MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 799 Soaring ranking

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The Taoist men's three secrets were simultaneously directed at Li Daochong, and when Wang Caidie was beaten, he was completely angry.


Three kinds of attacks, all hit Li Daochong.

It just looks like a mighty technique, and even Li Daochong’s coffin can’t be broken.

Li Daochong stepped forward, and the purple-gold brilliance flashed in his eyes. Hey, punched with a hint of thunder.

The Taoist man was awkward and felt wrong. He did not hesitate to offer a prismatic shield.


The sky is loud.

The prismatic shield has cracked a crack.

The Taoist man was hit by Lei Li, stepping back more than ten steps, and looked at Li Daochong with horror.

Wang Caidie saw that the Taoist man was not an opponent. He was shocked and afraid in his heart. In a hurry, he said to Zhang Dongzheng, "Dongzhen, help me."

However, no one noticed that when Li Daochong broke the town bell.

Zhang Dongzhen is not good for the whole person. He has tried his best to hide his inner horror.

But the fear in the eyes can't be completely covered up.

When he thought of Li Dao Chong on the Lanwan Star, he couldn’t care about it, and the back of the ridge was cold.

At that time, if the nine Xuan Lingzun appeared, Li Daochong was afraid that he would not kill him.

The Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor

The threat of grandfather Zhang Yingzhi is equally useless to this guy.

Li Daochong does not eat softly, and the cow temper comes up with a fight with Yanfeng.

At this moment, Zhang Dongzhen only felt the brain shell pain, so that Zhang Haotian did not provoke Li Daochong. The result was good, and they all used the town bell.

Zhang Dongzhen is thinking about how to get out of the way, Wang Caidie actually asked her for help.

Is this not to drag him into the water?

Zhang Haotian slowed down and realized that Wang Xiaodie had to deal with this kid, but he was not an opponent. He followed Wang Caidie to help Zhang Dongzhen.

"Big brother, this kid is extremely arrogant, I ask you to take a lesson."

Zhang Dongzhen has a few facial convulsions.

Li Daochong recognized Zhang Dongzhen and did not speak. He looked at him like this.


Zhang Dongzhen did not dare to look at Li Daochong, and his backhand slaps on Zhang Haotian’s face.

Zhang Haotian's face slammed his mouth.

"Get 50,000 martial arts." Zhang Dongzhen screamed at Zhang Haotian.

"Big brother, why is this?" Zhang Haotian was anxious.

"I am saving you, hurry up, and then he will send you to the resurrection point."

Zhang Dongzhen couldn’t help but say that he was screaming, and at the same time, his eyes flashed.

Zhang Haotian felt the threat of terror, and he was reluctant to swear against Zhangdong Town. He had to honestly plot 50,000 yuan for Zhang Dongzhen.

"There are a few of you, each of them take 30,000 martial arts, and a little less, Lao Tzu sent you to the resurrection point, and sighed and looked at it." Zhang Dongzhen glanced at Wang Caidie several people.

This Zhang Xiaotian couldn't understand it any more. Zhang Dongzhen's courage was to extort a few of them.

Wang Caidie saw Zhang Dongzhen not only did not help them, but also stunned by fire and stunned, almost did not faint.

The Taoist man has not slowed down from the horror strength of Li Daochong, and he has been counted as Zhang Renzhen’s extortion, and his chest is in the blood and stuck in the scorpion.

Wu Hai and Yi Long are the bodyguards of Wang Caidie. It is reasonable to say that they must protect the master.

Can face the level of Tianjiao in Zhangdong Town, they have no brave hands.

I really offended Zhang Dongzhen, the Wang family may not have secured them, and it is possible to make them both black.

The situation of the two people is very clear, so they did not insist, and they simply handed over 30,000 wars to Zhang Dongzhen.

What can Wang Caidie and Taoist men say can only be done.

Zhang Haotian 50,000, the other four people and 30,000, the cumulative is 170,000 battles.

I want to come to the ranks of Zhangdong Town to advance more than ten in the rankings.

Since the ranking of Zhangdong Town is already in the front, within two hundred, the 170,000 wars can only advance more than ten.

Those who are enchanting in front, all of them are very competitive, and it is very difficult to think more than one.

Throughout the process, Li Daochong did not say a word, as if he had become an outsider, but the anger in his eyes subsided a lot, and there was more playfulness.

"Big brother, can you look at the merits of these battles and help us teach the kid." Zhang Haotian does not give up.

"Dongzhen brother, I can give you all the battles, I ask you to help the colorful butterfly to teach this arrogant arrogant bastard." Wang Caidie said in a big eye, said to go out.

"Shut up." Zhang Dongzhen could not wait to kill Wang Caidie, he just thought of the way to solve the problem, this dead woman came to add chaos.

Glanced at Wang Caidie, Zhang Dongzhen turned his face and looked at Li Daochong, his face quickly disappeared.

When confronted with Li Daohong's gaze, Zhang Dongzhen only had a gentle smile on his face. "Li Ge, Hao Tian has no eyes on Taishan, and asks Li Ge to have a large number of people who don't care about him. This kid is not careful, wait for him to go back. I must be well disciplined. There are 170,000 battles here. It is a compensation for your time. You don’t see enough. If it is not enough, let them take it."


Wang Caidie, Zhang Dongzhen, Taoist man and two bodyguards, five people like a ghost, Zhang Dazui looked at Zhang Dongzhen and said that he was running to the kid.

what's the situation?

In the hall of Zhangjia Dagongzi, Zhang Dongzhen, the son of Tianzhuo, ranked 52nd, is called an unnamed little brother?

This is not counted. When did you see this famous Nankun son of Nan Kun talking to others so quietly?

As the saying goes, Zhang Dongzhen can stand up to the face of so many people, and his hands are worth 170,000 battles.

Li Dao Chong does not have to rush to kill, and the family should not solve the problem, and let people stay in the line and meet in the future.

It is the kingly way to defeat the soldiers without fighting.

If you don’t move, you will kill it and you will easily get angry.

"The 170,000 is missing a little, let them take out the recovery of the elixir, and this matter is done, but then entangled with Li, see kill once." Li Daochong faint.

"That is that." Zhang Dongzhen nodded again and again, turned to Zhang Haotian, his face changed, and immediately cold voice, "I didn't hear Li Ge's words? I will take out the recovery medicine, dare to hide, not to Li Ge started, Lao Tzu will kill you."

Zhang Haotian finally realized that the strange young man pursued by Wang Caidie was afraid that it would be a big deal, not that they could provoke it.

Zhang Dongzhen is extorting them. It is clearly helping them to get around and let them retain the possibility of advancing to the next round.

Annoyed this strange young man, I really saw it once, and it is impossible to advance.

Zhang Haotian, who wants to understand it, this time, she simply took out all the recovered elixir, and there are more than 60 capsules. Among them, there are two-star Tong Xuan Ling Ling, which can instantly restore the gods and peaks. Aura's super remedy.

The Taoist man was still not convinced, and Zhang Dongzhen was shuddering in front of the young man.

Wherever he dared to make another time, he had to hand over the elixir.

Wang Caidie and the two bodyguards will also recover the elixir.

Li Daochong is naturally rude, and he is also included in his own martial arts ring. For him, in addition to restoring the elixir, other items are useless.

After the 1700,000 wars were placed on Li Daochong’s account, his combat points came to 275,000 points.

This is an unreachable number for most of the contestants.

Zhang Dongzhen was really afraid of Li Daochong, and the blue bay star battle defeated all his anger.

Zhang Dongzhen always has a higher eye than the top, and he is very self-satisfied. Apart from the top ten of the three great arrogants, he is not in the eyes of others.

Even if someone is better than him, it is because his Zhang Dongzhen practice is lazy and does not seek advancement.

As long as he makes a little effort, he will soon be able to surpass each other.

Zhang Dongzhen's self-awareness is actually not wrong, the round talent, the entire Nankun he is ranked first.

However, Lanwanxing and Li Daochong had a face-to-face, and Zhang Dongzhen’s arrogance was completely defeated.

At least not in front of Li Daochong.

Participants in the first Spiritual Youth Comprehension Competition really understood Li Daochong’s terrible strength, except for the people around Li Daochong.

Only Zhang Dongzhen and Yan Feng are two.

One move will vomit blood in Zhang Dongzhen, two tricks to let him feel the death threat.

In the mind of Zhang Dongzhen, the whole Nankun came over with a slap in the palm of his hand.

And let one of Jiu Xuan Ling Zun personally meet, except Li Daochong.

"Li Ge, what else needs to be said, Dongzhen must do it." Zhang Dongzhen called Li Ge called the heart and conviction.

"Isn't Yan Feng with you?" Li Daochong asked casually.

Yan Feng got the Tian Lei Lei species, the strength will naturally be greatly improved, Li Dao Chong is somewhat curious, how much can this Nizi reach.

"Li Ge, I haven't seen her since I came back from Lanwanxing. I heard that after the Yanfeng Hui people, they retired and practiced until the contest began directly into the Jiuxuan realm. I am not with her." Zhang Dong The town is honestly back.

"How come her name is not on the battle rankings?" Li Daochong is very strange about this.

"I am not very clear about this. It is possible that she did not participate in the name of Yan Feng." Zhang Dongzhen guessed.

He was also very strange before, and the only explanation now is this. Otherwise, it is impossible to rank without Yan Feng.

"Oh, this way." Li Daochong thought thoughtfully, and then said, "Zhang Laodi, just don't."

"Ah, well, Li Ge, please." Zhang Dongzhen was extremely nervous in the face of Li Daochong. He heard that the killing **** was going to go. He felt that happiness came too suddenly. The first reaction was a shock, and then it was said again and again.


The ground burst, and Li Daochong flew like a meteor.

Five of Wang Caidie, three of Lou Lou and Zhang Dongzhen only felt a flash in front of them, but they had no figure.

Looked at the void, the light flashed, no trace.

The speed is so astounding.

A few people couldn’t calm for a long time, except for Zhang Dongzhen’s heart.

"Big Brother, why are you so respectful to the kid?" Zhang Haotian finally couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, you still have a face to ask, almost killed by you, do you know who he is?" Zhang Dongzhen screamed at Zhang Haotian's hate.

"Who? Is it difficult to be the top five genius in the Tianjiao list? But I know a few of them." Zhang Haotian looked awkward.

"He is Li Daochong." Zhang Dongzhen looked at the ignorant cousin cold and cold.

"Li Daochong? Brother, Li Daochong is not the seed player who made a joke in the resurrection game? The strength is not strong." Zhang Haotian is even more aggressive.

"Not strong? You know a fart. Li Daochong is in the midst of the resurrection. He is not only horrible, but his mind is also unpredictable. He is also a **** singer like Yan Yan. The yak that Laozi has come to use is useless. If you are not Laozi, you guys really provoked the kid today. It is equal to being eliminated in advance, and the kid is eyeing. You will be spiked as long as you are out of the emperor." Zhang Dongzhen Alarmed.

“Is it so powerful?” Wang Caidie still doesn’t quite believe it.

Zhang Dongzhen glanced at Wang Caidie, and snorted, Zhang Tiantian.

"Your eyes are not generally bad. Some women are not enough to make a mistake. Even if they see it with their own eyes, they still obsessed with it. Oh, it’s not a play, I hope you are careful."

After that, Zhang Dongzhen flew away.

Waiting for Wang Caidie to understand the meaning of Zhang Dongzhen, the latter is no longer there.

"Zhang Dongzhen, do you think that you are very amazing? If you miss this, Miss Zhang is so uncultivated?" Wang Caidie yelled at the void.

No one cares.

Zhang Haotian sighed in his heart. He and Wang Caidie were not playing, but after this period of contact, he also found that this woman did not swear, and he was very arrogant, his heart was still very small, and he was wronged. Also often unreasonable troubles, can be repaired now, relying on her brother Wang Meng.

Zhang Haotian did not say anything, but suddenly flew up and kicked a flying sword.

"Well, you are Zhang Haotian, there is a kind of you don't come back again." Wang Caidie was mad at the footsteps.


Immortal shrine.

Everyone in Kunlun Heavy Industry was incredulously watching Li Daochong’s name soaring on the giant screen.

The battle points are tumbling and constantly rising.


Starting from the beginning of the 1.8 billion, not only did not slow down, but also faster and faster, behind the simply, 110 billion upward climb.

1.6 billion, 1.5 billion...

One billion...

500 million...

One hundred million...

A few breaths of effort have reached 100 million.

One hundred million is a key node. At this point, the battles are more than 100,000 points.

However, Li Daochong’s name did not stop at all.

The number of warfare behind the name went directly to 150,000 after over 100,000 points.


Nalan Xiu Xiu suddenly stunned.

Li Daochong did not have any movements before this. The battle has been maintained at more than two hundred points.

At this time, just a few minutes Warfare has done a rocket, directly to 150,000 points.

If it is said that Li Daochong’s military achievements have been growing for seven months, it is now understandable that it will reach 150,000 points.

Nalan Xiu felt that Li Daochong’s strength was still there, but it was not so strong.

But suddenly it rose to 150,000 points, which is incredible.

With so many exploits in such a short period of time, hunting is unlikely.

It can only be done by killing the contestants and robbing them of the exploits.

"Hey, Li Xiaoyou, you can really live in a sigh of relief. You can't move for seven months. When you move, you will have a big bang, and you will make such a big move. Even the old ones are almost cheated by you." Smile lightly.

Wang Xuemei, who has been scornful of falling cherry yarn and Xia Lingxi, is dumbfounded. Where does she think that Li Daochong’s ranking will suddenly rise at this rate.

Thinking of his recent attitude towards Li Dao Chong, Wang Xuemei suddenly jumped in his heart.

Li Daochong’s exploits are still rising at an alarming rate and do not seem to stop.


Two thousand five thousand.

From the position of 100 million, it will be less than 10 million.

Then it is less than five million.

Within three million.

Within one million.

There are still no signs of stopping.


Li Daochong’s name has always come to the top of the giant screen, and this has stopped.

The final ranking is 100,000.

Only a little bit can enter the ranks of jade monuments within 100,000.

Not only Kunlun Heavy Industry, all the comprehensions in the field noticed this sudden soaring name.

The people who are repaired by the real person are surprised. I don’t know which company’s lucky one has gone to the dog to get such a high amount of combat.

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