MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2086 Hard to get rid of

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The second thousand eighty-six chapter is difficult to get rid of

"Jokes, Xuanyuan, if your ancestor's tomb was dug up, everything was stolen, and the cloak was ruined. I was so embarrassed, how do you, I ask you." The voice of a woman in white, as if Tiandi Xuanyin, questioning Xuanyuan’s heart, has to say that her means are extremely powerful, and it is simply uncommon for ordinary people.

"Nature will severely punish those who rob the tomb, to comfort the ancestors in the spirit of heaven." Xuanyuan looked at the woman in white, solemnly.

"Then, I just want you to hand over the friends to let me deal with them. In love, you are the Lord of the Qinglong Holy Land. Shouldn’t you be the victim of these victims? Or your 'Qinglong Holy Land' If you become stronger, you can bully others arbitrarily. What you do is right. We are guilty of suffering." The woman in white is scornful, walking close to Xuanyuan, step by step, not letting go, he wants to let Xuanyuan violate My own way, this is something that can make Xuanyuan's heart crack, as long as one's heart is shaken, then it is not far from destruction.

"I want to surrender Peng Fei can't do it, but I will compensate you for the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. No matter what the price, I have already said that Peng Fei will not die, I will teach him well, and then, retreat. Ten thousand steps, which tomb is where your ancestors exist, is true or false, and I can trust you with your words. There is no evidence for me to make a decision for you." Xuanyuan looked directly at the woman in white and repaired her like this. For example, how could the ancestor’s tomb be dug up by Peng Fei? From the beginning, he fell into a pit that the white woman had dug for him. Xuanyuan suddenly realized that he was only in his consciousness, why is Peng Fei? There seems to be nothing that he can't do.

"Oh, I didn't think of it, I was finally jumped out by you..." The white woman gently reached out and looked very slow. The palm of her hand was like a knife and she cut the chest of Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan does not evade, a boxing out, it seems that the waves are not shocked, quaint, and the two fists touch each other.

Silent and uninteresting, they can be surrounded by a hundred miles, all the space is instantly collapsed and broken, and the void is torn apart, and they are sinking in the ground.

"The Xuanyuan Holy Lord can achieve such success in a short period of time, it is really impossible." The white woman's voice fell, the eyebrows, a **** sword imprint, revealing a terrible blood mans, straight thorns Xuanyuan soul.

Within his three souls, the three Xuanyuan have long condensed their own form, possessed extraordinary strength, united and formed, "Eternal Spiritual Soul" was spurred to the extreme, an eternal rhythm flowed out, now Xuanyuan soul is so powerful that it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Do not say anything else, he refining the ‘no soul of the emperor’, and there is great growth in the soul.

He has long been proficient in the law of the offensive and defensive.

The three souls of Xuanyuan condensed an eternal sword, attacked and attacked, and the two swords collided, and an invisible wave swept across.

This is a kind of damage to the essence of the soul. Fortunately, here, it has become a dead place. Otherwise, I don’t know how many lives have died, and all the souls that wandered in tens of thousands of miles were torn in an instant. Cracked into fly ash.

The Xuanyuan soul lingers with the eternal rhythm, and does not move. The white woman’s long hair flutters and her clothes flutter. She squints at Xuanyuan and sighs gently: “It seems that even now, it’s hard to kill you. These days have made you grow too much. This is something we have not expected."

"Girl martial arts is superb, Xuanyuan thinks that she is not an opponent, so she will leave." Xuanyuan's voice was very dull, turned and left.

"Cut." The woman's fingers condensed a horrible white light, and all that was passed was split.

"Devouring." Xuanyuan made a reflection in the first time, and the five fingers opened, and a large black hole appeared out of thin air, guarding himself.

I saw that white light was neither swallowed by black holes, black holes were not cut by white light, and the power between the two canceled each other out, and the power of chaos evolved and rolled.

"I want to go, no one can stop me." Xuanyuan stepped out in one step, jumping out of countless voids and disappearing in front of the white woman.

"It is true that it is very difficult for me to kill you completely now. Even if I can make you hit me, I have to pay a huge price, but it is still no problem to follow you." The woman in white is very calm and not eager to kill Xuanyuan. The idea, her voice, was sent to Xuanyuan’s heart.

Xuanyuan did not care about the words of the woman in white, because in his opinion, as long as he wants to leave, not only can no one stop, but he does not necessarily want to follow him, even if it is 'Chaotic Emperor' Can do it.

However, the profession has a specialization. Since the white woman is one of the masters of hunting, she naturally has her secret technique. As a way of chasing the enemy, Xuanyuan did not think that the woman in white could stay behind him.

Even if he is transformed into a heaven and earth, still feels that a woman in white is like a ghost, and the ghost does not follow behind her.

Xuanyuan manifested the deity, and gasified Sanqing, leaving in four different directions, leaving only one sentence: "Do you think that you can still follow me?"

The woman in white still has no slight change. She did not answer Xuanyuan. She only followed one of Xuanyuan, but this is Xuanyuan’s deity: “The difference between your deity and the Tao is too great, and I will not recognize it.”

"What, she can identify my deity, not chasing my avatar." Xuanyuan thinks that his own body and the deity are different from others in the eyes of others, even if he is standing in his own perspective, owning The many means of 'seeing the Holy Emperor' are not easy to distinguish, but this white woman can do it.

Xuanyuan instinctively feels that it is a very dangerous thing for a woman in white to follow her. The only way is to return to the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’. The white woman is absolutely inaccessible.

But to a certain extent, it seems that she is afraid of her, so Xuanyuan will not do so, so he will completely get rid of the white woman.

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land' for so long, he also came up with a deeper tempering of himself, and did not know where the reincarnation of the 'Wanhua Emperor' is now, and how strong the other existence of the Lord of the Hunting is. Xuanyuan is currently trying to find out all these things.

Xuanyuan left the 'Central World' at his own fastest speed and traveled in the universe. Nowadays, many natural natural disasters in the universe have been difficult to damage him. He wants to get rid of this woman and thinks it should be What kind of martial law she laid in the 'Central World', if she got out of the 'Central World' and came to the boundless universe, she might not be chased, but she was always followed closely.

"What the **** is going on, there is no way to get rid of her. What secret technique she cultivated is so fast." Xuanyuan never felt the breath of "Shenzhen Dao" from the white woman. It is also an extremely powerful means.

It is necessary to know that the flow rate of "Shenzhen Implicitness" can make Xuanyuan reach the breakthrough time, and his "Humanized Body" can be combined with the heavens and the earth, and ordinary people are hard to find.

However, the white woman chased him for three days and three nights. Xuanyuan knew that there would be no result in this. He returned to the 'Central World' and he descended on the 'Tian Zen Lingzhou'.

Here the breath is no longer peaceful, noisy into a lot of suffocating, Xuanyuan stood in the mountain where the original 'Great Leiyin Temple' is located, watching the whole 'Tian Zen Lingzhou', helplessly said: "I did not expect that there are people I can detect my breath, follow along, and what kind of magic is what you cultivate."

"Oh, this is nature. I said earlier. The five elements of the Pearl are not ordinary. They are extremely closely maintained. Since you have four great beads, I only need to master one of the beads and want to track you. Naturally, it's not difficult, unless you abandon these four spiritual beads, but this will also make your strength drop a lot." White woman holding wooden beads, looking at Xuanyuan's eyes, with a smile.

"In fact, it does not matter, there are such a strong beauty, can be my follower, I am naturally very happy." Xuanyuan heart stunned, it is indeed impossible for him to throw away the other four Lingzhu, it is also because of the earth beads He is able to enter the earth, without any hindrance, and can communicate well with the origin of 'Hongmeng'.

"This is the power of hunting saints, I can always chase you, kill you when you are not ready." The woman in white is very cold.

"Yeah, then you have that ability." Xuanyuan smiled coldly. He looked at the devastated land and said: "Look, the original 'Tianzen Lingzhou' is everywhere, the people of Limin, living and working in peace, all major origins. After the advent, it becomes the scene of today. Do you have no people belonging to you when you are hunting?"

"Xuanyuan Holy Lord, do you want to take out the information that belongs to the hunting sacred from me? It is a pity that you may be disappointed. In my hunting, every existence is mysterious, maybe, maybe No, at least I am alone, but their people are not dead, what is the relationship with me.” The white woman stood next to Xuanyuan, and the two men looked like a pair of lovers, which was simply unimaginable. It is an enemy.

"I think that you are too murderous, not very good." Xuanyuan did not ask more, but skipped the topic.

"The murderous weight is not heavy, it will not bother you. The Supreme Lord is worried, you still manage yourself." The woman in white eyes is rising, her eyes are full of temptations, looking at Xuanyuan, at the same time, she once again Shot, out of thin air, manifested a supreme sword, killing the world.

"It’s coming again..." Xuanyuan’s heart jumped, and the white woman was so inscrutable that he could only block the soldiers and cover the water.