon District. The former nest of Trude was originally there, and he controlled the West. During the years, the Winter City became the transportation hub of the entire West Kowloon area, and the only track to the east of the entire western region was also there.

In the next time, they will spend four days and four nights on the train.

Naji and Aye prepared a lot of snacks, and Ah Ye even dried the noodles and made the simplest instant noodles!

Auntie took a book.

However, he did not have time to finish the book in its entirety. The black egg on the train for the first time was so excited that he had been holding the little monster to explain the scenery he saw along the way.

When passing by a small city, an old monster that had to be whitened squirmed on a train with a suitcase.

Since this ticket was late, he did not buy a ticket. When the old man stood tired and walked between the carriages, he did not know how to get to the carriage where the aunt was.

The whole carriage was covered by the aunt, and the killer was the guard of the robbery. The atmosphere of the whole carriage was exceptionally different. The magical objects around it were not easy to come, but the old monster was probably older and had five senses. Not as young as the monster is sensitive, he walked in with his luggage.

The only place in the carriage that has a free position is the seat near the aunt. There is no other monster sitting here except the family. The black egg has two positions, but he often does not sit. Looking out in the arms of the aunt.

The old monster is coming at this time. When he sees the vacancy next to the aunt, his eyes are bright.

"Excuse me, can I take a break here?"

When the words came out, the surrounding guards all looked at him.

But the aunt did not say anything, and there was no magic to dare to act.

Looking at the old monster, Aunt nodded. "Please sit down."

The old monster was sitting gratefully.

He is really tired. Sitting down and closing my eyes for a long time, I was relieved. When I opened my eyes again, he couldn’t help but look at the black-haired monster next to him. For a long while, he suddenly hesitated to ask:

"We...who have you seen it?"

He stared at the aunt and looked at it. When the monsters responsible for security protection were ready to jump, the old monster suddenly smiled:

"I remembered, many years ago, we sat together on the train."

"You are the monster with the legendary badge!"

Look at the little devil in Auntie's arms, and look at the two monsters around him that are obviously family members. The smile of the old monsters is getting bigger and bigger:

"It seems that you have finally got a family."

“It’s a good thing to travel with my family~”

Auntie smiled at him.