MTL - Devouring The Heavens-Chapter 18 Test

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Chapter 18 Test

"Shi Tiancheng, you can't just put my stone in the eyes." A figure slashed out and slammed it directly, hitting Shi Tiancheng's head. This is not afraid of at least seventy. The power of the cow is quite similar to that of Shi Tiancheng. Shi Tiancheng naturally did not dare to slap him. He killed Xuanyuan and quickly turned around and escaped the punch of Shi Congyu.

Shi Yuyu was guarded by Xuanyuan’s side, and a pair of scorpions were already shining, and nodded again and again:

"Okay, good, Xuanyuan xiǎo brother, you really obey the words, a stone Zhengfeng in the district, died when you die, nothing, as long as you can enter my moon, mén, comparable to a hundred stone Zhengfeng." Shi Congyu's muscle ròu uplift The voice is very thick, haha ​​laughed, making Shi Tiancheng's face extremely ugly.

"Shi Cong Yu, we are all coming out from Shicun, do you treat your brother in the village for an outsider?" Shi Tiancheng shouted coldly.

"Jokes, this Xuanyuan xiǎo brother, has already reported my name with the florist, and Shi Zhengfeng refused to sell it to me. I still care about what he is doing? Hey, Xuanyuan xiǎo brother, go Well, my Yuehua mén speaks with strength, and with your strength, it is enough to be with us.” Shi Congyu laughed happily, grabbed Xuanyuan’s hand and went straight ahead. Shi Tiancheng did not dare to stop. After all, it is a loss of one's own side.

"Thank you for helping from the big brothers." Xuanyuan smiled and blew a whistle: "Lone star, let's go."

Innumerable people in the moon, as well as those who had been gloating in the city of the moon, this is just a xiǎo son of the untouchables. It turned out to be a place where Shi Tiancheng and Shi Congyu could stand up and make them feel incredible.

Shi Tiancheng's scorpion flashed a trace of yīn poison, did not look at the body of Shi Zhengfeng, turned and left, apparently went to play xiǎo report.

If the moon is fascinating, how can it get into such a pervert? If you enter the moon, you don’t have to guard against his own calculations.

Yue Rong was extremely surprised. I didn't expect things to develop to such a degree. Xuanyuan did not kill himself. Otherwise, he could kill himself on the same day, but Yue Rong felt shameful and insulted.

In the center of the moon city.

On a high platform built of boulder, the highest position, sitting a man and a nv, the man is naturally the master of Yuehua mén, Yueteng, Yueteng, Shi Tiancheng is talking about what happened just now in his ear. Let the moon rise and fall frown again and again, nv is the second division of Yuehua mén, Yan Ziyun, Yan Ziyun is standing next to Liu Liu.

Under the high platform, it is full of people.

Above the high platform, in addition to the mén disciples of Yuehua mén, there are fewer than ten other people who participated in the election. Obviously these days have allowed them to recruit many people.

These people lined up in a row, hitting them in front of them, a boulder with a height of three meters and a width of two meters. I saw a person stepping on it, and a shot hit the boulder. This boulder burst into a ray of light. , but it quickly faded down.

"The power of the nine cattle, have the opportunity to step into the realm of the fighters, can be accepted as a disciple of mén." Yueteng saw this scene, opened, and saw that the person eagerly moved toward the moon and worshipped:

"Thank you, Master."

Then he was led by the people of Yueteng.

Next, another person stepped on, punched out, and the boulder burst out of the glare of the spurs, circling for a while and fading.

"The power of the eighteen cows is very good. There is great potential to step into the realm of the fighters and go down to the necessities of the mén disciples." Yueteng made another speech.

Shi Congyu took Xuanyuan to the high platform. Xuanyuan looked at it and looked at Yueteng and Yan Ziyun, as well as dozens of mén disciples of Yuee Mén. They stood on both sides and saw that Liu Liuxue was on his own. A smile, Xuanyuan smiled and responded.

"Xuanyuan xiǎo brothers, this is a test stone that can test the strength and potential of a person, wait for you to go up, and you can make a punch with all your strength." Shi Chuanyu jiāo.

Xuanyuan nodded.

Soon, it will be the turn of Xuanyuan.

"Look, this person is said to have been chosen by the master himself. It is extremely powerful. I am afraid that I have reached the realm of the fighters."

"I don't know what kind of cultivation he is going to."

Hearing these people’s theft, Shi Yuyu said:

"This time, if the second division sister has not received a fighter as a disciple, I am afraid that it will always be crushed by the master."

When Xuanyuan heard it, he immediately understood the relationship. I am afraid this is the ability of Yuehua mén to test these two people.

I saw that the young man who was brought back by the moon was shocked and slammed into a punch. He was on the test stone, and a loud bang, a glare for all the testers. Directly rushed into the sky, the distance of ten meters, hovered for a while, then it dissipated.

Yueteng was extremely satisfied, nodded and smiled:

"Good, very good, the power of sixty-four cattle, very good."

The peak of the general fighter is the power of the nine cattle, the peak of the fighter is the power of thirty-six cattle, the strength of the fighter is the power of ninety-nine cattle, if it breaks through the realm of fighting spirit, it must be calculated by the dragon, a dragon The power is the symbol of stepping into the spirit of fighting.

"If there is no cultivation of Master Teng Teng, ** naturally has no achievements today." ** looks more handsome, very proud of words, and flattered after a month of sentence, Shi Shiran retired.

Yan Ziyun, looks very beautiful, between the hopes, the style is infinite, but her mood is not very good at the moment, she did not expect that the hands of Yueteng actually stretched so long, directly reached the Hongri City, and also cultivated The son of the owner of Hongricheng, this is the only place she is miscalculated.

Shi Cong Yu took a shot of Xuanyuan’s shoulder and said:

"Xuanyuan xiǎo brother, look at you."

Xuanyuan nodded and went forward, immediately causing excitement from countless people.

"It is him, he has killed Shi Zhengfeng at a young age, and he can hardly pick up a stone into a punch."

"That's how, compared to the genius who can step into the spirit level, he has to lose."

"That is, just a low-income citizen, how can you compare with Hongfu!"

Xuanyuan turned a deaf ear to these comments, and moved in the heart:

"The old man said, to be low-key..."

Xuanyuan stepped out in one step, twisted his waist, and restrained all his breath, and made the ‘Tianlong squatting’, playing purely in the test stone.

I saw a jīng mang, rising from the sky, not much higher than the **, just good, a full one meter higher, this jīng mans hovered for a while, this dissipated.

Shi Yuyu laughed haha:

"Well, Xuanyuan xiǎo brothers, I did not expect that you have the power of fifty-four cattle, and the potential is unlimited, the realm of the fighters, there are actually fifty-four cattle power, unheard of."

Almost at this moment, Yan Ziyun had a beautiful face, and she made a brilliant smile. She squinted and became a yīn sinking moon. She smiled and stood up from her seat.

"Okay, very good, from Yu, this is the Xuanyuan xiǎo brother you told me, it is a good seedling, master, inheritance!" Yan Ziyun walked in front of Xuanyuan, m ō mō Xuanyuan’s head, her mood good, very good.

It doesn't matter if you look at the moon, he already knows the news of Xuanyuan from Shi Tiancheng, as if everything is in his grasp:

"According to the decision of the teacher mén, let us receive the strongest disciple to conduct a test before deciding on the status of you and me."

Yan Ziyun cold channel:

"Master, you are too bully too. Xuanyuan’s younger brother is only the power of fifty-four cows. It’s still in the realm of fighters. How do you compare with your younger brother?”

Moon Tahaha smiled and said:

"Then you have admitted that Xuanyuan is not as good as the younger brother, the second sister, the inheritance."

Yan Ziyun laughed:

"It's better than nature. After returning to the teacher mén, it's not too late. When the time comes, the mén personally witnesses with the elders, this is fair!"

"Jokes, than nature is now compared, is everything going back to let the palms mén let the elders preside over? Second sister, you are nv people after all, too no decision-making power." Yueteng counterattack, Xuanyuan gave him a very strange feeling The realm of the fighters can reach the power of fifty-four cows. There are only some talents with special physiques. If such people fail to return to the teacher mén, they will have no advantage. Naturally, they cannot let Yan Ziyun Got it.

Yan Ziyun just had to talk, Xuanyuan opened.

"Less nonsense, it is better than it is." Xuanyuan's words directly scared Yan Ziyun and Shi Yuyu. The two men were completely different from each other, and the other party has stepped into the realm of the fighters and refined the bones. In the duel, Xuanyuan was extremely disadvantaged.

Yueteng did not think that this Xuanyuan would actually send himself to death, haha ​​laughed:

"Well, Xuanyuan, the younger brother, will be yours, **, take care of your younger brother."

Yan Ziyun's face changed, she knew that it was too late to say anything at this moment. How is this Xuanyuan teacher so impulsive? In the end, it is a young man, young and energetic! {飘天文学 Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}