MTL - Devouring The Heavens-v2 Chapter 2085 White coat girl

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The second thousand and eighty-five chapters of white women

"Who will be." This is what Xuanyuan can't sense. He spread his thoughts, but only saw the white figure.

Obviously, the other party has the means to prevent being monitored. Even if Xuanyuan has mastered the secret technique of "Tianjian", it still cannot fully detect the enemy, but the feeling of giving Xuanyuan is unfathomable.

It is extremely uncomfortable to reach Xuanyuan to this point and to give him the feeling of this realm.

He condensed his own form and appeared on the land of 'Xiji Xianzhou'.

I saw a woman standing on the core of the 'Feathering the Gods' on that day. It was surrounded by sorrows, a wasteland, and a murderous atmosphere.

She was dressed in white with white gauze and a long hair hanging down her waist. In her eyebrows, there was a **** sword's imprint. Xuanyuan just glanced at it and felt that her soul had a stinging feeling.

"This kind of breath, you are the dominant character in the hunting saint." Xuanyuan is not calm, because the woman in front of her is extremely powerful.

"Xuanyuan, a mortal, can grow to this level, I want to invite you to join the hunting saint, combined with the hunting characters in your hands, follow us to kill the heroes of the great origins, I am very optimistic You." The woman's voice was very slow, but every word, but it was full of murderous murder.

"Sorry, I already have my own ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’ and will not join the Hunting Saint.” Xuanyuan solemnly said.

"There is no conflict between the two, you can operate the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but you can also join the Hunting St., just kill us with the Holy Spirit, and there is nothing else." The white woman still did not give up, it seems Everything has already won the prize.

"Oh, that is to say, as long as I cooperate with Hunting, we can join hands and kill all the Holy Emperors of all major origins." Xuanyuan asked.

"Of course, but we want to kill the ‘Green Dragon Holy Land’, as long as you can promise our conditions.” The woman’s eyes were fierce and murderous.

"Who." Xuanyuan brows.

"Peng Fei, this person has a ventilated water technique, and there is an unusual blood in his body. It is what we need. With his life alone, in exchange for the peace of the whole 'Central World', we will help you with the great origins. Complete eviction, let this world belong to your 'Hong Meng origin', or belong to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." The white woman looked at Xuanyuan, and was determined to win.

"Indeed, the conditions are very attractive. You can sacrifice only one person to save the sentient beings. I also believe that hunting saints have such ability. However, I can't do that. He is my brother, even if it is not him. I don’t want to sacrifice a normal disciple of 'Qinglong Holy Land'.” Xuanyuan’s whole people have also undergone earth-shaking changes. His voice has become thick and his eyes have become deep, and he has approached the white woman step by step.

She still motionless, quietly watching Xuanyuan, coldly replied: "Foolish, sacrifice one person's life can make the lives of countless people continue, you know that if you take the strength of 'Qinglong Holy Land', even if you can all the major origins If you expel, how much will it cost?"

"You don't understand us, even if we pay a huge price, but it is guarded by our lives. We are walking together on the road of like-mindedness, not by sacrificing our own brothers, so don't mention this matter again. Xuanyuan retorted.

"It is said that Xuanyuan is the most important thing in the Lord. In fact, it feels that love is the most valuable thing in the whole world. Do you know what is the most valuable? That is strength. When you have enough power, you can control everything. What do you think of Pengfei? You have to think about your future prospects. In front of these figures of the Holy Emperor, although they can now sit on an equal foot with you, don’t forget, these holy emperors are now only smart. One of the ideas, you feel that when you come to their own deity, there are a few people who can accommodate you. For you, the 'Central World' is too small, and sooner or later you belong to us. St. Origin's, only we can give you everything you want. It can be said that I can spend countless times to cultivate you into a generation of true emperors, not the present heavenly emperor. A small idea is flat."

I have to say that the conditions proposed by the white woman are difficult for many people to refuse, but Xuanyuan still resolutely vetoed: "I feel that the Holy Spirit needs to step on by myself, no need to others to achieve me, as for other It doesn't matter if the Holy Emperor is on an equal footing with me. What's more important is that I can let my people live a better life and provide them with a better environment without letting them live in endless persecution. I am like-minded, as long as I can do this, I don’t need anything else."

"Yeah, then look at what this is." The white woman took out a bead in her hand and burst into a very powerful life. Looking at Xuanyuan, she smiled and said: "Mu Lingzhu, you have already gathered four spirit beads. Only one wooden spirit bead can be perfected. At that time, your vitality can be made even more magnificent. These five spiritual beads are not originally a product of the 'Central World'. They all contain incredible power, as long as you can get ' Mu Lingzhu', it is very difficult for someone to kill you."

She seems to be ready for everything. From the very beginning, she has absolute certainty to let Xuanyuan step into the hunting sac and cooperate with them.

"Indeed, Mu Lingzhu is what I need, but the gentleman loves money, and it has a way to let me sacrifice his brother for it. It is impossible." Xuanyuan turned and no longer asked, since the other party did not do it to himself. It doesn't make much sense to say more.

"Please wait, listen to me and say a few words. If you feel that I am not sincere enough, then you will not be late." In the words of women in white, they are not in a hurry.

Xuanyuan stopped, no matter what, regardless of whether the other party's heart is malicious, since he took the initiative to find him to talk about cooperation, did not want to kill him, first ritual soldiers, he naturally will not do it.

"Xuanyuan Holy Fruit is really affectionate. Such a good condition is still unwilling to agree. If this is the case, then I just want to say that after killing Pengfei, I will share his blood force with you. At that time, there will inevitably be a huge improvement for you. How, his life belongs to me, and now I share it with you." There is a vast magic in the white woman's speech, which has great temptation.

"Maybe it's useful to others, but it doesn't have to be true to me." Xuanyuan smiled coldly and said: "I have my own way. This kind of thing, no matter how much benefit you give me, is useless."

"Yes." The white woman’s eyes showed a slight wave of volatility. It was just a life of a friend. In the eyes of Xuanyuan, there was such a value. "I’m afraid I think the chips are not enough. Xuanyuan Lord, I Willing to double repair with you, as long as the life of Pengfei, my strength you should know, to what extent can you ascend to that point..."

"Haha, then it is even more unnecessary." Xuanyuan waved his hand and finally knew what the final chip of the white woman was.

"Xuanyuan, you really don't think about the millions of people in your 'Qinglong Holy Land', you only need to sacrifice the life of Pengfei, you can exchange their peace, as the Lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', you Ignore their lives. Do you know what your results are? In the future, they will use their blood and bones to lay a path that belongs to you. Do you really think it is appropriate?" White woman voice Still calm, with some coldness.

"I believe that after they know it, they will understand my intentions." Xuanyuan is very confident in the disciples of the "Green Dragon Holy Land."

"How about that, if I want to hunt for a big good person, you can count it. Peng Fei is a man who has no evil, and steals the tomb of the emperor in the world. It is extremely greedy. The so-called dead is big, your humanity is Confucian, the most respectful is The deceased, if there are ancestors who died, every child must be filial for three years, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has a person like Pengfei. You don’t feel very contradictory.” The white woman looked at the back of Xuanyuan, slow. Slowly approaching him, Lingbo microsteps, every step shows a kind of grace.

"That was just the former him. Now he will naturally not do such a thing again." Indeed, Pengfei has a lot of bad places, it is very greedy, but when the 'Qinglong Holy Land' encounters a crisis He never fled, and Xuanyuan naturally would not abandon it at this time.

"Jokes, for this person, you are only already aware of him in the bones. As long as he has enough temptation to the tomb, do you think he may not be tempted to dig the tomb of the ancestors, which is an extremely Immoral things." The woman in white is invisible, but she is questioning the heart of Xuanyuan.

"Even if Peng Fei has something wrong with him, but he never harms the innocent people, the dead, the deceased has been paralyzed, he just wants to take it for his own use, and he has not gone to trample and destroy, just rely on this. He is not guilty of death. Since he is already a member of my 'Qinglong Holy Land', I will constrain his behavior in the future." Xuanyuan is also very helpless, and the nature of Pengfei really makes people find a lot of handles.

"If I say that Pengfei has stolen the cemetery of my ancestors, I will steal the things inside, and I will take it for myself. Even the cloaks of my ancestors will be taken away. You feel that this is not reported. I am worthy of the ancestors who died." The woman's gaze began to panic, and her murder began to spread from the body.

"I can find a friend to fly with you and face it. If there is such a thing, I will let him return many treasures in person, and I will make enough compensation for you." Xuanyuan feels a headache. Digging the tomb of the ancestors of the people, he had already let Pengfei converge a little before, this fat man did not listen, now provoked such a terrible organization, was completely stared, Xuanyuan can only try to save.