MTL - Divine Brilliance-Chapter 19 Gongzi Zongshi

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The feeling of Zong Shou at this moment is like a whole person, all in the flames.

The fire of the sun is pure and blazing, but it is the perfect external force for refining the soul of the Yuan. But unless it is the most advanced spiritual repair, the soul of the rest of the monks, just need to be photographed by this raging sun, it is necessary to disappear.

Therefore, the vast majority of monks, before the return to the yang period, are supplemented by moonlight, which is weakened by power.

The reflection of the moonlight by the bronze mirror can also bring together the sun's fine inflammation, which is weaker than the moonlight. This is the way to come out after six thousand years. Relying on this celestial mirror, the person who created this technique is generally qualified, but in the end it can rise step by step, almost stepping into the peak of the spirit.

In the era of Zongshou's survival, this method has spread around and is almost universally known.

It was only then that the spirit of the Quartet was weak and there were few spiritual masters who could achieve something.

At this moment, this method can complement the shortcomings of swallowing the Dafa.

The bronze mirror is blurred and the reflection is not too strong. The moonlight is like water, and the glow is also cold.

However, according to Zong Shou's Yuan Soul, it immediately made this group of smoke-like souls, and immediately disappeared from the air, and the rest also violently vibrated.

It was almost collapsed, and the sandalwood was swelled underneath. Green smoke, wrapped the soul of the sect, and stabilized it again.

"It's so hot! It seems that the whole person is about to burn up. Fortunately, this time, there is no big, and the sandalwood is burning to stabilize the soul. Oh! This six-faced bronze mirror is like this. But I don't know the real mirror. What kind of pain will it be? In the past, it was really a little disregard of those spiritual masters-"

The true mirror of the soul is the ‘light mirror’ that appears in the future. It is a must see.

The only six-sided bronze mirror is only the minimum requirement for condensing the sun's fine fire. Even if it is only this, it will make Zong Shou, a kind of feeling that the soul melts under the moonlight.

When the child is the weakest of the sun, after two quarters of an hour, it will climb again.

Zong Shou did not dare to delay, and manipulated himself with consciousness. He just gathered the seeds of the real soul and rushed into the center of the sun.

Then I saw those impurities that were mixed into my own soul as he swallowed the Dafa, and continued to turn into a light smoke, and the rise disappeared. Even if there is the rest, it is completely integrated with his soul.

Until this ‘seed’, there is no other variegated, deep purple like a gem. The soul of Zong Shou was once again sinking into the body from behind his head.

At this moment, Zong Shou felt his own five senses, suddenly sharpened by dozens of times. Within 100 meters, all the leaves and insects are in his grasp.

Zong Shou did not care much. He knew that this was a temporary phenomenon after the successful construction of the true soul seed. After one night, it would slowly fade away.

In a hurry, he took a long-prepared Dan Wan, and took a sigh of relief, inhaling the nine-point sandalwood into the lungs. Then the next moment, there is a series of painful attacks on the back of the brain. The muscles of the limbs are also weak and weak.

This is the case that the soul of the soul is too heavy, and the cost of the mirror must be paid. Fortunately, the Dan Pill in the abdomen will promptly spurt a hint of coolness. These sandalwoods also have the effect of warming the gods, so that the pain is slightly relieved.

After a while, Zong Shou has gradually adapted. Put a blue spar between the eyebrows and look inside. There is almost no flawless purple light, and I can't help but smile.

This time he was willing to take risks, and he practiced with the technique of the heavenly mirror, but he almost died. But the gains are far above his expectations.

"If it is pure, my current soul, I am afraid that I can't stand shoulder to shoulder with those who are still in the 'Yangyang' class. The soul will be raised, it will take longer, and it will take seven or eight days to recover. But two Months of time is enough. When Lingyun Zong opens the mountain, not only the tire wheel can be completed. The spiritual master is also able to reach the realm of God!"

After half a quarter of an hour, as the angle of the moon in the air shifts, the moonlight reflected by the six-sided bronze mirror is slowly turning away.

Zong Shou stayed with his physical strength and recovered a little. Then he stood up and began to clean up the instruments in this room. Just after the start, it was a voice that was introduced into his ear.

"Yin Xiong, although you are working for the monarch, it is the body of the human race. It is even after the famous door. Why bother to intervene in the disputes in the Tianshan Mountains? Is it better to leave?"

"Let's leave? Feng Xiao, I don't know this sentence, who told you to tell? Is Zong Shi, Zong Yang, or the master? Yuan, he misread you! I was strange before, that district Yu, how do you know the whereabouts of the world?"

Zong Shouben didn't care much, but when these words were in the ear, the action was a stop.

Only slightly distinguishing, I know that this sound is everywhere, is a bridge from the inn, sixty feet away.

"This voice is Yin Yang, another person, I don't know where it came from? Listening to his words, it seems to be the father of my father."

The brow was picked and Zong Shou listened carefully. But Feng Xiao, who was silent for a long time, was faint. "It is the lord of the ancestors, and he is already in the body after all, and we, these people, still need to live well. With the power of the world, even if it is the demon king of Tianshan, it will only harm him. Yin brother, you again Why are you so obsessed with it?"

"Sure enough, Feng Xiao, you have some eyes. This is a good example of killing people by knife. But I don't know that today, the son of Zongshi is preparing to let the world return to the Tianshan Mountains and be his beggar. Still want the world, die. Outside the dry Tianshan?"

That Feng Xiao has another sneer, and his voice is proud: "My family is a lord of the world, and is known as the genius of the fox family. The first day after the princes. When the age is less than twenty, it has broken the body wheel~www.novelbuddy .com~Log in to the innate realm! It is praised by many elders of Zong. You can use your own strength to surrender to the heavenly people, what do you need? If you can take the world away, you will not enter the cloud world. With the brotherhood, he can spare him a life. But if you don't know how to be good, you still want to plot the position of the Tianshan demon king. Even if the Lord is more tolerant, he must take his life!"

This time it was Yin Yang’s silence, and the voice went on again: "Yin Xiong, the vow you made in the beginning was to kill the Tianshan Mountains, why should you hang on a dead tree? Follow That Zong Shou, what is the future? I know that you have to take the world, to vote for Lingyun, but in my opinion, Yin brother may not be able to do this! If you follow to follow my family, or you can protect the world - —"

When the voice did not fall, Yin Yang interrupted with a sneer: "Don't say it! The different ways of doing things are different. I have already identified the son of Yin Yang, and I will never switch to others. I have no regrets! Oh, I am really ashamed. You are the one who is behind the Lord!"

At the end of the story, Yin Yang has left without a hesitation.

Zong Shou also shook his head slightly, no longer paying attention to the situation there.

Yin Yang, who is guilty of heart, really does not know whether he is loyal or stubborn. In fact, the method that Feng Xiao said is not necessarily a method.

If those words are said, wouldn’t they completely cut off the road?

Then, it was faintly recalled that after being expelled from Lingyun Mountain, ‘self’ was being the demon king of the Tianshan Mountains by the Zongyang and Zongyuan Yuan. After only a few years, it was turned over by the Zongshi in the second population.

Listening to Feng Xiao’s tone, it seems that they have already decided on the three of them.


Zong Shou is not angry and laughs, deep in the eye, once again turned into Sen Han.