MTL - Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel-Chapter 387 Ice and fire

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The avalanche's momentum is landslide, and the avalanche's stance is also landslide.

Except for the hundred or so sergeants who died generously, the other army and the animals living within the avalanche fell into panic, and there was a commotion.

There was a scene of ‘Man’ beasts running in the snow, which was quite spectacular.

The human armies also showed restlessness, but it was strange that they did not flee and fled and remained standing.

"It's a little bit interesting, can you face the crisis of life and death and not run away? Is it because the generals are very strict, or do you have full confidence that the avalanche will not affect you? Or ... both?"

Qiu Muqiu was curious, and her eyes stayed on that army for an extra second, but she was quickly called back by the panic wolf.

At this point, the monstrous snow wave has reached the end of the wolf pack. It only takes another five or six seconds for the white wolves at the end to be swallowed by the surging snow wave. It is only a matter of time before the entire wolf pack is buried in heavy snow. , The interval will not exceed ten seconds.

Fresh ingredients are fresh ...

Suddenly thoughts passed by, blue light flowed out from Mu Qiu's body, blinking and covering the whole wolf pack.

The light flashed, and the entire wolf pack disappeared.

A few seconds later, the snow wave ran over, burying the evidence that the wolves had been here.

at the same time.

From the army at the foot of Laoshan, there was a heroic woman, dressed in white special military uniform, with a good figure and long blue hair.

From the behavior and expression of the soldiers around him, the woman should be a general and very respected by the soldiers.

I saw her stepping out of the army, turning her head to look at the avalanche with unbeatable potential, and raised her slim hand and waved.

的 An ice wall with a height of more than fifty meters and a span of more than one thousand meters was blinked into shape. It appeared on the way of the avalanche and became a roadblocker. It successfully intercepted the avalanche and blocked its progress.

The morale of the maidservant's general suddenly rose, and the party of the daredevil team fell into despair.


A few kilometers away, in the white snow, the wolf king looked around blankly, the expressions of the pack wolves and the wolf king remained highly consistent.

Damn · Wolf Limited Edition · JPG!

Mu Qiu, who was sitting on the back of the wolf king, thoughtfully looked at the ice wall and the blue-haired beauty in the distance.

"In the blink of an eye, a thousand-meter ice wall was created to withstand the impact of the avalanche, and it was blue hair, a military beauty, and a military general ..."

A series of important points set, Mu Qiu gradually came up with a name in his mind-Aisitesi.

Always stared at the front, witnessing Mu Qiu's torture of the death squad, convinced her guess.

"That's right, it's Asdes."

After groaning for a few seconds, Mu Qiu tilted her head: "... in other words, I am now cutting the world of the red pupil."

There are many good things to be done in the world.

Wu Emperor and courtiers, Mu Qiu was not interested.

But dangerous species, Mu Qiu is full of interest.

The so-called dangerous species are some high-risk species. The weak one is only a magnified version of the beast, but the strong one is a super monster with a landslide.

The most important thing is that dangerous species can be used as food.

After a few seconds of meditation, his eyes returned to Esdes: "The Millennium Empire should have many records of dangerous species, and I can borrow them."

Secretly there is no problem, anyway, the guarded Wang Cheng Yu Muqiu is the same as unguarded.

But if I recall it carefully, Asdes seems to be a family that specializes in hunting dangerous species-the Barutus. At the same time, her hobby is also hunting dangerous species.

I can say that Esdes is an encyclopedia of dangerous species. She knows a lot about the dangerous species.

For example, what dangerous species are delicious, and where are the best parts of various dangerous species ...

"... a good girl, you can make friends."

Wu Muqiu nodded earnestly, patted the bewildered wolf king's ears for a minute or two, and then pointed at the army that had already dealt with the daredevil troops and restarted.

Wolf King, who is still wise, immediately understood the meaning of Mu Qiu, raised his head, and opened his mouth ...

"嗷 woo ~~~"

Howling wolf king Yangtian shouts, the bright wolf howling spreads far away.

"嗷 woo ~~~" "嗷 woo ~~~" ............

The pack of wolves followed closely, and a loud howl rang out in the snow.

After finishing, the pack of wolves charged.

I watched as the wolves ran towards the army, Mu Qiu suddenly felt that something was not right, but for a moment he didn't know what was wrong.

The howling caused by the howling wolf was not low, at least the soldiers walking heard it.

They turned their heads to see the direction of the sound, staring at them for a long time to finally see ...

In the white snow, a group of white wolves ran towards them.

Dangerous species?

The soldiers frowned. During the march, they encountered many dangerous species of attacks, but in the end ... all the dangerous species that used the army as food became food.

The puppet soldiers have all found out how the stronger Aesdes might not know.

The cricket hunted Essdes, who said fewer than hundreds of dangerous species, and at a glance it was clear that the rushing white wolf was just a large ordinary dangerous species without any threat.

So she waved her hand: "Send a few people to kill the wolves."


Aside Esdes, a soldier answered and immediately turned away.

Later, a fifty-man squad detached from the large army and headed for the wolves.


I watched a group of people rushing towards themselves, Mu Qi finally understood what was wrong.

The stupid wolf king, I got it wrong.

He actually rushed to the army with a hunting attitude with his people.

Wu Muqiu was a little speechless, and then thought for a while that the Wolf King would understand why it was wrong.

First of all, the wisdom of the wolf is so little, don't try too hard.

Twenty-two is ~ ~ The previous orders executed by the Wolf King were to hunt down a certain beast, and this time it probably understood that.

After all, Zi Qi is the pot of Mu Qiu, the expression is not clear.

"so troublesome."

If fifty elite soldiers are handed over to the wolves, they will lose both.

In order to prevent loss of ingredients and unnecessary killing, Mu Qiu plans to take his own shot.

"I remember that some emperors can beastify users ..."

I recalled Mu Qiu, Leo Nai's animal ear, and immediately turned into a dragon.

The raging heat was radiated from Mu Qiu, and the white fur on the back of the wolf king instantly turned yellow.

"Woohoo ~" The wolf king screamed in horror.

I was worried that the wolf king would become coke in the next second. Mu Qiu didn't stop the wolf king's back any more. He leapt to the front of the wolf pack, and the running wolf pack also stopped.

In front of the jackal wolves, Mu Qiu stood in the snow, and waves of heat swept around, melting the snow and ice on the ground, and hot hot water was flowing to the surroundings, and the hazy heat was rising.

"Spread ..." Mu Qiu shook his hand: "The battle between ice and fire, Start!"

The words were falling, and the surging heat rushed around.

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