MTL - Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food-Chapter 224 Durian-flavored God of War (9)

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Wei Fu, Fei Yu Yuan, Gou Dashao's bed.

General Han, who has never been relentless in martial arts, is sweating for morning classes. The gourds who have practiced have been drained of physical strength, can not kneel on his knees, and have been held in his hands by his hands. Han Zhan lowered his body, his thick chest pressed against his fair back, and kept kissing his dimples, his lips and neck getting faster and faster.

Gou Liang's mouth only had honest groans and gasping voices. When the battle ended, Han Zhan stood up and looked at Gou Liang, who was sweating, and kissed his back softly.

Gou Liang looked back from the ups and downs of pleasure, opened his eyes and sneered, and said, "The soul has been carried out by you. Haven't you got enough power, and you haven't taken it away quickly."

That being said, the body relied on the Korean War involuntarily.

Han Zhan lay down and hugged him in his arms. The two folded spoons as if they were next to each other. Gou Liang turned back and exchanged an intimate kiss with him.

Han Zhan said, "You just called for a few pains. Did you hurt yourself?"

"I yelled, didn't you stop, it's too late now, it's late."

Gou Liang gave him a glance, stroked the muscles of Han Zhan's arm with his palm, and said with a smile, "I really doubt that you are trying to kill me."

Han Zhan said to his face, "I want to kill you, but I can't bear it."

Gou Liang grinned silently, Han Zhan kissed his dimple, and touched his stomach with one hand to bite his ears comfortably: "Xiaokenger, shall we stay in this world for a few more years, OK? When our Shouyang is done, we will break away With the plot, I'll show you around and see the places you designed before, eh? "

Gou Liang: "However ... I'm not looking forward to it."

In a few words of Han Zhan's remarks, Gou Liang was unable to equate the pit goods and wise man himself who dare not to eat or make trouble.

How could Han Zhan not know his thoughts and said with a smile: "At that time you were just happy and intelligent, and it was common sense to play hard."

"Happy Ji? Am I the wolf demon you picked up?"

Gou Liang asked curiously.

"You didn't pick it up." Han Zhan's hot lips were around his sensitive neck, and his voice was full of laughter. "You were delivered by your own door. When you first met, you drilled into my arms and rushed I ca n’t leave. "

"That must be because I am a pursuing face control."

Gou Liang said, twisted his waist and said mutely, "My husband, I want to hold you and talk."


Han Zhan kissed him. The objects that have been vented three times since last night are still very heavy. The friction and the full parts that have been pulled out are separated from the feeling of emptiness, which makes Gou Liang, who is still in a sensitive state, feel weak. Follow Han Zhan ’s lips to kiss, his watery eyes are full of dependence and affection for Korean Zhan, and there is a slight invisible vulnerability.

"Little pit, I love you."

"me too."

Gou Liang hugged Han Zhan, rolled over and pressed him tightly for a while before letting go.

Rubbing his heart, his disordered heartbeat and tenderness made him feel like he was going to have a heart attack.

Gou Liang smiled and said, "I have been in love with you for a few years. Why haven't you fallen in love? Han Zhan, you are not surprised."

"Because you haven't changed at all."

"... doesn't sound like good words."

Gou Liang gave him a sip.

Han Zhan laughed, touching his sweat-wet hair, and said, "It's a compliment. No matter how much experience you have, how much you have, what you want will not change. Me too."

"What is it, let's hear it?"

Gou Liang lay back on his side, hugging each other, and talking warm love in the morning.

Han Zhan thought for a while before saying, "I will stay with you and let you stay with me. No matter where you are, no matter what you are."

"Although it sounds a bit unfortunate, like a young man who has lost his footsteps after going through thousands of sails to return to the family safely, I barely listen to you if you can't do without it."

Han Zhan: "You are quite old. However, at that time, no second person except you had seen me."

There is nothing more to say about Qian Fan.

"Ah? The director isn't there either, so how do you live so big?"

Gou Liang couldn't imagine how he lived alone in time and space.

"At that time, time didn't make sense to me."

Thousands of worlds were created by him. Those plants and trees, with their joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows, live and die, in his eyes, they are all the result of the manipulation of rules.

But when that mass of snow broke into his life without warning, everything began to change silently, until he realized that he couldn't even remember how he had spent the time without him.

Gou Liang: "When I put my head into your arms, did you feel that the whole world was on? There was a haze of light shining through your layers, making you feel particularly warm?"

Han Zhan glanced at him and said sincerely: "Be good, seldom look at the stuff piled up with rhetoric."

Gou Liang: "..."

Can't love anymore _ (: з ゝ ∠) _.

Han Zhan licked his dimple and laughed, "You don't know how much trouble you caused me when you came, but it took me a thousand years to clean up the mess for you."

"Ha?" Gou Liang couldn't believe it. "Come and tell me about my feat!"

He was full of interest, but the Korean war refused to spoil it again: "secret."

Well, this dark history is certainly in the agreement that the Lord God is not allowed to raise.

Gou Liang discouraged his chest muscles, and said, "Your sister is suing your parents now. When are you going back, take me together?"

"No hurry, I'll accompany you to sleep for a while."

Han Zhan directly went over to him to place an order with the system for cleaning props and copying props. He destroyed the futon covered with guilt, and lay him back on a clean and refreshing bed, hugging each other and sleeping.

Puyang Hou House.

"Mother, do you know where my eldest brother came back from ?!"

The leader of Poyang County aggressively opened the bead curtain and walked in front of Mrs. Hou, Zhang said with an eyebrow: "How about your rules, how many times have you noticed from now on, and in a few months you will marry Zhuge Home, how could your mother-in-law see this way? "

The head of the county left and right ears were completely out of mind, and annoyed, "Mother, I'm serious with you. The foot husband came back and said, the elder brother went to Wei's house, and he used lunch there. We came out later. We also brought Wei Xuanming, and you said, what is he trying to do? Didn't he consider my feelings at all? "

Zhang Shi was also surprised when he heard the words. He thought for a moment and said, "What is this girl talking nonsense about, how does your elder brother treat you, do you not know? It is because the other person is far away from the border, which is less for sending things back." Your share? And your birthday every year, he remembers working harder than your mother. They are ready to deliver the goods to your house one cart at a time. You say this now if you are not happy, not afraid of your brother Chill, do you want to earn money? "


Considering all these, the lord's momentum is weak, Nana said, "But what about him and Wei Xuanming ... Mother, you don't know how unpleasant it is to spread outside."

Zhang's really heard it, but he didn't take it to heart, but just said: "Your elder brother is also a man with heavy soldiers to serve the court now. There is naturally a man's work to do in a man's house, and their consideration. Just me As far as I know, not only your elder brother, but your father also praised Wei Xuanming. He also specifically instructed me not to embarrass him a few days ago. As if the child of the Wei family had helped our family a big favor, yes Our benefactors from above and below must not neglect. "

"Although I don't know what the kindness is, but your father and your elder brother always love you, allowing them to concede and treat Wei Xuanming with affection, it must not be a small favor."

Zhang pulled the hand of the county master, patted him, and persuaded: "Oh, my mother, I know you still have a thorn in your heart. But in the past, no one could tell clearly what was wrong with anyone, and said Wei Jiana The child disappointed you, that was too serious. The mother has already advised you, don't work on a man who doesn't love you, but you just ... "

Seeing that her daughter's eyes were red, Zhang quickly hurriedly said, "Okay, let's stop talking about this. Later, when people come to visit you, you can't lose the courtesy. You are already a married person, and you don't see a foreigner, Obediently embroider wedding dresses in the room to prepare things for the mother. "

After Zhang's departure, the county host fisted and hit the table, but did not know if he was angry with Gou Liang or against himself.

After Gou Liang arrived at Puyang Hou Mansion, he was really treated favorably.

Yeyang Houye also specially invited him into the study, and Han Yi and Han Zhan's two younger brothers in Beijing were also present.

With the door closed, Yeyang Houye got up and worshiped Gou Liang, and the three brothers Han Yi jumped out of their positions in shock, "Daddy, are you?"

Gou Liang also quickly stopped: "Shibo, you don't have to do this."

"The life-saving grace is as big as heaven, how can you be sloppy?" Yeyang Hou really did this thank you, and then he got up and slaped Gou Liang's shoulder and laughed: "Your kid is good, it is indeed the pride of Brother Xiahou Disciple, he has done a good job, and his martial arts are even more powerful. He is much better than the sons of the old husband. "

Gou Liang smiled: "Uncle said so, I'm going to blush. Although I'm terrific, I still owe it to Brother Han."

Liyang Houye laughed, "Your boy isn't humble. This is good, much better than your master. I always look better than you. I always say that I am inferior to others. very."

Although Liyang Houye was a bit different from Xiahou veteran generals, the last time Liyang Houye was seriously injured on the battlefield and returned to Beijing to cultivate early. As the eldest son of Liyang Houyang, he entered the battlefield at the age of ten. However, it became a comrade-in-arms with the old General Xiahou, and it was good to have friendship with each other.

"Master, when you hear that, you must be happy to go back and steal two pots of wine."

Gou Liang laughed.

The atmosphere of the two was harmonious. Han Zhan didn't explain in the middle. The three Han Yi heard so confused that they couldn't help asking: "Dad, what are you talking about?"

Liyang Houye gave them a dismissive glance, and said, "Do n’t you always want to see the captain in the Shenyang army who is a **** and ghost? Now people are in front of you, but you ca n’t recognize them? Huh, Lao Tzu teaches you by hand. The result is not as good as an ancestor of a literati family. It also made me lose in front of Xiahou's old things. It will really shame me. "

Several people were dumbfounded.

Gou Liang is Chang Xuanning?

how can that be? !!

After joking about this incident, several people were full of mixed feelings, and for a moment they didn't know how to face Gou Liang.

However, they all knew that Gou Liang saved Han Zhan's life and almost died on the battlefield, so no matter what the grievances were before, he thanked Gou Liang properly.

Han Yi was awkward for a long time, still could not help but asked: "I heard that the last time you dealt with the Ximang Army, it was you who offered suggestions, and finally trapped them with a strange formation? What is the formation?"

Gou Liang also did not hide his secrets, and told them the formation method carefully.

This world does not have the power of ghosts and gods, so the effectiveness of this formation method is much inferior. It can only play the role of visual and spiritual confusion in specific occasions and specific occasions, shaking people's hearts without causing substantial harm, but there is this It's not easy to fight against the enemy without any blood.

Facing the worship of Han Yi's forbearance, Gou Liang gave Han Zhan a proud look.

He said, his charm is unstoppable.

However, Gou Liang was soon beaten.

When he stepped into the courtyard of the Korean War, he had just stepped out of the corner gate, and a whip that burst into the air came straight to his face.

Damn, want to ruin his capacity? This chick is too vicious! Don't you know he eats by his face?

At the moment of his death, Gou Liang seemed to be frightened. He stayed still, and Han Yi behind him shouted in shock: "Bamei, stop!"

The whip fell and hit the ground.

Gou Liang was guarded by Han Zhan earlier, and the county's eyes widened as he saw them staggering, and then he swiped harder at Gouliang. Gou Liang frowned, this girl is really wayward, is he beside him without seeing Han Zhan?

Han Zhan raised his hand and grabbed the whip, and said coldly, "Old man, go back to the room."

County Lord: "Why, why do you both protect him and speak for him ?!"

Why does he love his brother so much? All this is completely different from his imagination, and the brother who protects Gou Liang ... this protective posture.

Is it true that what Beijing said?