MTL - Devouring The Heavens-Chapter 16 Wanhua body

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Chapter 16—The Body of Wanhua

Xuanyuan’s mood was very good. He did not expect that things would turn and develop to this point.

Now that I have this ‘Yragon Sword’, there are some good quality materials inside the fighting ring. Although he doesn’t know what it is, he can’t recognize it, but the money is enough.

There are actually a thousand fighting coins, what is this concept?

The rank of strength is divided into the fighter, the fighter, the fighter, the fighting spirit, and the fighting madness. That is to say, the ten fighting coins are equal to one fighter coin, the ten fighting coins are equal to one fighter coin, and the ten fighting coins are equal to A piece of fighting spirit coin, ten pieces of fighting spirit coins are equal to a piece of fighting money, each level of coins, are up ten times up, a person can not bring tens of millions of fighters, according to different levels of characters, different The circulation of the currency, now Xuanyuan is just a fighter, it has a fighting currency, what kind of wealth is this, at least for the money that Xuanyuan grabbed a few days ago, compared with the money of Wu Dong, it is not worth mentioning. of.

Xuanyuan sat on the lone star, thinking about it and wanting to laugh, full of enthusiasm, said Xuanyuan.

With the agreement between Shi Yuyu and Liu Liuxue, it is necessary to enter the Yuehuang City after the 20th day and participate in the election of the mén disciple in Yuehua Mén.

Along the way, Xuanyuan sat on the lonely star and ran the "swallowing absorption method". Because of the foundation of "Tianlong refining scales", plus Xuanyuan is the same legend as the "swallowing the emperor" The 'Wanhua body', plus the 'Douding the Pearls' in the body, Xuanyuan less than a xiǎo, the "swallowing absorption method" became a big one.

As the name implies, the Xuanyuan feels its own ròu body. From the beginning to the end, even if you don’t practice your knees, you will continue to have a sense of heaven and earth. Your body's máo hole allows you to stay comfortable anytime and anywhere, and your skin becomes firmer and firmer. At this moment, Xuanyuan's skin is as warm as yù, enough for many nv people to be self-defeating. .

Just after Xuanyuan practiced the "Engulfing Absorption Method" to Dacheng, it directly entered the power of fifty-four cattle from the force of forty-nine cattle.

Apparently Xuanyuan’s strength in the realm of the fighters has not yet reached the upper limit. If the outsiders are known, I am afraid that everyone will drop their eyes.

Because of the ordinary fighters' peaks, that is, the power of thirty-six cows, few people can break through this number. Those who can break through this number are considered geniuses.

Like Xuanyuan is the genius in genius, of course, this is because Xuanyuan’s 'Wanhua body' is a big bargain, but this kind of physique requires a lot of capital to invest in cultivation, but Xuanyuan has The help of devouring the Taoist , is naturally even more powerful.

However, the old man told Xuanyuan that he was not in a certain realm, and he was not too arrogant. Therefore, Xuanyuan cultivated the "swallowing absorption method" into the realm of Dacheng. When he entered the city of the moon, he absorbed a lot of heaven and earth aura and closed the máo hole. , the operation of "swallowing ròu method".

Very special, Xuanyuan found that the supernatural power transmitted by the old man is really the existence of the body of the 'Wanhua body'. It only sees the muscles of Xuanyuan, r剧烈u, the earthquake is dàng, every time the earthquake dàng, the aura of the world, Will be tempered once, but gradually, began to transform into vindictive, integrated into the muscle ròu, absorbed by the muscle ròu, there is no need to play the "Five-Claw Tianlong Boxing", you need to constantly punch, punch, Come to shock dàng my muscles ròu, impact the world's aura of heaven and earth, and gradually transform into vindictive.

Sure enough, having the ‘the body of Wanhua’ and getting the “swallowing of the Tao” is a unique existence. As soon as I think of it, Xuanyuan is happy.

What is the Tao, the universe, everything is transformed by one of the Tao, is the supreme being.

Month city city mén.

It is eight meters high, and the city pool is made up of a kind of gray stone. It is not too big. In the city of Mén, the city gate of the city is a moon.

There are a lot more people in the deserted city than in the past. Obviously, this has a lot to do with the recruitment of disciples by Yuehua Mén. Xuanyuan rides on the Lone Star. Many people can't help but let a road open, which immediately caused the month. The vigilance of the ruined city.

One person and one wolf have long been included in the list of people who will be killed by the moon.

They did not expect that this xiǎo son was so afraid of death, actually dared to come to the desert city, the ten-year-old city guard with the power of nine cows twisted the bones like a wolf, yīn looked at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan smiled coldly and ignored it. The ‘snake whip’ in his hand suddenly slammed out. He saw a city guardian who was headed, and was directly swayed by Xuanyuan’s whip to the bones of the birthplace.

In Xuanyuan’s memory, each of these city guards must collect money from entering and leaving the city to some helpless people who enter the city of the moon, and receive a lot of money. If there is no money, it will be blocked outside the city, if someone In order to live, the adventure wants to sneak into the city, and all of them are killed and killed. These are all sins.

A burst of scalp whipping chōu blew up, only to hear a famous city guardian screaming, one by one whip chōu got bones broken, not painful on the ground.

"Today is a lesson learned by xiǎo, and in the future, we are all poor people, but don't think we are so bullied."

Xuanyuan rides on the Lone Star, and goes away. Many people who are not suffering from humiliation and exploitation are not so popular on weekdays. The people can't help but scream, and these cities are being beaten to the ground, and they are pouring into the city again and again. A group of people will have to search for a lot of money.

Within the moon palace.

The news came in.

Hey, the sound of the porcelain was shattered, and it was extremely yīnsen’s moon, and roared angrily:

"Bold, this xiǎo son is simply unable to be lawless, even dare to enter the month of the desert city 捣luàn!"

In the end of the month, sitting two people, two men are wearing the costumes of the mén disciples in Yuehua Mén. Originally, two men are enjoying the arms, and the nv people who respected them in that month are just rising. A xiǎo厮 walked in and whispered a word in the ear of the month, and immediately let the moon have such a big reflection, so that they have some lack of fun to play.

"Oh, the moon is a son, and the anger is angry." One of the mén disciples, named Shi Zhengfeng, is the person who is valued by the master of Yuehua Mén. The person who has been promoted has already cultivated to the peak of the fighters. The next step is to step into the fighter. The character, obviously angry with the moon, makes him feel a little surprised. After all, the master is a man of the moon, and he still has to give this face.

"If there is anything we need to help, it is naturally obligatory." Another person, named Han Mu, is very confident that his strength is equivalent to Shi Zhengfeng.

"Two brothers, I am rude, but this xiǎo son is really hateful, swearing at my moon, my monthly government has more than a dozen servants, died in his hands, even my sister, Yue Rong also took him away from the 'Qingfeng Sword'. After returning, he also smacked me. "The mood of the month is very bad. When the moon comes back, the more you want to get angry, if not your brother. Too embarrassed, will not provoke such a person, let yourself be unsuspecting, this is the account of the sky-high price, when I think of Xuanyuan to m again, Yue Rong is irritated.

When he heard the moon, Shi Zhengfeng’s eyes lit up and he said:

"What! Bold, even dare to kill the servants of the Moon House, and steal the Qingfeng sword of Yue Rong xiǎo sister, it is simply lawless, rest assured! If I am, I will make this xiǎo child not as good as death."

Han Mu looked at Shi Zhengfeng and his heart sneered:

"This xiǎo son wants to climb the branches, lend a chance to please Yue Rong, and then borrow the moon family, and close with the master, this is competing with me."

Han Mu smiled:

"Let's go and see where the xiǎo son is sacred, even dare to be so rude to the moon, I want him to die without a place to die."

The moon is originally intended to pull the gangs, get through the relationship, and later enter the moon, mén will be hún some, since these two will be the first bird, naturally it is better:

"Come on, lead the way!" {Floating Astronomy Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}